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一、THC问题的简单回顾 1.何为THC THC(terminal handling charges),意为码头作业费。1997年起,鉴于我国周边地区部分港口在收取THC,并以广东口岸的码头费用比内地其他地方要高为由,班轮公司率先在广东向货主收取ORC(Original Receiving Charges,即始发地接货费),这项收费只是在提法上与THC不同。随后的几年中,班轮公司逐渐把这项费用推广到广西、海南、福建和  相似文献   

THC是Terminal Handling Charge的缩写,含义是码头作业费,所谓码头作业费。就是船公司在运费之外,向货代企业额外收取的一项费用,它是随着国际海上集装箱班轮运输的发展而产生。  相似文献   

黄建东 《大经贸》2009,(3):88-90
“这是他们的新策略!” 当得知马士基(中国)航运有限公司(下称“马土基”)单方面提高码头操作费(THC)时,广东省国际贸易货主协会副会长兼法律服务中心主任潘志恒对记者如是说。  相似文献   

香港湾仔码头(Wan Chai Pier),全称湾仔渡轮码头(Wan Chai Feny Pier),是香港的一个渡轮码头,位于香港岛的湾仔海旁,邻近香港会议展览中心。  相似文献   

胡海卿 《大经贸》2002,(3):32-35
1月15日,外国船公司联盟班轮公会单方面宣布,在中国境内各港口开始向货主推行加收"THC 码头作业费"(在广东地区原称为 ORC),这一举动大大地激怒了中国货主。1月25日,广东省国际贸易货主协会正式成立,作为被收取此项附加费的起始省份,新成立的广东货主协会能否遏制住这项不合理收费的源头,引起全国关注。  相似文献   

邓莉莉 《大经贸》2007,(7):32-32
4月28日,交通部发布了《关于对四个运价协议组织在中国华南地区提高码头作业费(THC)收费标准问题的处理意见》(以下简称《处理意见》):(一)鉴于ISAA和IRSA未依法备案其组织章程协议,因此,认定ISAA和IRSA订立的涉及中国港口的协议无效,撤消其订立的自2007年5月15日起在中国华南地区提高THC收费标准的协议,并且自即日起一年内不得在中国开展活动,各成员公司不得协商、订立、执行ISAA和IRSA涉及中国港口的任何运营和运价协议.  相似文献   

20O1年岁末,远东班轮公会、泛太平洋稳定协议组织等外国班轮公会连同一些在华外资船公司宣称他们将在2002年1月15日起在中国境内各港口向中国货主加收码头作业费(THC),收费标准为:  相似文献   

香港毗邻珠江三角洲,有着得天独厚的自然的深水港,是靠泊船只的天然避风港。经过多年发展,现已成为一个世界一流的货柜港口。香港航运业近年取得巨大成就,已成为亚太地区国际航运中心,拥有世界一流的国际集装箱港口和世界最大的独立商船队。作为香港四个主要行业之一的物流业,货柜处理设施是物流业基础建设的重要部分,  相似文献   

香港葵涌码头至深圳华南国际物流中心全长51公里的“深港物流绿色通道”正式开通,香港码头和机场的货物吞吐将进一步加快。  相似文献   

随着全球性金融危机的蔓延,造船与航运业遭遇深度衰退,而拆船业则迎来了一个发展高峰,拆船业也从不引人注目的地位走向前台。2009年5月15日,国际拆船公约外交大会在香港特别行政区成功落下帷幕。外交大会正式审议通过了《2009年香港国际安全与无害环境拆船公约》  相似文献   

试论珠三角和香港港口物流业的合作竞争关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
珠江三角洲与香港的港口物流业存在既合作又竞争的关系。两地在航运交易、船舶租赁、金融保险、物流加工、航运信息系统建设方面具有很强的互补性与广阔的合作空间;在对远洋航线、远洋集装箱资源、国际采购中心客户的争夺和发展中转航运中心方面则存在竞争关系。珠江三角洲,一方面应瞄准两地港口物流业的互补性,积极创造条件拓展二者的合作空间:另一方面应加快区内物流业改革开放的步伐,缩小与香港的差距,在与强大竞争对手的角逐中求得长足的发展。  相似文献   

Hosted by ShippingChina.com, co-operated by China Ship- ping and Port Academy, composed by World Economy Institute of Dalian Maritime University, the report on ranks of Chinese Ports in 2008 by overall competitiveness was completed recently. The report only involved the ports in mainland China, with these in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan excluded. The report mea- sured the competitive ability of a port in accord with Michael Porter's Competitive Advantage and Samuelson's Economics Theory. 25 out of 60, meaning 2008 China Port Top 25, were se- lected by statistical software according their performance in five sectors, which was measured by 13 indexes. The sectors include trend of investment, growth rate of throughput, capacity of the ports, the financial condition of the ports and the natural envi- ronment. And the indexes are as following, the amount of direct investment from foreign companies, the amount of investment, the growth rate of container throughput, the growth rate of cargo throughput, port service, the port handling rate, the number of bridge cranes at ports, the number of berths at ports, the number of berthing ships at ports, the total assets, total profits, the draft and the location advantage.  相似文献   

A key factor in assessing the future of the Hong Kong dollar is whether China would, after 1997, take the drastic step of abolishing the Hong Kong dollar in favor of the Renminbi (RMB) as legal tender. While this possibility should not be discounted, our view is that a merger of the two currencies would only occur in the distant future when the RMB becomes fully convertible. This study argues that the status quo of the HK$-US$ link would be preserved at least until the turn of the century. A combination of factors, including the overriding need to maintain confidence and stability in Hong Kong, which is crucial for a smooth transition of sovereignty; the weak relationship between either imported or domestic-generated inflation and the exchange rate link; and the misconception that Hong Kong's export competitiveness has been undermined by an overvalued Hong Kong dollar would help to support the argument that other alternative regimes for the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate would not be feasible in the short run. These alternative regimes include changing to a floating rate  相似文献   

In this contribution, the future market of business and management education in Hong Kong is investigated, bearing in mind that Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty. Hong Kong is expected to continue its prosperity, but the emigration of large numbers of Hong Kong professionals wanting to secure a safety net by acquiring a foreign passport has further created demands for better and more business and management education in an attempt to develop more professional managers. The study starts by discussing the current state of the Hong Kong economy and the phenomenon of the ‘brain drain’. In addition, it analyses a survey of the current state of business and management education in Hong Kong so that a market need can be identified to match economic growth. Finally, the study suggests a future research direction for Hong Kong's business and management education.  相似文献   

This article uses hammer prices from five global auction houses to analyse the price premium Bordeaux fine wine yielded at Hong Kong wine auctions. We find that fine wine was on average sold at a 19% premium in Hong Kong. We further observe that the Hong Kong premium is not uniform and most pronounced for wines with perfect Parker scores and the most powerful brands. The premium has declined throughout the sample period from 60% in 2008 to a level of 15% since 2012. This can be attributed to the increase in knowledge on fine wine by Chinese customers.  相似文献   

The management of human resources has emerged as a critical factor in creating and maintaining the competitive edge of a business. The HR manger should be a business partner who plays the role as a diagnostician and a strategist in the company. Hong Kong HR practitioners are known to be poorly equipped to play such a part since professional HRM training in Hong Kong have largely neglected strategic aspects. At the time of the study, Hong Kong experienced its worst economic downturn since 1984 where bankruptcy and unemployment are at an all time high. This study aimed to provide updated views on the competency needed for future HR leaders in Hong Kong in face of the challenges ahead. Against the background of a literature review, a survey contrasted the views of CEOs and HR executives regarding the required level of competencies of future HR leaders in Hong Kong. The findings establish an empirical basis for a framework guiding the direction and content of the future development of HR practitioners in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

China's accession to the WTO and the ‘Agreement on Textiles and Clothing’ (ATC) which gradually ban the use of quota, will have profound impacts on the textile industry in China. This article attempts to examine such impacts on all textile firms of Hong Kong origin. It briefly examines the impact of WTO on the textile industries in general, the participation of Hong Kong based firms in China's textiles industry, and the competitors from foreign countries. It examines in detail the practice of obtaining Hong Kong quota for textile products that are made in the Mainland by Hong Kong firms. The article argues that there are positive and negative effects of China–s WTO accession for all textile firms of Hong Kong origin. It concludes that the shifting of the targeted market to high-end, high-value-added is the only way of survival for the textile firms of Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Confronted with the rise of a new group within its organization, Small World, an international Christian kindergarten in Hong Kong, is being forced to reconsider its boundaries. The trend towards more applications to international schools by Hong Kong Chinese, adds an extra dimension to the already extensive cultural diversity among the kindergarten's staff, students and their parents. Describing the appreciation for cultural diversity amongst staff and parents, the strategies that are used to maintain harmony and the motives that (Hong Kong Chinese) parents have for participation in the school, it is argued that only one effect of globalization on the macro level can be identified on the micro and meso level, namely indigenization. The article shows how parents, staff and the organization all try to adopt attractive or useful elements of foreign cultures without giving up their own culture, and subsequently foster multiculturalism in an attempt to reach their goals, these being the cultural competence of their children for Hong Kong Chinese parents and success for the organization. The resulting demand for the incorporation of extra foreign elements in the curriculum is forcing Small World to reconsider its boundaries.  相似文献   

在世界金融科技发展的背景下,香港作为世界三大金融中心之一,要想实现行业升级,需要解决自身经济结构的不合理性。从香港目前的发展状况来看,将金融科技高度融入到现有的支柱产业是关键所在。本文从香港前几次的行业转型升级历程入手,指出了之前香港产业结构升级的特点,分析了在新兴金融科技背景下,香港再次进行经济转型的必要性及趋势,由此探究出香港由金融中心演变为金融科技中心需要进行区域间的经济协作、强化政府宏观调控、加强技术创新并引入新兴技术以及推动科技产业集群化的路径选择。  相似文献   

随着深圳物流业的崛起,深圳与香港物流业竞争力的比较越来越受到业界的关注。通过在生产要素成本、组织成本和要素质量三个方面对深圳和香港物流业的竞争力的实证分析,表明深圳的要素成本比香港有明显的优势,但是深圳的制度成本比香港要高。在生产要素质量方面,深圳与香港的“硬要素”差距不大,“软要素”差距比较大。深圳中低端物流业务的竞争力正在接近甚至超越香港,将促使原本在香港境内的此类业务向深圳、珠江三角洲等地区转移。  相似文献   

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