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GARCH modelling of banking integration in the Eurozone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigate the progress of integration in the European banking industry and its effects on the price of the common stock of banks listed on European stock exchanges. We estimate the overall effect of progress by comparing the changes in the stock price volatility of listed banks over the period from January 1990 to December 2005. Using univariate and bivariate GARCH models, we document that the introduction of the Euro and the enlargement of the European Union in May 2004 have contributed to the integration process of the banking industry in Europe. We also find evidence of negative volatility spillovers among bank stock returns for different groups of countries that have been involved in various recent stages of the European economic and political integration.  相似文献   

The number of road tunnels in Europe has increased rapidly over the last years. Nevertheless, this increasing number is raising upfront an endogenous problem, which is the severity of accidents that may occur. After the spate of tunnel fires in Europe over the past decade, the European Commission embarked upon a major review of road tunnel safety and launched the Directive 2004/54/EC that sets minimum safety requirements and suggests, apart from the measures imposed based on tunnel characteristics, the implementation of a risk assessment in several cases. As a result, many risk assessment methods have been proposed worldwide, most of them based on quantitative risk assessment (QRA) models. Although QRAs are helpful to address physical aspects and facilities of the infrastructures, current approaches in the road tunnel field have several challenges to meet in order to provide decision-makers with the overall risk picture. Taking into account that QRAs are progressively becoming the selected method to manage tunnel safety and risk, this paper’s purpose is twofold. On the one hand, it aims to inform safety managers and engineers about items which are not adequately handled by current road tunnel QRA models. On the other hand, it aims to suggest potential areas in which improvements should be made. Taking into consideration the challenges and the limitations discussed herein, this paper concludes that QRA models should not be the single criterion for the safety assessment process of these critical infrastructures.  相似文献   

欧盟东扩后产生了贸易创造和贸易转移效应,其中贸易转移效应将影响我国对欧盟出口。东扩的国家人均GDP显著低于西欧,但也显著高于我国,所以与中国相比对欧盟出口可能拥有不同比较优势,对我国不同技术含量的制造业商品出口欧盟会产生不同程度的影响,本文首先分析了中东欧主要国家和我国制造业的双边贸易以及中国和中东欧国家出口欧盟的制造业商品结构,然后基于制造业相对显示性指数实证分析得出:欧盟东扩后,制造业商品出口结构恶化,特别是中低技能技术的制造业产品在东盟东扩后受到的贸易转移效应影响尤为明显,而对我国劳动和资源密集型产品影响不大,还有最近几年的贸易摩擦使得高技能技术产品的出口欧盟受阻,进一步恶化了我国对欧盟制造业商品出口结构。  相似文献   

The overriding British legal requirement for financial reporting of giving ‘a true and fair view’ (TFV) has been exported to continental Europe via the European Community's (EC) Fourth Directive on Company Law. This paper considers accounting rules in continental Europe before this process, and traces the gradual acceptance of the predominance of TFV in the drafting of the Directive after UK accession to the EC. The signifiers used in different European languages in the various drafts of the Directive are examined. It is noted that all (eight) other versions contain only one adjective (generally equivalent to ‘faithful’) rather than true and fair. The origins of the Dutch getrouw, the French fidèle, etc. are looked into. As the Directive evolved, and particularly as it was implemented in the twelve EC states, greater linguistic variety emerged, such that five countries changed the wording from the original Directive and two others qualified the wording. Whether this affects what TFV signifies is investigated. Countries can also be divided into several groups with respect to the effects of having the TFV in law. The extremes appear to be the UK and Germany.  相似文献   

2012年以来,欧洲银行联盟作为欧洲应对欧债危机的重要举措被提出,并在几个月内取得显著进展,但目前,围绕欧洲银行联盟作用及相关制度设计还存在较多争论与分歧。文章详细回顾了欧洲银行联盟设想的细化与改进过程,以及各方对重大争议问题的相关看法,指出欧盟各国将会努力推动银行联盟建设,但由于涉及问题的复杂性和艰巨性,银行联盟建设只能分步进行,其长期作用有待观察。  相似文献   

This article examines new developments which may pose a threat to coevolutionary development in Europe, and scrutinizes in particular the current agricultural policies of the European Community (EC). With the help of a threefold typology—ecological, traditional and modern—the likely perceptions and behaviour of farmers in the face of external change are discussed. On this basis the authors identify research needs, and draw up an extensive research agenda which will have to be addressed if ecologically sustainable agricultural development and land use are to be promoted.  相似文献   

Using a sample of over 5000 European firms, we document the driving factors of capital structure policies in Europe. Controlling for dynamic patterns and national environments, we show how these policies cannot be reduced to a simple trade-off or pecking order model. Both corporate governance and market timing impact upon capital structure. European firms limit themselves to an upper barrier to leverage, but not to a lower one. Debt constrains managers to payout cash, and equity may become cheap during windows of opportunity. Internal financing, when available, is preferred over external financing, but companies limit future excess of slack as it constitutes a potential source of conflict.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relation between income inequality and economic growth, namely, the Kuznets curve, in the context of EU enlargement. The results have implications regarding how the latest enlargement of the European Union affects the relationship between income inequality and growth, for both EU member countries and the European Union as a region. Estimation results show that there is no evidence of a significant original or reverse Kuznets curve for any of the groups of countries in this study. Therefore, empirical results suggest that the latest enlargement, and a possible future accession of the candidates, may not change the fact that a Kuznets curve does not exist for the European Union.  相似文献   

欧债危机的根源、前景与影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
欧债危机自2009年爆发以来,欧盟已采取了一系列措施,但欧债危机仍愈演愈烈。文章从债务问题国家自身经济结构性因素与欧元区制度性因素等方面分析了欧债危机产生的根源,指出欧债危机可能促使欧洲走向更为紧密的财政和政治联盟。针对欧债危机对我国经济的影响,我国应继续坚持经济结构调整政策,制定并积极实施金融业长期改革战略,不断提高金融服务于实体经济的能力。  相似文献   

During the last decade, the European asset management industry has undergone a period of unprecedented change. Europe has witnessed ten years of financial integration, driven in particular by various regulatory initiatives. But Europe has also been transformed in the geopolitical sense, with 12 new Member States and millions of new citizens of the European Union. Add to that a decade of rapid globalization and one financial crisis of historical proportions. But while Europe and its financial markets have evolved and the asset management industry has transformed itself, academic research has not kept pace. During the last ten years or so, the lack of systematic research on the structural dimensions of the asset management industry is striking. This article fills this gap by providing a comprehensive overview of the European asset management industry at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. We seek to provide explanations to the various differences observed between European countries. Using prior research as a basis, we also compare the characteristics of the industry to their standing at the turn of the century. This also includes assessing whether and to what extent the forecasts provided in prior research did materialize. We also try to find reasons for cases in which they did not. Finally, we ourselves offer a number of prognoses on the development of the European asset management over the coming years.  相似文献   

The concept of subsidiarity is examined as a possible golden rule to be applied in restructuring the federal balance, ie the relationship between the EC, the member states and the regions. The concept of subsidiarity is used broadly to include an examination of the kind of institutional rearrangement that the EC is trying to define for itself. Four deficits (capacity, policy, implementation and democracy) of the present institutional set-up are reviewed in order to determine what kind of innovative arrangements need to be designed to enable the EC to face the challenges of the next decade. On the assumption that the process of integration has indeed become irreversible, two options in the institutional development towards political union are evaluated.  相似文献   

This article attempts to apply the flying geese metaphor to emerging foreign direct investment (FDI) patterns in Europe and the Mediterranean. Such a division of labour is at best at a nascent stage, given the overwhelming share of Western Europe in both inward and outward foreign direct investment flows. Because of these imbalances, special attention is to be paid to Central and Eastern Europe’s (CEE) potential, both in the group joining the European Union (EU) in 2004 and the rest of the subregion. For the former, middle-income countries, risks in investment promotion are related to uncertainty brought about by the transition to European Union’s acquis and an eventually too fast increase in production costs. Policy response to that requires a modernisation of both general and specific investment promotion policies, adjusted to the rules of the Union. For the rest of Central and Eastern Europe, the challenge is to adjust to the enlarged European Union and to improve the business and investment environment, in order to capture the foreign direct investment outflows of other European countries searching for optimum labour costs.  相似文献   

Margot Horspool 《Futures》2006,38(2):158-168
Among the many problems that have grown over the years in the European Union, the linguistic regime is often mentioned, but rarely acknowledged as a major difficulty in its structure. Nor has language been seen as a significant problem in the interpretation of Community law contained in the rulings by the European Court of Justice. However, with the enlargement of the European Union by 10 members, which will mean the addition of another 9 or 10 languages, there is a growing awareness that this may well be about to change. This article sets out to explore the origins of the multilingual regime in the European Union, the efforts to come to grips with it and the attempts, none of them wholly successful, to restrict the growing number of languages claiming official status with increasing membership. The multilingualism of EU Institutions is in stark contrast to the problem in the European Court of Justice, where the prevailing language is French, in particular in the deliberations of the Court. Looking to the future, how is it possible to continue with the present regime at both ends of the spectrum?  相似文献   

We compare fees charged by investment banks for conducting IPOs in the United States and Europe. In recent years, the “7% solution,” as documented by Chen and Ritter (2000) , has become even more prevalent in the United States, and is now the norm for IPOs raising up to $250 million. The same banks dominate both markets, but European IPO fees are roughly three percentage points lower, are much more variable, and have been falling. We review explanations for the gap in spreads and find the evidence consistent with strategic pricing. U.S. issuers could have saved over $1 billion a year by paying European fees.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the fiscal consequences of migration to the UK from the Central and Eastern European countries that joined the European Union in May 2004 (A8 countries). We show that A8 immigrants who arrived after EU enlargement in 2004 and who have at least one year of residence, and are therefore legally eligible to claim benefits, are 59 per cent less likely than natives to receive state benefits or tax credits and 57 per cent less likely to live in social housing. Furthermore, even if A8 immigrants had the same demographic characteristics as natives, they would still be 13 per cent less likely to receive benefits and 29 per cent less likely to live in social housing. We go on to compare the net fiscal contribution of A8 immigrants with that of individuals born in the UK, and find that in each fiscal year since enlargement in 2004, irrespective of the way that the net fiscal contribution is defined, A8 immigrants made a positive contribution to the public finances despite the fact that the UK has been running a budget deficit over the last few years. This is because they have a higher labour force participation rate, pay proportionately more in indirect taxes and make much less use of benefits and public services.  相似文献   

We analyze the financial integration of the new European Union (EU) member states’ stock markets using the negative (positive) coexceedance variable that counts the number of large negative (large positive) returns on a given day across the countries. A similar analysis is performed for the old EU countries. We use a multinomial logit model to investigate how persistence, asset classes, and volatility are related to the coexceedance variables. We find that the effects differ (a) between negative and positive coexceedance variables (b) between old and new EU member states, and (c) before and after the EU enlargement in 2004, suggesting a closer connection of new EU stock markets to those in Western Europe.  相似文献   

The Euro area is experiencing a severe and highly complex crisis. It comprises three problem areas: the difficulties of some highly indebted European sovereigns to ascertain funding at palatable cost, the disconcerting fragility of the European banking system and disappointing growth prospects in the Euro area periphery. To make matters even worse, these problems have developed into a systemic crisis of the European Monetary Union (EMU), since observers have apparently developed fundamental doubts over its integrity. To overcome this systemic crisis, it would not be sufficient, if only the stronger Euro area economies provided more solidarity, nor would it be sufficient, if only all of Europe adhered to ironclad budgetary discipline from now on. A European Redemption Pact could be a strong political commitment to the EMU and offer a bridge between the proponents of fiscal discipline and structural reform and those governments advocating more support. This pact would entail two indispensable aspects, the codification of a credible and coherent reform path and a temporary and limited instrument for joint refinancing.  相似文献   

We assess the economic impact of introducing consolidation with formula apportionment in the European Union and consider alternative enhanced cooperation agreements. We find that the consolidation is likely to yield a small aggregate welfare gain in Europe. However, not all countries benefit. A coalition of winning countries reduces the welfare gain and may induce a process of adverse selection which destroys the possibility of cooperation. We find that a coalition of similar countries (in terms of the size of their multinational sector) is more feasible in achieving agreement and is actually preferred by those countries over a Europe‐wide reform.  相似文献   

In the present paper we examine the interactions among five benchmark ten year government bonds, namely those of the USA, Germany, France, Italy and the Netherlands. Our aim is to illustrate empirically a net of interactions existing among the major bond markets of Europe and the US market taking into account shifts in the underlying stochastic processes. For this purpose, differing from the rest of the relevant empirical literature, after specifying the long run equilibrium relations we estimate the linkages between the bond markets as subject to hidden Markov chains, by applying the Markov Switching Vector Error Correction framework (MS‐VECM). This formulation is found to efficiently reflect the shifts brought about by significant economic events, such as the European monetary unification. As a result we illustrate different short‐run relations referring to the periods before and after the monetary union. Overall, our empirical results indicate that stronger interactions among the markets of the system exist in the period after the EMU. Also, by means of a variance decomposition analysis we assess leader‐follower relations which indicate that the benchmark status of bonds has changed since the introduction of the common monetary policy framework in Europe.  相似文献   

欧洲金融市场一体化进程中的金融中心研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧洲金融市场一体化目前已经达到了非常高的程度。对欧洲金融市场一体化进程中的金融中心的研究表明,金融市场一体化并不会导致欧洲只存在一个(或少数几个)金融中心,尽管欧洲金融中心体系内各层次金融中心的功能和作用有了调整,但欧洲多层次金融中心体系并没有因此而受到削弱。中国各区域之间同样正经历着一个金融市场日益融合的过程,因而欧洲的经验对于中国金融中心建设具有较强的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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