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This paper reports the results of simulation experiments which were conducted by using a CGE model of Argentina. The results suggest that: the economy could not have been stabilized by using the preannounced devaluation rate during 1978-81; economic performance could have improved in 1985-89 under a modified Austral plan but, with the altered structure, there would still be a severe currency appreciation; and the Convertibility Law based programme is very successful in arresting inflation and eliminating a budget deficit, though it is not free from side effects such as money supply shortages and high interest rates.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT 1 : This paper examines the causes of the contractual disputes in the water and sanitation sectors and the resulting reversal of the privatization process. The evidence has been gathered from four major case studies in Argentina. The discussion is based on the evidence contained in the legal submissions made by the Government of Argentina and the disputing companies to the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. The findings of the paper offer important lessons for the design and management of similar contracts for other countries.  相似文献   

Previous research that used asymmetric Granger causality tests relied upon data from the same time domain. In this paper we extend those tests theoretically to the frequency domain. We then apply these new tests to analyze causal link between nominal exchange rate and inflation in G6 and BRICS countries. For sensitivity analysis, we also apply time-frequency domain (wavelet) method in the context of asymmetric causality. Empirical results reveal that inflation causes the exchange rate in most of the countries in our sample. Our findings imply that anti-inflationary policies in these countries could stabilize the exchange rates and increase international confidence in attracting foreign investment which is important for sustained economic growth.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the (lack of any lasting) impact of John Maynard Keynes’s General Theory on economic policy-making in Germany. The analysis highlights the interplay between economic history and the history of ideas in shaping policy-making in postwar (West) Germany. The paper argues that Germany learned the wrong lessons from its own history and misread the true sources of its postwar success. Monetary mythology and the Bundesbank, with its distinctive anti-inflationary bias, feature prominently in this collective odyssey. The analysis shows that the crisis of the euro today is largely the consequence of Germany’s peculiar anti-Keynesianism.  相似文献   

This paper characterises Romania's experience with anti-inflationary monetary targeting over the period 1999–2005 prior to the country's switch to inflation targeting. We uncover the National Bank of Romania's preferences, conditional on an estimated macro-model. We find that Romania's monetary targeting regime can be characterised by a concern for price stability and an additional role for smoothing of the central bank's instrument (base money growth). Exchange rate variability and output gap stability appear not to significantly enter the National Bank of Romania's objective function.  相似文献   

What Can We Learn from the Current Crisis in Argentina?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Currently, Argentina is experiencing what the government describes as a ‘great depression.’ Using the ‘Great Depressions’ methodology developed by Cole and Ohanian (1999) and Kehoe and Prescott (2002) , we find that the primary determinants of both the boom in Argentina in the 1990s and the subsequent depression were changes in productivity, rather than changes in factor inputs. The timing of events links the boom to the currency‐board‐like Convertibility Plan and the crisis to its collapse. To gain credibility, the Argentine government took measures to make abandoning the plan more costly. Because the government was unable to enforce fiscal discipline, however, these increased costs failed to make the plan more credible and instead made the crisis far worse when it failed.  相似文献   

审慎使用货币政策,对实现"外堵热钱,内防通胀,把好流动性的总闸门"的目标,具有重要意义。本文对货币政策的理论溯源、运行特点及正负效应进行了文献回顾,界定了国内外流动性环境变化对国内货币政策操作的制约和影响,并在结合中国货币供给数据进行实证分析的基础上,提出优化货币政策传导机制的相应政策建议。  相似文献   

This article studies a version of Obstfeld's (Journal of International Economics 43 (1997), 61–77) “escape clause” model. The model is calibrated to produce three rational expectations equilibria. Two of these equilibria are E‐stable and one is unstable. Dynamics are introduced by assuming that agents must learn about the government's decision rule. It is assumed they do this using a stochastic approximation algorithm. It turns out that as a certain parameter describing the sensitivity of beliefs to new information gets small, the algorithm converges to a small noise diffusion process. The dynamics of exchange rate changes are then characterized using large deviation techniques from Freidlin and Wentzell (Random Perturbations of Dynamical Systems, Second Edition, Berlin: Springer‐Verlag, 1998). These methods describe the sense in which the limiting distribution of exchange rate changes is approximated by a two‐state Markov‐Switching process, where the two states correspond to the two E‐stable equilibria. The model is calibrated to the exchange rate histories of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Currency crises in these countries resemble the predicted “escape routes” of the model. A key feature of these escape routes is that expectations of a devaluation erupt suddenly, without large contemporaneous shocks. This is consistent with evidence showing that crises are often poorly anticipated by financial markets.  相似文献   

We calibrate a simple neoclassical growth model adapted to illustrate a process of structural transformation or industrialization to a group of nine South American countries. The paper shows that low levels of agricultural productivity can substantially delay the process of industrialization, which, together with low levels of non‐agricultural productivity observed in recent decades, satisfactorily explains the significant differences in gross domestic product (GDP) per capita levels among the countries in our sample. The results suggest that Argentina underwent the process of industrialization first followed by Uruguay, Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia. The model predicts that the ranking of these countries in terms of GDP per capita would follow this order until convergence occurs. The empirical evidence confirms the prediction of the model with the exceptions of Uruguay and Chile which caught up with Argentina in terms of GDP per capita levels in the late 1980s.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate the impact of inflation on consumer expenditures in Argentina, Brazil and Chile. Attention is also given to the impact of uncertainty about inflation and to the role of liquid assets.  相似文献   

The present paper introduces a novel method for the construction of Socioeconomic Status (SES) indices that are specific to a target variable of interest. It is based on the Sufficient Dimension Reduction (SDR) paradigm and uses a factorized model-based approach to simultaneously deal with predictor variables of mixed nature (i.e. quantitative, binary, and ordinal), which are usual in microeconomic data. These SES indices also identify relevant predictor variables using a two-step regularized matrix factorization approach. Using data from household surveys for Argentina (Encuesta Permanente de Hogares-EPH), the proposed method is compared with other existing dimension reduction algorithms such as standard Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and its version for mixed variables, regression on the full set of variables and Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator regression (LASSO).  相似文献   

This paper represents an attempt to model movements of the exchange rate between the US dollar and Greek drachma. A stuctural model is set up, and then a reduced-form error correction(EC) speicifcation is derived. On the basis of co-integration test, the results do not support the existence of al long-run equilibrium relationship between the exchange rate and price differential. Furthermore, the instrumental variable estimation of the EC model indicates that the monetary authorities have pursued a short-run anti-inflationary exchange rate poilicy that appreciates the exchange rate in the presence of wage inflation as an attempt to mitigate the depreciating pressures on the domestic currency and thus to ease the adjustment required on Greek producers.  相似文献   

This paper studies both positive and normative aspects of quantity-based capital controls in a small open economy undergoing a temporary inflation stabilization plan. In the model, capital controls are implemented by choosing two policy variables: a ceiling on the private sector debt and a terminal date for removing controls; the date on which controls trigger and hence its duration are endogenously determined. Equilibrium dynamics are characterized for all feasible range of debt ceilings and durations. Temporary controls that end with the collapse of the stabilization plan are shown to mitigate consumption boom-bust cycles and dominate allocations under perfect capital mobility, thus providing a “second-best” rationale for employing them. For controls that are prolonged beyond the collapse of the stabilization plan, equilibria exist even when the debt ceiling is above the debt that accumulates under perfect capital mobility. Here, if the ceiling is sufficiently low, controls mitigate consumption cycles. Conversely, a sufficiently high ceiling amplifies consumption cycles. For prolonged controls, there is a critical value of debt ceiling below (above) which the welfare is higher (lower) relative to the perfect capital mobility case. Finally, for a given debt ceiling, prolonged controls rank lower in welfare than those that end with the stabilization plan. We would like to thank two anonymous referees and the editor whose suggestions have helped us improve the paper substantially. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   

This paper is based on an application of the complex systems approach to economics with the objective of exploring the micro- and meso-mechanisms of development. Under this approach, innovation can be seen as an emergent property that depends on micro interaction and on specificities of macro structure. This study emphasizes that the micro interactions can be described by the feedback mechanisms between the absorption and connectivity capacities of firms, and the macro structure by processes of creative destruction, knowledge appropriation and structural change. The paper presents empirical evidence on the feedback loops between absorption and connectivity capacities in production networks in Argentina and their impact on innovation results. This paper concludes that the restrictions on absorption capacity and mainly on connectivity capacity in several production networks in Argentina condition the development of positive feedbacks between the two capacities, and hence the scope of the innovation path.  相似文献   

Past research on European Union (EU) Enlargement has tended to neglect the effects on trade with non-preferred trading partners. This paper examines the consequences of EU enlargement on trade between Spain and the Latin American countries with which it has traditional economic and cultural ties. An import demand functions model was estimated for the period 1964–93. The country-level results showed that Spanish accession to the EU only had large adverse effects on its imports from Argentina. The results for non-agricultural products indicated a general absence of negative effects on Spanish imports. The aggregate results from the ex post model provide support for some, but not all, of the ex ante predictions of previous studies.  相似文献   

This paper explains and presents supporting evidence for the hypothesis that institutional preservation is the central motive for Federal Reserve decision makers' behavior. Welfare maximization can, under certain conditions (i.e., via a vote maximization motive or the direct attribution of socially desirable goals), be a part of the preservation hypothesis, but it is inconsistent with substantial parts of Federal Reserve behavior. This paper presents evidence of this inconsistent behavior that the preservation hypothesis can explain. Such evidence includes opposing better coordination with voters'choices, creating an internally authorized fund that makes foreign loans without congressional authorization, opposing better monetary control procedures, organizing lobbying campaigns to defeat legislation to audit the Federal Reserve and make its meetings open to public scrutiny, failing to take minutes after legislation was enacted, and impairing information dispersal about funding for the Watergate burglars. The paper analyzes, in terms of institutional preservation, the results of recent research on the relationship of central banks' independence from short-run political forces and their anti-inflationary monetary policies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the 529 College Savings Plan market using a plan level panel data set covering the years 2002–2006. The results show evidence of limited market competition and a positive relationship between state tax benefits and 529 plan fees. A $100 increase in potential taxable income benefit from investing in a 529 plan is associated with a 3–6 basis point increase in investment management fees for direct‐sold 529 College Savings Plans. This suggests that government policies designed to make college more affordable could enable investment firms to charge excess fees. (JEL G11, H24, I22)  相似文献   

The menu-costs model developed by Ball and Mankiw (BM) [Ball, L., Mankiw, N.G., 1994. Asymmetric price adjustment and economic fluctuations. Economic Journal 104 (423), 247–261; Ball, L., Mankiw, N.G., 1995. Relative-Price Changes as Aggregate supply shocks. Quarterly Journal of Economics 110 (1), 161–193] predicts that inflation is positively related to the skewness of price changes distribution. We test this prediction in different inflationary contexts: Spain (1975–2002) and Argentina (1960–1989). We find a positive inflation–skewness relationship in both countries at low inflation, even though the mean annual inflation rates were very different: 2.2% for Spain and 23% for Argentina. Therefore, the threshold of low inflation under which the menu-costs model is suitable is determined endogenously, and it depends on the inflationary experience of each economy. In the higher inflation periods skewness is not significant. Finally, our results suggest that the menu-costs model is not suitable beyond certain threshold of inflation.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the use of microeconometric decomposition techniques to characterize changes in aggregate variables. In particular, it studies the effect of changes in the employment structure on the labour informality rate for salaried workers in the greater Buenos Aires area (Argentina). To that aim it computes the difference between the informality rate at moment t and the rate that results from combining the population at moment t with the parameters estimated at moment t that link observable individual characteristics to the informality decision. The article concludes that the deep change of the employment structure in Argentina during the 1980s and the 1990s has had a significant but minor effect on the labour informality rate.  相似文献   

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