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一信用是随着商品经济的发展而建立和不断完善的。经济意义上的信用是以还本和付息为条件的价值的单方面让渡行为,是一种借贷,体现了特定的经济关系,即商品或货币所有者以偿还和付息为条件,把一定数量的商品或货币出借给需要者的一种借贷行为。法律意义上的信用则要求当事人在民事活动中诚实、善意地行使权利、履行义务。信用还有信任、诚实、守信、遵守诺言等社会学的内容。现代市场经济不仅是法制经济,也是信用经济,市场的健康运行和发展靠的就是信用。诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德,中华传统伦理非常重视诚信的经世致用,强调处理…  相似文献   

李闽榕 《经济学家》2005,25(5):91-97
导致社会信用失范的原因是多方面的,需要从市场经济外部和内部两个方面来寻找。“中国人自古不讲信用”的看法是对历史的严重歪曲。马克思无可辩驳地证明了资本对利益的追逐必然要导致市场的信用失范。从而揭示了市场经济与信用缺失问题之间的必然联系。人的市场行为的基本动机是谋求个人利益的最大化,诚信和失信都是作为市场主体的人在市场重复博弈过程中谋求物质利益的行为选择,只要有市场就会发生失信现象,这是古今中外任何市场都无法避免的。市场经济产生着失信的因素,但它并不必然导致社会信用的普遍和严重失范。在完善市场经济假设基础上形成的西方信用经济理论,其理论上的误区是显而易见的,以此来指导我国社会主义市场经济的发展必然会出现实践上的误导。  相似文献   

冀春贤 《经济师》2003,(4):234-235
信用是市场经济存在和发展的基础 ,信用恶化会导致一系列经济社会问题应运而生 ,我国目前的信用现状令人担忧 ,市场经济正面临着信用的严峻挑战。因此 ,通过改革、法治、宣传教育等措施 ,加强信用建设已迫在眉睫  相似文献   

本文通过分析信息与信用、信用与市场经济以及产权制度与信用之间的关系 ,认为我国信用维持的关键是清晰产权制度、加强法制建设和强化利益机制。  相似文献   

何骏 《经济论坛》2002,(11):7-9
一、个人信用制度的涵义个人信用制度是指能证明、解释和查验自然人资信而建立的一系列具有法律效力的文本资料和行事规则。具体而言,它应包括个人信用登记制度、个人信用评估制度、个人信用风险预警制度、个人信用风险管理制度、个人信用风险转嫁制度。有了较完善的个人信用制度,才能保证以信用交易为主要手段的成熟市场经济的健康发展。因此,个人信用制度的建立与完善对于拉动内需、刺激经济增长,防范交易风险、规范市场经济秩序,简化金融服务手续、方便消费者等方面都有重大意义。所以,个人信用不仅仅是道德问题,更是经济问题和社…  相似文献   

本通过分析信息与信用、信用与市场经济以及产权制度与信用之间的关系,认为我国信用维持的关键是清晰产权制度、加强法制建设和强化利益机制。  相似文献   

2003年10月14日党的十六届三中全会通过的(中共中央关于完善社会主义市场体制若干问题的决定)指出,要完善市场体系,规范市场秩序,就要建立健全社会信用体系。良好的社会信用是市场经济有序运行的基础,构建社会信用体系,更是整个社会经济快速发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

市场经济与公共产品   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
产品与公共产品是市场经济中产品的两种形式.公共产品生产与提供是对市场失灵的校正,也是对市场制度缺陷的一种弥补.在当前,大力加强公共产品生产,使之与私人产品生产并行发展,体现了更加完善的社会主义市场体制模式的构建.公共产品大发展是出现于20世纪的新事物.科学评析、扬弃西方经济学的公共产品理论,构建社会主义公共产品新理论是十分必要的.  相似文献   


This paper describes the features of a monetary economy on the basis of Keynes's distinction between a real exchange economy and a monetary economy. In The General Theory, Keynes identifies the reasons for the non-neutrality of money by highlighting the store of wealth function of money; this approach has been adopted by most Keynesian economists. The aim of this paper is to show that such an approach only partially explains the reasons for money non-neutrality and that important elements which demonstrate the relevance of monetary variables emerge when the means of payment function of money is considered. Investigating the role of this function requires that we deal explicitly with how spending decisions are financed. The paper argues that the market for credit must be considered separately from the market for money, and that a viable credit theory can be built from Keynes's post-General Theory writings.  相似文献   

Summary This paper examines an economy in which agents with private information about their own productive capabilities seek to raise capital to fund their investment projects. We employ an equilibrium concept which is closely related to Coalition Proof Nash Equilibrium. In equilibrium, all agents who succeed in raising capital (entrepreneurs) are pooled; they all receive the same contract or consumption schedule. Entrepreneurs, however, are separated from those who fail to raise capital. This separation results in productive efficiency for the economy. If the economy has no viable alternative investment opportunity (other than agents' projects) then equilibrium allocations can be supported by a (non-intermediated) securities market. If there is a viable alternative, the equilibrium allocations cannot be supported by a securities market equilibrium. We interpret this case as suggesting the emergence of financial intermedary coalitions.  相似文献   


We generate measures of banking risk across Indian states and examine the relationship between banking risk and economic production in India. We find that banking risk co-moves with total grain production (TPG) and real gross domestic product (RGDP). The long-term impact of banking risk differs across Indian states. Ten states are negatively affected while one state maintains growth in RGDP. Likewise, the results show that six states are negatively affected while two states maintain growth in TPG. Banking risk is found to induce a larger decline in TPG than in RGDP at the national and state levels. Overall, banking risk shocks induce negative effects on both TPG and RGDP.  相似文献   

This paper develops a stochastic growth model with a cash-in-advance constraint, costly credit, and intermediary services. We study how the behavior of financial intermediaries affects the relationship between economic growth and the monetary system. We show that the payment that intermediaries charge for providing financial services influences the money–growth relationship. When the intermediation cost increases proportionally with credit purchases, we do not observe any influence of growth on the monetary system. When the intermediation cost is not proportional to credit purchases, growth is responsible for a transformation of the monetary system, i.e. money is relatively driven out of the economy as the economy grows.  相似文献   

The paper assesses the effects of exchange rate policies and imported inflation in the case of Finland, which is a small open economy with underdeveloped financial markets. Under such circumstances interest rates do not necessarily equilibrate the credit market, so that a simplified theoretical disequilibrium model with credit rationing is first presented. In the second part of the paper the Bank of Finland quarterly econometric model for the Finnish economy is simulated. The most important conclusion to emerge from the simulations with the quarterly model is that the effects are highly dependent on the credit market conditions.  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique monthly data set that covers the overall credit card usage in a small-open economy, Turkey, to investigate a possible credit channel of monetary policy transmission through credit cards. A reduced-form vector autoregression analysis is employed, where the forecast error variance decompositions are calculated for three-year windows over the period 2002–2009. It is shown that, during the recent financial crisis that has started in 2007, the monetary policy of Turkey has shifted toward focusing on output volatility and interest rate smoothing through setting short-term interest rates, while the inflation rate has been mostly affected by exchange rate movements and inflation inertia. Credit card usage has an increasing effect on inflation rates through time, requiring more policy emphasis on the credit channel through credit cards. When the effects of the credit view and the money view are compared, the former seems to be more effective on the real side of the economy, independent of the level of inflation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we identify and estimate the dynamic effects of foreign (US) and national (Canadian) credit shocks in a small open economy. We use standard credit spreads as proxies to the external finance premium. Our first result suggests that the US and Canadian credit spreads contain substantial forecasting power for several measures of the Canadian real economic activity, especially during the recent financial crisis and its aftermath. Secondly, an adverse US credit shock generates a significant and persistent economic slowdown in Canada: the national external finance premium rises immediately while interest rates, credit aggregates, output and employment indicators decline. Variance decomposition reveals that credit shocks have a sizeable effect on real activity measures, leading indicators and credit spreads. Yet, the unexpected shocks in domestic credit spreads are not able to generate any significant dynamic response of the real activity once we control for the US credit market conditions.  相似文献   

The rising incidence of credit defaults may cause credit crunch. This affects the ability of firms to finance working capital and also fixed capital formation. Naturally, this is a major macroeconomic shock. This paper is an attempt to address the microeconomic foundation of such macroeconomic shock. We provide a theoretical framework to explain the economic rationale behind ‘wilful corporate defaults’ and ‘financial corruption’ in the specific context of trade liberalization. First, we model the behavioural aspects of wilful corporate defaulters and bank officials to determine the bank bribe rate as an outcome of the Nash bargaining process in a two-stage sequential move game. Based on the results of the partial equilibrium framework, we examine aspects of trade liberalization in an otherwise 2 × 2 general equilibrium framework. We also compare the efficacy of punishment strategies to economic incentives to deter credit defaults and banking sector corruption. Methodologically, our analytical model integrates finance capital distinctly from physical capital in Jonesian general equilibrium framework. Interestingly, our findings indicate that there exists a trade-off at equilibrium between curbing credit defaults and bribery. We also find that not all punishment strategies are equally effective at deterring credit defaults if general equilibrium interlinkage effects are carefully dealt with.  相似文献   

利率、汇率波动的加剧,使金融衍生市场的风险成为影响金融体系稳定运行的最重要因素之一。在金融风险定价理论和资产组合技术的支持下,金融衍生工具已成为防范基础性金融风险的有效工具。但金融衍生工具在用于金融风险管理中也存在市场风险、信用风险、流动性风险等基本金融风险。不仅存在着市场风险与信用风险的替代性,还存在着加大金融风险总量的可能。金融风险管理的实质是寻求风险损失与风险收益的平衡。  相似文献   

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