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I develop and estimate a model of potential to enter self-employment based on individual and community-level factors. Of particular interest was the influence of racial residential segregation processes, and segregation's tendency to concentrate persons with similar demographic profiles in geographic space. It has been argued that segregation processes can also concentrate poverty and its associated social dislocations. An analysis of a database of 8917 households in four U.S. metropolitan areas revealed that two residential segregation processes (clustering and interaction) limit and enhance potential entry into self-employment for blacks, and provides a partial explanation for the longstanding gaps in white and black self-employment rates.  相似文献   

How does the experience of living in an ethnic enclave during formative years influence the propensity to be self-employed? This study examines the intergenerational influence of exposure to self-employed, co-ethnic neighbors on the likelihood that racial or ethnic minorities will become self-employed. The paper develops a model of factors that influence self-employment likelihood, including intergenerational co-ethnic predictors, and tests them through an analysis of respondents to the 2000 U.S. Census long-form survey (i.e., IPUMS). Results show that higher levels of exposure to entrepreneurial co-ethnics in the parent's generation have a strong impact on self-employment likelihood.  相似文献   

The effects of production and consumption in the informal sectors, i.e., the black sector (illegal because of tax evasion) and the green (household) sector, are described by a macro model. Effects upon employment, balance of payments, and public deficit are considered. Empirical implementation with Danish data shows that the black and green sectors have negligible effects on the government deficit, and that activities in the green sector are much more harmful to white employment and the balance of payments than are activities in the black sector. The results indicate that formal and informal production of services — the major part of the black and green sectors — could be increased without much damage to the balance of payments and the government deficit. Whether such an increase of service production would also solve the social problems related to unemployment is more debatable, since many service jobs are likely to be considered by the public as unproductive uses of labour.
Zusammenfassung Die Auswirkungen von Produktion und Verbrauch im informellen Sektor, also im schwarzen Sektor (Schattenwirtschaft, die wegen Steuerhinterziehung illegal ist) und im grünen Sektor (private Haushalte) werden anhand eines Makromodells beschrieben. Die Wirkungen auf die Beschäftigung, auf das Zahlungsbilanzgleichgewicht und auf die Staatsverschuldung stehen dabei im Mittelpunkt. Die empirische Analyse anhand dänischer Daten macht deutlich, daß der schwarze und der grüne Sektor zu vernachlässigende Auswirkungen auf das Haushaltsdefizit haben, sowie, daß Aktivitäten des grünen Sektors der Vollbeschäftigung und dem Zahlungsbilanzgleichgewicht im weißen Sektor weitaus mehr schaden als Aktivitäten des schwarzen Sektors.Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die formelle und informelle Produktion von Dienstleistungen — Hauptbestandteil des schwarzen und grünen Sektors — ohne größeren Schaden für die Zahlungsbilanz und für das Haushaltsdefizit ausgeweitet werden könnten. Ob ein derartiger Anstieg der Dienstleistungsproduktion die mit der Arbeitslosigkeit verbundenen sozialen Probleme lösen könnte, ist fraglich. Denn die Öffentlichkeit neigt dazu, viele Dienstleistungen als unproduktive Verwendung von Arbeitskraft anzusehen.

Hans Aage is an associate professor at the Institute of Economics, University of Copenhagen, Studiestræde 6, DK-1455 Copenhagen K, Denmark.  相似文献   

Residential segregation has played a central role in theories of minority entrepreneurship and in the diversification of the U.S. labor market. Racial diversity in public accommodations, including schools, has been an issue of continuous public policy debate at least since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Plessy versus Ferguson decision (1896). This study applies theory from the literature on social capital to an examination of the role of racial segregation in the public schools of blacks during childhood on their adult likelihood to become self-employed and their level of occupational status. The model results indicate that, after controlling for a number of individual, household and metropolitan-area factors, lower rates of segregation during public schooling results in higher likelihood of wage-salary employment and self-employment among a cohort of black Americans that attended public schools during the 1960s.  相似文献   

Initial impressions were found to form along well-differentiated lines, namely race and/or sex, in a study involving 450 shoppers at several regional shopping malls. The role of initial impressions in cognitive formation towards retail salespeople was found to be significant. Significant differences were found to exist between members of differing races. A potential implication of the results of this study is a broadened view and heightened awareness of the role initial impressions play in the buyer-seller dyad.  相似文献   

This research examines the previously unstudied role of cultural attachment in international negotiations. Specifically focusing on the fearful attachment style, this article reveals the intricate interaction of cultural attachment, risk perception, and risk regulation on negotiators' ability to claim value in international negotiation. Supporting our theorizing based on cultural attachment and prospect theory, findings show that risk‐averse sellers with fearful attachment to their national culture perceive greater risk and in turn are more motivated to regulate risk through relationship‐building with their counterpart (Study 1). Moreover, these individuals achieve lower economic gains when they regulate relational risk by making fewer threats to walk away (Study 2). We discuss the implications and the importance of understanding one's attachment to own national culture as its interplay with role and risk mechanisms impacts effectiveness in international negotiations.  相似文献   

杨文毅  王磊  张伊娜 《财贸经济》2019,40(7):127-142
消费对于经济增长的促进作用日趋增强,然而消费在空间上却存在明显的分割现象。基于长江中游城市群的银联刷卡消费数据,本文首次研究了城市消费及其跨界流动的态势,并通过建立影响消费的边界效应模型对消费的空间分割现象进行分析。研究发现,从省级尺度来看,省际边界对城市消费具有显著影响,即对城际消费流具有消极的屏障效应,而对城市本地消费则为保护效应;从市级尺度来看,城市边界兼具中介效应和屏障效应,具有地区异质性,约有一半城市的边界对城际消费流具有积极的中介效应。省级和市级尺度边界效应的背离,使得长江中游城市群的消费最终受到省际边界屏障效应的影响而出现空间分割。因此,为了减小区域边界的屏障效应,需要加强省级与市级政府的协商,在政策管理上达成一致;同时更要加强省际的沟通协作,促进区域消费的发展和互利共赢局面的实现。  相似文献   


Salesperson characteristics as well as managerial approaches have been found to play an important role in the development of positive attitudes by salespersons towards an organisation. This study integrates these two research areas to investigate the personal and contextual antecedents of affective organisational commitment of retail salespeople. Fit theory and the literature on person–situation interaction provide the theoretical bases for explaining how salesperson selling skills, job liking, and empowerment individually and jointly influence affective commitment. A multilevel modelling approach is used to analyse data from 105 sales managers and 419 salespeople. Findings reveal that salespersons' affective commitment is influenced by their selling skills, degree of job liking, tenure, and empowerment. The results also indicate that the impact of selling skills on affective commitment is higher when empowerment is high. Based on the study's findings, implications for managing salespeople as well as limitations and suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

拆迁工作的核心与关键是安置好被拆迁群众,其实质就是使被拆迁群体真正适应社区并融入到社区新环境中去。拆迁不仅改变了被拆迁居民的房屋与居住地,更是毁灭性地破坏了被拆迁居民的社会关系和生活秩序,造成原有的生产体系、社会网络、社会组织与社会结构的解体。这就不可避免地造成被拆迁居民在生活、生产、心理、社会关系上的不适应,需要通过加强社区教育,完善社区基础设施,重构居民社会关系网络.建立健全社会保障和支持网络等措施,来增强居民的社区归宿感,密切社区居民关系,解决他们生产生活中面临的问题,使其真正融入社区新环境中。  相似文献   

The study seeks to assess the likelihood and impact of earnout offers on the acquiring company wealth gains in cross border acquisitions in India. The study highlights two cases where earnouts are preferred choices of the acquirer. Firstly, in those cases where the target company is in hi-tech and services sector employing high level of intangible assets that are difficult to value. Secondly, in those cases where the acquirers are mature and already have some international exposures. The results of the event study indicate that earnout offers create significantly higher wealth gains compared to the cash offers only and not the stock offers.  相似文献   

新审计准则对注册会计师执业提出了新的要求,而注册会计师的执业环境、执业水平达不到新准则的要求,超前的审计准则也不利于保护注册会计师的合法权益。应从执业环境、综合素质、质量控制体系、委托模式、审计市场结构等方面采取措施充分发挥新审计准则的作用。  相似文献   

At the U.S.–Mexico border, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are embedded in dual natured institutional and cultural contexts that share common functional and morphological characteristics. In this context firms are challenged by moving from one organizing template to another as embedded network influences constrain and enhance strategic outcomes. We develop and test a model of the impact of embeddedness components including social capital, personal relations and economic interaction on firm outcomes. Our results indicate that these components combine to influence the development of valuable resources and firm adaptation. We find that resources and adaptation significantly relate to SME performance.  相似文献   

针对住宅竣工后经常会出现渗漏的问题,提出了一种有效的防治途径。  相似文献   

人力资本是研究中国当前农村贫困问题的一个有效切入点。农村劳动者的知识、技能、健康、思想观念和迁移能力等人力资本存量对其家庭贫困有着重要的影响,增加人力资本投资是解决农村贫困问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

We integrate insights from family business and organizational ecology into the entrepreneurship field by constructing a theoretical framework that explains how the regional context impacts family and non-family start-ups in differing ways. Regional count data models based on a rich longitudinal dataset reveal that while economic factors such as population size and growth in regions are primarily associated with the number of non-family start-ups, factors related to regional embeddedness, such as pre-existing small family businesses as well as favorable community attitudes toward small businesses, are more strongly associated with the number of family start-ups. Our research provides support for the notion that ‘the regional context’ is an important yet under-theorized area for research on venture creation and family business.  相似文献   

苏晔 《江苏商论》2014,(2):82-84
为了解决城乡共同繁荣问题,提出城乡一体化的智慧城市的建设模式,分析城乡整合建设在观念意识、软硬件条件和政策规划等方面的不足,提出解决对策,构建智慧城市良好的发展环境。  相似文献   

农民工定居城市影响因素的实证分析——以合肥市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗遐 《人口与发展》2012,(1):58-67,73
根据2008年关于农民工定居与城市适应的抽样调查数据,探讨、分析了资本积累与定居的关系。在城时间、进城后职业培训情况、城市交往情况、家庭收入等因素对对定居农民工城市适应具有显著的正向影响,表明城市资本积累是农民工定居的积极影响因素;而进城目的、家庭规模、土地承包情况等对定居都产生负向影响作用。研究结论对于政策制定具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

文章综合利用知识挖掘和文献计量方法,较为系统地整理代表性学术论文,全面介绍浙商研究的基本情况。首先运用可视化图形展示浙商学术研究的增长趋势、多学科交叉关联,以及浙商分类特征、浙商印象关键词群、核心作者群和核心研究机构群。其次选取包括引用率最高的及其它较有代表性的论文,分析梳理基本观点。最后还对今后的浙商研究提出了建议与展望。  相似文献   

WTO是建立在国家基础之上,但是全球化发展削弱了国家许多功能.全球化导致了全球公民社会的兴起,并和国家分享一部分权力,对WTO产生重要影响,其中劳工和环境组织反对WTO的进一步发展,这在西雅图和坎昆部长级多边贸易谈判中可以体现出来.WTO是由国家驱动的,在WTO支持下的全球化发展又导致了国家权成的削弱,这是WTO发展的困境所在,国家如何转型以面对这一局面将是未来WTO发展的关键.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications that the moment of market entry has for the effect of capabilities and competitive tactics on firm performance, using a sample of 253 companies from the information and communications technology industry. The results show that technical capabilities and low cost orientation are learning factors in the firms' performance, regardless of the moment of entry into the market. The study shows how the two perspectives of competitive strategy and resource-based view complement each other to incorporate different competitive factors in a coherent model for the study of entry timing. The study takes the sustainability model of competitive advantage further, by demonstrating that certain capabilities and competitive tactics can allow pioneers and early followers to achieve and maintain superior performance in a dynamic, hostile and with high level of imitation industry. This study also shows that the availability of a combination of marketing capabilities and low cost orientation will allow late followers' firms to take advantage of early entrants' mistakes.  相似文献   

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