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由于网络的虚拟性,感知风险已成为制约服装网购发展的因素之一。本文通过对网购消费者的调查,分析了服装网购行为中消费者感知风险的影响因素,即产品因素、网络零售商因素、网站因素、消费者因素、其他客观因素。由此进一步探讨形成这些感知风险的根本原因在于消费者对网络购物的信心较弱,同时分析服装网购中应如何降低消费者的感知风险,为促进网络服装销售提供有效的建议。  相似文献   

由于网络的虚拟性,感知风险已成为制约服装网购发展的因素之一。本文通过对网购消费者的调查,分析了服装网购行为中消费者感知风险的影响因素,即产品因素、网络零售商因素、网站因素、消费者因素、其他客观因素。由此进一步探讨形成这些感知风险的根本原因在于消费者对网络购物的信心较弱,同时分析服装网购中应如何降低消费者的感知风险,为促进网络服装销售提供有效的建议。  相似文献   

随着越来越多的电商将版图扩展到生鲜农产品领域,对生鲜农产品网购问题的系统研究尤为必要。本文以消费者感知风险为突破口,对网购生鲜农产品进行研究,实证分析结果验证了消费者网购生鲜农产品感知风险是由经济风险、功能风险、心理风险、隐私风险、社会风险和服务风险六个维度构成。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的快速发展,众多电商企业纷纷布局生鲜电商。网购生鲜行为的发展离不开其网络品牌效应。从生鲜商品所固有的特性出发构建网络口碑对生鲜消费者网购意愿的影响模型。将网络口碑的组成变量结合生鲜商品的特征,从五个方面,即购买便利性、网络口碑视觉线索、承担风险能力、生鲜商品品质信任倾向、电商平台声誉通过感知风险和信任来分析并确定网络口碑对生鲜消费者网购意愿的影响,为生鲜电商提供定向的网络营销建议。  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的快速发展,人们通过网络购物的现象越来越普遍.同时,消费者对于网购风险具有感知能力,尤其是受到价格的影响比较明显.本文通过探析价格对消费者网购感知风险的影响,阐述网购中的消费者如何感知风险与价格,并提出了减少网购中消费者感知风险的策略,希望可以使消费者在网络购物的过程中可以规避风险,创造安全的网络购物环境.  相似文献   

在线评论及其可信性已成为消费者网购决策重要的依据。以往研究多关注在线评论自身属性对在线评论可信性的影响,忽视了消费者心理认知的作用。文章从消费者心理角度,结合爬虫数据和实验研究发现,消费者对搜索品属性型评论感知可信性更高,对体验品体验型评论感知可信性更高;心理模拟在感知在线评论可信性影响过程中具有中介作用,搜索品属性型评论通过结果模拟引发更高的感知评论可信性,体验品体验型评论则通过过程模拟引发更高的感知评论可信性。研究结论对网络购物平台及商家制定更精准的营销策略和评论管理机制有帮助。  相似文献   

论文运用因子分析和回归分析法,对299份问卷进行实证分析,从感知功能价值、感知情感价值和感知社会价值三个维度来评价消费者感知价值对网购生鲜产品购买意愿的影响,并验证价格促销对感知价值和购买意愿是否存在调节作用;结果表明:(1)功能价值、情感价值和社会价值对购买意愿均存在显著正向影响,其中社会价值的影响最大;(2)价格促销在社会价值和购买意愿之间起一定的调节作用,然而,并没有发现其在功能价值、情感价值和购买意愿之间存在调节作用。研究结论为生鲜电商提高消费者感知价值提供建议。  相似文献   

消费者网购生鲜农产品意愿及影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹俊 《消费经济》2011,(4):69-72,76
网购生鲜农产品作为提升农业产业化发展水平和消费福利的新兴消费方式,逐渐成为人们日常消费的重要趋势。本文通过实地问卷调查分析发现,消费者尝试网购意愿较高、物流配送速度和产品质量要求较高等。进一步通过因子分析和最优尺度回归,结果表明,消费者网购感知与评价等因素对网购生鲜农产品意愿具有显著的正向影响;家庭总收入等对消费意愿具有显著的负向影响;而购买便利程度和家庭餐饮习惯等对消费意愿没有显著影响。最后,从市场培育、政府引导、企业建设等方面提出促进网购生鲜农产品的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着电子商务的快速发展,生鲜农产品网购市场日益繁荣.基于在“天猫”网购交易平台上抓取的524份生鲜苹果交易数据,运用特征价格模型分析我国消费者对网购苹果在感官维度、标签维度和网购维度中各属性的支付溢价.结果显示感官维度属性是影响消费者支付溢价最重要的属性,消费者对国产苹果存在负向支付溢价,对网购维度属性溢价结果表明消费者对网购苹果的可靠性存在质疑.  相似文献   

从异质性消费者的视角考察影响消费者生鲜购买渠道选择的因素,将生鲜购买渠道分为网络购买、线下购买两类,采用问卷调查法获取的数据构建消费者生鲜购买渠道选择的Logistic实证模型.研究表明:年龄显著正向影响消费者生鲜购买渠道的选择,生鲜网购行为、生鲜网购意愿显著负向影响消费者生鲜购买渠道的选择.发展生鲜电商,要吸引更多的年轻人网购生鲜,要激发和强化他们的网购意愿,促使他们通过网络购买生鲜.  相似文献   

消费者消费观念的转变,使得网购从尝试性形态逐步向日常形态转变。由于网络购物在时间和空间上的特殊性以及心理和社会原因,使得消费者在网购与实体购物时所感受的风险存在较多差异,往往感到网购比实体商店购物存在更高的风险。相对于实体购物,影响网络购物感知风险的因素主要集中在消费者、商品、零售商和技术四方面。商家要消除由于信息的失衡给消费者带来的不安全感,同时,还需要商家具有广泛的营销手段和工具,从而提高企业的产品或品牌被消费者选择的可能性。  相似文献   

生鲜O2O模式的兴起对于互联网时代农产品销售的模式创新产生了推动作用,对解决“三农”问题、促进我国农村商业经济升级转型具有积极意义。本文对生鲜O2O质量预期、配送效率预期与O2O模式接受度及重复购买意愿之间的关系进行实证分析,提炼生鲜O2O的关键经营策略。研究表明,质量预期是消费者对O2O模式接受度的首要影响因素,而配送效率预期是消费者对O2O价格接受度的首要影响因素,生鲜产品质量对价格接受度有重要影响,以上关系可以看出产品质量对于模式本身的认可是最重要的,只有优中选优的生鲜产品才能用来网上销售,唯有如此才能获得网购者对高于实体店价格与O2O模式的认可;只有用高于实体店的价格买到实体店中优中选优的生鲜产品,让网购者感到物有所值,这样的O2O模式才能够生存发展并逐步兴隆起来。网上营销的“优中选优”定律可为生鲜O2O模式构筑起足以支撑其发展壮大的比较优势。  相似文献   

Determinant attributes play an important role in consumers’ purchase decisions. Firms rely on them to differentiate their products. Determinant attributes are typically identified using direct methods or indirect methods. However, the voice of the customer online can also provide key insights regarding attributes that are part of the consumers’ pre-purchase search process. The purpose of this study is to propose a framework to identify determinant attributes from online consumer questions. Our method uses semi-supervised Latent Dirichlet Allocation to identify product attributes initially. This is followed by the application of sequence pattern mining to identify temporal sequences of determinant attributes. Finally, hierarchical time series is used to forecast consumer interest in determinant attributes over time. The results show that our study can be used to identify determinant attributes of competing brands and can also be used to forecast consumer interest in these attributes. Brands can use this framework to have a pulse on what consumers look for before purchase. This will aid their decisions related to promotion as well as product development processes.  相似文献   

Despite the voluminous purchasing power of the consumers at the base of the pyramid (BOP), substantial research has not been carried out on their online buying behaviour. This study investigates the factors that trigger the online shopping intention of BOP consumers. We conducted semi-structured in-depth interviews with 52 BOP respondents from India. Our thematic analysis indicates four perceived benefits and five sacrifices influencing BOP consumers' perceived value for online purchases, subsequently determining their adoption behaviour. As a novel contribution to the literature, this study unfolds several unknown factors that motivate/demotivate BOP consumers to buy online using the Value-based Adoption Model (VAM). The findings of this study will help e-commerce marketers enhance BOP consumers' usage intention toward online purchases.  相似文献   

The present paper outlines a study based on an experimental design that investigated the effect of online price discounts and free gifts on consumers’ evaluation of the brand, in the context of an airline. The study also analyzed whether promotion-proneness exercises a moderating effect on this relationship. It was found that discounts generate a more positive brand image than free gifts among promotion-prone users, while for less promotion-prone individuals, the opposite is true. The results will help managers to select the most appropriate online sales promotion type for reaching different consumer groups, depending on their promotion-proneness, in line with the needs and objectives of the service firm.  相似文献   

感知风险是消费者行为研究中的一个重要内容,对消费者的购买行为与决策有重要的影响。对于网上消费这一新的消费方式,感知风险研究所取得的进展如何,是一个值得讨论的话题。对于企业而言,若想提高消费者网上购物的数量,仅仅提高产品和服务的绩效是不够的,还需要进一步提高网上零售商的服务,改善网上的经营环境等。  相似文献   

In the current Internet environment, many online service companies based on community factors (networks) produce and sell new types of digital products. For example, SNS (social network service) companies now sell customers digital decorative products for the adornment of online avatars. Not only do individual customers consume these digital products, but they also exchange them as gifts in their local neighborhoods. While previous studies on customer valuation (e.g. CLTV, RFM, etc.) focus on some important issues for identifying valuable customers, the literature does not resolve issues related to the effects on customer value of products purchased as gifts for another person. This study attempts to verify empirically the effects of two representative social network properties (tie strength and the number of ties) on customer monetary value.This study selects 2615 customers from a South Korean SNS website who enrolled on the site on the same day. Data include diverse purchase-related information, social network properties in terms of gift-giving for six months, and demographic information. The primary results of this study are as follows. First, the proposed model, which includes social network properties, has a great deal more explanatory power than the baseline model — the RFM-based customer value model. Second, tie strength and the number of ties in a gift-giving network increase customer value. Third, tie strength has a more profound impact on customer value than does the number of ties. The results of this study theoretically expand the domain of customer valuation studies due to the inclusion of social network properties, and suggest important practical implications for some online SNS companies in their efforts to find valuable customers and improve customer value.  相似文献   

The primary aim of this article is to ascertain whether the e-service value formation process changes as a function of consumers' technology readiness (TR). Through a field survey about ‘e-tail’ service value, this study finds that monetary cost is equally important for both high- and low-TR consumers. The positive effects of service-enhancing value components on overall e-service value perception are stronger in the high-TR group than in the low-TR group, whereas the positive effects of risk-reducing value components are greater in the low-TR group than in the high-TR group. High-TR consumers tend to maximise shopping value for themselves through planned online searching and purchasing. Overall, high-TR consumers are able to improve their shopping value through both ex ante and post hoc vehicles. In addition, high-TR consumers exhibit technology-exploitation online behaviours, whereas low-TR consumers exhibit certainty-seeking online behaviours. The article discusses study implications and suggestions for future research from the perspectives of diffusion of innovations, online transaction costs, and relationship marketing.  相似文献   

在线评论作为营销信息中新的要素,已成为当下消费者购买产品或服务时的重要因素。文章根据获得诊断性模型和调节导向理论,引入自我调节导向作为调节变量,探讨在线评论信息源对品牌评价和购买意愿的影响。文章采用情境模拟实验方法,考察了普通消费者口碑和专家评论对消费者的品牌评价和购买意愿具有不同的影响。具体来说当消费者处于促进调节导向时,普通消费者口碑比专家评论更容易使消费者产生良好的品牌评价和购买意愿;当消费者处于预防调节导向时,专家评论比普通消费者口碑更容易使消费者产生良好的品牌评价和购买意愿,其中感知诊断性在这个过程中起到中介作用。文章整合了不同领域的理论,拓宽了不同来源的在线评论对消费者影响的理解力,而且研究结论对网站的营销人员如何管理在线评论有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

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