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We use laboratory experiments to evaluate the effects of individuals' cognitive abilities on their behavior in a finite horizon economic order quantity model. Participants' abilities to balance intuitive judgment with cognitive deliberations are measured by the cognitive reflection test (CRT). Participants then complete a sequence of ordering decisions. Our results show that participants with higher CRT scores on average earn greater profit and choose more effective policies. However, these gaps are transitory as participants with lower CRT scores exhibit faster learning. We also show gender differences in performance do not hold when we control for individual CRT scores.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of adopting Six Sigma on corporate performance. Although there is a fairly large and growing body of anecdotal evidence associated with the benefits of implementing Six Sigma, there is very little systematic and rigorous research investigating these benefits. This research extends previous research in several important ways including utilizing a sample of 84 Six Sigma firms that represent a wide variety of industries and firm characteristics, utilizing rigorously constructed control groups to ensure the validity of our comparisons and conclusions, and investigating the impact of adopting Six Sigma on corporate performance over a ten year period. To carry out this investigation, the event study methodology is employed. The ten year period consists of three years prior to Six Sigma implementation, the event year corresponding to the year Six Sigma is adopted, and six years post Six Sigma implementation. To assess the impact of adopting Six Sigma on corporate performance we utilize commonly used measures including Operating Income/Total Assets (OI/A), Operating Income/Sales (OI/S), Operating Income/Number of Employees (OI/E), Sales/Assets (S/A), and Sales/Number of Employees (S/E). The sample Six Sigma firms are compared to different benchmarks including the overall industry performance and to the performance of carefully selected portfolios of control firms. The results of the study indicate that adopting Six Sigma positively impacts organizational performance primarily through the efficiency with which employees are deployed. More specifically, enhanced employee productivity results were observed in both static analyses that assessed the performance of the sample Six Sigma firms relative to their control groups at discrete points in time and dynamic analyses of the Six Sigma firms’ rate of improvement relative to the rate of improvement of their control groups. Benefits in terms of improved asset efficiency were not observed. Finally, there was no evidence that Six Sigma negatively impacts corporate performance.  相似文献   

This study examines the culture of a medium-sized community bank based in the Western United States. The study aims to identify the organization's culture and then measure the level of cultural cohesion that exists three years after a major cultural campaign was launched. The cultural characteristics the organization valued most highly were integrity, willingness to serve the customer and teamwork - all components of the official bank document on culture. Interestingly, the analysis uncovered some significant value differences among different employee groups and also employees and management; differences which can affect firm performance levels. The analysis also revealed that changing the culture in an organization does not necessarily lead to cultural cohesion.  相似文献   

This paper estimates and compares New-Keynesian DSGE monetary models of the business cycle derived under two different pricing schemes—Calvo (1983) and Rotemberg (1982)—under a positive trend inflation rate. Our empirical findings (i) support trend inflation as an empirically relevant feature of the U.S. great moderation; (ii) provide evidence in favor of the statistical superiority of the Calvo setting; (iii) point to a substantially lower degree of price indexation under Calvo. We show that the superiority of the Calvo model is due to the restrictions imposed by such a pricing scheme on the aggregate demand equation.  相似文献   

In this paper we evaluate scale efficiency patterns of local operating companies in the US telecommunications industry. Scale efficiency is defined as the ability of each company to operate as close to its most productive scale size as possible, and is calculated using data envelopment analysis. The analysis of scale efficiencies is conducted for a set of 39 local operating companies, over six time periods: 1975, 1978, 1981, 1984, 1987 and 1990. During these time periods, several technical and institutional changes took place in the industry which are likely to have had an impact on the abilities of the companies to exploit feasible scale efficiencies, and we find that scale efficiencies have steadily increased over these time periods. We also establish that the Bell operating companies are no different from the independent companies in their ability to be scale efficient; single-state firms are relatively more scale efficient; line digitization, during the periods studied, has not significantly impacted scale efficiency; and firms belonging to multi-company parents are more scale efficient. Additionally, policy regime changes, such as the introduction of intra-LATA toll market competition and incentive regulation schemes, have positively impacted firms' abilities to attain scale efficiency, while micro-segment competition in local markets have, so far, not had the expected impact.  相似文献   

In spite of the recognition that career politics, and therefore ingratiation, is widely used to manage careers, there is a dearth of empirical studies on ingratiation as a career management strategy. Consistent with Ferris and Kacmar's (1988) suggestion, the study reported here investigated the conditions (defined by situational variables, career concerns and personality variables) under which ingratiation is used as a career management strategy. Data were obtained through a structured questionnaire from professional employees (N = 214) in public and private sector organizations in Singapore.

Factor analysis of the 21-item career concerns scale revealed four solutions representing internal and external career concerns. The results of the hierarchical regression revealed that situational variables explained most of the variance in ingratiation, followed by career concerns and personality variables. Among the individual variables, task ambiguity, supervisor reward power, managerial responsibility and need for achievement were significant while personal success approached significance. Internal career concern of autonomy development was unrelated to ingratiation. Of the interaction terms, only supervisor reward power and Machiavellianism approached significance. Directions for future studies are suggested.  相似文献   

One of the management decisions required to operate a dual-constrained job shop is the labor assignment rule. This study examines the effects of various labor assignment rules on the shop's performance. Eleven different labor assignment rules are simulated. A longest-queue rule and the traditional counterparts of the first-in-system, first-served, shortest operation time, job due date, critical ratio and shortest processing time dispatching rules are used to determine to which work center available workers should be transferred. Also tested are five new labor assignment rules that use an average of the priority values of all jobs in queue at a particular work center to determine whether that work center should receive the available worker.A SIMSCRIPT simulation program that models nine work centers provided the mechanism by which these rules were tested. Five dispatching rules, the counterparts of the five “traditional counterpart” labor assignment rules mentioned earlier, provided different shop environments. Also, the level of staffing of the work centers was altered to provide additional ship environments. Staffing levels of 50% and 67% were employed.The results show that none of the eleven labor assignment rules had a significant impact on shop performance. This is an important result because it implies that a manager can make the labor assignment decision based on other criteria such as ease or cost of application of the rules. These results were relatively insensitive to the shop environment, as represented by the dispatching rule and the staffing level.  相似文献   

Modality analysis is a text analysis methodology that affords comparisons of how people from distinct cultural contexts differ in their accounts of why one or more of their numbers find specific activities possible, impossible, inevitable, or contingent. The technique is built around a two-part semantic grammar, the application of which involves the identification of modal clauses in texts, the classification of these clauses according to their modal forms, and the identification of rationales associated with the clauses’ modalities. We show that with sufficient training the method affords high interrater agreement. After providing a few tips on data-collection strategies, results are presented from a modality analysis of editorials sampled from the Arab newspaper, Al Riyadh, and the Hindi newspaper, Hindustan. The analysis illustrates how modal expressions can be used in locating well-known (e.g., Islamic and Hindu) cultural characteristics from among the vast quantities of discourse that societies continuously generate.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results from estimating the effects of development impact fees on the prices of new and existing single-family homes and undeveloped residential land using unique data for Dade County, FL. The results show that an additional US$1.00 of fees increases the price of both new and existing housing by about US$1.60 and reduces the price of land by about US$1.00. These findings are shown to be consistent with the new view but not the old view theory of impact fee incidence.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the growing need to control for endogeneity in corporate social responsibility (CSR) research. We modify the theoretical constructs of a neoclassical production function to include CSR and in doing so provide theoretical evidence of endogeneity in the estimation equation. We find that failure to empirically control for endogeneity leads to results that suggest CSR has a negative impact on firm production. However, when controlling for endogeneity through a two-stage approach, the negative impact disappears. Moreover, we demonstrate the efficacy of using a proven theoretical estimation technique to include CSR and, therefore, mitigate endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

The European debt crisis has shown that the future of the European Union (EU) depends on the willingness of each member country to implement responsible policies, avoid moral hazard and uncooperative attitudes, and ensure stability and soundness. However, the European institutional variety means that each member country reacts differently to shocks and policies, follows a different path of recovery, and adapts to common institutions, including the common currency, in different ways. Helping countries to converge toward a situation that guarantees well-being, stability, and development at the national and community level is the goal of the European benchmark. This benchmark is a framework inspired by European treaties that, through the distance-to-frontier score methodology, aims to measure member countries’ performance and identify inefficiencies and negative externalities within the economic, social, and political institutions of each member country. The paper presents an empirical investigation of the European benchmark. Based on the results obtained, all countries can improve their performance, and none of them can be considered a model for the others. However, the Mediterranean and post-communist countries have more challenges to face and therefore need to make greater efforts.  相似文献   

In this paper, field studies, extant literature, and domain knowledge are used to develop a theory of managing context in Six Sigma process-improvement projects. By means of a participatory action research investigation involving ten projects in manufacturing and service firms, this paper examines the interrelationship among project context, elements, and success. Rich text-based information for each project was analyzed for the underlying patterns and relationships using the NVIVO 8 qualitative data analysis software package. The insights gained from this in-depth field investigation are presented in the form of 12 inductively derived research propositions that, when taken together, uniquely contribute to context-based theory-building in this area.  相似文献   

Rule-based forecasting (RBF) uses rules to combine forecasts from simple extrapolation methods. Weights for combining the rules use statistical and domain-based features of time series. RBF was originally developed, tested, and validated only on annual data. For the M3-Competition, three major modifications were made to RBF. First, due to the absence of much in the way of domain knowledge, we prepared the forecasts under the assumption that no domain knowledge was available. This removes what we believe is one of RBF’s primary advantages. We had to re-calibrate some of the rules relating to causal forces to allow for this lack of domain knowledge. Second, automatic identification procedures were used for six time-series features that had previously been identified using judgment. This was done to reduce cost and improve reliability. Third, we simplified the rule-base by removing one method from the four that were used in the original implementation. Although this resulted in some loss in accuracy, it reduced the number of rules in the rule-base from 99 to 64. This version of RBF still benefits from the use of prior findings on extrapolation, so we expected that it would be substantially more accurate than the random walk and somewhat more accurate than equal weights combining. Because most of the previous work on RBF was done using annual data, we especially expected it to perform well with annual data.  相似文献   

In a recent work Gallo et al. (Math Models Methods Appl. Sci. 19:1427–1439, 2009) examined the parameters for a simple mean-field model of social interactions. Their work presented the model, raw data and parameter estimates with associated confidence intervals for a 4-year period. Here the problem is re-examined in greater mathematical detail and associated estimates evaluated. In particular exact results are obtained for a selection of any 3 years and parameters estimated for a 7-year period, the full extent of the data.  相似文献   

These days, road safety has become a major concern in most modern societies. In this respect, the determination of road locations that are more dangerous than others (black spots or also called sites with promise) can help in better scheduling road safety policies. The present paper proposes a multivariate model to identify and rank sites according to their total expected cost to the society. Bayesian estimation of the model via a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach is discussed in this paper. To illustrate the proposed model, accident data from 23,184 accident locations in Flanders (Belgium) are used and a cost function proposed by the European Transport Safety Council is adopted to illustrate the model. It is shown in the paper that the model produces insightful results that can help policy makers in prioritizing road infrastructure investments.  相似文献   

This paper empirically evaluates the uncertainty of forecasts. It does so using the 1001 series of the M-Competition. The study indicates that although, in model fitting the percentage of observations outside the confidence intervals is close to that postulated theoretically, this is not true for forecasting. In the latter case the percentage of observations outside the confidence intervals is much higher than that postulated theoretically. This is so for the great majority of series, forecasting horizonts, and methods. In addition to evaluating the extent of uncertainty, we provide tables to help users to construct more realistic confidence intervals for their forecasts.  相似文献   

Contest designers and managers who wish to maximize the overall revenue of a contest are frequently concerned with a trade‐off between contest homogeneity and inclusion of contestants with high valuations. In our experimental study, we find that it is not profitable to exclude the strongest bidder in order to promote greater homogeneity among the remaining bidders, even though the theoretical exclusion principle predicts otherwise. This is because the strongest bidders are willing to give up a substantial portion of their expected rent in order to minimize the chance of losing the contest.  相似文献   

This article examines the bases of social power, namely individual information power, expert power, legitimate power, and referent power on successful international business negotiations (IBNs). The author conducted an online survey among international business executives working in the UK for multinational corporation subsidiaries who were asked to report on the success of their most recent negotiating experience in terms of cooperative (integrative) and competitive (distributive) outcomes. Information power, expert power, and referent power were supported by these results in terms of significance. Unexpectedly, however, information power was positively correlated with integrative or cooperative outcomes and processes. The correlation related to legitimate power was negative but not statistically significant so this hypothesis was not supported. Our results not only contribute to international negotiation theory, but also can assist in the selection and training of practitioners. The academic contribution of this study also relates to model exploration. It brings causal statistical objectivity to qualitatively developed concepts as an essential step in development of knowledge. These theoretical and managerial implications of the study are examined. Furthermore, directions for future research that build on the findings of the study are indicated.  相似文献   

Over the past decade conceptual and empirical research in operations management has embraced the idea that collaborative supplier-buyer relationships are a source of competitive advantage for manufacturing firms. Anecdotal evidence from the Japanese and U.S. automotive industry and emerging research suggests that inter-organizational identification of suppliers with their buyers, termed supplier-to-buyer identification, is an unexplored factor of relational advantage. This study presents a model and empirical test that supplier-to-buyer identification fosters superior operational performance by enhancing trust, supplier relation-specific investments, and information exchange. Through a survey of 346 automotive supplier-buyer relationships, the findings show that supplier-to-buyer identification directly impacts supplier relationship-specific investments and information exchange, although most of the latter effect is mediated by trust. The findings also indicate that supplier relation-specific investments and information exchange play different but complementary roles in influencing operational performance. The results suggest new directions for supplier-buyer relationship research in operations management and important managerial implications.  相似文献   

We investigate how learning and the task performance of individuals are affected by different forms of knowledge transfer. Whereas previous research has proven the positive performance impacts of knowledge transfer, self-observation and feedback mechanisms individually, we explore the cumulative effect of these factors on learning and performance. With the help of two laboratory experimental studies reproducing manufacturing tasks that are typical for industrial production, we show that explicit knowledge transfer is superior to other forms of knowledge transfer. Externally provided performance feedback in the form of cost information and non-financial performance indicators has no effect on the order of different forms of knowledge transfer. Moreover, external feedback does not even have an additional significant performance effect on learning new tasks irrespective of the type of knowledge transfer.  相似文献   

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