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托收是国际贸易中一种主要的结算方式。比起汇款方式进了一步,因为交易双方有了一定的支付保障。与信用证方式相比,又可以加速资金周转,减少费用支出,因此在国际贸易中常被采用。但是,传统上都把代收行认定为托收行的代理人,在实践中这不仅不利于纠纷的解决,更不利于保护委托人的利益。因此,有必要重新认识这一问题。一、问题的提出国际托收在实践中的基本做法是:出口商(委托人)根据贸易合同先行发运货物,然后开出汇票连同有关货运单据交出口商所在地银行(托收行),委托其通过进口商所在地分行或其他银行(代收行)向进口商收取货款。一般认为,…  相似文献   

在托收业务中,代收行是委托人的代理人,委托人与代收行就托收事宜分别做出了意思表示,并且意思表示达成一致,他们之间存在委托代理合同关系.托收行和代收行之间是共同代理关系,托收行接受委托人委托缮制托收指示,选任代收行;代收行按照托收指示向受票人提示付款或承兑及其他行为;他们均为委托人的代理人,均以委托人的名义,在该托收中处理不同的事务,分别对委托人负责.  相似文献   

<正> 五、付款 第十六条 无延误地付款 URC522对代收行收妥款项的处理方式作有如下二点规定: 1.收妥的金额必须按照托收指示书中的条件无延误地拨交发出托收指示书的一方。如有委托人/寄单行应付代收行的手续费、开支或费用,或代收行可自行扣除上述款项后将余额付与发出托收指示的一方。至于“无延误”应如何解释,URC522未作规定。考虑到每笔托收业务各异,URC522也未能对代收行延误拨交款项所应承担的利息损失作出明确规定。  相似文献   

国际贸易中的信息非对称是导致贸易风险的最基本原因。本文以防范国际贸易中的托收付款方式为例,认为出口商、进口商和代收行面临的风险,主要是由于双方之间的信息非对称,即对对方资信、贸易国的经济、政治和法律环境或习惯做法缺乏了解而造成的。针对信息非对称在托收中出口商、进口商、代收行所面临风险的不同表现,本文提出了相应的防范措施和建议。  相似文献   

在进出口贸易中,托收业务中的代收行(进口地银行,下同)选择,多数贸易商不太重视,买卖双方在贸易洽谈中,对于代收行的选择,往往排不上号,好像  相似文献   

案例 背景:托收结算 代收行:I银行 付款人:A公司 托收行:N银行 受益人:B公司 托收类型:远期付款 B公司于2010年5月24日到N银行办理托收项下交单业务,结算方式为D/P USANCE 21 DATES AFTER ARRIVAL OF GOODS(B/L DATE:2010年5月20日)。(此种结算方式下,银行正确的处理方式应为:进口方银行收到托收行寄来的单据,  相似文献   

<正> 在国际贸易中,托收是仅次于信用证的一种常用的货款结算方式,而D/P又是托收业务中使用最多的一种。其特点是当进口地的代收行提示汇票和代表货物的单据时,买方只有在付清货款后才能向代收行取得单据。按付款时间不同,D/P又可分为即期和远期两种。前者是指进口人于见到汇票与单据,或仅见到单据,  相似文献   

案情简介 我国A公司2001年10月25日出口智利B公司两单货物,价值共计50余万美元,支付方式为D/P90天。付款到期日,B公司未按时付款,但货物已经被提走。后经调查发现,这正是由于智利代收行放单造成的。A公司多次与代收行交涉,并通过本地托收行联络代收行,都没有收回相应货款。此后,A公司希望通过法律途径解决代收行放单拒付的问题,但律师回复:在当地法规的影响下,很难通过诉讼方式要求代收行强制执行。  相似文献   

托收方式下出口商品风险及其防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1979年1月1日起正式生效实施的《托收统一规则》规定:托收是指山卖方根据发票余额丌立汇票,委托出口地银行(托收行)通过它在进口地分行或代理行(代收行)向进口人收取货款。国际贸易中货款的收取大多采用跟单托收(Collection0nDocuments),即是指附有包括运输单据在内的商业单据的托收,以及不带有汇票的包括运输单据在内的商业单据(发票、  相似文献   

通过案例介绍了国际结算中远期付款交单方式的基本流程与操作,分析了远期付款交单的理论与实务操作中的巨大差异以及利用远期付款交单进行托收时当事人之间的法律关系,也从法理的角度阐述了托收过程中代收行的责任。从商业交易方面来看,远期付款交单是一种特例,国际商会对此持否定态度,世界各国银行也有不同看法。熟悉进口国对托收的习惯做法是规避风险的有效途径。  相似文献   

氟表面活性剂在石油和消防领域的应用   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
首先介绍了氟表面活性剂的优良性能和广泛用途 ,然后重点说明了氟表面活性剂在石油和消防领域的应用 ,主要包括驱油添加剂、破乳剂、集油剂、轻水灭火剂和氟蛋白泡沫灭火剂等。  相似文献   

运用新制度经济学关于价格管制以及租金分配的理论,对民营企业融资中遭遇的规模歧视与所有权歧视问题所作的分析表明:利率管制的租金创造与银行产权国有的制度安排,使代理人的外部与内部监督机制失效,是规模歧视与所有权歧视生发的内生经济逻辑。只有建立利率的市场形成机制、坚持国有银行的股份制改革、完善内部与外部监督机制,才能减少代理人机会主义行为动机,消除民营企业融资中的规模歧视与所有权歧视,才能一定程度上缓解我国民营企业融资难问题。  相似文献   

激励相容的银行监管是使监管者、银行和社会公众效用最大的一种监管模式。银行与监管部门、社会公众与银行之间都存在委托代理关系,如何利用已知的不完全信息激励代理人做出使委托人效用最大行动,是激励相容要解决的问题。通过对金融监管中各参与者的博弈分析,认为在存在道德风险和信息不对称的前提下,监管当局提供的有效监管激励缺失以及不合理的制度安排是造成监管效率低下的主要原因。只有加快建立激励相容的银行监管机制,提高银行监管的有效性,才能顺应国际金融的发展形势,提高我国在国际金融体系中的地位。  相似文献   

论银行卡风险特点成因及防范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱青 《北方经贸》2010,(12):78-80
随着银行卡业务的迅速发展,在给人们生活带来便利的同时,银行卡风险也相伴而至,对银行卡风险的防范已势在必行。通过分析银行卡风险的特点,剖析银行卡风险的成因,发现银行卡技术手段相对落后、银行内部管理制度不完善、防范措施不到位以及有关银行卡的法律法规滞后是银行卡风险根源。面对这些问题,应尽快出台银行卡条例、加强对银行员工的培训、加大银行卡科技投入以及完善银行机构内部各项管理制度等解决措施。  相似文献   

The pre-eminence of the bank branch as an effective delivery system arose from the difficulties associated with marketing financial services. The branch provides a highly efficient mechanism for administering, collecting and delivering cash as well as a wide range of lending and ancillary services. Historically, branch networks arose to attract cheap retail deposits through the convenience of the branch location itself, and through branch-based payment systems. Indeed, the relationship between the customer and the branch underpins the whole banking process. However, the branch's exclusive function is tenable only so long as the assumptions and conditions that determined its historical position hold good. These assumptions are that the market will continue to respond to it, that it will remain the basis for patterns of competitive behaviour, and that more effective and economic delivery systems will not emerge. This article presents the view that these assumptions are in fact being undermined, particularly by innovations in technology, which will necessitate a complete rethink of future strategy in retail branch banking.  相似文献   

There is no universal agreement on what money actually is. Money is created and used by the modern bank system, which can be split into the central bank, the commercial banks and the remaining sector of households, companies and states. The article focuses on bank deposits, which are created by commercial banks themselves. Bank deposits count as money in a modern economy such as Germany, where the bulk of money held by the public is in the form of deposits with banks. The other part is currency — bank notes and coins. Not accessible to the public (with some exceptions) are central bank reserves held by commercial banks with the central bank. There are two main problems which are currently being discussed by the Deutsche Bundesbank and by some more or less academic authors. First, what kind of relationship exists between base money (currency and reserves) and bank deposits? This relationship plays a crucial role in controlling and steering inflation and investment. Second, are banks lending the savings of their customers to other customers? This relationship is a cornerstone of the money multiplier theory. The answers to these two questions are not as trivial as they seem to be. Textbooks are of no help because they are the targets of the criticism made by central bank authors.  相似文献   


A major weakness of bank regulation is “regulatory forbearance,” which is partly attributable to the scope for discretionary intervention by bank regulators. Therefore, bank regulation might be improved by subjecting intervention policy to a set of rules, such as the “Prompt Corrective Action” (PCA) rules in the US. The introduction of PCA rules is under consideration in a number of developing countries (DCs), stimulated by costly bank failures. This paper examines the potential benefits and feasibility of incorporating PCA rules into banking regulation in DCs. The paper concludes that PCA rules can improve bank regulation in DCs if introduced as part of a comprehensive set of prudential reforms which strengthens the operational independence of the bank regulators, improves their on-site examination capacities, strengthens accounting standards and raises public and political understanding of the need for strong and impartial bank regulation.  相似文献   

顾客获取与顾客保持对于商业银行的客户关系管理同样重要。在关系营销的框架下,从战略层面为商业银行寻求顾客获取的基本流程,突出顾客获取与顾客保持的衔接,并确定潜在目标范围,选择顾客获取战略,保持与客户的长期关系。  相似文献   

The rise of the phenomenon referred to as “Swatch Fever,” collectors' seemingly insatiable desire for Swatch watches during the late 1980s to early 1990s, can be considered an allegory for collecting behavior in general. Using the dynamic progression of Swatch Fever, this article explores what motivates consumers to engage in collecting behavior. Based on this analysis as well as the current literature on collecting, the authors examine the paradoxical nature of collecting in order to add to the understanding of collecting as a phenomenon that is both rational and irrational, deliberate and uncontrollable, cooperative and competitive, passive and aggressive, and tension producing and tension reducing. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

城市商业银行经营转型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前经济金融形势下,城市商业银行必须走出盲目求大求快和同质化发展的误区,找准自身定位,采取得力措施,转变发展方式,稳步实施经营转型,努力实现特色化、差异化、精细化发展。主要服务中小微企业,打造社区银行,发展供应链金融、个人金融业务、国际业务、中间业务、代理业务及电子银行。为此,要转变发展理念,完善治理机制,引进战略投资者,打造流程银行,培养和引进人才,加强产品创新,推行全面风险管理,实施经济资本管理。  相似文献   

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