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In the European Union, trans‐European transport networks (TENs) are a vital element in the constitution of one European space in order to enable the free movement of people and goods throughout the Union. Their construction, however, often causes environmental degradation. Opposition to EU politics is mostly voiced at the level of individual nation‐states. As the case of TENs reveals, however, protest against European policy projects with environmental side effects can take the form of ‘multi‐level environmentalism’, linking lobbying and ‘conscientization’ in Brussels with direct action at the national and local levels. Civil society theory, social movement theory and governance theory help ensure a theoretically informed answer to the question of how the resistance to TENs is organized and framed. By questioning dominant problem definitions and solution strategies, environmental movements and movement organizations, both in Brussels and in the individual nation‐states, point to the possibility of looking at social and political reality from another, non‐hegemonic point of view. In this way, they contribute to challenging the often biased technocratic, growth‐oriented character of the European Union.  相似文献   

Bootstrap‐based methods for bias‐correcting the first‐stage parameter estimates used in some recently developed bootstrap implementations of co‐integration rank tests are investigated. The procedure constructs estimates of the bias in the original parameter estimates by using the average bias in the corresponding parameter estimates taken across a large number of auxiliary bootstrap replications. A number of possible implementations of this procedure are discussed and concrete recommendations made on the basis of finite sample performance evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation methods. The results show that bootstrap‐based bias‐correction methods can significantly improve the small sample performance of the bootstrap co‐integration rank tests.  相似文献   

Zhang and Bartels (1998) show formallyhow DEA efficiency scores are affected by sample size. They demonstratethat comparing measures of structural inefficiency between samplesof different sizes leads to biased results. This note arguesthat this type of sample size bias has much wider implicationsthan suggested by their example. Models which implicitly restrictthe comparison set like some models for non-discretionary variableslead to biased efficiency scores as well. A reanalysis of theBanker and Morey (1986b) data shows that the efficiency scoresderived there are significantly influenced by the variation insample size implicit in their model.  相似文献   

This paper considers an empirical semiparametric model for two‐sided markets. Contrary to existing empirical literature on two‐sided markets, we specify network effects and probability distribution functions of net benefits of the two sides nonparametrically. We then estimate the model by nonparametric instrumental variables regression for local daily newspapers from the USA. We show that semiparametric specification is supported by the data and the network effects are neither linear nor monotonic. With a numerical illustration we demonstrate that the mark‐up of the newspaper on each side changes drastically with the nonlinearly specified network effects from the case with linear network effects. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the degree of bipolarization of regional per capita income distribution in the European Union between 1977 and 1999. The results obtained reveal a decrease in regional bipolarization in the European context over the study period as a consequence of various factors working in opposite directions. Likewise, the analysis carried out shows that the national component is the main factor explaining regional bipolarization in the European Union, while the geographical location and the productive structure in 1977 seems to have less relevance. Cette étude s’intéresse au degré de bipolarisation de la répartition régionale des revenus par tête dans l’union européenne entre 1977 et 1999. Les résultats révèlent une réduction de la bipolarisation régionale dans le contexte européen pendant la période couverte, du fait de plusieurs facteurs opérant dans des directions opposées. De même, l’analyse effectuée montre que la composante nationale est le facteur principal d’explication d’une bipolarisation régionale dans l’union européenne, alors que le site géographique et la structure de production en 1977 ont, semble‐t‐il, peu d’importance.  相似文献   

随着亚洲足球展望活动和校园足球活动在我国的相继实施,我国的青少年足球运动有了很大的进步,但同时也存在着很大的困难,本文将采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,通过对亚洲足球展望活动与校园足球活动的比较研究,比较出它们的异同,从中提取它们共性与个性,充分发挥它们的共性,突出它们的个性,为加快中国青少年足球运动的发展,提高中国足球运动的水平提供一个理论上的建议。  相似文献   

When the concept of growth machine was created more than twenty years ago, it seemed unlikely that it would ever reach Eastern Europe. Now, about fifteen years after the beginning of the post‐socialist transformation, the growth machine is also part of urban politics in the former socialist countries. This article will try to fill a gap in growth machine research, examining this concept in a post‐socialist environment through the case of Hungary. The concept of growth machine is based on a powerful argument about a coalition promoting economic growth, and shows considerable flexibility around the Western world. Although in post‐socialist Eastern Europe the interlocked political and economic power accumulation is the same, there are significant differences both in terms of the composition and operation of the growth machine. The Hungarian example shows that the post‐socialist growth machine is strongly shaped by the socialist legacy of the region. Its operation is also influenced by the elite transformation after the collapse of socialism and the presence of powerful external actors, like the nation state or transnational investors. Moreover, the contemporary social context is very supportive, since the political and economic interests are closely connected and the counter‐movements are relatively weak. We develop a theoretical framework, supported by examples of urban development in two Hungarian cities that offer interesting differences in their political and economic environment. Lorsque le concept de machine de croissance a été créé il y a plus de vingt ans, on pouvait douter qu’il touche un jour l’Europe de l’Est. Aujourd’hui, environ quinze ans après le début de la transformation post‐socialiste, la machine de croissance y fait aussi partie de la politique urbaine. L’article tente de combler les lacunes dans la recherche sur la machine de croissance en étudiant ce concept dans l’environnement post‐socialiste au travers du cas de la Hongrie. Basé sur un argument décisif relatif à une coalition encourageant la croissance économique, le concept présente une souplesse considérable au sein du monde occidental. Même si, dans l’Europe de l’Est post‐socialiste, l’accumulation imbriquée de pouvoir politique et économique est semblable, d’importantes différences existent à la fois en termes de composition et de fonctionnement de la machine de croissance. L’exemple hongrois montre que la conformation de la machine de croissance post‐socialiste doit énormément à l’héritage socialiste de la région, De plus, son fonctionnement est influencé par la mutation des élites après l’effondrement du socialisme et par la présence de puissants acteurs extérieurs tels l’État‐nation et les investisseurs transnationaux. En outre, le contexte social contemporain est très favorable, puisque les intérêts politiques et économiques sont étroitement liés et les mouvements d’opposition relativement faibles. L’article élabore un cadre théorique, étayé par des cas d’aménagement urbain dans deux grandes villes hongroises présentant d’intéressantes différences dans leur environnement politique et économique.  相似文献   

This article presents the intellectual structure and 25‐year author cocitation analysis of the journal Business Strategy and the Environment. The findings show that Business Strategy and the Environment is an emerging, well‐established journal in its field. The journal needs a core set of authors who are actively engaged in the production and certification of knowledge; further, it consists of a number of loosely linked research team contributors, each with its own areas of interest. The existence of these research teams is a sign of strength that characterizes the journal as it strives to foster a community of unified scholars whose published works advance our understanding of business strategic decisions and behavior with regard to the natural environment. This study is useful for contributors, readers, and editorial board members who form the journal's community of knowledge creation and certification.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the implementation of circular economy (CE) practices in small‐ and medium‐sized firms in all 28 European Union (EU) countries. The analyses take into account the hierarchical nature of the collected data as firms are nested within EU countries, that is, the heterogeneity between different types of firms and countries according to practices and attitudes towards CE. The multilevel latent class model identifies groups of firms and groups of EU countries that are homogeneous in terms of CE, that is, how the homogeneous groups of small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) are distributed across the groups of EU countries. These results, together with the fact that firms with similar CE attitudes and practices have different demographic and business profiles across groups of countries, shed further light on the topic of green behavior in the EU with implications for businesses' environmental policies. Moreover, indications emerge that European policies favoring the implementation of CE practices should be targeted at least for subgroups of European countries, considering the different composition by typology of SMEs operating in their territories and that, at the same time, policies should be defined within each group of countries to account for the specific features of each of the four classes of SMEs.  相似文献   

互联网时代的到来及相关技术的发展和进步使得传统招聘模式发生了深刻的变革,网络招聘与社会化网络招聘成为新兴的招聘模式,面对一般网络招聘不利于提升招聘有效性的事实,猎聘网打造了一个基于多重互动式的社会化网络招聘模式.本文通过对猎聘网招聘模式的分析,提出了在互联网时代下构建多重互动式社会化网络招聘模式的概念.并得到三个结论:第一,多元化是互联网情境中的重要特点,互联网时代下的员工招聘模式也将呈现出多元化的趋势;第二,关系构建将成为互联网时代下员工招聘模式中的重要内容;第三,在社会化招聘模式中,服务将成为平台致胜的关键.本文对在互联网情境中构建有效的招聘模式有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Environmental reporting is a tool of corporate environmental management that can also be used as research material. The aim of this paper is to produce a comprehensive definition of eco‐efficiency based on the literature and then compare it with definitions identified in the environmental reports published by selected companies. In addition, this paper presents a conceptual framework of the relationship between environmental and economic performance in the companies. Three Finnish companies in the forest industry are selected as case companies. This analysis reviews environmental reports published by the companies from 1998 to 2007. In short, eco‐efficiency can be seen either as an indicator of environmental performance, or as a business strategy for sustainable development. The case companies very seldom give an exact definition of eco‐efficiency in their environmental reports. However, different aspects of eco‐efficiency are often referred to. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new framework based on the combination of the dynamic DEA, meta-frontier analysis theory, and truncated regression model, and then focuses on the efficiency evaluation of regional high-tech industries in China. For all of the overall technical efficiency, technical efficiency, and scale efficiency scores, the east area is always in the lead, with the central and west areas obviously lagging behind. The eastern area has the highest technology level, whereas the west and central areas fall behind in turn. However, the meta-technology ratio of the west area has rapidly increased and presents a trend of catching up with the east. The variables of GRP per capital, total exports and imports, highway mileage per capita, and ratio of tertiary industry to GRP have positive relationships with technical efficiency, and the time trend exhibits a negative coefficient.  相似文献   

This article presents an open discussion of the processes of urban secession and gentrification in contemporary European cities, arguing that intergroup social dynamics in urban spaces are generally more complex than either extreme mutual avoidance or the colonization of neighbourhoods by the wealthiest groups. We analyse the residential strategies of urban upper‐middle class managers in various European metropolitan areas through in‐depth semi‐structured interviews to argue that these groups develop complex strategies of proximity and distance in relation to other social groups. The development of these ‘partial exit’ strategies takes place through specific combinations of practices that allow groups to select the dimensions they are willing to share with other social groups, and those in which they prefer a more segregated social environment for themselves and their families. The responses of our interviewees were consistently more nuanced and complex than suggested by a simplistic theory about their drive to withdraw from society, forcing us to develop more sophisticated conceptual frameworks to account for the growing prevalence of multi‐layered identities and spheres of reference and solidarity, specific combinations of elective segregation and local involvement, and more active patterns of mobility combined with local embeddedness.  相似文献   

The foundational international business (IB) scholarship grappled with whether multinational enterprises (MNEs) are largely efficiency‐enhancing or market‐power inducing institutions. Contemporary scholarship, however, often associates foreign direct investment (FDI) with efficiency‐enhancing properties and thus neglects the market‐power interpretation of the MNE. Such an imbalance is problematic given that the theoretical and empirical justifications behind the field's embrace of the efficiency interpretation are not fully evident. Instead, both efficiency and market‐power effects are seemingly present in cross‐border investment activity. Based on a comprehensive sample of up to 4,361 cross‐border investments materializing between 1986 and 2010, we present theoretically‐grounded hypotheses with regard to when market‐power effects will tend to dominate efficiency effects. We find that cross‐border investments undertaken by emerging‐market MNEs in both developed and emerging markets tend to involve substantial efficiency effects and minimal market‐power effects when compared with the cross‐border investments undertaken by developed‐country MNEs in both developed and emerging markets.  相似文献   

从内部资本配置的视角,以比亚迪公司垂直整合为案例分析对象,考察在新兴市场经济国家,企业垂直整合对其内部资本配置效率的影响。研究结果表明,垂直整合是有限度的,垂直整合和内部资本市场的配置效率之间并非简单的正相关关系。比亚迪公司进行了独特的垂直整合,使其从兴盛跌入低谷又走上回升。过度的垂直整合非但不会提高企业竞争力,反而会缩小盈利空间,甚至造成资金链的断裂。适度的垂直整合才能提高企业内部资本配置效率,增强企业竞争力。研究结论为内部资本配置研究提供了垂直整合视角的案例证据。  相似文献   

This article analyses the changing position of gender in the European Employment Strategy (EES) since its 2005 relaunch. Overall, we find a picture of mixed progress towards gender equality goals across Member States. There is evidence of the EU soft law approach leading to positive developments as the use of targets in conjunction with Country‐Specific Recommendations and Points‐to‐Watch have had some influence in promoting gender equality policies among Member States. However, the weakened position of gender mainstreaming in European‐level initiatives has led to gender being marginalised or ignored in national and EU policy responses to the crisis. The prominence of gender has declined further in the 2010 revision of the EES under the 2020 banner. This introduces new risks as the emphasis on gender equality falls further down the list of priorities in the streamlining of the Lisbon Process.  相似文献   

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