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计量模型中的加总偏误与检验方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从加总数据的基本类型出发,依据无偏性条件研究发现非加总数据模型的内生性与加总过程中的内生性是产生加总偏误的根本原因,进而指出了解决内生性的一般性思路。在加总偏误的统计特性检验方面,首先通过构建Wald统计量进行无偏性检验分析,接着通过方差分析得出了方差最小性的条件并对加总模型和非加总数据模型的拟合优度进行了比较研究。本文的分析有助于认识加总偏误的本质,进一步推动线性计量模型加总偏误问题的研究。  相似文献   

理论文献已经证明了细分数据模型的内生性和加总过程产生的内生性是加总偏误的根本原因。但是由于内生性涉及误差项与回归量之间的相关性问题,试图通过实证方法审视这两类内生性对加总偏误的影响变得比较困难,而数值模拟却是一个较为理想的方法。在数值模拟中,我们通过控制随机变量的分布形式以及随机变量之间的相关程度,进而对两类内生性因素产生的加总偏误进行全面细致的考察。本文的研究将为加总偏误的内生性解释提供有力证据。  相似文献   

本文以西方成熟股市为基础的股价行为模型,对我国股价行为特性及模式展开讨论。分析表明,中国股市长期存在着随机投机冲击所引起的股价泡沫,而这种泡沫的内生性决定当期股票价格不能包含过去股票价格的所有信息,从而导致了股价行为的复合性特征,利用剔除法及加总原理推导出了我国股票价格的行为模型。  相似文献   

2005年欧盟给中国纺织服装产品出口一个非同寻常的配额缓冲期,而且在这段时间欧盟为中国纺织品进口发放了数量可观的配额许可,这是一个非常奇特的现象。通过对价值增值和就业等指标进行分析后发现,欧盟纺织服装产业存在分层现象,而且欧盟纺织服装业贸易利益集团的非对称性贸易特征非常明显,这会影响贸易集团游说收益。基于产业分层和贸易集团非对称性这一背景,从政治经济学角度就欧盟宪法法国公投对欧盟配额政策执行的影响进行分析,结果显示:法国公投结果对欧盟非对称贸易集团利益的影响是欧盟配额政策变动的根本原因。  相似文献   

2005年欧盟给中国纺织服装产品出口一个非同寻常的配额缓冲期,而且在这段时间欧盟为中国纺织品进口发放了数量可观的配额许可,这是一个非常奇特的现象。通过对价值增值和就业等指标进行分析后发现,欧盟纺织服装产业存在分层现象,而且欧盟纺织服装业贸易利益集团的非对称性贸易特征非常明显,这会影响贸易集团游说收益。基于产业分层和贸易集团非对称性这一背景,从政治经济学角度就欧盟宪法法国公投对欧盟配额政策执行的影响进行分析,结果显示:法国公投结果对欧盟非对称贸易集团利益的影响是欧盟配额政策变动的根本原因。  相似文献   

海峡两岸的产业发展符合内生性产业发展规律。本文通过产业发展阶段、影响企业利润函数的关键因素和基于全球价值链动力机制的产业分类这三个维度相匹配,提出了拓展的内生性产业发展模型。在拓展的内生性产业发展模型基础上,从整体框架与具体平台两个层面解读两岸产业合作制度性框架,提出分阶段、分产业类型、分因素的两岸产业协调性政策及其调整路径。  相似文献   

资本度量的核心问题是加总问题。加总问题涉及到广泛的理论与实践问题,而大量的理论与实践也离不开加总。经济理论通常都是以微观经济单元的决策过程为基础的,对于任何多于一个微观经济单元的决策结果进行描述,都存在着加总问题。在进行经济分析时,不论是理论研究还是实际工作,任何人都无法回避由不同物品和服务加总得到的变量或数据。  相似文献   

2006年10月11日,欧委会宣布拟定贸易新战略,将贸易政策与欧盟加强竞争力和进行经济改革的议程结合起来,致力于为企业界开发新的贸易市场,并保证这些企业得到公平对待。从2006年秋季开始到2007全年,欧委会将通过一系列有关活动启动欧盟贸易政策中的竞争力提高议程。这些议程涉及到与主要贸易伙伴签定双边自由贸易协定、保护知识产权、非关税贸易壁垒等多方面的内容,更提到中国将是未来几年欧盟贸易政策面临的最大的单一挑战。  相似文献   

根据供销系统490家农产品批发市场的调查数据,本文利用多元回归模型分析了市场财政扶持在扩大交易规模、带动就业和带动农户发展方面的政策效果,并采用倾向得分匹配方法讨论了来自样本自选择偏误的内生性问题对评价结果的影响.多元回归分析结果显示财政扶持对农产品批发市场交易规模提升和带动就业人数具有显著促进作用,但对带动农户数的影响不显著.在利用倾向得分匹配方法控制了内生性问题的偏误后,财政扶持对农产品批发市场交易额、带动就业人数和带动农户数的影响均不显著,说明忽略内生性问题会导致对财政扶持政策效果的高估.  相似文献   

作为中国文化传播的重要渠道,孔子学院增强了外国受众对中国文化的了解、感知和认同,进而影响进出口贸易。本文在利用倾向匹配得分和倍差法有效控制样本选择偏误和内生性的情况下,实证检验了孔子学院对中国文化产品出口的影响。研究结果发现,短期内孔子学院对中国文化产品出口的作用不显著,但长期内,每成立一所孔子学院,中国出口到成立国的文化产品贸易额平均增加1.19%。表明长期来看,孔子学院不仅有助于推广汉语和传播中国文化,同时会促进中国文化产品贸易的发展。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2001,25(3):183-214
The Eastern enlargement of the European Union (EU) is likely to give a further boost to trade and capital flows, yet empirical evidence on its possible effects is scarce. This paper uses four different datasets to estimate the determinants of international asset holdings and trade flows. We find in most regressions that EU membership has a significant effect. Based on additional forecasts of the expected flows to 10 transition economies, we conclude that for the EU candidates actual levels are still far below expected values in most cases. Consequently, we anticipate raising capital and trade flows with the approach of EU accession, in particular for the seven EU candidates besides the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland.  相似文献   

王斌  王健  刘宝凤 《价值工程》2013,32(5):160-162
通过考察欧债危机下我国对欧贸易额、贸易结构、贸易比重的变化,利用相关数据,建立了ARMA模型,进一步定量分析中欧贸易总额实际值与预测值的差别。利用近四年来月度数据,建立ARIMA模型,对未来5个月的进出口贸易总额进行了预测,最后提出了应对欧债危机,促进中欧贸易的建议。  相似文献   


The Eurozone crisis has exposed several weaknesses of the European Monetary Union economies. This paper aims to assess the impact on external competitiveness of an expansionary capital stock policy that could contribute to reduce the trade balance asymmetries within the EU and help European exporters to recover their competitive role in international markets. A policy action to increase capital stock accumulation through investment in selected European countries could generate a double dividend: increasing both price and nonprice competitiveness, so stimulating their competitive position as exporters, and consolidating the growth path of EU economy. The analysis employs a bilateral trade model built at INFORUM with several distinguishing characteristics: a comprehensive bilateral data set, econometric estimation of key parameters, and emphasis on sectoral details. Our findings show that a capital stock increase is effective in narrowing trade imbalances within EU. Heterogeneous effects are estimated for commodities in China and the US.  相似文献   

With the help of a standard 2 × 2 trade model, we develop several hypotheses on the effects of cross-border sourcing on skill intensity in production. The focus is on cross-border sourcing of low-skill-intensive components of exports and import-competing products. We test the aforementioned hypotheses with panel data for manufacturing in the European Union (EU). We find that outward processing is more prevalent in import-competing industries, which are also the EU’s relatively intensive users of low-skilled labor. Outward processing in export industries is found to reduce the skill-to-low-skill ratio in EU industries, while outward processing in import-competing industries has more ambiguous effects.  相似文献   

周冰 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):132-133
欧盟是我国双边贸易中的第一大贸易伙伴,但中欧之间的中欧经贸关系发展中仍然存在一些不和谐的因素。我国目前是世界上遭到反倾销指控最多的国家,而其欧盟是对中国反倾销指控最多的地区之一。因此,有必要对中欧之间的反倾销制度进行比较,对我国企业更好地参与国际贸易提供建议。文章将结合经济学与法学的知识探讨中欧反倾销法差异问题,并在研究的基础上对中国的反倾销立法的完善和我国企业的应对上提出有益的建议。  相似文献   

UK Intra-industry Trade with the EU North and South   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper tests the traditional country and industry hypotheses of intra-industry trade (IIT) in vertically and horizontally differentiated products in the context of the UK's bilateral trade with EU countries. It distinguishes empirically between IIT in vertically and horizontally differential goods, between trade with EU 'North' and 'South' and between the effects of using GDP proxies and direct measures of national factor endowment differences. The paper shows that the robustness of the results of earlier multi-country studies are open to challenge, that the separation of IIT into vertical and horizontal IIT offers an important innovation to the empirical work in this area and that further development of large numbers models of IIT in quality differentiated goods is required.  相似文献   

We apply a gravity model to 1980–1996 annual nonfuel imports data for 58 countries to quantify the effects of recently created or revamped PTAs on trade. We modify the gravity equation to identify separate effects of PTAs on intrabloc trade, members’ total imports and their total exports and to test for significant changes in trade patterns following the creation of trade blocs. We find no indication that ‘new regionalism’ boosted intrabloc trade significantly and we find trade diversion only for the EU and EFTA. The latter also exhibit ‘export diversion’, which could indicate their imposing welfare costs on other countries. Latin American trade liberalization in the 1990s had a positive impact on bloc members’ imports and, usually, exports.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2005,29(1):6-31
This paper examines the role of transportation costs in causing the countries of Central Asia to generate far less trade with the European Union (EU) than their relative location would suggest. Based on data collected from transport professionals, it detects a sharp increase in the transportation costs and time at Warsaw, moving east from the EU towards the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). In the case of Central Asia, border-crossing problems, low traded volumes and trade imbalance, inter alia, seem to be major explanations of the unexpected low trade level between Central Asia and the EU.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the European Union (EU) integration has resulted in significant trade decrease with the three Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) sub-groups during 1981–2000: NAFTA, ASEAN, and NIC. To include all the trade data including those with zero data values, this study estimates the modified gravity model using the scaled ordinary least squares method. First, as expected, the EU countries have reduced trade with all three sub-groups, especially during 1996–2000. However, the ASEAN countries maintain a stable level of trade growth with the EU countries. Second, the results indicate that the EU, ASEAN, and NIC countries trade significantly more among themselves due to their respective integration schemes. (JEL F20, F100)  相似文献   

We estimate the determinants of labor productivity growth in 8 new European Union (EU) member states that joined the Union in 2004. Our focus is on the impact of globalization and EU integration efforts on labor productivity growth. Previous studies test the impact of trade using either exports or trade openness. We also test the impact of imports separately on labor productivity growth. Using panel data for 1995–2006 period, we find that globalization has mixed effects. FDI and exports improve productivity, but imports hurt it. Regarding domestic variables, we find that human capital is the most important source of labor productivity growth in the new member states. There is also considerable adjustment of labor productivity towards EU15 levels, indicating significant “catching up” and hence real convergence. Policy implications of the findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

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