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作为全球著名IT服务厂商之一,且连续12年领跑日本PC市场的NEC,日前面对高端商务用户推出NEC VERSA P8100笔记本电脑。除完美融合了台式电脑的强大功能、英特尔PRO/2200BG(802.11b/g双模)的无线通信与高移动性外,NEC VERSA P8100在数字高清“高歌猛进”千家万户之际,引领了现代数码影音的风尚。  相似文献   

在IT领域,NEC一直以其领先的技术,可靠的品质和全面的产品线为业界所推崇,在越来越追求经典、实用、完备的IT市场,NEC的产品代表了业界新的发展趋势。  相似文献   

NEC发起议题:信息化项目名称:促进信息化社会2014 NEC创新解决方案展聚焦平安、养老、医疗、教育等7月4日,以"建智慧城市创美好生活"为主题的2014NEC创新解决方案展在京召开,NEC展示了人脸识别、城市监控、移动智慧医疗、下一代数据中心网络、M2M物联网等近四十种成熟、实用的解决方案,应用运营商网络、IT服务、IT网络平台、显示产品解决方案、软件开发等解决平安、养老、医疗、教育等领域的社会问题。  相似文献   

简介日电(中国)有限公司(简称NEC)是一家跨国信息技术公司,总部位于日本东京港区(Minato-Ku)。NEC为商业企业、通信服务以及政府提供信息技术(IT)和网络产品。它的经营范围主要分成三个部分:NEC还是地球模拟器(Earth Simulator)的发明者,它曾经是世界上最快的超级计算机。  相似文献   

联想与NEC建立合资公司 1月27日,联想集团宣布与日本电器厂商NEC达成合资协议,双方将成立一家PC企业。联想集团将拥有合资企业51%股权,通过全资附属公司Lenovo BV注册合资公司,  相似文献   

2002年上半年,IT服务市场的快速成长和日趋成熟,促使IT厂商向全方位服务提供商转型  相似文献   

饱受市场低迷之苦,强忍“黎明前黑暗”之痛的IT业,纷纷把目光开始瞄向了“服务”。2002年被业界称为IT企业转型服务之年,各IT厂商正在探索适合自身的服务模式。国内著名IT厂商清华同方率先举办了IT服务听证会。业界评论认为,同方此举显示了2002年中国IT服务业开始进入一个新的发展时期。  相似文献   

随着“商城”经营模式在中关村的崛起,IT厂商纷纷“逐鹿”各大商城。为体现公司的气派与不俗,一向施行“银根紧缩”政策的广商亦不吝重金将展台打扮得“国色天香”。展台布置对厂商来说可是“门外汉”,但厂商倒也不必分神太多,只须一个电话,装饰公司随即派员亲临现场为厂商提供一整套“解决方案”。哪个角落该摆什么形状的桌子,哪个部位该用什么材料,字体多大该着何种颜色,……都无须厂商牵肠挂肚,“解决方案”均已安排妥当。当为用户提供满意的解决方案深入到我们生活的各个领域时,而代表最新科技的的IT业似乎和我们生活格格不入,为用户提供全套解决方案的经营理念并未被广大IT厂商所接受。长期以来,在销售高科技产品的过程中,厂商只是片面地强调产品的性能与价格,很少向用户提供产品的整套应用方案。因此,IT  相似文献   

2008年1月29日,日系手机厂商京瓷宣布,正式退出中国手机市场.京瓷的退出,意味着继东芝、松下、三菱和NEC手机之后,日系手机全线撤出中国市场.  相似文献   

2008年1月29日,日系手机厂商京瓷宣布,正式退出中国手机市场.京瓷的退出,意味着继东芝、松下、三菱和NEC手机之后,日系手机全线撤出中国市场.  相似文献   

This study examined three factors that influence information technology (IT) success in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs): internal IT support, external IT support, and IT management. Using survey data gathered from 289 small and medium‐sized Chartered Accounting firms in New Zealand, the results suggest that IT management in SMEs is best understood as a multidimensional concept consisting of practices related to: IT planning, IT organizing, IT controlling, and IT leading. This view clarifies and improves our understanding of the nature and character of IT management in SMEs. The results show that some SMEs are significantly more sophisticated than others in terms of their IT management practices. Both IT planning and IT leading were found to influence IT success.  相似文献   

This paper investigates which drivers affect information technology (IT) adoption and which factors relate to a successful IT implementation in small businesses, where the adoption rate is traditionally low and the failure rate is high. The findings from this study suggest that customers are the main driving force of IT adoption. When it comes to IT implementation, our results suggest that managers/owner–managers must engage with five factors: organization, internal IT resources, external IT consultants, supplier relations, and customer relations. These findings give further insight into IT adoption in small businesses and highlight the importance of customer relations in the adoption process.  相似文献   

中印两国IT服务外包国际竞争力比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了对中印两国的IT服务外包的竞争力进行比较全面地分析和评价,从两国IT业发展的现状、IT服务外包的现状进行比较,并运用贸易竞争优势指数(TCI)、显性比较优势指数(RCA)和IT服务贸易开放度(SO)三种指标体系对两国的IT服务外包业进行定量的分析。得出结论,印度IT业由于国内市场需求不足且增长缓慢,依赖于承接国外的离岸外包,而中国的IT业服务外包多是在国内进行的在岸外包。因此,中国要发展自己的IT业,必须立足国内市场,结合自身实际情况,制定合理的发展战略,积极发展自己的IT离岸外包。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether information technology (IT) and decentralized and incentive-based workplace organization are complementary only for large firms or also for smaller firms. Previous empirical evidence suggesting complementarity between IT and decentralization is mainly based on large firms. Using data from a sample of 3,288 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and 595 larger firms from the manufacturing and service sector in Germany, it appears that SMEs with decentralized and incentive-based work practices tend to use IT more intensively. Moreover, for the sample of SMEs, IT and workplace organization are individually associated with higher productivity, but the combination of IT and decentralization does not yield a productivity premium. In contrast, the productivity of IT depends positively on decentralization for large firms. The findings suggest that combining IT and decentralized workplace organization seems only to be a successful strategy for larger firms.  相似文献   

In the Net Economy, numerous start-ups relying on Internet-based business models have been founded in the recent years. In these ventures IT experts are confronted with different requirements to those of traditional software development. It can thus be assumed that founders in the Net Economy prefer IT experts with a different competence profile. Based on an elaborate competence model for IT experts in Internet-based ventures, founder preferences are empirically analyzed and related to the novelty of the venture’s product. An adaptive conjoint analysis is applied to obtain utility values for single components of competence. Using cluster analysis, four different competence profiles are identified which correspond to prototypical IT experts bearing different core functions. Data analysis suggests that founders with more innovative products differ from founders with less innovative products in their perception of the optimal IT expert’s competence profile. The results have implications both for career decisions of IT experts and for founders of Internet start-ups who are looking for co-founding IT experts. This study is one of the first to explicitly focus on IT competence in Internet-based ventures. It therefore extends existing research on IT competence to a new and dynamic industry.  相似文献   

陈岗  李卫峰 《商业研究》2006,(22):156-162
IT服务管理的发展历程分为概念酝酿期、思想形成期、理论成长期、标准和方法开发完善期。IT服务管理打通了IT部门和业务部门之间的结构性障碍,全面和系统地实施IT基础架构的管理,计量IT服务成本和效益,为组织IT服务外包提供指导方法。IT服务管理将向组织管理、时效管理、风险管理、成本控制管理、技术管理等方向发展。随着信息技术在组织中的地位越来越突出,IT服务管理必将快速在中国得以应用,并形成一个新兴的IT应用领域。  相似文献   

Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and IT Diffusion Policies in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The main argument to justify an information technology (IT) diffusion policy for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is that IT could act as a catalyzer to the SMEs' growth, which is important because of the role played by these firms in innovation and regional development. However, due to the heterogeneity of SMEs, present IT diffusion policies in Europe are reaching only a limited number of these firms. The aim of this paper is to discuss the obstacles to the implementation of an IT diffusion policy for SMEs. The main arguments that justify a policy for IT diffusion in SMEs, and the main initiatives taken for IT diffusion in these firms in European countries are summarized. The shortcomings of present policies will be discussed, together with possibilities to increase IT diffusion in SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of information technology (IT) adoption on the productivity of multimarket small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The main hypothesis is that IT usage increases efficiency to a higher degree in diversified and internationalized firms compared with single-market SMEs. This hypothesis is tested using a large sample of more than 2,000 Spanish SMEs. Overall, intensive use of IT in operations processes is found to be associated with substantial increases in productivity of firms following both related and unrelated diversification. Also, exporting firms with more intensive use of IT have higher productivity. These results are consistent with previous theoretical arguments on the relationship between IT and efficiency of firms and open future research directions related to the role played by IT in the management control systems of both diversified and exporting firms.  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) is the backbone of supply chain management (SCM). However, selection of specific IT applications must be made in alignment with the organizations' competitive priorities. This article profiles differences between firms based on their level of IT usage focusing on organizational competitive priorities, choice of specific IT applications, and performance measures achieved.  相似文献   

基于IT能力的企业信息化非技术影响因素研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
企业要想从信息技术应用中获得利润,必须投资于培育整体的信息技术能力,而并非孤立的IT系统。信息技术能力不仅依赖于技术因素,还依赖于非技术因素,单一非技术因素的忽视就能直接削弱企业信息技术能力。很多企业在信息化中对非技术因素缺乏足够的认识和管理,形成了非技术因素管理缺口,从而造成信息化项目成功率不高、效益不高。因此,针对我国企业信息化过程中的非技术因素问题,探索性地提出了构建基于IT能力的非技术因素分析框架,并对高层领导支持、组织变革与变革管理、企业的文化管理三方面的非技术因素以及之间作用机制进行重点分析。对推进我国企业信息化进程和整体信息技术能力的提升具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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