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王育琨 《董事会》2008,(1):108-109
幼时学习成绩平平,患过结核病,没考上名牌大学.进了“火车便当大学”,又进不去大公司,在“黑社会”门口徘徊的稻盛和夫,费尽周折,终于加入了松风工业。可是没想到他满怀期待的松风工业.却是一个由银行管理的亏损公司。家族政治搞得公司分崩离析。公司发不出工资.没有人气.同期进入工厂的5个大学生离开了4个。稻盛和夫的“心相”说显示了魔力。  相似文献   

无锡A公司是江苏B集团公司的一个子公司.B集团公司是“小天鹅”注册商标的所有人,A公司经B集团公司的许可在其生产的某类产品上使用“小天鹅”注册商标。自2005年10月15日起,A公司委托嘉兴C公司为其贴牌生产该类产品.在其生产产品的包装箱、铭牌等零部件上使用“小天鹅”注册商标,并约定,  相似文献   

朱春阳  李宁 《中国石化》2007,(10):44-46
近两年来.齐鲁石化公司热电厂党委通过开展“读一本书,搞一项创新,抓一个主题,发一个短信”的“四个一”活动.形成了“四轮驱动”领导干部建设的好局面,实现了“四好”班子建设的大提速,有效提升了干部队伍政治思想和业务技术素质。  相似文献   

3月4日至5日,公司召开2010年女职工工作会暨百年“三八”国际劳动妇女节庆祝表彰大会,为获得巾帼文明岗、巾帼建功标兵等荣誉的集体和个人颁发了奖牌和证书。  相似文献   

2006年,对柳州供电局来说,是一个值得庆贺和铭记的一年。这一年,柳州供电局全面完成了广西电网公司下达的“五项责任制考核”目标,顺利地实现了“双零”目标,并创造了连续安全生产578天的历史新记录,实现了三个百日安全生产无事故长周期记录,供电量和售电量同比增长9.2%、9.52%。获得了南方电网公司“迎峰度夏”先进集体、广西电网公司创建“四好”领导班子活动“先进单位”、柳州市强优工业企业,并被广西电网公司推荐为南方电网公司文明单位。  相似文献   

1959年3月9日,世界上第一个金发美女娃娃正式问世,当时美泰公司创办人露丝·汉德勒用小女儿芭芭拉的昵称给她命名,从此这位金发美女就叫做“芭比”。近半个世纪以来,芭比娃娃以完美的体型,灿烂的笑容和“丰富的工作经历”闻名于世。尽管芭比娃娃在相貌、种族、肤色、发型、语言乃至服装上都经历了各种变化,  相似文献   

2003年3月份以来,茂名公司新的领导班子认真贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,针对公司生产经营、改革发展和职工思想实际,提出了“树立新观念、建立新机制、实施新举措、谱写新篇章”的口号,并在全公司范围内开展以此为主题的教育实践活动,公司领导班子思想高度统一,精神状态焕然一新,带领广大干部职工创出了改革增效稳定新局面。公司全年总体实现利润8亿多元,超额完成集团公司下达的全年利润目标,创历史最好成绩,“三项制度”改革进展顺利,职工医院成功改制,13所中小学顺利移交社会,保持“非典”零记录,职工队伍稳定。  相似文献   

3月23日.应美国俄亥俄州阿克伦城的Flexsys America LP公司的申请,美国国际贸易委员会决定对进口橡胶抗降解剂及类似产品进行“337”调查。橡胶抗降解剂主要用于各种橡胶产品以防止其降解,如汽车轮胎等。  相似文献   

直属机关在公司改革发展中发挥重要作用,承担着管理、参谋、协调和服务等重要职能。近年来.直属机关纪委根据新形势、新情况的变化,结合机关实际,创新工作思路,突出工作重点,把反腐倡廉工作融入管理,着力增强“四力”.构筑“四线”,机关反腐倡廉工作取得了长足发展,较好地保证了公司各项改革发展。  相似文献   

李瑞 《工业会计》2005,(12):18-19
你悬手机用户吗?这个问题问出来可能让你见笑了.是啊.现在都通信时代了.谁不玩个手机?你有银行卡吗?这个问题也有点多余了.当今流行无纸作业.钱也不例外.里何况现在通过银行卡可以领工资.取款、消费,甚至还可以透支.银行卡方便生活.省时省力.哪个人没有一两张?你收到过诸如“中奖”或”本公司……”之类的短信吗?你一定面露无奈之色.现在“垃圾短信“满天飞.孰能幸免?最后一个问题,你知道“银行卡短信诈骗”吗?如果你没有听说过.或者嗤之以鼻说什么“卡在我手里.一个短信岂能骗走,”之类的话.那可要提醒你了:看好你的钱包!  相似文献   

Platforms are growing increasingly powerful, raising questions about whether their power might be exercised with bias. While bias is inherently difficult to measure, we identify a context within the music industry that is amenable to bias testing. Our approach requires ex ante platform assessments of commercial promise – such as the rank order in which products are presented – along with information on eventual product success. A platform is biased against a product type if the type attains greater success, conditional on ex ante assessment. Theoretical considerations and voiced industry concerns suggest the possibility of platform biases in favor of major record labels, and industry participants also point to bias against women. Using data on Spotify curators’ rank of songs on New Music Friday playlists in 2017, we find that Spotify’s New Music Friday rankings favor independent-label music, along with some evidence of bias in favor of music by women. Despite challenges that independent-label artists and women face in the music industry, Spotify’s New Music curation appears to favor them.  相似文献   

单纯靠"广告养活"的互联网商业世界,即将跨入一个全新的商务时代。职脉网(jobmet.com)的机房里安放着十几台普通PC搭建的服务器集群,加上外部托管的服务器,一共20多台机器。这些机器每天并行处理着庞大的数据运算量,它们都在做与求职应聘人才  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether a search engine’s ordering of algorithmic results has an important effect on website traffic. A website’s ranking on a search engine results page is positively correlated with the clicks that it receives. This could result from the search engine’s accurately predicting the websites relevance to users. Or it could result from users merely clicking on the highest ranked links, regardless of the website’s relevance. Using a unique dataset, we find that a website’s rank, not just its relevance, strongly and significantly affects the likelihood of a click. We also find evidence that rank influences CTRs partly by controlling access to the scarce attention of users, but primarily by substituting the reputational capital of the search engine for the reputation of individual websites.  相似文献   

We examine how placement of geo-targeted local news links on Google News affected local news consumption. Using a sample of news visits by 36,876 U.S. households before and after a Google News design change, we find that aggregation increased the level and share of local news consumed online. Magnitudes are modest: consumption of local news among heavy Google News users rose by 25% after the redesign, but from a low base. Geo-targeting increased weekly consumption variety and reduced concentration among local outlets but did not raise overall consumption variety, suggesting that aggregators play a limited role in product discovery.  相似文献   

苏娟 《IT经理世界》2009,(15):38-40
7月20日,当着中国媒体的面,谷歌全球副总裁、大中华区总裁李开复象征性地从兜里摸出陪伴他一年多的苹果iPhone手机,一扬手欲扔出窗外。他宣布,将正式换用基于谷歌Android平台的G2手机。  相似文献   

Using five “freemium” mobile app games on six European markets we examine the effect of price changes on conversion rate, number of users and viewing of rewarded videos. Our difference-in-difference estimation relies on games being available on both the Apple and Google platforms with price changes on only one platform. Our main identification comes from exogenous adjustments of Apples prices in 2021. Own-price elasticities of conversion are in the -1 to -4 range. Watching of rewarded videos decreases as in-app prices decrease with an average elasticity of around 0.5, but overall play is not affected by changes in-app prices.  相似文献   

勾智楠 《河北工业科技》2012,29(2):82-85,97
针对用户兴趣提供个性化的搜索服务一直是搜索引擎系统追求的目标。提出了基于用户兴趣的多属性效用算法,该算法使用效用性算法并结合了实体多个属性偏好因子和遗忘因子,更好地表达用户的兴趣偏好并实现动态更新,提高检索的准确性,实现搜索过程的个性化服务。  相似文献   

Data obtained from a nationwide survey of US residences during September and October 2002 are used to investigate household awareness of high-speed Internet access, profile Internet access and use, and gain insight into how important always-on, price, speed, installation, and reliability attributes are in their choice of service. Preliminary analysis suggests relatively high awareness of cable modem and DSL availability. Almost 19 percent of the sample have high-speed connectivity, and the mean price paid per month for dial-up and high-speed access is $19.76 and $42.36, respectively. Preference for high-speed access is apparent among households with higher income and college education. About 63 percent of high-speed users have more than five years of online experience, compared to 48 percent of dial-up users, and high-speed users are twice as likely to share music files and photos, bank, trade stocks, and pay bills “many times a week” than dial-up users. Willingness-to-pay estimates indicate reliability of service, speed, and always-on connectivity are important Internet access attributes.  相似文献   

Searching for sources of inspiration is central to creative design; however, we have limited knowledge of individual inspiration search strategies in response to varying levels of task constraints. We studied 39 high-school students’ inspiration search strategies using Google Images. Low task constrainedness led to divergent search marked by quick iterations, limited design task usage, and a heterogeneous image set. Intermediate constrainedness prompted in-depth, on-task exploration characterized by slow and careful iterations with more search result examination, extensive design task usage, and homogenous images. High constrainedness led to flexible bracketing with quick, flexible design task use, ending with heterogeneous images. Images from the intermediately and highly constrained conditions generated more ideas and were perceived as more inspiring (relative to low) in a new group of students. We discuss the idea of a ‘sweet spot’ of constrainedness in an inspiration search process in design and consider implications for design research and future work.  相似文献   

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