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从深层意义上说,广告是一种欲望生成的艺术。广告文化借助消费乌托邦的营造使消费者逐渐淡化自己的理性意识,沉迷于消费的幻觉之中,导致对现实世界和自我主体把握的双重错位,陷入生存的困惑。因此,必须建设理想的消费文化,不断提高消费的层次和质量。  相似文献   

广告在市场竞争中应运而生,它让广告主在产品竞争中取胜,它让媒体得到生存的血液,它给在纷繁商品中徘徊不决的消费者一个决策的理由,但也恰在三方同时获利的情境中,备受批判。一、广告话语的贬值 1、个性同质社会化大生产必然导致产品的同质化日益严重。在同质商品的突围战中,广告人找到了刀枪不入的神盾——品牌。其实,品牌战略的实质就是物的人格化,给商品赋予个性和灵魂,并通过强大的营销攻势,使其在消费群中获得生命。而这一目标的实现大多得益于给产品灌注灵魂,使其得以  相似文献   

王军元 《中国广告》2007,(5):130-132
从本质上看,审美活动是主体在感性形式中直观地“自我确认”人的本质力量的活动,是主体本质力量对象化的实践活动而在消费社会中,作为传统审美客体的“物”成了耀眼的明星,社会生活中的一切都成为了消费品,不仅是物品,而且包括人的身体、精神、观念、理想和价值观都难以逃脱而都可  相似文献   

消费社会中,大众消费倾向于浪费、消耗、耗尽,人被丰盛的物包围,受消费的掌控,构成对传统的生产社会强调节制与节约的挑战。物的消费到符号消费的转化、大众传媒主宰消费社会的事实、文化消费从被动观看到主动参与的转换以及身体参与消费全过程业已成为消费转向有力的佐证。随之而来的弊端也在逐渐放大,因此消费社会中如何做到主体性的数字化生存始终是无法绕开的难题。而文章通过分析消费社会语境下的种种消费转向,并不是要拒绝数字文明产生的巨大波动,而是表达对数字万能主义及其殖民生活的一种担忧,确立理性的应对态度。  相似文献   

广告传播与消费观念之间是有直接联系的,广告的传播在一定程度上是刺激大众进行消费,是传播消费文化的一种媒体传播方式。在社会经济的飞速增长下,广告传播的消费理念不能过于追求物质化,不能将消费文化异化,需要理性审视广告传播的社会文化价值观,不能过于追求享乐主义,要将综合性的社会文化传播出去,树立正确端正的消费心态,不可盲目追求物质享受,扭曲社会消费观念。社会经济飞速增长后消费不断地递增,广告得以诞生,广告传媒将全新的消费方式、消费理念传播给大众,使社会的公民被新奇的商品信息所吸引。广告的发展促进了大众消费,让消费者更加追求物质享受,而忽略了商品实际的价值,本文将重点将这两者的关系影响进行说明,分析广告与消费主义的关系、广告推动消费的现实作用,让更多的人认清广告的真实性,避免过度消费造成的资源浪费和社会不正之风。  相似文献   

广告传播是一种以营造人的消费观念和消费行为方式为目的的文化传播形式。广告传播在刺激消费心理、引导消费方式、转变消费观念、构建消费时尚、传播消费文化等方面发挥着重要的作用。必须理性审视现代广告所传播的消费主义倾向,积极倡导符合科学发展观和建构和谐社会需要的消费文化。  相似文献   

广告传播与消费文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤志耘 《中国广告》2007,(4):148-151
文章认为广告传播的深层目的乃推行消费文化,并提出了广告推行消费文化的途径:广告把商品使用价值转化为符号价值,借助符号价值使消费者仿佛“生活在别处”,消费者变得消极和顺从,成为沉默的“大多数”,被广告控制操纵,消费文化形成。在推行消费文化的过程中,广告和大众传媒合谋。跨文化传播中,广告推行消费文化的深层目的不变,表现出多样性。  相似文献   

陆荣誉 《消费导刊》2009,(17):200-200
中国自从进入市场经济以来,消费在社会经济和文化生活中日益重要,人们也逐渐感受到消费社会在社会经济、文化等方面的力量。由此孕育而生的消费文化也开始影响着人们生活的方方面面。与时代联系紧密的传播学更是对消费社会和消费文化关注紧密,消费文化的研究成为了文化传播乃至广告传播研究的一个重要切入点。本文研究的主题是广告社会文化的影响。  相似文献   

从广告传播表现的角度了解消费文化的变迁,对于研究消费水平和经济发展的阶段有着重要的参考价值,广告传播表现和消费文化是一种相互作用的关系。一般来说广告传播表现从广告诉求与内容表现、广告符号表现、广告信息传播表现和广告艺术审美表现四个方面对消费文化有着重要影响。  相似文献   

符号消费视角下广告的功能和符号意义构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在消费社会的背景下,消费者越来越看轻商品的使用价值,转而更重视商品的符号价值.消费者更注重商品符号给自己带来的心理和精神上的满足.他们通过符号消费来表征自己的社会地位、经济状况和生活方式.而广告是在消费社会中为商品创造符号价值的主要工具,所以本文试图从符号消费的视角来探讨广告的功能和符号意义的构建.  相似文献   

赵寰  查灿长 《中国广告》2011,(1):128-132
本文从一个动态的言语交际的角度出发,考察消费时代环境背景下的广告言语的语境制约,并提出消费时代语境下的广告言说策略。  相似文献   

如今社会化媒体中随处可见消费者对品牌信息的评论、转发以及创作与品牌相关内容的行为,这样的行为对品牌传播产生了极大影响,它相对于传统品牌传播方式更有效。那么社会化媒体中消费者生成广告行为受到何种因素的影响,这些因素之间存在何种内在逻辑关系?本研究采用立意抽样的方式,选择活跃于社会化媒体(微博、微信、美拍)中的消费者作为研究对象,使用扎根理论的开放式编码、主轴编码与选择性编码对访谈材料进行分析,最后结合选择性编码与“故事线”的方式构建了CGA-EESM影响因素模型。该模型显示:环境、经验、刺激与动机是消费者生成广告行为的四个关键影响因素,它们之间存在错综复杂的作用路径。  相似文献   

Each culture has its own dominant construct of time that influences the value placed on the use of time by individuals. This empirical study examines how time orientations influence attitudes toward advertising in a high-context culture of an Asian economy. Data was collected through surveys in Macau. Findings show that Macanese are more future orientated but less enthusiastic towards advertising; they switch to another channel and engage in other activities during commercial breaks. Results also show that past orientation has the strongest impact on advertising avoidance. The authors offer managerial implications for the development of effective advertising programs in this emerging market.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to examine factors that influence the effectiveness of benefit appeal types (i.e., help-other vs. help-self) in Corporate Social Responsibility advertising. To that end, we designed and administered a between-subjects experiment where participants viewed one of the two CSR advertisements crafted with help-self and help-other benefit appeals. Results provided evidence supporting the moderating effects of status-consumption motives and age on purchasing intentions. Additional analysis suggested consumers younger than 48 years old were more likely to be persuaded by a help-other ad appeal when they didn't have strong desires for status consumption. Results were discussed in light of the self-concept theory and value-expressive framework in CSR advertising.  相似文献   

This study examined consumers’ attitude toward the use of sexual content in advertisements among there different cultural groups; i.e., individualistic sample (White American), collectivistic sample (US temporal visitors from Asia), and acculturation sample (Asian immigrants). Sixty participants were asked about cultural acceptability of sexual content ads and the favorable attitude toward those ads by using Q-methodology. Asian participants reported less cultural acceptability for sexuality, than either Asian American or North American participants. The findings also revealed that North Americans are more likely to prefer the use of sexual content in advertisement than Asians. Asian-American participants agreed with North American participants in regard to sexually explicit advertising. Implications and limitations were discussed.  相似文献   

基于认知失调理论和心理抗拒理论,通过两个实验探究了企业道德营销中内疚与非内疚诉求影响消费者道德消费意愿的心理作用机制。结果表明,内疚诉求比非内疚诉求更能促进消费者的道德消费意愿,强迫性感受和操纵意图推断发挥了中介作用,且该中介作用受到消费者涉入度的调节。具体而言,低消费者涉入度情境中,相比于非内疚诉求,内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿;高消费者涉入度情境中,相比于内疚诉求,非内疚诉求能够降低消费者的强迫性感受和操纵意图推断,进而增强其道德消费意愿。研究结论有助于企业设计道德属性产品的广告策略,有效降低受众心理抗拒反应,提升受众广告体验,进而推动道德消费。  相似文献   


Adverting standardization has been widely discussed since 1990s. Recently, this discussion has been extended to mobile advertising. When it comes to adopt a standardization or localization strategy, it is important that marketers understand how mobile advertising is perceived in different markets. This study examines the impacts of four perceived values of mobile advertising on young Australian and Chinese consumers’ acceptance of mobile advertising. The findings suggest that perceived functional value have the most positive effect on mobile advertising acceptance, followed by credibility and interactivity value. Further analyses reveal that culture moderates the relationships between perceived values and advertising acceptance.  相似文献   


As the world braces itself for a unified European marketplace, it is critical that we look at the industries likely to be influenced by, and in turn shape, European integration. The advertising industry and its handling of unification are particularly important given that advertising is the voice of the marketplace and a major communications force, shaping cultural norms and values. In order to ensure the free movement of goods, communications about those goods must also move freely. At this time, however, each European country has its own rules and regulations for advertising. One of the major issues facing European advertising as the European Union (EU) comes together is the regulation of cross-border advertising. In 1991 the European Commission issued a call to action for the European advertising industry and almost immediately the industry began work on a trans-border complaints system. Since then the European Advertising Standards Alliance has worked diligently to iron out issues resulting from international advertising disputes. As this article shows, European regulators must determine how advertising will fit into the larger scheme of European law; who will be responsible for controlling advertising; and whether it should be monitored at the national or pan-European level. Certainly the advertising industry is not the only one struggling to determine which controls can remain at the national level and which should be raised to the European rank. But this analysis of how advertising self-regulation fits into the European legal scheme does provide a useful case study of the hurdles ahead. It will be interesting to watch as Europe works to find the proper balance between free trade and national autonomy to control industries.  相似文献   


This paper suggests that the trend towards the conceptualisation of ‘post‐modern’ forms of consumption threatens the very basis of research into consumption and consumers. Arguing that although a fascination with the symbolic aspects of consumption has much to offer, the suggestion here is that the future of consumer research is potentially undermined by a preoccupation with post‐modern rhetoric which has in turn tended to divert consumer researchers away from their object of study. Examples of post‐modern consumer research are therefore critically discussed. In this context, the continued influence of modernist guises of consumption and the need for a datadriven prioritisation of consumer meanings is emphasised. The danger inherent in being seduced by the superficial attractions of a post‐modern mind‐set is therefore said to lay in the fact that post‐modernism operates as a disabling intellectual orientation which can only fulfil its potential if used in a more flexible and imaginative fashion than is currently the case.  相似文献   


Given the wide interest in celebrity endorsements in advertising, it is surprising that there are no quantitative cross-cultural studies on their effectiveness across target audiences. Previous content-analytic research makes assumptions about effectiveness, but has not examined these assumptions. Our article fills this gap by comparing American versus Korean student samples’ response to celebrity-endorsed ads. We find these cultures diverge in purchase intentions after viewing celebrity-endorsed ads. We also find the emphasis of intuitive moral domains drives purchase intentions. Our discussion focuses on marketing implications as well as outlining future directions for this surprisingly underexplored research area.  相似文献   

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