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商业模式创新(business model innovation)概念的核心足价值创造,是指企业价值创造的基本逻辑,即企业在一定的价值链或价值网络中如何向客户提供产品和服务并获取利润,、对于致力于成为中国煤炭能源供应商领军企业的山东能源集团来说,当前形势下,如何做强煤炭营销和物流业务板块,改变企业“一煤独大”格局,重构企业商业模式,足摆在面前的一个严峻课题。  相似文献   

虚拟整合的概念模型与价值创造   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在阐释虚拟整合概念的基础上,分析了虚拟整合与虚拟企业、供应链联盟、虚拟供应链、价值网、虚拟价值链等概念和理论之间的关系,并将其纳入同一框架下,提出了虚拟整合的概念模型;同时,对虚拟整合的价值创造机制与路径进行了分析和探讨,指出虚拟整合实现了合作企业的价值创造活动由实体空间向虚拟空间的延伸,而信息共享、跨组织流程再造、基于顾客价值的商业模式创新以及基于价值星系的开放式创新等则是虚拟整合在虚拟空间实现价值创造的主要路径。  相似文献   

从创造收入到创造顾客,这是商业模式史上的一大变革。为什么到了“互联网+”时代,企业不再注重创造收入,而转向创造顾客了呢?因为传统经济遵循的是现实的商业逻辑,而互联网经济遵循的是未来的商业逻辑。只要你拥有足够多的客户,你就能够拥有未来和资本的青睐。  相似文献   

基于模块化网络组织的价值流动与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
模块化网络组织是在价值模块化的基础上形成的一种新型价值创造的组织形式,其内部价值流动过程包括价值的创造、转移、实现和分配四个阶段。引导价值的合理有序流动,既是模块化网络组织治理的重要方面,也是形成网络协同效应、增强模块化网络组织竞争优势的重要途径。模块化网络组织能够通过知识创新实现价值创新,其价值创新机制具有边际收益递增性、顾客参与性和非均衡性等特性。网络组织内部成员企业以自身核心能力要素参与模块化分工和模块化网络组织的价值创新,能够形成网络组织整体竞争优势,共同创造和分享网络租金。  相似文献   

智能网联商业模式面临的挑战 商业模式是一种包含了一系列要素及其关系的概念性工具,用以阐明某个特定实体的商业逻辑.它描述了公司能为客户提供的价值以及公司的内部结构、合作伙伴网络和关系资本等用以实现这一价值并产生可持续盈利收入的要素.智能网联作为新兴产业方向,在商业模式上面临诸多挑战.  相似文献   

基于顾客价值的市场营销过程分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王晗 《工业技术经济》2004,23(5):108-110
现代企业的任务都是向市场提供使顾客高兴同时企业有盈利的顾客价值。市场营销过程由企业创造顾客价值的一系列活动组成。在市场营销程序、价值让渡过程、逆向营销、顾客价值等理论和观点的基础上,作者建立了一个基于顾客价值的市场营销过程模型。  相似文献   

基于顾客价值创新的动态竞争优势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在复杂多变的超竞争环境下,以环境适应论、产业选择论、资源基础论等为代表的传统战略管理理论正在将企业引入构建静态竞争优势的误区,而只有有效集成顾客价值理论、价值创新理论与动态能力理论的新型战略管理理论才能真正引导企业构筑基于竞争优势本源--顾客价值创新的动态竞争优势.本文在全面分析传统战略理论的时代缺陷和顾客价值创新的战略价值基础上.通过构建基于顾客价值创新的动态竞争优势转化模型深入分析顾客价值创新形成动态竞争优势的内在机理,并在最后进一步提出企业构建基于顾客价值创新的动态竞争优势的实施策略.  相似文献   

企业商业模式的创新联动结构与创新机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
商业模式系统是一个典型的复杂适应系统,由内部逻辑结构与外在实体结构交互作用形成其联动模式。在企业商业模式复杂系统结构的基础上对商业模式创新的动力机制、运行机制以及保障机制进行了研究,指出商业模式创新的动力来自于企业的内在需求以及外部刺激的综合作用;基于回声模型阐述了商业模式创新的运行机理;为保障商业模式创新的顺利 实现。  相似文献   

在互联网时代下,一度盛行的需求为导向的商业模式正走向衰败,而以供求关系作为主导地位的网络式商业模式和价值创造正日益兴起。针对这种现状,本文基于资源拼凑的视角对商业模式创新进行理论分析。首先对商业模式创新和资源拼凑概念进行描述,然后从价值创造的载体、方式和思维逻辑三个方面对商业模式创新分别进行讨论。最后对全文进行总结并对未来进行展望。  相似文献   

以往关于模块化的应用研究主要集中于制造业,本文是模块化理论在金融服务业应用研究的一次尝试。本文认为,银行卡产业模块化的价值创新机理就在于实现了从价值链向价值群的价值创新系统转变。我国银行卡产业模块化价值创新应该从三个方面着手:一是在产品模块化创新层面,着重银行卡产品设计规则参与、产品创新和服务标准化;二是在企业模块化再造层面,着重银行卡业务组件模块化和组织管理模块化;三是在生产网络模块化层面,着重外包策略和网络联盟在实现模块价值创新中的重要作用。  相似文献   

商业模式体系重构   总被引:41,自引:0,他引:41  
商业模式从根本上讲是企业价值创造的逻辑。基于此种认识,笔者提出了商业模式的“3-4-8”的构成体系。“3-4-8”构成体系实质是一种从“远—中—近”三个层次对商业模式进行全面考察的立体架构。根据模块化的思想,商业模式变革可以遵循的三种基本路径:基于价值模块的商业模式变革路径、基于界面规则的商业模式变革路径、基于二者混合的商业模式变革路径。在三种基本路径的基础上,商业模式变革可以进一步分为四种类型:完善型商业模式变革、调整型商业模式变革、改变型商业模式变革、重构型商业模式变革。这四种类型商业模式变革对商业模式核心逻辑的改变程度不同,分别适用于不同的环境动态性和产业生命周期。  相似文献   

A structural model of business relationship development in a business network context is formulated and tested on data from the European International Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) project. The empirical analysis demonstrates a causal chain from business network connection through mutual commitment and mutual dependence to value creation in the relationship. The results show that mutuality in business network relationships is critical in developing interfirm systems of workflow interdependence that promote the creation of value. This also implies that, through their interaction in business network relationships, firms in business markets organize and share an unbounded structure of interdependent activities, enabling them to achieve greater value than would be the case if they did not engage in relationship development. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Building competences for new customer value creation: An exploratory study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent marketing literature suggests companies to become market driving (proactive business logic, changing the rules of the market) instead of market driven (reactive business logic, customer-led). This transformation implies that companies are able to boost their capacity to create new customer value. Based on survey data of business-to-business markets, we advance a tentative model that links competence development to new customer value creation. Although exploratory in its nature, our study exhibits that companies should build three types of competences: marketing practices for external knowledge absorption, general organizational competences and supply chain/network competences. Using cluster analysis, we are able to further link these competences to the capacity of new value creation. Four clusters are detected with different degrees of expertise in new value creation and each displaying their own profile of competences. Becoming market driving requires an integrated and balanced view on marketing practices.  相似文献   

Both researchers and practitioners have been focusing extensively on business model innovation, as it has shown to positively influence business performance. Although the effect of business model innovativeness on customer behavior might be an important mediator between business model innovation and business performance, it has not yet been analyzed. In line with recent calls to consider the customer side in business model innovation research, our paper addresses this problem by studying the influence of customers' perceived business model innovativeness (CPBMI) on customer satisfaction and customer value co‐creation behavior in the service sector. We, therefore, emphasize customers' perceptions and reactions to business model changes. Relying on data from a large‐scale survey of restaurant customers, we find that perceived value creation innovativeness and value proposition innovativeness positively affect customer satisfaction and customer value co‐creation behavior. In addition, we identify a significant indirect effect of CPBMI on customer satisfaction via customer value co‐creation behavior. Our findings allow deriving concrete implications for both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

商业银行是经营风险的企业。商业银行通过控制自身业务经营活动中的风险和主动为客户管理风险两个途径寻求建立持续竞争优势,进而创造价值。由此产生四种基本的价值创造模式:预控制、对冲操作、价值创新和重组模式。  相似文献   

价值星系:理论解释与价值创造机制的构建   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文认为,随着网络经济的出现,价值创造的基本思维逻辑已经发生了改变。价值星系的出现标志着企业组织形态和价值创造机制的发展正进入一个新的阶段。本文对威廉姆森资源配置的市场与企业二分法进行了批判,提出了资源配置和价值创造的第三种模式——价值星系,并对价值星系的价值创造机制进行了分析。  相似文献   

This study focuses on collective goal formation in business networks aimed toward new value creation and innovation. Previous research has depicted such networks as value-creating systems or meta-organizations pursuing a system-level goal. We develop these views by addressing a research question: How can multiple organizations collectively form a system-level goal, and how does this affect new value creation at the level of the whole network? We conducted a multi-case study of two Finnish health care networks in which multiple diverse organizations participated in the formation of a system-level goal for the network and developed innovative joint treatment practices for the better care of patients. We derived six propositions and developed a conceptual model explaining how the collective formation of a system-level goal is linked to network-level value creation by increasing network actors' resource commitment. Furthermore, we introduced important moderating factors, network architects and domain similarity, which affect collective goal formation. We claim that the conceptual model strengthens pre-existing theories on managing business networks through a system-level goal, collective action, framing, agenda construction, and institutional mobilization. We contribute especially to previous research on networks aiming for new value creation.  相似文献   

Industrial manufacturers are innovating their business models by shifting from selling products to selling outcome-based services, where the provider (manufacturer) guarantees to deliver the performance outcomes of the products and services. This form of business model innovation requires a profound yet little understood shift in how value is created, delivered, and captured. To address this research gap, our study examines two successful and four unsuccessful cases of this shift. We find that effectiveness in business model innovation hinges on the three process phases that unfold in collaboration with the customers: value proposition definition, value provision design, and value-in-use delivery. We also find that that success is determined by the alignment of specific value creation and value capture activities in each phase: identifying value creation opportunities—agreeing on value distribution in value proposition definition, designing the value offering—deciding on the profit formula in the value provision design, and finally refining value creation processes—regulating incentive structures in the value-in-use delivery. Our process model contributes to the literature and practice on business model innovation by providing a thorough understanding of how alignment of value creation and value capture processes is ensured, whilst paying special attention to their interdependence and the interactions between provider and customer.  相似文献   

Building on Thompson's (1967) typology of long-linked, intensive, and mediating technologies, this paper explores the idea that the value chain, the value shop, and the value network are three distinct generic value configuration models required to understand and analyze firm-level value creation logic across a broad range of industries and firms. While the long-linked technology delivers value by transforming inputs into products, the intensive technology delivers value by resolving unique customer problems, and the mediating technology delivers value by enabling direct and indirect exchanges between customers. With the identification of alternative value creation technologies, value chain analysis is both sharpened and generalized into what we propose as a value configuration analysis approach to the diagnosis of competitive advantage. With the long-linked technology and the corresponding value chain configuration model as benchmark, the paper reviews the distinctive logic and develops models of the value shop and the value network in terms of primary activity categories, drivers of cost and value, and strategic positioning options. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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