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在突发事件中谣言与事件的重要性、信息的模糊性、反常性、逻辑性、群体情绪等因素成正相关关系,而与人的反思能力、发生的时间具有反相关关系。谣言通常以人际传播和电子化了的人际传播为主,易于认同并产生亲切性。它体现了群体情绪、需求、道德恐慌和信任缺乏等结构性问题,也体现了对恐惧性快感的消费。理解谣言背后的观念、价值、情绪力量,才有可能除祛谣言的魔咒。  相似文献   

基于服务提供商和消费者整合的视角,本文系统研究服务提供商的品牌声誉、服务质量、隐私保护和消费者信任倾向对移动商务信任意图的影响机制,同时考察消费者信任倾向对服务提供商特性与信任意图关系的调节作用。实证结果表明,服务提供商的品牌声誉、服务质量和隐私保护显著影响移动商务信任意图;消费者信任倾向对服务提供商特性与移动商务信任意图之间的关系产生显著的调节效应;对信任倾向更显著的消费者而言,服务提供商服务质量和隐私保护对移动商务信任意图产生更显著的积极影响,但品牌声誉对移动商务信任意图产生更显著的消极影响。  相似文献   

我国城镇居民收入差距对消费需求的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对我国城镇居民收入差距对消费需求产生影响的理论分析和实证研究,本文发现:我国城镇居民的收入差距与消费需求呈负相关关系,高收入群体的收入占比增加会降低平均消费倾向,中、低收入组群体的收入占比增加会提高平均消费倾向,其中,中等收入群体收入占比变化对平均消费倾向的影响程度最大.  相似文献   

近些年越来越多的品牌出现以质量危机为核心的产品伤害事件,对企业的品牌资产、市场份额、财务绩效造成巨大的负面影响。以往研究指出消费者对品牌的情感可以在一定程度上促使个体对产品伤害事件更加包容,缓和产品伤害事件对品牌的负面影响,文章探讨了集体主义的东方人对于基于群体的消费者-品牌情感——消费者民族中心倾向——对产品伤害危机中品牌评价的影响。通过两组实验,分别选取中国样本和韩国样本,研究发现消费者民族中心倾向并不能始终维持消费者对本土品牌的偏爱,品牌负面信息消极程度调节民族中心倾向对品牌负面信息认知的影响:面对一般消极程度的品牌负面信息,相比国内品牌,消费者对国外品牌产生更多的负面情绪和负面品牌评价,但是当品牌出现重大负面信息时,消费者对国内品牌的负面情绪和负面评价均显著高于对国外品牌的负面情绪和负面评价。文章研究发现对于产品伤害危机管理和民族品牌建设具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

如何预防品牌危机成为当前重要而又紧迫的课题。本文认为,品牌危机是信任上的危机,建立和增强品牌信任是构筑心理防线、预防品牌危机的有效途径,并依据人际交往理论提出了品牌信任的互动创建模式。本文通过结构方程模型分析得出,企业可以借助与顾客互动减少其感知风险,增加感知价值,提高品牌信任,从而降低危机预期,减少危机诱因在公众中的扩散程度及触发品牌危机的可能性。  相似文献   

消费者经常被与其社会身份相关联的产品和品牌所吸引,本文引入消费认同概念,试图揭示消费认同对品牌购买的影响机制。研究结果表明:消费认同、积极情感、否认态度对品牌选择意愿有显著正向影响,积极情感、否认态度在消费认同与品牌购买意愿之间起显著中介作用,品牌自我一致性在否认态度与品牌购买意愿之间起显著调节效应。  相似文献   

延迟满足作为自我控制中的重要组成部分,对调节情绪发挥着至关重要的作用,对个体发展也具有十分重要的意义。在本文中,从独处和群处情境下的儿童延迟满足角度出发,对儿童在不同情境下满足特点进行详细的分析,研究发现延迟满足会随着儿童年龄的增长而增长,并且儿童对注意转移策略的偏爱不会受到儿童独处或群处情境的影响,尽管儿童群体意识比较低,然而在群体情境下儿童依然更加的倾向于延迟选择,群处情景下也更加的有利于儿童完成延迟任务。通过本文的研究也为对延迟满足开展更加深入的研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

品牌信任和感知风险作为一种主观情绪和心理体现,对消费者的购买决策产生作用。本文以电脑品牌产品为例,将品牌危机分成两类:一种是与产品功能和安全相关的危机,另一种是与企业道德价值相关的危机,通过实证探讨在两种危机情境中,变量之间的作用关系以及不同危机组中变量之间的影响程度及其差异。  相似文献   

根据价格欺诈经典理论,构建价格欺诈危机对消费者品牌忠诚影响模型,以此为基础设计问卷,研究价格欺诈对消费者品牌忠诚的影响。结果表明,企业声望不同、危机应对方式不同会通过影响消费者品牌信任影响其品牌忠诚;声望越高,应对方式越积极,品牌信任越高,品牌忠诚越高。  相似文献   

随着消费经济的兴起与服务业的发展,企业服务性岗位员工因情绪劳动引发的负面效应越来越受到理论界和实践界的关注。文章基于资源保护理论与组织支持理论,以通讯公司客服人员为研究对象,探讨表层扮演对离职倾向的影响机制,重点分析情绪耗竭的中介作用与组织支持的调节效应。研究发现:表层扮演会影响员工的离职倾向;情绪耗竭在表层扮演与离职倾向的正向关系间具有完全中介作用;组织支持感和主管支持感对表层扮演和情绪耗竭的关系具有调节效应。研究结论丰富和发展了情绪劳动的理论模型,并提出企业可以采取相应的干预措施缓解员工由于表层扮演带来的情绪耗竭和离职倾向问题。  相似文献   

在互动时代背景下,如何预防危机随着企业品牌危机的频发而备受关注。文章从社会心理学视角剖析了品牌危机本质,并引入了企业互动导向这一有别于顾客导向的重要理念,探索如何通过增进顾客的品牌信任以开展危机预防工作。文章构建了“企业互动导向→感知互动质量→品牌信任→危机预期”的研究模型,实证分析发现,企业互动导向的各维度对顾客感知到的员工技能水平和问题解决能力作用显著,企业可采取针对性措施,通过提高互动质量,增进顾客品牌信任,以构筑心理防线,阻止危机诱因的扩散和加剧。  相似文献   

产品伤害危机管理因素对消费者信任修复的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊焰  任丽莉 《财贸研究》2012,(4):120-125
利用联合分析法,通过情景模拟调研,对产品伤害危机管理中的重要影响因素(如企业社会责任、企业响应策略、媒体效用以及时间)在不同危机严重程度(非常严重、中等程度、轻微程度)下对消费者信任修复造成的影响以及重要程度进行研究,结果表明,时间对于非常严重程度下的消费者信任修复最为重要,响应策略对于中等严重程度下的消费者信任修复最为重要,而企业社会责任对于轻微程度下的消费者信任修复最为重要。  相似文献   

Portugal ranks among the EU27 countries with higher levels of consumer indebtedness. Contrary to the trend observed in countries with similar indebtedness rates, Portugal has one of the lowest rates of consumer default. Previous studies (e.g., Frade et al. 2006) have identified three strategies that have contributed to keep levels of credit default low: reliance on savings, financial support from relatives and friends, and cuts in household expenses. These strategies have been widely used for the last decade and have been strained since the very beginning of the global financial crisis in 2007. We argue that these three strategies are near to collapse and consequently the levels of consumer default will rise steeply in the next years. The savings rate in Portugal has been declining over time, and the social networks are limited in their action due to the current crisis that affects everyone. In this article, we advance the hypothesis that sacrificing living standards is rooted on collective beliefs about the current economic crisis in Portugal and trust in political and market agents in line with the Theory of Market Anomie (Karstedt and Farrall 2006). The conclusions are based on macroeconomic statistics and on the results of a Web survey of 1244 Portuguese households, which focuses on attitudes towards the financial crisis, trust in political and economic institutions, and strategies to cope with the crisis. The results show that trust in financial companies (banks and insurance companies) and in the European Parliament promotes a sense of empowerment to contribute to the country economic restoration. This attitude induces citizens to avoid default by sacrificing living standards. But in the current austerity context, with low levels of trust in political institutions and detachment of the economy, consumers will be less prone to sacrifice. In this scenario, credit default and insolvency is expected to rise especially in those households most exposed to unemployment and to cuts in social benefits. This reality puts a huge and growing pressure on bankruptcy procedure, civil courts, and economic and social policies. Some adjustments should be made to the Portuguese Bankruptcy Code by facilitating and simplifying the bankruptcy regime in order to accommodate the increase in insolvency cases. But the improvement of the insolvency procedure will not resolve the situation of financial distress if the structural causes persist, such as unemployment and deterioration of salaries, and cuts in social benefits. A reform of the Bankruptcy Code facilitating and simplifying the bankruptcy regime should be coupled with measures that boost the economy and stimulate the labour market. Otherwise, Portuguese households will not have the resources necessary to benefit from the bankruptcy process and regain the control over their financial lives.  相似文献   

The global trend of the sharing economy has led consumers to use peer-to-peer systems. However, little is known about the cultural difference in forming trust in the platform entities that is critical for participating in sharing programs. The current study researches how social trust perception affects trust in technology and platform-based trust: trust in providers, other users, and the platform company and whether it varies across cultures. Focusing on Indian and U. S. consumers, we propose that cultural orientation (cultural tightness) impacts trust formation and continuation intention. Specifically, in India, trust in technology is formed regardless of the individual's perceived social trust level, which positively impacts the trust in the platform players. For American consumers, their trust in technology is based on social trust perception, which subsequently leads to the sharing participation. This is the pioneering work to investigate social trust-the use of sharing program relation based on cultural tightness.  相似文献   

企业社会资本对营销渠道策略的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会资本对企业的经营能力和经济效益有直接的提升作用,本文利用社会资本理论与渠道理论,建立了企业社会资本对渠道策略的影响模式,从企业社会资本的结构维度、关系维度和认知维度,研究其对渠道设计、渠道冲突解决和渠道绩效管理的影响,在分析这些影响的基础上提出从网络结构、共同信仰等方面拓展渠道,优化分销网络;利用信任、规范机制、制度与信仰等解决渠道冲突;利用信任、合作、互惠规范、外部相关关联的网络,改善市场绩效的对策。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the influence of social capital in consumers' perceptions of their borrowing constraints, which affect numerous financial decisions. Social capital is a multidimensional concept that concerns consumers' ability to obtain benefits from their engagement in social activities and social networks. To test the hypotheses, we rely on data from the European Social Survey. The results indicate that the four indicators of social capital (bonding capital, bridging capital, trust in people, and trust in institutions) are negatively associated with perceived borrowing constraints, and that some of these associations are moderated by income. The relationship of bonding capital with perceived borrowing constraints appears to be stronger than that of bridging capital, and trust in people reveals a stronger association with the outcome variable than trust in institutions. These results suggest several implications for practice and theory.  相似文献   

朱晓璐 《江苏商论》2012,(6):142-145
面对日益复杂的市场竞争态势,有效的危机管理对于企业的生存和发展至关重要。实践与研究表明,企业社会责任是有效危机管理的核心。本文从企业社会责任的理论角度出发,探讨企业社会责任和危机管理之间的关系,并结合企业社会责任管理和危机管理,给出基于社会责任的危机管理策略。  相似文献   

This article explores the role of trust and confidence in economic life, and their relevance to the current financial crisis. It outlines a recent history of research and debate on the relationship between social trust and economic prosperity, before introducing more recent data on trust against the backdrop of the financial downturn. It goes on to distinguish the informal and social bases of trust from three key formal mechanisms of economic confidence (information, contract, regulation), linking this distinction to Akerlof and Shiller’s revival of Keynes’ discussion of the “animal spirits” that animate economic behaviour. Finally the policy dimensions are considered.  相似文献   

Product-harm crises can negatively affect a firm's corporate image, reputation, and credibility. This research investigates antecedents and factors that can impact the extent to which frontline employees will be supportive of their organization when the firm faces such a crisis. Leveraging social exchange theory and its focus on reciprocal exchanges, we theorize and test processes using regression models, which shed light on how managers can solicit employee support during crises situations by providing the frontline employees with ethical and supportive working conditions. To offer convergent validity across multiple methodologies, we also test the influence of experimental effects of the relative severity of a crisis and whether a firm was quick or slow in its response on frontline employee support. Furthermore, our research demonstrates that the firm's strengths in corporate social responsibility, the employees' organizational citizenship behavior, and employee organizational identification serially mediate the supportive relationship, which provides a unique contribution to the marketing literature. Finally, we provide managerial implications to further enhance frontline employee support.  相似文献   

Felix Roth 《Intereconomics》2009,44(4):203-208
Policymakers throughout Europe are faced with the challenge of re-establishing trust, and especially systemic or institutional trust, that has been lost in the wake of the financial crisis. This paper looks at recent empirical evidence concerning the reaction to the crisis in terms of citizens’ diminished levels of systemic trust. Special attention is paid to the confidence invested in political institutions at the European and the national level, on the one hand, and in the free market economy, on the other.  相似文献   

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