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This paper examines how changes in marital status and the length of time in current marital status affect the probability of filing for personal bankruptcy. The results show that the probability of filing differs significantly by marital status. Divorced households are more likely to file in the first two years after divorce while married households and single households file later in their tenure. A further contribution of this paper is that it represents the first use of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) to examine whether there is duration dependence in personal bankruptcy.  相似文献   

This study employs data from the national sample of the American Housing Survey to analyze the mobility decisions of families in owned manufactured housing in comparison to families in traditional owned homes and rental units. Specifically a continuous time probability model (CTM) is used to estimate the likelihood of these families moving over the period of 1993–2001. In general, the empirical work suggests that families occupying both owned manufactured housing and traditional owned housing are associated with lower probabilities of moving than comparable households in rental units. Of particular interest is the fact that, ceteris paribus, families in both traditional owned homes and owned manufactured housing exhibit negative duration dependence, or a decreasing probability of moving over time, while for those in rental units duration dependence is positive. These differences are important because of their potential implications for long-term neighborhood stability and, as such, the viability of manufactured housing as an affordable housing alternative for lower income families.  相似文献   

A major, potentially compromising, computational error in the title paper is corrected and analyzed. In addition, an hypothesis as to its origin is offered.  相似文献   

An exact parametric test against heteroskedasticity in the general linear model is proposed. Its power is compared with that of the test proposed by Goldfeld and Quandt and with the BLUS test. Under a variety of circumstances all three tests are found to be of compare power.The proposed test is similar to the BLUS test but is based on easily computed recursive residuals and it is believed that the flexibility and computational simplicity of the new test makes it attractive as a practical procedure.  相似文献   

Special charity events are an important source of revenue for non-profit organisations in cancer control yet volunteering is declining and turnover is high. Experiences at cause-related events may influence retention, particularly emotions connected to the cause and ceremonies which honour cancer survivors and remember loved ones. We explore the degree to which emotions associated with cause-related volunteering and collective action in the literature are felt in response to Relay For Life and what emotions predict three indicators of retention: intention to return for future events, satisfaction with volunteering, and organisational commitment. Volunteers (n = 410) completed a cross-sectional survey at Relay For Life events in Queensland, Australia. Multiple regression analyses examined whether emotions associated with events predicted each indicator of retention, adjusting for number of years spent volunteering for events. Sixty-two percent reported an intention to return the following year. The most commonly reported event-related emotions were hope, pride, and empathy (62–69%). Intention to return, satisfaction, and commitment were each significantly predicted by hope and pride. The findings suggest special charity events in cancer control could retain volunteers by fostering pride and hope (e.g., for a cancer free future); however, future prospective research which examines the mechanisms of these relationships is warranted.  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of fixed effects production functions vis-à-vis stochastic production frontiers on technical efficiency measures. An unbalanced panel consisting of 96 Vermont dairy farmers for the 1971–1984 period was used in the analysis. The models examined incorporated both time-variant and time-invariant technical efficiency. The major source of variation in efficiency levels across models stemmed from the assumption made concerning the distribution of the one-sided term in the stochastic frontiers. In general, the fixed effects technique was found superior to the stochastic production frontier methodology. Despite the fact that the results of various statistical tests revealed the superiority of some specifications over others, the overall conclusion of the study is that the efficiency analysis was fairly consistent throughout all the models considered.  相似文献   

Generalized Efficiency Measures (GEMS) for use in DEA are developed and analyzed in a context of differing models where they might be employed. The additive model of DEA is accorded a central role and developed in association with a new measure of efficiency referred to as RAM (Range Adjusted Measure). The need for separately treating input oriented and output oriented approaches to efficient measurement is eliminated because additive models effect their evaluations by maximizing distance from the efficient frontier (in 1, or weighted 1, measure) and thereby simultaneously maximize outputs and minimize inputs. Contacts with other models and approaches are maintained with theorems and accompanying proofs to ensure the validity of the thus identified relations. New criteria are supplied, both managerial and mathematical, for evaluating proposed measures. The concept of approximating models is used to further extend these possibilities. The focus of the paper is on the physical aspects of performance involved in technical and mix inefficiencies. However, an Appendix shows how overall, allocative and technical inefficiencies may be incorporated in additive models.  相似文献   

引入生态学观点,重新界定业态的概念,提出包含营业形态、经营形态、企业形态、企业生态、产业形态和产业生态的“六位双层一体”架构;从概念范畴、表现形式、可复制性、创新来源、社会责任侧重以及关注焦点等方面探讨了业态与商业模式的区别;在此基础上,凝练了业态创新的路径,即从企业内要素的整合到企业间要素的协同,结合价值创造流程创建企业开放式创新生态网络,以开放式协同创新和企业自主创新撬动产业形态变革和产业结构升级,以及明确生态位,在产业共生中形成产业生态系统。  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to review the main results obtained in semi- and non-parametric Bayesian analysis of duration models. Standard nonparametric Bayesian models for independent and identically distributed observations are reviewed in line with Ferguson's pioneering papers. Recent results on the characterization of Dirichlet processes and on nonparametric treatment of censoring and of heterogeneity in the context of mixtures of Dirichlet processes are also discussed. The final section considers a Bayesian semiparametric version of the proportional hazards model.  相似文献   

The Blau-Duncan system of seventeen occuptational categories has frequently been used as the basis for the study of social mobility patterns in the contemporary United States. In this paper, we examine the validity of these categories by subdividing them in various ways and examining the mobility flows in this more detailed classification. Initial log-linear and cluster analyses using data from the Occupational Changes in a Generation II (OCG-II) survey suggest that the Blau-Duncan scheme hides certain patterns of social structuration, and we form new classification systems on the basis of these results. However, cross-validation analyses using the cumulative General Social Survey data set show that the improvements associated with our schemes do not generalize beyond the OCG-II data. Thus, we recommend continued use of the Blau-Duncan categories, given that they have been employed so often in previous work.  相似文献   

Some of the assumptions made by the proponents of the strong version of HRM are tested, using social identity theory and group processes. In particular, the author explores the proposed link between the HRM characteristics integration, commitment, quality and flexibility and examines their relationships to employee satisfaction, intention to stay and organisational performance. Based on a survey conducted among bank employees, correlational and multiple regression analysis, both at individual and at branch level, confirm the connection between integration, commitment, quality and flexibility. Commitment emerges as the central variable. It is closely related to work satisfaction and intention to stay and, most importantly, makes a significant contribution to branch performance.  相似文献   

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