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本文在介绍我国机场航站楼的现状及无障碍设计概念的基础上,对无障碍人群及其生理特性进行了分析,探讨了机场航站楼无障碍设计的设计原则,并提出了针对性建议。 相似文献
具有无障碍化环境的室内设计,能方便人们生活,提升家居品质.特别对于残障人士、 老人、 妇幼、 伤病等相对弱势人群,更具有重要意义.本文通过对室内无障碍设计的研究,以无障碍设计规范为参考,探讨残疾人、 老年人、 儿童和其他社会成员通行的室内无障碍设计方法,为之创造良好的生活空间. 相似文献
简述了世界各国无障碍建筑设计规范的发展以及在给排水设计方面的主要内容。进一步讨论了无障碍建筑物中地面防滑、卫生设备、卫生间、辅助设施等方面的设计细节。 相似文献
人口老龄化在大多数国家已经成为一个日趋严重的社会矛盾,众多老年人严苛的出行和居住环境也已经变成一个不可忽视的社会问题.由此也导致了无障碍设计的快速发展,例如人行盲道和无障碍卫生间等各类无障碍设施在我们的日常生活中随处可见.本文从无障碍设计的产生和发展,从影响无障碍设计不同方面的因素进行分析,提出无障碍设计现存的主要问题. 相似文献
文章从设计符号学的角度对人机信息交互中的视觉化显示进行了分析,指出忽视符号使用情境、表现形式、象征含义、文化内涵等因素可造成用户与产品之间的生理、心理沟通障碍等问题,希望运用设计符号学的原理指导并实现人机信息交互的视觉无障碍显示。 相似文献
朱庆亮 《中国高新技术企业评价》2015,(12):9-10
无障碍电梯是充分考虑到残疾人和老年人等行动不方便的人的使用问题,结合无障碍设计理论而设计的安全、方便的电梯。文章从无障碍设计理念入手,结合设计规范对电梯的要求,研究了无障碍电梯设计的原则以及在设计时需要严格控制的关键问题,从而为无障碍电梯的设计提供参考。 相似文献
"无障碍环境"导向系统与全方位设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
无障碍设计是面向全社会的全人类关怀设计.无障碍环境导向系统的设计具有规范性、系统性和普遍性的特征,设计诉求具有很强的针对性. 相似文献
无障碍设计理念的提出并运用到改造人们的居住环境中,为广大的肢体残障人士提供了方便和安全,为其平等参与社会活动提供了保障。 相似文献
随着市场经济的发展,我们的产品已不只是停留在满足基本功能,而是加入了更多的人性化设计。现在,设计师们深入市场,对产品进行设计前的调查,已经成为产品成功的重要因素。 相似文献
产品是为了满足人的需要而诞生的。随着人类需求层次不断提高,也在不断地改进,产品与人的关系也越来越密切,它们既是人类情感的表达者,又是人类情感交流的朋友。产品的情感设计就是遵循人的情感活动规律,以消费者的体验层次和情感需求为切入点,设计具有人情味的产品形态和人机交互方式,使使用者在心理上获得认同,在体验中获得情感,并唤起人们对新的生活方式的追求。文章主要从三方面进行探讨与思考:1、情感在产品设计中的地位;2、产品中所蕴含的情感因素;3、设计师怎样利用这些情感因素设计出更具有人性化的产品。 相似文献
《Enterprise Information Systems》2013,7(4):470-489
Designing a complex product such as an aircraft usually requires both qualitative and quantitative data and reasoning. To assist the design process, a critical issue is how to represent qualitative data and utilise it in the optimisation. In this study, a new method is proposed for the optimal design of complex products: to make the full use of available data, information and knowledge, qualitative reasoning is integrated into the optimisation process. The transformation and fusion of qualitative and qualitative data are achieved via the fuzzy sets theory and a cloud model. To shorten the design process, parallel computing is implemented to solve the formulated optimisation problems. A parallel adaptive hybrid algorithm (PAHA) has been proposed. The performance of the new algorithm has been verified by a comparison with the results from PAHA and two other existing algorithms. Further, PAHA has been applied to determine the shape parameters of an aircraft model for aerodynamic optimisation purpose. 相似文献
《Journal of Operations Management》2006,24(1):63-79
Product development is recognized as cross-functional, knowledge-intensive work that has become increasingly important in the fast-paced, globally competitive environment. Researchers and practicing managers contend that design engineers may play an important role in product development efforts. However, their effect on the product development process is not well understood and the extent of their impact on product development performance has not been adequately accessed. This research defines the changing role of design engineers, and it discusses their impact on setting clear project targets and sharing knowledge about customers. The study investigates the impact of these variables on product development productivity. Data collected from 205 manufacturing firms were used to create valid and reliable instruments to assess role change of design engineers, clarity of project targets, shared knowledge about customers and product development productivity. Results from structural equation modeling indicate that as the role of design engineers expands the clarity of project targets increase. This increase impacts the extent of shared knowledge about customers. Increases in the clarity of project targets and shared knowledge about customers appear to enhance product development productivity. 相似文献
为了实现一个基于手绘草图且具备友好交互界面支持概念的设计系统,文章根据该系统需要完成设计不同的功能,采用分不同模块进行系统分析与设计,包括草绘设计环境的设计模块、二维笔画识别与草图规整模块、图形显示模块。本系统克服传统CAD设计工具的特点,结合现有的草图设计技术,构建二维草图技术体系。 相似文献
Knut Holt 《Technovation》1985,3(3):199-208
Successful product innovation requires information about user needs. The provision of such information is a question both of attitudes and methods. A number of leading companies in Europe, Japan and the U.S.A. demonstrate the importance of a market-oriented attitude and close contact with users. In-depth studies in Germany, Italy and Norway have revealed an array of tools that are available for the systematic assessment of existing and future needs.Most firms will benefit from a stronger market orientation. However, if one moves too far in this direction, societal needs may be neglected and technological opportunities missed. The aim should be a balanced orientation where the needs of all stakeholders are taken into consideration. 相似文献
文章针对当今世界弹药产品迅猛发展、发达国家先进武器不断商品化的现状,一般性地分析了弹药产品反求设计的前提——国际环境、学科基础,并从一般特点、设计原则、基本步骤、反求方法等几方面对弹药产品反求设计进行了分析,提出了弹药产品反求设计的目的——再创造、科学反求。 相似文献