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This study examines the perceptions and attitudes of Singaporean residents who attended the first public lecture on genetically modified (GM) food in the country. Scales were developed for the underlying consumer concerns, and their relationship with one another and with demographic variables were examined. Slightly more than half of those who attended the talk (n= 417) indicated that they were worried about GM foods and 86 percent agreed or strongly agreed that GM foods should be labeled. Issues relating to health, ethics, and perceived benefits were the major underlying concerns. These were related to several demographic variables and also to perceived knowledge about biotechnology. Women were more concerned about the ethical and health aspects compared to men. Those with post‐graduate education were the least concerned about health and ethical issues and more likely to buy GM foods if consumer benefits are shown. Married respondents were less concerned about health issues compared to single ones. Also, those with children under fifteen years of age were less concerned about health issues compared to others and more likely to buy GM foods if consumer benefits are shown. Respondents subscribing to the Hindu religion were more likely than others to buy GM foods If benefits are shown. Also, those who considered themselves vegetarians were more concerned about the ethical aspects of GM foods compared to others.  相似文献   

随着我国科学技术的发展和进步,转基因技术也得到一定的发展,转基因食品也更多地出现在人们的日常生活中。但转基因食品的安全问题一直是社会关注的重点,一直影响消费者的消费观念和购买欲望。本文从转基因食品感知价值研究消费者购买意愿的影响,发掘其深层次的原因,帮助政府和企业作正确的市场决策,对引导消费者进行理性消费具有重要的研究价值。  相似文献   

目前转基因食品成为了大众消费者越来越关心的问题,其不仅关乎着社会利益的较量,同时也对国际贸易有一定的影响。深入研究和了解转基因食品标识制度,可以让消费者更客观地理解其本质,对正在形成中的相关国际法和处于发展中的国内法具有借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   

科技是把双刃剑。转基因食品在一定程度上解决了粮食危机,促进了科技发展,但同时也存在着一些的问题和争议。本文通过探讨转基因食品安全问题,旨在为普通民众和科学工作者提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

本文简要介绍目前的转基因技术发展现状,对转基因食品可能存在的危害进行分析,阐述笔者对转基因食品的理解,认为转基因食品应在有效监管下健康发展,结合自身的知识体系,对如何做好转基因食品的法律监管提出个人见解。  相似文献   

陈俊宁 《市场研究》2007,(12):43-46
<正>俗话说:"酒香不怕巷子深",意思是只要生产出质量好、信得过的产品,即使藏在深闺大院也会被人知晓。但随着我国居民生活水平的提  相似文献   

Many for‐profit companies (e.g., Kraft, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Keebler, 5‐Hour Energy) are partnering with health‐oriented nonprofits (e.g., Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Susan G. Komen for Breast Cancer Research, American Red Cross) to make purchase‐contingent donations. Companies use cause‐related marketing to improve brand image and goodwill for their food products and companies. Prior research has examined how food‐related cues can create consumer misperceptions; however, consumer perceptions related to corporate communications (e.g., the use of cause cues) has received little research attention. This research explores consumer reactions to cause cues and finds that adding a health cause to a food package significantly increases product health perceptions, and, usually, product attitude, and purchase intentions (i.e., the cause cue effect) in both a student sample (Studies 1 and 2) and an adult sample on Amazon's mTurk (Study 3). Implications for cueing and inference‐making literature, and for consumer health, and policymakers are discussed.  相似文献   

Consumer protection agencies can improve their responsiveness and productivity by gathering and using market information to develop social marketing programs. The authors propose a strategic model using consumer complaint data and examine its application in the design of an information system for the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection. Results obtained from this system are presented to illustrate how the analysis of complaint data can be used in formulating a consumer protection strategy.  相似文献   


The aim of this research was a cross-cultural investigation of views regarding Genetically Modified Organisms, specifically food crops, to determine if there were significant differences in the views of French and American respondents. In addition, we sought to introduce the issue of possible consumer benefits of second generation GMOs into the research by examining differences in acceptance of value-enhanced GMOs compared with first generation GMOs for both French and American respondents. Both first and second generation GMOs are better accepted by American respondents than by French respondents, but respondents in both countries perceive a direct benefit from second generation GM foods with at least a less negative attitude toward them. In addition, respondents indicated factors which would make it more likely that they would purchase such enhanced GM foods.  相似文献   

举国震惊的三聚氰胺污染婴幼儿奶粉的重大安全事故,再次警示中国食品存在安全隐患.在此背景下,本文以江苏城镇居民为研究对象,就消费者对食品安全问题的认知和信息需求与使用行为展开了调查.结果表明,消费者普遍意识到存在食品安全问题,因而需要更完整准确的食品质量安全信息,甚至是食品生产全过程的信息,以满足购买安全食品的需求,并且在选择食品时通过关注质量认证标识、价格和品牌,来规避食品安全风险.  相似文献   

Attitudes toward vitamin E were studied in an effort to gain insight into the variables associated with consumption of fad food products. Vitamin E was chosen as a typical fad food product because nutrition researchers and government agencies have generally agreed that supplementation is unnecessary in the normal human diet. A survey of 252 students revealed a 15% incidence of vitamin E use. The backgrounds, attitudes and self-report personality inventories of the students did not support the view that use of such health products as vitamin E is necessarily associated with low socioeconomic status, lack of education, ageing, desperation associated with illness or bizarre personality traits. Vitamin E usage may be associated with such personality variables as personal disorganization or extroversion. Students are distrustful of the scientific community and Federal agencies as sources of product information. The need for consumer protection from misinformation provided by popular nutrition sources is discussed.  相似文献   

A purchasing experiment in which genetically modified and conventional fries were offered for sale at mobile fast food stands in Germany was conducted to identify factors influencing the willingness of consumers to purchase genetically modified fries. In total, 331 purchasing decisions were made: 56.5% decided to purchase conventional fries, 22.4% genetically modified fries, and 21.1% no preference. A logistic regression model analyzing questionnaires found that worry about pesticides, frequency of organic food purchases, the acceptability of genetically modified foods with environmental benefits, and perceptions of health risks from genetically modified foods significantly impact the willingness to purchase genetically modified fries.  相似文献   

随着经济的不断发展,人们的生活水平在不断提高,转基因食品的范围越来越广,其安全问题也受到了全社会的关注。本文从转基因技术的基本原理分析入手,分析传统定量技术、数字PCR检测技术和新材料辅助定量检测技术分析检测技术在基因食品分析中的应用。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的快速发展和科学技术的日新月异,以提升人民生活水平为目的的转基因食品应运而生。转基因食品在我国的发展时间并不长,但却得到了极大程度的促进与发展,对于其发展的影响,存在着毁誉参半的尴尬境地。但不能抹杀的是转基因食品的确具有明显的优势,为社会的发展提供了推动力。一方面,转基因食品具有节约成本、提升经济效益和丰富生物产品多样化的优点。但从另一方面来看,转基因食品也具有很大的安全隐患,对生态环境、食用人体的健康,甚至物种自身的发展都存在很大的不良影响。基于此,研究关于转基因食品安全性评价,以期进一步推动转基因食品相关技术的发展,为社会和人类的进一步发展作出贡献。  相似文献   

网络营销策略:消费者行为黑箱与客户满意度   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西宝  杨晓冬 《商业研究》2003,(9):164-166
电子商务的快速发展给网络营销提供了商业平台,同时也要求网络营销采取面向客户关系、网络营销成本与风险管理以及提升客户满意度等方面的营销策略。在分析网络营销特性基础上,通过对消费者行为模式和购买过程以及消费者行为黑箱分析,提出了相应网络营销策略。最后指出,网络营销应结合传统营销策略、虚实结合、差异营销,“一对一”客户交流等措施,以提升网络客户满意度。  相似文献   

Summary This study was aimed at gaining a better understanding of the nature of negative attitudes towards genetically modified (GM) food. A sample of 250 students at the University of Tromsø responded to a questionnaire measuring attitudes towards GM food, attitude strength, intention to buy such food, and their personal values. Values and attitude strength proved to be important constructs when explaining the attitudes. A structural model was estimated, confirming that the negative attitudes towards GM food were embedded in universalism and hedonism values, and also predicted behavioural intention to buy such food. Attitude centrality was found to moderate the value-attitude relationship. Central attitudes mediated the relation between values and behavioural intention, while for the less central attitudes there was no relation between values and attitudes. Rather, both were independent predictors of intention. The study showed that some individuals hold weak attitudes and therefore may be more likely to change their attitude than those whose attitude is embedded in values.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that consumers are more skeptical of health claims made in food ads than of health claims made on food labels. Therefore, the current research explores consumers' skepticism of health claims when the source of such claims is identified as a food ad or a food label. The study also examines whether consumers' beliefs are affected by nutrition information on food labels and whether health claims that have been challenged by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and by consumer groups are more likely to affect consumers' beliefs than are unchallenged health claims. The findings have implications for understanding the role of education in reducing consumer misperceptions of health claims.  相似文献   

本研究以大卖场为刺激物,采用改进的消费者民族中心主义倾向量表,检验在零售店选择上的中国消费者民族中心主义倾向。研究发现,中国消费者存在零售店选择的民族中心主义倾向,它与惠顾本国零售店态度呈显著正相关,但与惠顾外国零售店态度负相关不显著;不确定性规避指数影响零售店选择的民族中心主义,两者正相关;民族中心主义与惠顾本国零售店态度的关系受外国零售商威胁性、本国零售商信心两个因素的调节;论文还研究了相关人口统计变量与零售店选择的民族中心主义得关系。最后论文指出了分析发现对中国零售业实践的启示,并指出本研究的不足及进一步研究方向。  相似文献   

心理模型对消费者的购买决策影响巨大。基于心理模型下的模糊营销,应依据消费者所处场合,匹配性宣传产品,适当性投放产品以建立和顺应模糊心理模型;隐喻心理模型则是依据消费者的心理去塑造商品形象,明确企业的核心竞争力和核心创意,并实践企业的核心创意;潜意识心理模型是依据消费者潜意识的趋同效应、环境效应和促销等购买动因来制定营销策略,从而有利于企业根据不同的心理模型制定相应的营销策略,在激烈的市场竞争中顺应消费者心理,促进消费者做出积极的购买决策。  相似文献   

The significant attention and growth surrounding sustainable foods has created a demand for research investigating different factors that can aid in predicting and explaining consumer behavior. This article utilized an attitude-behavior framework, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), to identify factors that might influence consumer valuation of organic, fair trade, and local labeled food. Approximately 1,000 consumers from a 2008 nationwide survey were used in data analyses. Some TPB determinants proved successful in understanding consumer motivations (behavioral control, social norms). These results can be used by a wide variety of food marketers to connect with consumers to promote effective marketing strategies of sustainable food products  相似文献   

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