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Ankita Mishra 《Applied economics》2018,50(3):268-286
This article examines the conditional income convergence hypothesis for 17 major states in India for the period of 1960–2012. Univariate stationarity tests without structural breaks provide evidence against the convergence hypothesis. However, when two or more structural breaks are applied in per capita income series, the incomes of around 11–13 states are found to stochastically converge to the national average. This finding supports the convergence hypothesis for the panel as a whole after accounting for two data features, cross-sectional dependence and structural breaks in incomes, using a unified panel stationarity testing framework. 相似文献
Shurojit Chatterji 《Economic Theory》2002,20(4):837-847
Summary. This paper provides conditions for the almost sure convergence of the least squares learning rule in a stochastic temporary
equilibrium model, where regressions are performed on the past values of the endogenous state variable. In contrast to earlier
studies, (Evans and Honkapohja, 1998; Marcent and Sargent, 1989), which were local analyses, the dynamics are studied from
a global viewpoint, which allows one to obtain an almost sure convergence result without employing projection facilities.
Received: April 7, 2001; revised version: September 5, 2001 相似文献
Friedman's `plucking' model, in which output cannot exceed a ceiling level but is occasionally plucked downward by recessions,
is tested using Kim and Nelson's formal econometric specification on output data from the G-7 countries. Considerable support
for the model is obtained, leading us to conclude that during normal periods, output seems to be driven mostly by permanent
shocks, but during recessions and high-growth recoveries, transitory shocks dominate. During these periods macroeconomic models
that emphasise demand-oriented shocks, rather than real business cycle type models, may thus be more appropriate.
First Version Received: September 2000/Final Version Received: May 2001 相似文献
This paper examines price and inflation convergence between three European countries (Italy, Spain and the U.K.) and a European average and, alternatively, between them and Germany from the beginning of the 80's. For this purpose the long-run stochastic relationships on prices derived from the convergence criteria agreed in the Maastricht Treaty are analyzed. In order to do this, some recent unit root tests have been applied as well as time-varying parameters models. The results reject the long-run convergence hypothesis in all the cases but allow us to accept the existence of catching-up with the European average and Germany in some cases depending on the nature of the prices and on the countries considered. First version received: March 1997/final version received: May 1999 相似文献
The paper attempts to examine whether there is price convergence across various regions in India. Using panel unit root tests that are robust to cross-sectional dependence, it is found that relative price levels among various regions in India are mean-reverting. Further, we decompose each series into a set of common factors and idiosyncratic components. The decomposition enables us to test stationarity and estimate half-lives of the common factors and the idiosyncratic components separately. Both these components are found to be stationary. Idiosyncratic price shocks, however, are found to be more persistent as compared to the common factor. Results also indicate that transportation cost proxied by distance can explain a part of the variation in prices between two locations in India. The authors would like to thank Dibyendu Bhaumik for arranging the data for this study. Views expresed in the paper are personal and do not reflect the views of the organizations. 相似文献
The “transition happiness gap” has been one of the most robust findings in the literature on life satisfaction. Until very recently, scholars using various datasets have shown that residents of post-communist countries were significantly less satisfied with their lives than their counterparts in non-transition countries (controlling for income and other socio-economic characteristics). The literature has explained this finding by the great macroeconomic instability of the 1990s, by a substantial decrease in the quality and accessibility of public goods, by the major increase in inequality, and by the rapid depreciation of pre-transition human capital. All these factors were expected to subside over time – at least after the post-Great-Recession recovery. In this paper, we consider two most recent datasets – the third wave of the Life in Transition Survey (administered in 2015–16) and the 2010–2016 waves of the annual Gallup World Poll. We find that by 2016 the transition happiness gap had closed. This convergence has taken place both due to a “happiness recovery” in post-communist countries after the Great Recession and due to a decrease in life satisfaction in comparator countries in recent years. We also find that the convergence in life satisfaction was primarily driven by middle-income young, educated individuals, regardless of gender. 相似文献
Previous studies of the stability of the demand for money have been largely conducted in the context of individual countries. To the extent that these countries have control over their monetary policies, such an approach is well justified. However, for monetary unions, where the control over monetary policy is usually vested in a central or outside authority, it is more appropriate to examine the stability of the money demand for the union as a collective entity. This paper follows this approach with respect to a West African monetary union, the WAEMU, whose monetary policies are largely dictated by the French authorities. Using cointegration theory and CUSUM stability tests, we find evidence that the demand for broad money is stable in this union. Given the empirical results, the paper draws inferences regarding their implications for the formulation of optimal monetary policy for the WAEMU. 相似文献
An implication of two-country international real business cycle models is that total factor productivity should be an exogenous stochastic process. Economic theories which feature labor hoarding, variable capacity utilization, and increasing returns predict that measured productivity shifts are not exogenous; instead, expansionary aggregate demand shocks should lead to an increase in measured productivity. For each of the G-7 countries, this paper measures quarterly aggregate total factor productivity for the domestic country and its rest-of-world (G-6) counterpart. In each case the domestic productivity measures are not strictly exogenous: expansionary U.S. monetary policy shocks, as well as other G-6 monetary policy shocks, lead to productivity expansions. The evidence indicates that international business cycle models are misspecified unless they feature endogenous productivity mechanisms.Received: June 2001, Accepted: December 2001, JEL Classification:
E5, F4Correspondence to: Charles L. EvansFor their helpful comments, we thank Mario Crucini, Patricia Reynolds, and Steve Strongin. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve System. 相似文献
This article investigates the real convergence of 17 Latin American countries to the US economy for the period 1950 to 2011. Time series methods are used to test stochastic and β-convergence. These methods include the possibility of one or two structural changes. The results show that when endogenous structural changes are considered several Latin American countries exhibit stochastic convergence. Nevertheless, real convergence to the US is found only for three Latin American countries: Chile, Costa Rica and Trinidad and Tobago, with these countries also presenting evidence of stochastic and β-convergence. 相似文献
This paper employs data from the last four decades to analyse major determinants of household saving for the Group of Seven (G-7) nations. Particular attention is paid to the effects of interest rates, government saving, and social security contributions. Regression analysis is used to control for the effects of both the level and changes in income per capita and inflation. 相似文献
Miguel S. Aubyn 《Empirical Economics》1999,24(1):23-44
Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Kalman filter convergence tests are applied to annual GDPs per head to 16 industrialised
countries from 1890 to 1989. Results favour convergence towards the US with a structural break following the Second World
War. Estimates suggest that steady-states were higher after the war and that speeds of convergence are different across countries.
The Kalman filter method dismissed the no convergence hypothesis more often than its ADF counterpart. This could explain the
apparent contradiction in earlier empirical work on similar data sets (cross-section methods tended to favour convergence
while time series methods were unable to dismiss the no convergence hypothesis.)
First version received: February 1996/final version received: September 1997 相似文献
Manfred Grtner 《European Journal of Political Economy》1999,15(4):185
This paper derives and evaluates empirical implications which separate the naive voters view [Nordhaus, W.D., 1975. The political business cycle. Review of Economic Studies 42, 169–190.] from the rational-voters view [Barro R., Gordon, D., 1983. Rules, discretion, and reputation in a model of monetary policy. Journal of Monetary Economics 12, 101–121.] under rational expectations. The observational equivalence of the two approaches obtained under a natural rate vanishes as output persistence is introduced. An analysis of inflation in the G-7 countries reveals election patterns supporting the joint hypothesis that demand shocks persist and that monetary policy courts retrospective voters. Patterns turn weaker as central banks become more independent, but do not disappear. Reducing inflationary bias not only requires more central bank independence, but as well less persistence. 相似文献
Stochastic convergence of per capita carbon dioxide emissions and multiple structural breaks in OECD countries 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This research applies an innovative panel data stationarity testing procedure developed by Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. [Carrion-i-Silvestre, J.L., Barrio-Castro, T.D. and Lopez-Bazo, E., 2005. Breaking the panels: An application to the GDP per capita, Econometrics Journal 8, 159–175.], which has the advantage of recognizing multiple structural breaks and the presence of cross-section dependence in order to re-investigate the hypothesis that per capita carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions stochastically converge for 21 OECD countries from 1950 to 2002. Remarkably, the evidence clearly indicates that the panel dataset of relative per capita CO2 emissions is stationary after the structural breaks and cross-sectional dependence are introduced into the model. These findings offer strong policy implications for governments, regardless of whether they are in “convergent group” or “divergent group” countries. We also find that the structural breaks in the 1960s and over the 1970–1982 period are associated with time periods of fossil fuel becoming the main source of productivity, higher oil prices, and the development of nuclear power. 相似文献
Salah A. Nusair 《International economic journal》2013,27(4):467-489
Previous studies on PPP have tested either the null hypothesis of non-stationary or the null of a stationary real exchange rate and used the US as the base country and focused on industrialized countries. It has been argued that testing either null is insufficient to confirm the presence of PPP. It has also been noticed that the results are sensitive to the choices of the base country; for instance, the US versus Germany. In contrast to previous studies, this paper uses different unit root tests, confirmatory analysis, and different base countries to test PPP for a sample of developing countries in Asia during the current float. Overall, the results do not seem to be sensitive to the choice of the base country, and joint rejections are not present but joint non-rejections are far more common. Using Perron's test, which allows for a one-time break in the series, the results indicate evidence of stationarity for Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand when the US is the base country. When Japan is the base country, evidence of stationarity is detected only for Indonesia. 相似文献
Omar H.M.N. Bashar 《Economic Modelling》2011,28(3):1374-1382
This paper extends the work of Cover, Enders and Hueng (2006) to examine the idea that an aggregate demand shock may have permanent effect on the output level by indirectly shifting the aggregate supply curve. We utilize the bivariate SVAR modeling and adopt an identification scheme, which allows for the possibility that a shift in the aggregate demand curve may induce the long-run aggregate supply curve to shift. We have shown that aggregate supply shocks are positively affected by the demand shocks in each of the G-7 countries. It is found that a one-time positive aggregate demand shock increases the output level permanently in these industrialized economies. We have also shown that our decomposition strategy can help resolve anomalies in the responses of inflation to a positive aggregate supply shock observed in a simple Blanchard-Quah decomposition. 相似文献
Whether or not a government deficit is sustainable has important implications for policy. If the debt of a nation is sustainable, then it implies that the government should have no incentive to default on its internal debt. In this article we examine whether or not the debt-GDP ratios of the G-7 and some European countries can be characterized by a unit root process with the non-linear trend and asymmetric adjustment. The econometric methodology allows us to determine whether the stationarity holds for the government's debt–GDP ratio after considering the non-linear trend. Among the main results, it is found that it is very likely that the debt–GDP ratios of Canada, Germany, the US and Italy are stationarity after taking account of the non-linear trend in the long run. Nevertheless, it is model-dependent for the debt–GDP ratios of these countries to be asymmetrically adjusted after taking the non-linear trend into consideration. 相似文献
Global slack and domestic inflation rates: A structural investigation for G-7 countries 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Recent papers have argued that one implication of globalization is that domestic inflation rates may have now become more a function of “global”, rather than domestic, economic conditions, as postulated by closed-economy Phillips curves.This paper aims to assess the empirical importance of global output in determining domestic inflation rates by estimating a structural model for a sample of G-7 economies. The model can capture the potential effects of global output fluctuations on both the aggregate supply and the aggregate demand relations in the economy and it is estimated using full-information Bayesian methods.The empirical results reveal a significant effect of global output on aggregate demand in most countries. Through this channel, global economic conditions can indirectly affect inflation. The results, instead, do not seem to provide evidence in favor of altering domestic Phillips curves to include global slack as an additional driving variable for inflation. 相似文献
The convergence of air pollutants is a major concern for policymakers since all the countries pursue the goal of allocating the emissions equally internationally in the future. Hence, the examination of the existence of convergence is important for the climate change protection of the earth. In this article, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions convergence among the G7 countries for the period between 1990 and 2011 is examined using the pairwise testing technique proposed by that aims to analyse probabilistic convergence across a large number of cross-sectional units. Next, we proceed with multivariate tests for stability and the existence of unit roots. Finally, the analysis is complemented by the use of the panel stationarity test accounting for structural changes as proposed by Carrion-i-Silvestre et al. (2005) test. Overall, the results do not confirm the hypothesis of convergence for the countries in question, although, more recently, the countries have shown a small decline in their GHG emissions. 相似文献
Danny T. Quah 《Journal of Economic Growth》1996,1(1):95-124
This paper uses a model of growth and imperfect capital mobility across multiple economies to characterize the dynamics of (cross-country) income distributions. This allows convenient study of the convergence hypothesis, and reveals, where appropriate, polarization and clumping within subgroups. The data show little cross-country convergence; instead, the important features are persistence, immobility, and polarization, exemplified by convergence club or twin peaks dynamics. 相似文献
Poomthan Rangkakulnuwat A. K. M. Mahbub Morshed H. Holly Wang Sung K. Ahn 《Applied economics》2013,45(14):1849-1862
This article investigates how the price indices of major cities of the US respond to the shock from a city and from monetary policy. We find that the crisis of Bretton Woods system in 1968 and the oil crisis in 1974 should be incorporated as structural breaks in monetary policy variables and price indices. Using cointegration technique with structural break in our aggregated data, we find that the average half-life is 1.75 years, which is closer to what some of others found in disaggregated data, and that the interest rate is an effective tool for controlling cities’ price in short run. 相似文献