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建筑施工项目成本的控制措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国建筑施工企业成本管理的条件及内容,并针对目前存在的问题,提出了与之相适应的成本控制措施和建议。  相似文献   

受金融危机的影响,我国农民工大量回流。带着资金、技术返乡的农民工在市场经济的洗礼下,已经成为理性的经纪人,他们的回流已不完全带有盲目性,而更多的是以精英群体的形象影响着广大的农民。这既是市场经济波动的必然结果,又对我国农村经济发展产生深远影响:加速了农村产业结构的调整,提高了农业生产的科技含量,促进了乡镇企业的发展,并由此使农民收入有所增加,加速了农村城镇化和现代化的步伐。  相似文献   


This paper reviews the experience of anti-corruption commissions in the region and argues that the debate on the establishment of a national anti-corruption body in Australia is dependent on the country’s political culture, institutions and elites. Corruption and integrity coexist and are conceived as the obverse and converse, respectively, of a functional and dysfunctional system. Anti-corruption bodies in the Asia-Pacific region are compared against applicable global anti-corruption frameworks, policies and principles. The paper proposes a conceptual model for a National Integrity Ecosystem (NIE), premised on community values and trust and situates the Australian experience within such an ecosystem. A federal anti-corruption watchdog is the missing piece in Australia’s institutional infrastructure. Its acceptance and effectiveness require difficult and sustained change in the underlying political culture of the country and its elites.  相似文献   


Apart from excessive bonding amongst co-ethnics, social capital studies have sparsely discussed the negative effects of social capital, including excessive collective actions towards downward social mobility (e.g. imprisonment of social and political elites). As Bourdieu has noted, social capital can conflate problems of upward social mobility through various glass ceilings in the reproduction of elite power groups. However, it is also important to notice that less fortunate groups can debunk the dominant elite social network by participating excessively in social networking service (SNS) platforms, where they exchange distorted information about the elites to organize collective actions towards their downward social mobility. Gleaned from the recent cases of ferry sinking and candlelight vigilance in South Korea, SNS providers can sell trust in cyber space that can be easily transformed into social capital for collective character assassinations, political demonstrations, and economic sabotages at workplace. Based on the big data gathered from Naver, one of the leading SNS providers in South Korea, we find that Naver provides SNS users with a rare opportunity to encounter myriad opinion groups who will over time converge into one or two similar opinion groups that can be easily mobilized towards collective actions. Selling trust in cyber space on the internet and mobile devices is a unique commercial development in South Korea and its neighbouring countries, including Japan and Taiwan.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(1):64-71
This article summarises the results of a prosopographic study of 1,328 entrepreneurs from Birmingham, Bristol, and Manchester who were actively engaged in business between 1870 and 1914. The first part concentrates on traits that appear to have been general features of provincial business leaders. The main purpose of this article, however, is to pinpoint marked variations in the social profile of these three business communities and to discuss to what degree differences in the towns' economic and social history left an imprint on the collective biographies of their entrepreneurial elites.  相似文献   

我国服务贸易的发展处于初级阶段,存在着起步晚且管理滞后,规模小且基础较差,服务贸易总体水平较低,出口结构不合理,发展速度较快导致国内立法滞后,法律法规不健全,服务贸易行业人才匮乏等问题。完善我国服务贸易促进体制应促进相关行业协会的发展,培养优秀的人才,促进市场化机制的运作,建立核心服务贸易中心管理体制,完善现有服务贸易促进机构及服务贸易相关立法。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that while most international business researchers interact with elite informants at some stage of their fieldwork, the challenge of conducting in-depth interviews with influential elites has received far too little scholarly attention. Our purpose is to address this gap in the literature by examining the specific methodological challenges associated with elite interviewing before, during and after the interview. Our literature search identifies four main themes of previous research on elite interviewing: access, power, openness and feedback. By means of a reflexive analysis of four different studies conducted in two countries, involving interviews with 90 corporate elites in international companies, we show that these themes also apply in the IB context. Moreover, these challenges are compounded by differences in professional values, seniority, gender and culture and language skills. We discuss a number of procedures that might be used to balance the power of elite interviewees while maintaining the requirements of academic integrity.  相似文献   

金融产品和服务具有专业化、技术化的特性,面对由金融精英组成的金融产品和服务的提供者,金融消费者相对而言不一定具备金融专业知识,信息不对称的弱势地位显而易见。农村金融消费者由于文化素质低,金融知识缺乏,加之弱势群体的心里劣势,消费者权益更容易受到侵害。侵害消费者的行为不仅损害了农民的利益,也损害了公众对金融体系的信心,影响金融行业的健康发展。针对农村消费者保护不力的状况,需要从增强农村金融供给、提高消费者文化素质和维权意识,加强金融机构的服务意识以及加强金融监管等多方面着手。  相似文献   

Group Support Systems may be “distributed”; for nonsimultaneous use by being embedded in a Computer‐Mediated Communication System (CMCS). In this manner, large groups may use them for complex tasks over an extended period of time. Will executives use such systems, and what are their reactions? This case study of elites engaged in formulating recommendations for the White House Conference on Productivity demonstrates that executives can use such systems, given that “critical success factors”; are met. Perceived information richness is strongly correlated with perceptions of productivity enhancement as a result of system use.  相似文献   

After the wars of independence in the first half of the nineteenthcentury, Latin American countries embarked on a process of insertioninto the world economy, opening their doors to foreign investmentand specializing in the exportation of raw materials. In freemarkets and in an alignment with the British imperial economicsystem, Latin American elites saw a road for economic prosperityand political stability. Between the 1880s and 1914, Latin Americabecame more integrated into the  相似文献   

历史上浙商是颇具实力开拓型的商人群体。它秉承吴越大地的英气,在历史转型中,接受了经世致用的浙东学派学说,志在天涯。鱼米之乡、丝绸之府,为浙商提供了丰裕的商品;畅达的交通,方便了浙商的贩销;然而人文基因(事功学说)更是培育了它的成长。诸多因素交互作用,把浙商推向历史舞台。本文以大量史实和历史文化精英的论述为根基,采用历史实证的方法来研讨浙商的历史。  相似文献   


This article analyses the development of a branded place in a Brazilian city. Drawing on Lefebvre’s spatial triad, I show how the intertwined practices of hegemonic market actors in alliance concur to produce a city space that caters to the aspirations and ways of life of local elites while actively excluding lower-class groups from it. I distinguish three main elements of branded places –architecture and urbanism, brand narrative, and spatial governance– and demonstrate how they produce physical, symbolic, and social boundaries between middle- and lower-classes in the city. These findings contribute to understanding the ways market-mediated spatial dynamics perform exclusion of most vulnerable groups in post-industrial cities and extend place brand literature by accounting for the less documented practices of invested stakeholders in the production of branded places.  相似文献   

Intereconomics - Going forward, international elites should instead strive for the application of one of the most liberal-minded principles of this current world order: self-determination.  相似文献   

We investigate problems that arise in aligning office-seeking politicians with social welfare in situations where society (or the firm) is composed of groups of different sizes with different preferences. Similar alignment issues arise in corporations where management must respond to the demands of multiple constituencies. The problems arise because the agents have a suboptimal incentive to cater to majority preferences in situations with low participation costs and to elite minority preferences in situations with high participation costs. Our paper is mainly devoted to democratic politics, in which there is no group of residual claimants who are aligned to social welfare. In democratic politics, we claim that an efficient elite-majority bargain involves the creation of competing party ideologies that serve to check opportunism by majorities in low participation-cost scenarios and by elites in high participation-cost scenarios, and in doing so align politicians with social welfare. We suggest that in non-profit firms that also lack a residual claimant, an efficient elite-majority bargain involves a parallel creation of managerial ideologies, and that such managerial ideologies may also have utility in the for-profit firm as a supplementary device to foster alignment with firm value.  相似文献   

随着我国产权制度变革,区域的经济与社会结构已悄然发生变迁。要保持区域制度变迁的“比较制度优势”,就必须进一步推进地方政府体制变迁,满足区域民众日益增长的民主需求,建构基层民主秩序。基层民主的制度安排的价值并不在于选举制度本身,而是在于从根本上改变传统制度结构中“精英主导和民众缺位”,逐步实现制度变迁过程中政治精英、经济精英、民众的和谐互动。  相似文献   

Business and Information Systems Engineering (BISE) is at a turning point. Planning, designing, developing and operating IT used to be a management task of a few elites in public ad-ministrations and corporations. But the continuous digitization of nearly all areas of life changes the IT landscape fundamentally. Success in this new era requires putting the human perspective – the digital user – at the very heart of the new digitized service-led economy. BISE faces not just a temporary trend but a complex socio-technical phenomenon with far-reaching implications. The challenges are manifold and have major consequences for all stakeholders, both in information systems and management research as well as in practice. Corporate processes have to be re-designed from the ground up, starting with the user’s perspective, thus putting usage experience and utility of the individual center stage. The digital service economy leads to highly personalized application systems while organizational functions are being fragmented. Entirely new ways of interacting with information systems, in particular beyond desktop IT, are being invented and established. These fundamental challenges require novel approaches with regards to innovation and development methods as well as adequate concepts for enterprise or service system architectures. Gigantic amounts of data are being generated at an accelerating rate by an increasing number of devices – data that need to be managed. In order to tackle these extraordinary challenges we introduce ‘user, use & utility’ as a new field of BISE that focuses primarily on the digital user, his or her usage behavior and the utility associated with system usage in the digitized service-led economy. The research objectives encompass the development of theories, methods and tools for systematic requirement elicitation, systems design, and business development for successful Business and Information Systems Engineering in a digitized economy – information systems that digital users enjoy using. This challenge calls for leveraging insights from various scientific disciplines such as Design, Engineering, Computer Science, Psychology and Sociology. BISE can provide an integrated perspective, thereby assuming a pivotal role within the digitized service led economy.  相似文献   


This case study examines public debates on, and investigations of, corrupt city officials and bribe-giving businesspeople in the western metropolis of San Francisco during the era of progressivism. Law enforcement was not only difficult because of the lack of juridical evidence but also because large portions of the local business elites were benefiting from illicit structures. The prosecutions failed, but financier, banker and capitalist Rudolph Spreckels initiated a national anti-graft movement in the early 1910s, which discussed the concept of corporate social and civic responsibility as an alternative to criminal prosecution and an opportunity to harmonise class conflicts.  相似文献   

This article argues that the embeddedness of Chinese enterprisesin Singapore society explains the limited success of the nationalistmovement in Singapore. To respond to the economic crisis inthe 1930s, Chinese business elites employed nationalist rhetoricto appeal to their compatriots in the British colony to supportChinese "national products." With dual allegiance to both Britishrule and Chinese national identity, Chinese business nationaliststook a transnational approach. Because Chinese business communitiesin Singapore were organized along subethnic lines, Chinese transnationalismfailed to surmount these social divisions.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the regionalization of Malaysian oil palm plantation firms into Indonesia. These firms have been implicated in starting fires to clear land for planting, which has resulted in transboundary haze. This paper argues that these Malaysian investors have been able to burn with impunity, despite the dire consequences of haze on their home country, because of the close patronage relationships and vested interests of the Malaysian government elites in these companies. Because of this, the home government is inclined to protect and defend the actions of these firms in Indonesia against such allegations, while the Malaysian public continues to suffer the haze.  相似文献   

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