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郭仕莲 《化工科技市场》2006,29(7):23-25,29
研制出以物质A和氧化铝为复合载体,以钨-镍为活性组分的柴油加氢精制催化剂;以大庆重油催化轻柴油为原料,在反应压力7.0 MPa,氢油体积比500:1,体积空速0.8h-1,反应温度330℃的工艺条件下,生成油硫含量<15μg/g,满足世界燃油规范Ⅲ类清洁柴油标准.  相似文献   

随着国内外清洁柴油标准的不断提高及需求量的日益增长,柴油加氢精制技术作为改善柴油质量的最有效手段得到广泛的应用和发展,高性能柴油加氢精制催化剂的研发成为深入研究的重要课题.本文通过深入剖析柴油加氢反应机理提出催化剂的设计思路,同时针对加氢反应的难点问题进行深入分析,并根据上述分析结果开展柴油加氢催化剂的研制工作.  相似文献   

开发了一种汽油加氢精制催化剂,并实现了首次工业应用.工业应用结果表明,该催化剂在处理大庆常顶汽油和焦化汽油的混合油时,在入口压力2.5MPa,体积空速2.2h,氢油体积比263:1~272:1,反应器入口温度220℃、反应器出口温度262℃的条件下,生产的石脑油烯烃含量小于2.0V%,符合乙烯裂解装置对其的技术指标要求.  相似文献   

由中石油石化研究院大庆化工研究中心与中国石油大学(北京)合作开发的PHF-101超低硫柴油加氢精制催化剂,在抚顺石化公司催化剂厂完成了工业生产,共生产催化剂60t。该催化剂将于近日运抵大庆石化公司,在其120万t/a加氢精制装置进行工业应用。  相似文献   

DZ-10G焦化汽油加氢精制催化剂的性能及应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
开发了一种汽油加氢精制催化剂,并实现了首次工业应用.工业应用结果表明,该催化剂在处理大庆常顶汽油和焦化汽油的混合油时,在入口压力2.5 MPa,体积空速2.2 h-1,氢油体积比263∶1~272∶1,反应器入口温度220 ℃、反应器出口温度262 ℃的条件下,生产的石脑油烯烃含量小于2.0 %(体积分数),符合乙烯裂解装置对其的技术指标要求.  相似文献   

研制了柴油加氢精制/异构降凝催化剂,分别采用大庆石化公司炼油厂焦化柴油及混合油[w(焦化柴油)∶w(催化柴油)=55∶45]为原料,在小型串联加氢评价装置(200 mL)上进行了加氢精制和加氢降凝两种方案的评价。试验结果表明:通过调整工艺参数,可使装置分别按精制和降凝两种方案运行,并且使柴油的各项性质指标均有了大幅度的提高。  相似文献   

本文介绍了柴油加氢精制催化剂载体的选择、扩孔及改性。利用研制的载体制备出了柴油加氢催化剂,并在100mL小型加氢装置上进行了活性评价,研制剂活性优于国内参比剂。并在大庆石化公司炼油厂两套柴油加氢装置实现首次工业应用成功。  相似文献   

新型石蜡/微晶蜡加氢精制催化剂的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了中国石油大庆化工研究中心最新开发成功的新一代DWH-1型石蜡/微晶蜡加氢精制催化剂.DWH-1催化剂采用了特殊的载体制备工艺及负载技术,具有活性金属分散性好、表面酸性适宜的特点.小试评价结果表明,该催化剂加氢活性显著高于国内同类催化剂,且活性稳定性好,具有广阔的推广应用前景.  相似文献   

DZG-10加氢精制催化剂于2004年11月被首次应用于大庆石化公司炼油厂30万t/a汽油加氢精制装置,经过200d的使用结果及工业应用标定表明,DZG-10催化剂初始反应温度低,温升速度慢,操作压力低,具有良好的活性、稳定性和抗冲击能力.  相似文献   

The relationship of key industrial characteristics to trade indicators are examined in a comprehensive data set of 200 U.S. manufacturing industries. It is found that labor productivity and skill positively affects trade performance while labor content adversely affects such performance. Significant relationships are also found for capital expenditures, degree of concentration, inventories and specialization. Implications of the results for public policy are offered.  相似文献   

资源整合与粮食现代物流问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国粮油加工转化企业虽然经过20多年的竞争和整合,"小、弱、散"问题依然存在,现代物流及供应链管理理念淡薄,因此整合资源、建立物流联盟、实施先进的企业管理对于促进粮食安全显得非常重要和紧迫。本文从粮油加工企业的角度谈物流资源整合问题,指出了粮食现代物流发展中的主要问题,企图通过资源整合促进粮油加工转化与粮食现代物流协调发展。  相似文献   

摘要:本文以醇酸树脂的化工原理为理论导向,结合蓖麻油的物化特性,论述了蓖麻油醇酸树脂生产过程和产品在油漆工业中的利用。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in Lilongwe city urban markets in Malawi, to assess the quality of cooking oil used for frying potato chips. Purposive sampling was performed to come up with respondents who were using vegetable oils. A stratified random sampling was used to select the 32 informal food processors who were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. Oil samples were collected from the most commonly used brand of oil. Fifteen respondents were selected and these were divided into three categories of five: those who were not reusing the oil, those who were reusing the oil and those who were preparing potato chips and chicken in the same oil, for chemical analysis. The preliminary results showed that while the majority (59.4%) of the informal food processors discarded the oil after 1 day, 3.1% discarded it after 4 days and another 12.5% after 3 days. A larger proportion of the respondents (40.6%) used the leftover oils at home, 37.5% kept it in oil bottles, 3.1% kept it in plastic papers for reuse the following day. Also, most respondents (57%) indicated dark colour as the sign of oil deterioration, 29% discarded the oil after noticing foam formation while 8.2% and 6.1% said they discarded the oil after noticing a bad smell and food absorbing the oils respectively. A physical observation of the various oils showed that for most of the respondents (34%), the oils were dark brown in colour, in 22%, the oils were slightly dark brown and 16%, the oils were brown. Foam formation was noticed in 13% of the respondents. It was also noted that 91% of the respondents had not been trained or briefed of food quality and safety issues. A chemical analysis of the oils showed high values of free fatty acids (range, 0.84–1.4112 compared with 0.42 in the fresh oil) and peroxide values (range 14.7–16.6 compared with 9.0 in the fresh oil). It may be concluded that the oils being used by the informal food processors in Malawi are of poor quality and so the foods cooked in them may be a health hazard to the consumers and the processors themselves. Although this work in ongoing, it may be recommended at the outset that the health department of the city assemblies should inspect these oils for the good health of the consumers.  相似文献   

国内外柴油加氢技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内外科研机构及企业针对柴油质量的不断升级情况开发了各具特色的先进技术,本文从国内外技术的发展现状、发展趋势、催化新材料的研究等几方面进行了详细的阐述.通过本文资料整理及调研可为柴油加氢技术的选择、应用以及新技术研发提供参考依据.  相似文献   

本文介绍了SD-1石蜡加氢催化剂在抚顺石化公司石油一厂新建的国内首套石蜡、微晶蜡高压一段串联加氢装置工业应用情况.应用结果表明:SD-1催化剂在低温条件下实现了54*~66*石蜡的切换生产,产品质量优于出口优级食品级石蜡产品质量要求,SD-1石蜡加氢催化剂在高压加氢装置工业应用获得成功.  相似文献   

Qualitative choice models, such as the logit model, can capture important firm and product asymmetries. This paper surveys use of the logit model in industrial organization, with special focus on its application to merger analysis. The basic model and its motivation are reviewed, as is its estimation. Discussed in some detail is the use of the logit model to predict the price and welfare effects of horizontal mergers in differentiated products industries. Simulation using a qualitative choice model is argued to be far superior to traditional structural analysis. Logit merger simulations have the particular virtues of low informational and computational burdens and the use of the logit model can be motivated as reflecting a diffuse prior on the structure of demand.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the marketing strategies of industrial suppliers in five Western European countries. The strategies are characterized in a quality dimension and a customer adaptation dimension. In the quality dimension the strategies are found to be related to characteristics of the industrial environment of the supplier country. In the adaptation dimension they are related to the cultural affinity with the customer country as perceived by industrial purchasers in these countries.  相似文献   

由蓖麻油酸生产癸二酸,属于蓖麻油的第三代衍生产品,工业用途广而重要,文章对其物化性质、制取方法作了系统介绍,意在推动蓖麻种植、蓖麻油产业发展,为化学工业提供再生原料,并与油脂工作者同瞻蓖麻油的开发前景。  相似文献   

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