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Today's multifaceted and dynamic financial environment requires a high level of individual financial literacy to ensure that sound financial behaviors are the norm. Unfortunately, many individuals have limited knowledge regarding financial issues and are ill prepared to make sound financial choices. The purpose of this article was to benchmark and then determine if graduating business students’ perception of their retirement planning familiarity, motivation, and preparedness improved after taking a semester‐long course in Personal Risk Management and Insurance (PRMI). We discovered that business students were more financially literate than nonbusiness students and that business students’ familiarity with retirement plans and personal level of readiness to make retirement planning decisions improved significantly after taking the principles class. Specifically, we showed that only 15.8 percent and 42.3 percent of the nonbusiness and business control students, respectively, felt adequately prepared to make retirement decisions, while 82 percent of the business students who completed the PRMI class felt prepared. Ex post, graduating seniors who were exposed to coursework covering life‐cycle risks and options to treat those risks perceived that they are leaving college with a better ability to meet the financial challenges that await them. Last, we showed that significant differences existed in retirement plan and investment familiarity based on gender. Our findings provide support for including financial literacy as a general education requirement at colleges and universities.  相似文献   

As educators in the field of risk management and insurance, we see know- ledge of risk management and insurance as a core business function. However, some colleagues and students see insurance as cold-call sales or companies with a lot of money that continue to raise their prices. So we have to find ways to make our public aware of the usefulness of risk management and insurance in the business world and in private life and of the opportunities that having such knowledge presents to all business majors and business people. One method that is beginning to show dramatic improvements in at least our students' perceptions of the field and the major involves industry-sponsored game nights. While not an academic endeavor nor strictly risk management education, we believe the idea provides a useful tool for opening students' eyes to the need for knowledge of risk management and insurance and of the opportunities that are available in the insurance industry and its related fields. This article discusses the history of such an event at Appalachian State Univer- sity, the current status of the North Carolina Surplus Lines Association (NCSLA) event, and the benefits of the event.  相似文献   

The nonbusiness world of municipalities, colleges and universities, hospitals, and other nonprofit organizations follows its own rules when it comes to financial statements, and these are often confusing to anyone who is accustomed to business accounting. According to this author, it was the concept of fund accounting that divided the two worlds of business and nonbusiness accounting and led to a situation where it is almost impossible to judge the financial performance of nonbusiness entities. He shows how financial statements of the business and nonbusiness worlds can use the same standards, with a few modifications for the unique features of nonbusiness organizations.  相似文献   

In response to input from the profession, accounting programs are attempting to increase the innovative problem-solving skills of their students. However, they have done so without data on what the problem-solving styles of their students are, and without an understanding of the capacity for innovation by different problem-solving styles. This study compares the problem-solving styles of accounting students with other business majors and business minors. Results indicate that accounting students are predominantly adaptive in problem-solving style. Statistical analysis shows a significant difference in the problem-solving style of accounting students and other business majors, with other business majors more likely to be innovative. Implications of these findings for changes in the accounting curriculum and for the profession are discussed.  相似文献   

We examine differences between male and female accounting faculty members’ perceptions of academic dishonesty and their uses of controls to prevent academically dishonest behaviour. We use socialization concepts to motivate our examination of these differences. Specifically, we find that females generally perceive academic dishonesty to be a more significant problem than do males, females see individual incidences of academic dishonesty as more frequent and more significant than do males, and female academics report they exercise controls to prevent academic dishonesty more frequently than do male academics. These findings are consistent with differential sex role socialization for women and men. We also find that male and female accounting academics’ perceptions converge with professional training and teaching experience, suggesting moderating impacts of professional and/or organizational socialization on perceptions of academic dishonesty. Lastly, we document some differences in how male and female accounting academics respond to known incidences of academically dishonest behaviour.  相似文献   

本研究基于Hayers和Nash的写作构思分类,通过量化的研究手段,探讨在看图作文语料中,非英语专业学生的作文成绩与构思策略的关系.研究表明学生的作文成绩与语言构思显著相关,与解题、内容构思、结构构思不相关.不同水平学生在语言构思上有差异,在其他几项策略上没有显著差异.但高水平学生更注重结构构思,低水平学生更注重内容构思.女生在语言构思上与男生有差异,在其他几项策略上没有显著差异,但女生的结构构思策略要高于男生,而男生的内容构思策略高于女生.同时也反映出与写作活动有关的情境问题以及构思和中西思维模式等方面的问题.  相似文献   

This study extends the literature that uses the theory of planned behaviour in examining the factors that impact on students' intentions to major in accounting and non-accounting disciplines. A survey of a sample of business students enrolled in an introductory accounting course in a New Zealand University was conducted to gather data about their intended academic majors, and their beliefs and attitudes towards majoring in accounting and non-accounting. The results show that three factors (personal, referents, and control) are determinants of students' intention to major in accounting or other business disciplines. Further analysis revealed that the students' major intentions are influenced by important referents' perceptions. In particular, parents appear to have a stronger influence on students' intentions to major in accounting. Comparisons of differential personal perceptions by accounting and non-accounting majors revealed that accounting majors hold positive perceptions of some of the qualities of the study of accounting and the accounting profession. Significant differences were also found in the control perception between accounting and non-accounting major students.  相似文献   

Financial statement fraud generates many negative effects, including reducing people's willingness to participate in the stock market. If it also stigmatizes accounting, it may similarly adversely affect the quantity and quality of workers willing to become accountants, thereby potentially creating negative effects for years to come. We examine the impact of fraud on the labor force entering the accounting profession, which is a key input into the production of accounting information (i.e., the output). Using data describing millions of college students across the United States, we find incoming students are actually more likely to major in accounting when local frauds occur during their formative years. These students are also more likely to have attributes desired by the accounting profession (e.g., high academic aptitude) and are more likely to subsequently serve in public accounting and become Certified Public Accountants. In the context of other fields (i.e., all college majors), we find that fraud similarly spurs interest in other business disciplines, but not in majors outside of business schools. Those attracted to other business disciplines, however, generally possess different traits. Specifically, students entering accounting are distinctively more likely to exhibit values espoused by the accounting profession, including a predisposition to public service and less commercial orientation. Thus, nonpecuniary motives appear to uniquely drive accounting student enrollment following fraud. Collectively, our findings suggest that, while fraud is unmistakably bad, it appears to have the positive unintended consequence of attracting labor into business disciplines and, in accounting, increasing the prevalence of desirable traits among entrants.  相似文献   

An important development in personal lines of insurance in the United States is the use of credit history data for insurance risk classification to predict losses. This research presents the results of collaboration with industry conducted by a university at the request of its state legislature. The purpose was to see the viability and validity of the use of credit scoring to predict insurance losses given its controversial nature and criticism as redundant of other predictive variables currently used. Working with industry and government, this study analyzed more than 175,000 policyholders’ information for the relationship between credit score and claims. Credit scores were significantly related to incurred losses, evidencing both statistical and practical significance. We investigate whether the revealed relationship between credit score and incurred losses was explainable by overlap with existing underwriting variables or whether the credit score adds new information about losses not contained in existing underwriting variables. The results show that credit scores contain significant information not already incorporated into other traditional rating variables (e.g., age, sex, driving history). We discuss how sensation seeking and self-control theory provide a partial explanation of why credit scoring works (the psycho-social perspective). This article also presents an overview of biological and chemical correlates of risk taking that helps explain why knowing risk-taking behavior in one realm (e.g., risky financial behavior and poor credit history) transits to predicting risk-taking behavior in other realms (e.g., automobile insurance incurred losses). Additional research is needed to advance new nontraditional loss prediction variables from social media consumer information to using information provided by technological advances. The evolving and dynamic nature of the insurance marketplace makes it imperative that professionals continue to evolve predictive variables and for academics to assist with understanding the whys of the relationships through theory development.  相似文献   

The American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) is a scholarly association devoted to the study of and promotion of risk and insurance economics and has a history of innovative scholarship in fields that are vital to economic development and resiliency throughout the world. Association members have an equally important mission and history of passing along important knowledge to students and the risk professions. The Risk and Insurance Teaching Society (RITS) was established as part of the pedagogical and academic program roles of ARIA. This paper outlines the importance of pedagogy within business higher education and more specifically within the academic discipline of risk and insurance and the increasing role that RITS plays in pedagogical innovation and idea sharing among risk and insurance academics.  相似文献   

Considerable research has been conducted into the relation between students' level of previous accounting knowledge and their subsequent performance in first year university-level accounting. This study considers variables for academic performance and previous accounting knowledge in an attempt to quantify the advantage that high school accounting gives students entering tertiary business courses. The results indicate that for students entering tertiary courses with similar academic ability, i.e., obtained the same entrance score, the first year tertiary accounting result obtained by a student who studied accounting previously is between one and two grades higher than that of a student who did not study accounting at high school.  相似文献   

The normal subject matter in the first semester of a traditional introductory accounting course closely parallels the content in Intermediate Accounting I. Because research shows that student performance in college accounting courses is influenced by prerequisite courses, one would expect that those who take a user-approach introductory sequence will not perform as well in later courses. The research reported in this paper compares the performance of students in a traditional Intermediate Accounting I course who took either a preparer-or-user approach introductory sequence. Of the 150 accounting majors in the sample, 53 (97) took a user-approach (preparer-approach) introductory sequence. Of the 97 preparer-approach students, 47 (50) were four-year (transfer) students. The results are consistent with prior research and indicate that SAT scores and student effort are significant for each of the individual tests and for the overall average in course examinations. Gender is not consistent a factor in performance, which also supports prior research. The data indicate that students who took a preparer-approach sequence did not score higher in Intermediate Accounting I and that entry status is not a factor in this performance. This finding leads to the question of whether or not a user-approach would better service those students in our introductory accounting courses who are not accounting majors.  相似文献   

To attract students to the risk management and insurance profession, strategies need to be developed to overcome biases in their perceptions of the profession. This study attempts to determine some of those perceptions of students—specifically a group of business career high school students and a group of college students enrolled in an introduction to business course—about the personality traits of insurance professionals. A Personality Factor Questionnaire previously used extensively in other research was used to measure differences in student perceptions of personality profiles of different professions. We also measured how student characteristics such as age, sex, and expected college major influence student perceptions of these traits. The overall general conclusion was that perceptions of the profession are not as negative as many imagine, but do require some substantive work to improve, even among students seeking business careers.  相似文献   

Accounting instructors face numerous challenges in structuring and teaching accounting classes. This paper describes the experience of redesigning classes in an introductory accounting course to follow the format of team training sessions in the sport of soccer. The soccer format includes six sections: warm‐up, balance/agility/coordination, skill/technique, simplified small game, game, and cooldown. We explain how the activities in each of these sections can be translated into parts of a class session. While adopting this format requires instructors to invest time in preparation and to be flexible and responsive when facilitating classes, informal results indicate that this class format is rewarding for both instructor and students and that it enhances student performance and experience. We suggest that elements of this class format could be successfully adopted for courses in other business subjects, and in nonbusiness disciplines.  相似文献   

江苏地方院校保险专业人才培养要符合江苏省保险市场的需求。文章首先分析了江苏省保险行业经营理念的转变,经营理念的转变必然会导致保险市场人才需求的变化,根据人才需求的变化,江苏地方院校保险专业人才培养也要重新定位:保险专业的设置要有一定的独立性;根据市场需要和招生特点确定培养目标;根据不同培养目标设置课程和培养技能;提高学生的实践能力;建设教学与实践结合、科研与实务互动的师资队伍。  相似文献   

The public accounting profession has been calling for a 150-hour education requirement for new entrants to the profession for over two decades. The rationale for increasing the entry-level education requirement is that since the business world is more dynamic and complex than ever before, new professionals need broader knowledge and skills to be able to cope. Graduates of master of accountancy (MSA) programs would appear to be the type of students that public accounting firms are seeking since they often have intellectual breadth gained through undergraduate degrees in areas other than accountancy, current technical competence in accountancy, and frequently have work experience. This paper reports the results of a study undertaken to determine the perceptions of MSA graduates concerning: (1) how recruiters from public accounting firms viewed their non-accounting academic backgrounds and work experience; (2) how well prepared they were for their first jobs in public accounting as compared to traditional undergraduate accounting majors; and (3) any bias they experienced during the hiring process. The results of this study indicate that although a majority of the respondents who desired careers in public accounting were able to secure jobs in the field, they believed it was harder for them to get jobs in public accounting than their peers with just undergraduate degrees. The majority did not feel that public accounting firms viewed their non-accounting academic backgrounds and work experience favorably. Although more than half believed that they were paid more than their peers who held only undergraduate degrees, less than half felt that they were given more responsibility. The results also indicate that older MSA graduates believed that they were subject to age bias during the interview process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Business schools are facing a rapidly changing environment as new technology and alternative delivery systems erode barriers of time and place. The authors analyze the practices for determining curricula and courses offered by a major state university's business school and conclude that the school operates as a command economy. Such a structure produces artificial demand for some courses and obfuscates the measurement of true student preferences. The authors propose that, at least for full-capacity courses, enrollment should be replaced as a demand measure by one based on attempts to enroll. The authors' demand measure provides significantly different results from the traditional enrollment measure. The authors' results also provide insight into the relative preferences of students for different courses at the business school and the factors affecting these preferences, with some positive implications for the risk management and insurance discipline.  相似文献   

随着民族教育的迅速发展,少数民族地区各高校较多的专业都设有民族班和民族预科班,生源主要来自民族学生。大学数学作为高等院校大多数专业的必修基础课程,开展民族学生大学数学教育教学研究,具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。本文结合民族学生学习大学数学的实际,分析了当前民族学生的特点及大学数学教学现状,建设性的提出了民族学生大学数学教育教学改革的可行性与几点建议。  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the impact of an ethical decision-making construct, the ‘perceived importance of an ethical issue’ (PIE) for accounting students in an academic setting. One objective was to test the measure of this construct for generalizability in gauging ethical decision- making. The other objective was to draw inferences on the PIE construct for pedagogical purposes. Using tests of validity, the measure reasonably captured the ‘perceived importance of an ethical issue’ construct. In addition, the PIE construct was significantly related to both ethical judgment and behavioural intention. Implications for accounting educators and ethics training in business are discussed.  相似文献   

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