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12月18至20日,一场主题为“突破创新,共营祥和”的包装印刷行业大型主题交流活动在平面设计之都创意产业园举行。其中18日登场的“从OEM迈向OSM——中国包装设计界巅峰盛会”,一批国内包装设计界的名家,以各自的设计创意理念和管理策略纵论设计走向,论证中国的包装艺术设计更高层面的走向。  相似文献   

正从现状看,学者多把现有的包装设计,归划到平面设计这一领域内,认为总的平面设计,会涵盖着各类别的包装。在设计理念这一层面中,也单纯去注重平面带有的视觉效果,混同了二者含有的设计理念。实际上,包装设计,应指整体框架下的系统设计,它整合了包装带有的自然特性及社会特性;然而,平面设计,应指借助视觉,去传递潜藏着的艺术状态,归属于同一平面之内的特有设计。因此,有必要明晰两个类别设计含有的共性,更要去解析二者  相似文献   

进入WTO的今天,为了与国际包装设计接轨,必须对现代包装设计的新概念、新理念及新方法进行更深入的研究和探讨,以适应不断发展的需求。现代包装设计是随着当今世界上最为流行的各种设计理念与设计流派的演变而不断发展变化的。也正是这些新的设计理念,拓宽了现代包装设计的范畴,促进了现代包装设计形态的发展,同时,也更加丰富了现代包装设计的设计语言。如:简约包装设计、绿色包装设计、人性化设计等新的设计理念,日益充实和直接影响着今天的包装设计领域。现代包装设计的新思想、新概念也正逐步被更多的现代人所认识和接受。一…  相似文献   

通过简要分析国内包装设计专业的教学现状,指出公司企划运作中设计管理是连接管理与设计的纽带,是两者互动的必然;一个全面的包装设计人才必须具备设计管理素质。最后,针对包装设计专业设计管理教学的安排进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

关于包装的概念,业内人士可能认为不屑再提,普通消费者似乎也都心里明白。然而在实现中,对包装的实质概念仍有许多认识不清的问题,如有些企业的决策者和专业人员在新产品开发中,往往摆错了产品主体与包装的关系,使产品与包装本末倒置;有些专家和官员一谈到包装发展史,就把古代人民创造的日用器具中的容器搬出来一概都作为包装例证来讲,以我国仰韶文化时期汲水用的尖底罐和人面鱼纹彩陶盆,以至烧水煮食的三足鼎与商周时代的青铜器等日用器皿作为古代包装的典型;搞装潢的平面设计师说包装属于平面设计范畴,工业设计师说包装涵概在…  相似文献   

销售包装设计与消费者心理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商品包装的基本功能可解释为保护产品 ,方便储存 ,促进销售。而商品包装的最终目的是为了将商品销售给消费者 ,商品的销售包装与消费者有着紧密的联系 ,因此研究商品的销售包装设计与消费者心理是每个商品包装设计者应当注重的问题。一、销售包装设计的基本内容和设计原则商品的销售包装设计是指选用合适的包装材料 ,运用巧妙的工艺技术手段 ,为包装商品所进行的容器结构造型设计和表面装潢设计。商品的销售包装设计通过对包装容器结构造型、图案、色彩、文字的技术和艺术加工 ,反映出商品的品质、特点、用途、保质期等基本信息 ,使其对消费…  相似文献   

新世纪之初,有幸与株洲工学院包装设计艺术分院部分专业教师赴欧洲八国进行艺术考察学习.出于本人从事包装设计研究的职业本能,旅途中特意留心观察与包装相关的一些事物.在乘机、食宿、购物、沿途参观等活动中,深深感受到欧洲各国人民的生态环境保护意识和节约资源的意识.相形之下,我国则存在较多的问题.本文侧重从包装消费角度,结合我国的情况简要归纳阐述几点看法,以期从立法和设计的源头上遏制和减少包装垃圾,净化人们的生存环境,推进绿色包装的设计、生产和发展.  相似文献   

模块化设计方法在包装设计中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模块化设计方法在包装领域的应用主要包括:模块的拆分与重组设计和更改子模块来实现整体包装的差异化设计两种。前者主要通过对子模块进行标准化设计,使得各个子模块之间能够进行相互组合,形成不同规格、不同尺寸、不同形制的包装;后者则主要是通过改变某一子模块,来实现整体包装的差异化设计目标。  相似文献   

现代包装设计是指以现代科技对产品包装进行开发研究,达到最理想、最适用的新包装而进行的设计。  相似文献   

一个国家包装工业的发展水平及其包装设计研发理念,是该国经济生活中文明程度的重要标志。包装产业不仅涵盖了包装产品的设计、生产,包装印刷,包装原辅材料供应,包装机械以及包装设备制造等多个生产领域,其包装制品还参与到第一至第三产业,货物流通的每一个环节。对使用后的包装产品进行处置、回收和再生利用是包装工业永久性的社会责任。因此,包装产业的发展与全球经济一体化和人类社会可持续发展息息相关。包装产业作为“朝阳产业”,必将对全球制造业发展及其产品的国际间流通产生不可低估的作用。[编者按]  相似文献   

International Journal of Technology and Design Education - Learning about design and learning through design have emerged in the literature and important works show heuristics and matrices for...  相似文献   

绿色设计在工业产品设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张伟 《河北工业科技》2007,24(4):241-243
随着人类生存环境的不断恶化,资源可持续发展的重要性逐渐被人们所认识,引发了绿色设计和人性化设计等设计思潮。从3个方面对绿色设计在工业设计中的应用进行了认识分析,指出绿色设计融入工业设计是工业设计发展的必然趋势,它会使工业设计更加符合人类消费心理的需求,符合社会发展的需求,使工业设计理论更为科学实用。  相似文献   

The investigation reported here dealt with the study of motivation for creativity. The goals were to assess motivation for creativity in architectural design and engineering design students based on the Cognitive Orientation theory which defines motivation as a function of a set of belief types, themes, and groupings identified as relevant for the development of creativity. Differences between the two groups of students were expected in some of the scores of the belief types, themes, and groupings. Participants were 112 students (52 from architecture, and 60 from engineering) who were administered the questionnaire of the Cognitive Orientation of Creativity. Significant differences in numerous motivational contents were observed between the groups of students. Major characteristics of the architectural design students were an emphasis on the inner world, inner-directedness, and a development of the self, and of the engineering design students being receptive to the environment, and demanding from oneself despite potential difficulties. The findings provide insights for intervention programs targeted at improving architectural and engineering design education.  相似文献   

User-oriented design for the optimal combination on product design   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper presents a new approach of user-oriented design for transforming users’ perception into product elements design. An experimental study on mobile phones is conducted to examine how product form and product color affect product image individually and as a whole. The concept of Kansei Engineering is used to extract the experimental samples as a data base for Quantitative Theory Type I and neural networks (NNs). The result of numerical analysis suggests that mobile phone makers need to provide various product colors to attract users, in addition to product forms. This paper demonstrates the advantage of using NNs for determining the optimal combination of product form and product color, particularly if the product into design elements. Based on the analysis of NNs, we can use 72 representative product colors of each mobile phone to develop a product color data base consisting of 16777216 (=256×256×256, True-Color model) colors with the associated product image. The design data base provides useful insights to save any amount of money and time for the new product development. The product designers can input a product image to work out an adequate color on a mobile phone. Furthermore, the design data base can be used, in conjunction with computer-aided design system or virtual reality technology, to build a 3D model for facilitating the design process of mobile phones. Although, the mobile phones are chosen as the object of the experimental study, this approach can be applied to other products with various design elements.  相似文献   

Design knowledge was reused for innovative design work to support designers with product design knowledge and help designers who lack rich experiences to improve their design capacity and efficiency. First, based on the ontological model of product design knowledge constructed by taxonomy, implicit and explicit knowledge was extracted from some design cases. The design knowledge was expressed using a constructional organization. With the knowledge map, design knowledge was illustrated to help novice designers reconstruct specific design cases, thus, encouraging innovative design. Four groups of designers were invited to participate in an experiment for the design knowledge map system. The experiment results verified the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

IC设计服务业是一个拒绝胆小者的行业.当行业景气时,你要疲于应付大量的业务订单以至于会白日做梦般地希望克隆公司的高级工程师;但是当芯片业下滑导致行业不景气时,你又会首当其冲成为受害者.基于对IC设计服务市场巨大不稳定性的认识,你一定认为大多数公司都会退避三舍,尽量不涉足此项业务.然而,这次你却错了.  相似文献   

There is little in-depth research that can assist designers to use culture as a catalyst for designing innovative products within Botswana’s context. The concept of culture and design are intertwined, thus modifications stemming from cultural evolution both reflect and determine developments in design. The paper discusses an experimental design approach conducted at the University of Botswana and participants challenge was to transform and encode socio-cultural factors into product design features. The paper concludes by discussing a model which has shown one way concerning how to consciously specify, analyse and integrate socio-cultural factors in the design process.  相似文献   

由于地球环境的不断恶化和世界经济长期发展的需要,保护环境与资源的观念已成为人们的共识并且将直接约束企业的经营行为,然而,污染预防的根本性措施是在产品的设计阶段就考虑产品对环境的影响。随着人们的消费意识朝着环保型产品的方向转变,在欧美等发达国家,包装的绿色设计与制造应运而生。  相似文献   

Myth in design     
Conclusion Like our society, design is riddled with myths. Not all are harmful. Indeed, there is often a symbiotic relationship. Myths are also useful as a learning device in which the unintelligible —randomness, is reduced to the intelligible — a pattern. However, if we are striving, as designers, to gain understanding, to have gnosis, then an awareness of the role of myth in design is essential.Myth in design is important because, in casting ideas into tangible forms, it affects the way we think and behave; it not only reflects our past and present, it can also determine our future.  相似文献   

容器造型设计不但是现代社会人们审美观念的趣味的集中反映,同时通过艺术设计,也在不断地提高和影响着人们的审美观念和审美需求。因此,为了提高容器造型设计的艺术品位和审美内涵,我们必须了解和把握审美观念和审美意识的发展变化,注重外在形式的时代审美表现。然而,受社会生产发展水平的影响,审美观念和审美标准因时代不同而有种种差别,表现出历史性局限的审美价值取向及审美风尚。从设计艺术的发展史来看,不同时期的审美观念的差别,形成了各个阶段不同的审美风尚和特定的艺术形式。传统手工业精雕细琢及繁琐堆砌的纹样构成方式,成为工业…  相似文献   

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