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本文运用理论分析和实证研究的方法,以中央民族大学旅游教育为典型案例,以旅游管理专业四个年级以及04级历史与旅游双学位为对象,调查分析了中央民族大学本科阶段旅游教育存在的课程设置、办学目标、生源师资等方面的问题。提出了切实可行的解决方案:创建“2+1”校企合作模式、建立理论与实践互为促进的师资体系、从计划型教育转向自主型教育,突出办学特色、将旅游管理专业设为中央民族大学的重点专业,以及帮助本科生做好职业生涯规划。  相似文献   

“一带一路”倡议极大推进了中国海洋旅游业的发展,特别是“泉州:宋元中国世界海洋贸易中心”成为中国第56个世界遗产地后,在国内外掀起了海洋旅游研究的热潮。然而,学术界关于海洋旅游的研究相对零散,对于海洋旅游可持续发展缺乏系统性的梳理和检视。基于此,本研究以海洋旅游的蓝色转向为研究视角,采用文献梳理和案例分析方法,研究海洋旅游蓝色转向的趋势与挑战。研究发现:(1)相对于绿色经济,海洋旅游发展走向蓝色经济是可持续旅游发展的必然过程。(2)海洋旅游转向蓝色经济的方式包括活动与节庆旅游、生态旅游、邮轮旅游等业态,转向驱动与各个国家资源禀赋和社会经济发展水平息息相关。(3)海洋旅游蓝色经济转向将面临着COVID-19、福岛核事故、全球气候变化、海洋塑料等挑战,需要从区域至全球尺度,通过技术投入、创新模式和区域合作等路径,建立起更为广泛的蓝色经济转向的共识。在理论上,进一步完善了海洋旅游蓝色经济转向的理论框架,在实践方面为中国及其他国家和地区海洋旅游可持续发展提供经验借鉴,具有重要研究价值。  相似文献   

边境旅游是促进区域一体化发展和强化跨境旅游合作的主要手段,深入分析国际边境旅游研究脉络与研究热点,对促进富民兴边、睦邻安邦及对接国际国内旅游“双循环”具有重要借鉴意义。本文以1995—2021年发表的1 124篇SSCI英文文献为基础,对边境旅游研究领域的时间分布、关键词突现、聚类特征等进行可视化分析。研究发现,英文文献中对边境旅游的研究可分为起步阶段、发展阶段与创新阶段;主要研究议题包括边境旅游吸引物、边境旅游影响、边境旅游安全及跨境旅游合作;边境旅游研究趋势发生两大转变,一是研究视角从单一向多元转向,二是理论探索从功能说向效应说深入。建议国内对边境旅游的研究应结合国家战略拓展边境旅游研究议题,强调中国边境旅游特色的同时贡献“中国智慧”。  相似文献   

海岛旅游是国际旅游研究的重要领域,深入分析国际海岛旅游研究的演化脉络和重点领域,对于提升“海洋强国”战略背景下的海岛旅游研究水平,促进双循环发展格局下的产业高质量发展具有重要借鉴意义。以Web of ScienceTM为数据源,使用科学计量工具CiteSpace 软件对2000—2019年的1 511篇英文海岛研究文献进行了可视化图谱分析,揭示研究发展脉络与研究热点。结果显示:(1)海岛旅游研究具有显著的阶段性特征,2000年以来可以划分为缓慢发展、稳步发展和快速发展3个阶段,研究内容从关注海岛旅游开发的生态环境影响,逐渐转向海岛旅游地人地关系的和谐发展;(2)国际海岛旅游研究具有市场依赖性和资源依托性特征,研究区域和研究对象大多集中在发达国家或海岛资源丰富国家,三位高引频次最高学者为Gossling、Hall和Scheyvens,发文期刊集中在环境科学与生态学、海洋海岸科学和旅游学3个领域;(3)海岛旅游研究热点主要集中在海岛旅游地资源环境、海岛旅游与全球气候变化、海岛旅游市场、海岛旅游经济影响、海岛旅游社区、海岛游客消费行为、海岛旅游规划与管理、海岛旅游可持续发展等领域。中国海岛旅游研究应在借鉴国际海岛旅游研究方法和成果基础上,完善海岛旅游理论与研究方法,加强海岛旅游资源与环境,海岛可持续旅游,海岛经济与文化影响,海岛游客消费行为等领域的研究。  相似文献   

国际旅游研究的批判性转向浪潮引发了对行动者网络理论(ANT)的关注及其在旅游研究中的广泛应用。文章简要介绍了行动者网络理论的核心主张,包括广义对称性原理、消除传统二元对立论、异质性网络、转译与权力、实践本体论立场、关系过程思维下的物质与空间等,分析介绍了2005年以来基于行动者网络理论视角的旅游研究的进程、方法、主要研究方面及其进展,对包括物质符号学制图法、参与观察法或行动者研究法等特有方法,和旅游物质、旅游地和旅游网络三个空间尺度的研究成果进行了详细评介。与以经济为中心的旅游研究范式相比,基于行动者网络理论视角的旅游研究明显具有空间转向特点。  相似文献   

影响中国旅游消费的经济和社会因素分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
旅游消费是一种享受和发展的消费。它的发展受各种经济和社会因素影响。其中经济发展程度、生活方式变动、国家城市化水平等因素,对旅游消费的影响尤为显著,在一定程度上起着基础性、决定性的作用。一、经济发展程度决定旅游消费水平实践证明,在一个国家和地区的不同发展阶段,在同一历史时期不同发达程度的国家和地区,旅游消费水平不尽相同。20世纪前半叶,世界经济在危机、战争和革命风暴的冲击下起伏不定,旅游时兴时废,时断时续,发展缓慢。20世纪后半叶,世界形势从战争与革命转向和平与发展。首先,世界经济的总体发展推动旅游消…  相似文献   

李淼  谢彦君 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):121-133
自20世纪90年代起,西方主流旅游研究中呈现出"表演转向"。历经近30年的发展,这一转向至今仍方兴未艾。"performance"(表演)作为一个具有强有力启发意义的隐喻,为西方旅游体验研究的深入推进提供了一条新路径。但国内学者对这一转向关注甚少,甚至对"表演"的理解还停留在通俗层面上。造成这种现状的根本原因在于英文"performance"一词与中文对应词"表演"在各自语言体系中存在着较大的含义差别。理解英文世界中"表演"隐喻的内涵,还需追根溯源,向西方旅游表演转向的理论基础寻求答案。文章对performance一词进行词源考察,探究不同语言环境中"表演"的含义及人文社科学术领域中"表演"的内涵,并且对西方旅游研究中表演转向的理论基础及发展历程进行了梳理,进而提炼出西方旅游表演转向的核心特点。文章最后指出西方旅游表演转向对未来旅游体验研究所给予的启示:第一,国内学界应该寻找一个替代性词语来表达performance在中文语境中部分失效的含义,以弥合语言体系转换所造成的裂隙。第二,表演转向中的温和模式和激进模式并不是替代关系,旅游体验研究不必在二者中选择其一作为立场。第三,旅游体验研究应面向过程,而不是结果。第四,旅游体验研究应面向关系,而不是元素。第五,旅游体验研究方法需要新的突破和尝试。  相似文献   

创意转向与创意旅游   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球化时代,文化主导的旅游开发模式逐渐成为促进城市和区域经济发展、提升竞争力的重要战略手段。但同时,文化的重复生产和商品化现象也日益明显,导致了文化发展的创意转向。在此背景下,基于文化的创意旅游逐渐成为旅游发展的重要趋势之一。通过对国内外创意旅游概念的系统分析,本文总结了创意旅游的核心要素和特征,分别从生产和消费两个角度构建了创意旅游研究的基本分析框架,并对未来我国创意旅游研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文选取1986—2020年发表在《旅游学刊》和《旅游科学》这两本期刊上的598篇酒店研究文献作为样本,识别其研究的主要贡献者、贡献机构及合作网络特征,对样本文献的研究性质、研究方法和研究领域进行人工编码与统计分析。结果显示,我国酒店研究经历了多维转向,包括研究导向由管理实践转为学术创新,研究视角由以企业为主体转向以人为主体,研究性质由概念性研究转向以假设检验为目的的实证性研究,其中2001—2005年是我国酒店研究多维转向的重要过渡阶段。此外,本文还对酒店人力资源管理和消费者心理与行为两个领域在研究内容和研究方法上的转变进行了分析与总结。  相似文献   

董培海  李伟 《旅游学刊》2016,(11):128-137
在系统梳理国外旅游研究文献的基础上,分别从旅游吸引物的符号化、旅游符号消费以及旅游符号体验3个层面对西方旅游符号研究的成果予以梳理,剖析了西方旅游符号研究的三条脉络:一是以MacCannell等为代表的旅游吸引物的符号化研究,重点关注旅游吸引物符号化的机制以及旅游媒介对目的地代表生符号的建构过程.二是以Culler、Urry等为代表的,对旅游符号消费及其背后隐含的权力机制问题的研究.重点关注旅游消费的象征性意义和旅游符号生产和消费过程中权力的不平等性问题.三是以海德格尔存在论为依据的存在主义符号学问题,重点关注旅游体验乃至旅游本身的符号意义.研究认为,旅游符号研究不仅推动了旅游研究的理论原创,促进了旅游社会学学科体系的建立和发展,也极大地扩展了旅游研究的深度和广度.  相似文献   

Tourism has been heralded as a contributor to peace, however, the inconclusive findings of empirical studies render the need for a consolidation of theory that has in so far relied on case studies and the adoption of the contact hypothesis. Informed by political science theory, this paper proposes a methodological framework that can guide future research and aims to serve as a benchmark for researchers interested in temporal issues pertaining to conflict, peace and tourism. Signalling a departure from the simplistic notion that contact through travel contributes to social integration, the paper adopts a holistic conceptualisation of the multi-faceted and complex system of actors, sectors and dimensions of tourism spanning at the social, economic, political and environmental levels.  相似文献   


In recent years, overtourism and tourism gentrification have been a central feature of public debate in the Balearic Islands, one of the most touristified regions on the planet. In this context, the discourse of tourism degrowth has thrived, being discussed across the political spectrum and even serving to legitimize a sustainable tourism plan and a new Tourism Act. This article provides a brief analysis of the debate around tourism degrowth in the 2014–2019 period and differentiates between two approaches. On the one hand, tourism degrowth has been used by socio-environmental platforms as a byword for detourisfication and the politicization of the hegemonic consensus on tourism. On the other, degrowth has been adopted as a green washing rhetoric in order to justify public policies aimed at tourist decongestion through deseasonalizing, while promoting tourism expansion. This work brings into focus the social construction of the tourism degrowth narrative by applying critical discourse analysis. We conclude that the debate over tourism degrowth is not just a discrepancy between different approaches to deal with overtourism, tourism pressure and gentrification. It is also a social struggle where the discourse over tourism degrowth has helped new democratic political subjects to coalesce and organize in civil society.  相似文献   

In the quarter of a century since the release of the 1987 Brundtland Report, sustainable tourism has emerged as the dominant paradigm in tourism development. However, the debate, discourse, and criticism of this subfield of tourism research continues. To address such concerns the purpose of this paper is to explore trends and patterns in sustainable tourism research over the past 25 years. A 25-year bibliometric analysis was conducted for the four highest ranked journals in the tourism field. Results indicate that the growth in sustainable tourism research has been remarkable, with 492 papers published in these four journals and almost half of these in the last two years of the analysis. The largest proportion of papers published on sustainable tourism was case studies, empirical studies, and critical reviews. This study found that while the theoretical and methodological approaches appear to have matured over time, the subjects and themes in sustainable tourism research, with some exceptions, have remained constant. However, the field is clearly maturing with a move away from definitional and conceptual papers to papers focused on testing and applying theory through empirical research.  相似文献   

Studies have attempted to understand tourism issues between politically divided countries, yet few studies have argued that tourism between such states has a strong generational component. This study examines the generational differences in South Koreans’ international stereotypes and tourism destination images of North Korea. While generational differences existed in international stereotypes, there were no differences in tourism destination images between generational cohorts. Young female South Koreans were likely to view North Korea more positively than males in the same generation, and generational differences were present in the intention to visit North Korea and the perception of peace through tourism.  相似文献   

The disciplinary dilemma of tourism studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Though tourism is a complex phenomenon crossing many disciplines, researchers tend to approach tourism studies from within the specific boundaries of the main discipline in which they have been trained. Existing tourism theory is thus fragmented and weak. This paper looks at the potential for developing more holistic and integrated theories than currently exist, and for tourism studies evolving into a distinct discipline. The current state of debate in this area is introduced, and several disciplines impacting on tourism studies are examined. Insights are drawn from two distinct philosophy of science perspectives, T.S. Kuhn and R.J. Bernstein. Suggestions are made for advancing the evolution and integration of tourism studies.  相似文献   

A number of researchers have postulated that tourism between nations that have been divided or remain hostile to each other may be a means of reducing tension and promoting peace. The Korean Peninsula has remained divided since the Korean War and tensions between the North and South remain high. In the first tangible attempt to develop meaningful relations between the North and South outside of the UN structure, the Hyundai Corporation of South Korea was given permission to build and operate a resort destination at Mt. Gumgang in North Korea. The project has not been well supported by South Korean tourists and has required significant financial assistance from the South Korean Government. The paper examines the background of the project, the issues that were the primary cause for low demand and the role of the project as a vehicle for promoting peace. The paper finds that while tourism may be a method of reducing political tension as suggested by Butler and Mao (Asia Pacific J. Tourism Res. 1(1) (1996) 25) and Yu (Asia Pacific J. Tourism Res. 2(1) (1997) 19), it may also have a darker side and inadvertently become a vehicle for inhibiting peace. Further the paper suggests that in the case of Mt. Gumgang, tourism is the consequence of a political process aimed at rapprochement, not the genesis of the process.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the debate over the validity of community-based tourism (CBT) as a development and poverty-reduction strategy in the rural-peasant world. In this debate, researchers tend to compare and contrast specific experiences on which they have conducted field work. This implies limitations in the analysis: conclusions may be biased, leading to circular unresolved discussions. This paper introduces a structural analysis, to discover whether CBT has intrinsic characteristics which mean that as an instrument of development cooperation it increases the risks typically involved in social intervention. It applies the concept of the Social Vocation of the Territory (SVT), adapted from Land Suitability concepts used in geography and environmental studies. SVT is a historical process in which land and local society adapt over time to reach equilibrium in specific uses of natural and social resources. Employing this concept on South American case studies, this paper concludes that CBT can have limitations as an instrument of development cooperation and poverty reduction, because of increasing peasant differentiation, social unrest, problems with local decision-making, lack of local tourism business knowledge and training, pseudo-participation, and work and time restructuring. Use of the SVT concept can help CBT in certain very specific circumstances.  相似文献   

It comes as no surprise that peace and tourism is an important topic today in tourism literature. Despite the strength of global tourist demand, many destinations, especially in the developing world, are facing fluctuations in tourist arrivals, due to unsafe political conditions. This study discusses the symbiosis between tourism and peace and its opposite, war, and the likely impacts of each condition on several tourist destinations. A turbulent security environment, caused by international and civil wars, coup d'etat and terrorist attacks has already demonstrated its negative impact on tourism development in many countries around the world (Taylor & Quayle, 1994). The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between safety, tranquility, peace, and successful tourism, using surveys completed by both international and domestic tourists. More specifically, it is about the effects of the absence of safety, security and peace on domestic and international tourism in the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) area. The general findings demonstrate that the subjects of the study view the implication of the existence of a peaceful environment on tourism favourably.  相似文献   

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