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Abstract: We analyse the evolution of competition and efficiency of the banking sector in South Africa using firm‐level data for the period 1999–2008. We adopt a three‐step estimation approach. First, we measure efficiency using the data envelopment analysis (DEA) methodology. Second, we use the Panzar–Rosse approach to derive the H‐statistic for competitive conditions in banking. In the third stage, we take into account the role of managerial ability in competition by re‐estimating the Panzar–Rosse model, with the DEA efficiency scores as an explanatory variable. Overall, the results show that although average efficiency was trending upwards over the period, the number of efficient banks was falling. Also, it is found that for the period 1999–2008, the structure of the South African banking industry was characterized by monopolistic competition. This result may reflect domination by five large banks, which together account for over 85 per cent of total banking assets.  相似文献   

最近,中国台湾力霸集团遭遇严重财务危机,即使在台湾当局宣布接管,"行政院长"、"财政部长"、"金管会主委"、"央行总裁"联名作保的情况下,5个工作日内还是挤兑了500亿新台币现金,这是近6年来岛内金融业最严重的挤兑事件.受此波及,岛内股市、汇市遭受重挫.短短一个月之内,台湾当局接连接管了3家商业银行,民众对银行业的状况忧心忡忡.此次事件在台湾掀起了一股"金融风暴",也引起了人们对台湾银行业的关注和思考.  相似文献   

日本的银行发展史是聚合与兼并的历史。然而,战前小规模银行兼并和集约化的过程与战后以都市银行为中心的大型化兼并过程截然不同。尤其是20世纪90年代后期启动的超巨型银行大兼并形成的三大金融集团鼎立的新格局打破了日本金融界的力量对比,预示着未来日本银行业的竞争将会越演越烈。  相似文献   

日本银行产业全球竞争力的演变分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪70-80年代,日本银行产业的国际竞争力持续、快速、稳定地提升,但从20世纪90年代开始,日本银行产业国际竞争力又显著地衰落。从1996年的桥本内阁开始,日本政府对银行产业实行了大规模的改革与重建,有迹象表明,日本银行产业的国际竞争力得到了一定的恢复,但已经不可能重拾20世纪80年代的强势。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the evolution of competition in the Turkish banking industry by taking into account the transformation in the sector in the aftermath of the country's financial crisis of 2000 to 2001 and the global financial crisis. The results demonstrate that the level of competition in the system did not increase despite the restructuring that was undertaken and the increased foreign bank participation. In addition, the level of competition in the sector deteriorated during the global crisis. There is also some evidence that the market power of banks with different ownership characteristics varied and did not converge over time.  相似文献   

Kretekproduction has developed from a traditional industry into an important manufacturing sector in terms of value added, employment and government revenue. Kretek firms have outcompeted the large foreign “white” cigarette companies. Originating in the late 19th century, the industrygrew only after World War II. Production rose from 20 billion cigarettes in 1961 to 140 billion in 1993, and employment from 65,500 workers in 1929 to 137,600 in 1993 This success was confined mainly to the four largest firms, the number of kretek firms has shrunk from 1,200 in the 1950s to 141 in 1993 The industry is highly concentrated in Central and East Java, but consumption is widespread throughout the archipelago. Government intervention is high, in employment, taxation, pricing and investment policy, in promotion of small-scale firms and through the clove marketing monopoly Promotion of small-scale enterprises has been unsuccessful in this industry  相似文献   

高玮   《华东经济管理》2010,24(4):70-74
文章采用Panzar—Rosse模型测度了1985年至2008年间我国银行业市场竞争程度,并对外资银行进入程度与市场竞争度之间的关系进行了经验分析,结果表明,我国银行业市场结构类型在样本期内由寡头竞争型转变为垄断竞争型,市场集中度呈现出下降的趋势,而市场竞争程度相应的呈现出上升的趋势,股份制商业银行及城市商业银行的兴起和发展促进了国内银行业市场的竞争。外资银行进入程度与银行业市场竞争程度之间呈现U型关系,即外资银行进入初期并没有显著促进银行业的竞争,而是在进入程度达到某一阶段之后才起到刺激竞争的作用。  相似文献   

放松管制与我国银行业市场竞争实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用我国100家不同类型银行1994-2006年的面板数据,利用市场集中度HHI来度量银行业的市场竞争,考察了放松管制与我国银行业市场竞争的关系及其对银行绩效的影响.为了克服银行异质性和市场竞争与银行绩效间的联立性所导致的内生性问题,文章利用1994 年以来的我国外贸依存度构造银行业市场竞争的工具变量,通过引入识别银行业特征的虚拟变量和面板随机效应模型来消除内生性问题.实证结果表明,伴随放松管制,我国银行业竞争度不断提高,导致了银行利润的普遍下降,而现存银行的异质性对其绩效的影响并不显著.所以,当前我国不仅要注重银行业市场结构的调整,而且更应鼓励发展村镇银行、担保公司和小额信贷公司等具有不同行为的金融机构.  相似文献   

国际金融危机对全球银行产业竞争格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际金融危机对美欧银行的业绩产生了巨大冲击,但对美欧银行的资本实力和资产规模并没有形成显著的影响。研究显示,美欧银行的竞争优势仍然存在,国际金融危机没有从根本上改变美欧银行主导全球银行产业的竞争格局。  相似文献   

躺在像滑板一般的坐垫上,双手轻松地放在车把上,双脚则在最前方悠闲地踩着踏板,如果需要转弯,只要轻轻地左右摆动车把就行。人们习惯了从某个固定的角度去看这个世界,躺车的出现,完全颠覆传统自行车概念,让人享受躺着驾驶的快感,变换着角度去感受生活。躺车,作为一种时尚生活受到越来越多人的关注和青睐,一切源于它的环保、健康、舒适,而其中最为受人欢迎的,当属它本身结构带来的视觉冲击力,所以,崇尚个性、喜爱骑行的朋友大都有意向选择它,并因此衍生出相应的骑游、旅行、竞速、休闲等等各种活动形式,围绕这项时尚运动的各类组织也应运而生。这个炫酷十足的新鲜玩意儿不禁让人惊呼:躺车在路上,比开法拉利更拉风。  相似文献   

韩磊 《走向世界》2010,(21):90-93
5.28平方公里的上海世博园,共有169个展馆,在这里无须走出国门即可零距离触摸到全世界。来自不同国家、说着不同语言、有着不同信仰的人汇集到一起,向人们展示各自不同的历史,文化、科技,同时,在全方位进行着比拼!  相似文献   

We add the Bernanke-Gertler-Gilchrist model to a world model consisting of the US, the Euro-zone and the Rest of the World in order to explore the causes of the banking crisis. We test the model against linear-detrended data and reestimate it by indirect inference; the resulting model passes the Wald test only on outputs in the two countries. We then extract the model’s implied residuals on unfiltered data to replicate how the model predicts the crisis. Banking shocks worsen the crisis but ‘traditional’ shocks explain the bulk of the crisis; the non-stationarity of the productivity shocks plays a key role. Crises occur when there is a ‘run’ of bad shocks; based on this sample Great Recessions occur on average once every quarter century. Financial shocks on their own, even when extreme, do not cause crises—provided the government acts swiftly to counteract such a shock as happened in this sample.  相似文献   

东方 《中国经贸》2009,(15):68-69
日前,美联储“印钞”的消息一出,一夜之间,世人对全球性通缩的担忧骤然转向了通胀。随即英镑.欧元等相继疯狂印制……在没有找到经济增长的动力时,美国大量投放基础货币(流动性)的直接后果只能是美元贬值,以美元计价和结算的商品价格虚涨,同时滞胀给非美货币带来更大的负面影响。各国相继出台五花八门方案的实质是一场世界范围货币博弈,也带来了无穷的风险……  相似文献   

日前,美联储"印钞"的消息一出,一夜之间,世人对全球性通缩的担忧骤然转向了通胀。随即英镑、欧元等相继疯狂印制……在没有找到经济增长的动力时,美国大量投放基础货币(流动性)的直接后果只能是美元贬值,以美元计价和结算的商品价格虚涨,同时滞胀给非美货币带来更大的负面影响。  相似文献   

从商业银行的国际化看跨国银行管理的变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商业银行的国际化是指商业银行出于对利润最大化的追求而在全球范围内分配有限资源。国际资本在全球范围内的大规模转移,加快了商业银行的国际化,但同时也使商业银行面临更大的挑战。与以往有所不同,银行业的并购成为新一轮国际化的重要推动力。规模的大型公成为当今银行业的重要特征。商业银行国际化程度的提高,也使其管理内涵发生了相应的改变,并呈现出经营战略综合化、全能化与专业化并存;管理手段高科技化;组织扁平化的新特征。  相似文献   

We use the sensitivity of bank holding company equity returns to market interest rates as an indicator of perceived maturity mismatch. Based on data from 1990 to 2009, there is only weak evidence that market participants perceived banks to be effectively short‐funded. However, looking at 1990–1996 and 1997–2009 subsamples separately, our results suggest that U.S. commercial banks were perceived as short‐funded during the earlier time period but not the later. During this time of changing perceptions of maturity mismatch, banks were increasing their holdings of real estate loans as a share of total assets. We present evidence that, subsequent to 1996, market participants perceived real estate loans as having become effectively shorter‐term.  相似文献   

百年变局在经济上的一个重要表现就是,发展中国家作为一个整体自20世纪90年代初冷战结束以来,获得了显著高于发达国家的经济增长率.在21世纪第一个十年,发展中国家继续保持了对发达国家的经济增速优势.但在第二个十年中,这种增速优势有所减少.资源价格、发达国家进口需求和国际直接投资流动,在最近十年出现了与经济全球化黄金时期不同的表现.2020年发生的疫情及其宏观经济政策效应,从长远看也可能给发展中国家的相对经济增长带来不利影响.针对发展中国家经济发展外部环境的重要变化,中国提出的双循环新发展格局应是一种积极和及时的回应.在新方针指导下,发展中国家需要以更加有效的方式做好改革开放.  相似文献   

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