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面对企业非伦理行为,员工有时候为何选择沉默,这是近年来学者比较关注的问题。文章聚焦于自利型伦理氛围这一特定情境,采用跨层次研究方法,探索道德解脱在不同归因情况下对员工沉默的影响。研究发现,面对企业的非伦理问题,道德解脱(归己因)在自利型伦理氛围与员工沉默之间起到完全中介作用。道德解脱(归他因)在自利型伦理氛围与员工沉默之间起到部分中介作用。权力距离在道德解脱与员工沉默之间起到负向调节作用。研究表明,员工面对企业的非伦理问题是否选择沉默,主要取决于企业的自利型伦理氛围和个体道德解脱的意义建构。文章对于揭示企业非伦理行为下员工沉默选择问题具有理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

本研究构建了集体主义倾向与不道德亲组织行为关系及其作用机制模型。本研究提出集体主义倾向将助长员工启动道德辩解机制为其随后参与的不道德亲组织行为开脱,而企业的伦理价值观会产生调节效果。为了检验这一观点,展开了调查。对281名员工的研究发现:道德辩解部分中员工的集体主义倾向对其不道德亲组织行为的正向影响;企业伦理价值观显著调节集体主义倾向通过道德辩解影响员工不道德亲组织行为的间接效应,表现为这一间接效应在企业伦理价值观清晰情境下相对较弱。  相似文献   

企业决策者对供应商行为准确无偏的伦理判断是有效供应商伦理管理的起点。但是,在有限道德的制约下,企业决策者的伦理判断会出现受害对象确定性偏差,进而影响企业对供应商的伦理管理。运用认知心理学实验方法,采用两因素混合设计与情境法,设计三种不符合伦理规范行为的模拟场景,并把每种行为描述成“受害对象确定”与“不确定”两种情形,研究供应商不符合伦理规范行为的受害对象是否确定、行为类型对企业对供应商行为的伦理判断与伦理管理的影响。方差分析的结果表明受害对象是否确定与行为类型对伦理判断与伦理管理主效应均显著;回归分析结果表明伦理判断对受害对象是否确定与伦理管理二者之间的中介效应也显著。  相似文献   

企业伦理对组织公民行为的作用机制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业伦理是提高组织公民行为的一个直接、有效和经济的途径。本文揭示了企业伦理对组织公民行为的内在作用机制。研究发现:企业伦理的三个层次(领导者的伦理立场、企业伦理气氛、企业伦理行为)分别对组织公民行为及其各维度具有正向的影响;领导者的伦理立场对组织公民行为及其各维度均存在显著的正向影响;企业伦理气氛研究中,关怀型伦理气氛对组织公民行为具有正向影响,自利型伦理气氛对组织公民行为具有负向影响,制度型伦理气氛只对组织公民行为具有正向影响;独立型伦理气氛对两者皆不具有影响;企业伦理行为的研究中,员工导向和客户导向的伦理行为对组织公民行为具有正向影响。  相似文献   

<正>道德问题是人力资源开发与管理的重要议题,是经营活动得以顺利开展的润滑剂,而辱虐管理是企业重要的道德问题体现,是企业中不可或缺的组成部分。辱虐管理是指员工知觉到的管理者持续表现出的怀有敌意的言语和非言语行为,其中不包括身体接触行为。很多文献探讨了辱虐管理,由管理者产生的无形敌意时刻影响着组织的发展,  相似文献   

如何有效规避注重组织利益而忽视伦理规范的不道德亲组织行为成为商业伦理理论与实践领域关注的热点问题。基于自我调节理论视角,以工作投入为中介变量,时间压力为调节变量,通过对343份有效样本数据检验分析,探究在中国组织情境下员工正念对不道德亲组织行为的影响机制。研究结果表明:正念对不道德亲组织行为存在显著负向影响;工作投入中介了正念对不道德亲组织行为的影响;时间压力不仅负向调节了正念对工作投入的影响,并进一步负向调节了正念通过工作投入对不道德亲组织行为的间接效应,当时间压力越低时,工作投入的中介效应越强。研究结果不仅为不道德亲组织行为的抑制性研究提供了新视角,而且丰富了正念对不道德亲组织行为作用机制研究。  相似文献   

基于社会学习理论,本文探讨了伦理型领导对员工亲组织非伦理行为的作用机制,并分析了组织伦理氛围在伦理型领导和员工亲组织非伦理行为之间的调节作用。研究发现,伦理型领导者能有效降低员工亲组织非伦理行为,且组织伦理氛围正向调节伦理型领导与员工亲组织非伦理行为的负向关系。  相似文献   

当今管理者应勇于承担社会责任,在引领组织成员相互协作的同时,积极为组织内外各利益相关者提供帮助支持,传递社会共同价值,推动企业可持续发展.本文基于社会身份认同理论,构建跨层次假设模型,探讨责任型领导对员工帮助行为的直接影响,考察规则型伦理氛围和道德认同的链式中介作用.采用多水平结构模型技术,对113名部门领导和455名员工的配对样本数据进行分析,结果表明:责任型领导与员工帮助行为正相关;道德认同在责任型领导和员工帮助行为之间起中介作用;规则型伦理氛围在责任型领导与道德认同间起中介作用;责任型领导会正向且有顺序地通过规则型伦理氛围和道德认同对员工帮助行为产生影响.  相似文献   

基于自我提升理论,从自我提升动机和马基雅维利主义视角出发,探讨了领导排斥对员工亲组织非伦理行为的作用机制。通过对两阶段收集的451份问卷进行数据分析,结果发现:领导排斥对员工亲组织非伦理行为具有显著正向影响;员工自我提升动机在领导排斥与员工亲组织非伦理行为关系中起中介作用;员工马基雅维利主义调节了其自我提升动机与亲组织非伦理行为间的关系,即员工马基雅维利主义水平越高,其自我提升动机对亲组织非伦理行为的正向影响越强;员工马基雅维利主义正向调节员工自我提升动机在领导排斥与亲组织非伦理行为间的中介作用,即员工马基雅维利主义水平越高,其自我提升动机的中介作用越强。研究结论不仅拓展了领导排斥理论的研究,也为管理者正确认识领导排斥、管理员工遭受领导排斥后的认知与行为提供了新思路。  相似文献   

文章从商业伦理层面出发,基于社会认知理论和道德推脱理论将组织德性和道德推脱引入在线旅行社(OTA)机会主义行为模型中,探讨渠道成员组织德性、道德推脱、关系质量及OTA机会主义行为之间的关系。文章选择酒店作为OTA供应商,通过调查酒店相关渠道边界人员对OTA道德与行为的感知,建立结构方程模型,对组织德性、道德推脱、关系质量及机会主义行为之间的关系进行实证检验。实证分析结果表明:从OTA供应商感知角度来审视,OTA的组织德性负向影响该OTA的道德推脱;OTA的道德推脱正向影响其机会主义行为;道德推脱完全中介了组织德性对OTA机会主义行为的影响;关系质量强化了组织德性对道德推脱的抑制作用、弱化了道德推脱对机会主义行为的正向影响。研究结论从商业伦理道德的层面丰富和深化了渠道机会主义行为的相关研究,同时对企业实践具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the marketing ethics decision‐making process of small business managers. In particular, it examines the relative influences of ethical perceptions, personal moral philosophies, and gender on ethical intentions of small business managers. The sample of this study consists of professional members of the American Marketing Association working in companies with 500 employees or fewer. The results reveal that perceived ethical problem is a positive factor of a small business manager's ethical intention. The results generally support our hypothesis that female managers tend to be more ethical in their intention than their male counterparts. However, the results indicate that neither dimension of personal moral philosophy—idealism and relativism—is a significant predictor of a manager's ethical intention.  相似文献   

Despite the existence of a large number of models to explain the ethical decision-making process, rarely have the models been tested. This research validated the use of such models by showing that both issue-contingent variables and individual characteristics affect two commonly-proposed model components: i.e., moral judgment and moral intent. As proposed by Jones' (1991) ethical decision-making model and elaborated on by the author, the main effect of an issue-contingent variable, social consensus, and a closely-related variable, seriousness of consequences, influenced both moral judgment and moral intent.Many ethical decision-making models also argue for the inclusion of individual characteristics in the decision-making process. This study proposed and found that the individual characteristics of rule orientation and denial of responsibility influenced moral judgment and moral intent, respectively. However, contrary to some models, interactions between issue-contingent variables and individual characteristics were insignificant relative to the main effects variables. The relationships found have implications for future model testing, as well as for practising managers.  相似文献   

This study uses judgment and decision-making (JDM) perspective with the help of framing and schema literature from cognitive psychology to evaluate how managers behave when problems with unethical overtones are presented to them in a managerial frame rather than an ethical frame. In the proposed managerial model, moral judgment of the situation is one of the inputs to managerial judgment, among several other inputs regarding costs and benefits of various alternatives. Managerial judgment results in managerial intent leading to managerial action. The model and the effects of taking an ethics course on ethical and managerial judgment and managerial intent were then indirectly tested in this study, wherein subjects judged the ethical wrongness, managerial badness, and the managerial intent regarding decisions made in a case. Forty-nine MBA students analyzed a case involving budget-based bonuses and production, in which the ethical issue evolved over three stages. It appears from the Path-analysis results that managerial judgment mediated between moral judgment and the judgment of managerial intent as suggested by the proposed model, and that taking an ethics course directly affected managerial judgment but did not affect the moral judgment. Additionally, in the first stage of decision-making (early stage of a developing “ethical slippery slope”), moral judgment did not significantly influence managerial judgment. However, students with ethics course still were more inclined to judge the decision as managerially bad as compared to others, indicating that they were more aware or sensitive to the moral issues involved.  相似文献   

Although various empirical works have attempted to explain the gap between consumers' ethical judgments and actual purchasing behaviours, the role of moral certainty has received relatively little attention. Moral certainty refers to the subjective sense of conviction or confidence one holds about his/her ethical judgment of an object. This study contributes to the ethical consumption literature by empirically examining whether the associations among consumers' ethical judgment, intention, and actual purchasing of ethical products (EPs) vary according to their level of moral certainty. We also examined the effect of subjective norms under the same conditions. The results of regression analysis revealed that the ethical judgment of EPs has a stronger effect on consumers' intention when consumers are more confident or convinced that buying EPs is fundamentally right, as compared to moral ambiguity. The effect of subjective norms was less effective under a high level of moral certainty. Nevertheless, the results indicated that there is no evidence for the claim that consumers’ intention towards EPs has a stronger effect on the actual purchasing of EPs under a high level of moral certainty. We discuss the implications of these findings to theory and practice.  相似文献   

Tourism research is concerned about increasing tourist visits yet simultaneously reducing the negative impact of tourism activities for the local communities by promoting the ethical behaviour of the tourists built upon the broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, this research aims to test the influence of tourism service provider rapport on ethical behaviour intention of the tourists. Specifically, we propose that service provider rapport induces happiness that broadens moral cognition and build personal resources to perform ethical behaviour. Using a scenario-based survey, we found that happiness induced by service provider rapport can improve ethical behaviour. Moreover, happiness also elevates tourist's moral identity centrality, leading to ethical judgment and ethical behaviour intention. Thus, moral identity and ethical judgment are not stable for an individual. The theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed further.  相似文献   

Moral issues have been included in the studies of consumer misbehavior research, but little is known about the joint moderating effect of moral intensity and moral judgment on the consumer’s use intention of pirated software. This study aims to understand the consumer’s use intention of pirated software in Taiwan based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB) proposed by Ajzen (Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179, 1991). In addition, moral intensity and moral judgment are adopted as a joint moderator to examine their combined influence on the proposed research framework. The results obtained from this Taiwan case reveal that the antecedent constructs proposed in the TPB model–an individual’s attitude and subjective norms toward using pirated software, and perceived behavioral control to use pirated software–indeed have positive impacts on the consumer’s use intention of pirated software. In addition, the joint moderating effect of moral intensity and moral judgment is manifested in the consumer’s use intention of pirated software. The results of this study not only could substantiate the results of consumer misbehavior research, but also could provide some managerial suggestions for Taiwanese government authorities concerned and the related software industries devoted to fighting pirated software.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of both individual ethics (IE) and organizational ethics (OE) on ethical intention (EI). Ethical intention, or the individual’s intention to engage in ethical behavior, is useful as a dependent variable because it relates to behavior which can be an expression of values, but also is influenced by organizational and societal variables. The focus is on EI in international business decision-making, since the international context provides great latitude in making ethical decisions. Results demonstrate that both IE and OE influence EI. Ethical congruence is also discussed as a positive influence. Younger managers are more influenced by OE than older managers. The findings call for creating governance mechanisms to enhance ethical congruence, thereby increasing the likelihood of managers making ethical choices in organizational decision-making.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that ethical ideologies, issue-contingencies, and social context can impact ethical reasoning in different business situations. However, the manner in which these constructs work together to shape different steps of the ethical decision-making process is not always clear. The purpose of this study was to address these issues by exploring the influence of idealism and relativism, perceived moral intensity in a decision-making situation, and social context on the recognition of an ethical issue and ethical intention. Utilizing a sales-based scenario and multiple ethics measures included on a self-report questionnaire, data were collected from a regional sample of business students, most of whom had modest work experience. The results indicated that perceived moral intensity was associated with increased ethical issue recognition and ethical intention. Idealism was also associated with increased ethical issue recognition, and relativism was associated with decreased ethical intention. Social consensus was positively related to ethical issue recognition and intention, while competitive context was inversely related to ethical intention. Finally, ethical issue recognition was associated with increased ethical intention. Idealism, moral intensity, social consensus, and work experience worked together as predictors of ethical issue recognition, whereas recognition of an ethical issue, relativism, moral intensity, social consensus, and competitive context worked together to predict ethical intention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of personal values on auditor’s ethical decision-making in two countries, namely, Pakistan and Turkey. This study is the first that empirically addresses the role of values in the ethical decision-making processes of Pakistani and Turkish Professional auditors. This study surveys a random sample of these countries' professional certified auditors to assess their value preferences and reactions to an ethical dilemma. This study measures practicing auditors' value preferences by using the Rokeach value survey (RVS), and a case study is used to measure the reactions to an ethical dilemma involving client pressure for aggressive financial reporting. This study did not find statistically significant difference between the mean values of moral intensity in these two countries. On the other hand, we found statistically significant differences between the terminal and instrumental values of the auditors in the countries studied. This study suggests that perceptions of moral intensity influenced both ethical judgments and behavioral intensions.  相似文献   

This study explores the direct and interactive effects of individual differences in interpersonal trust and negotiation style on ethical decision-making processes across commonly faced negotiation situations. Individual differences influence basic ideas about legitimate negotiating behaviors, affect behavioral intentions directly, and interact with the favorability of negotiating situations, resulting in direct, indirect, and interactive effects on ethical decision-making processes. Using a sample of 298 participants in executive education workshops, the study analyzes the relationship between interpersonal trust, competitiveness, moral judgment, and behavioral intentions in different negotiating conditions through a series of structural equation models and regression analyses. Our results suggest that individual difference variables exert a significant influence not only on how managers assess the morality of ethically ambiguous negotiation practices but also directly on their behavioral intentions, and that this effect changed across specific negotiation situations. We discuss these results in terms of their usefulness in explaining ethical decision-making processes in negotiations.  相似文献   

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