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Value Freedom, Laissez Faire, Mises, and Rothbard   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

ABSTRACT: The study considers both the theoretical significance and operational measurement of the territorial basis of the division of labor. Two such measurements, the index of dissimilarity and the standardized index of dissimilarity, are discussed in detail with regard to their adequacy and applicability. In addition, a theory linking the territorial basis to technological efficiency and urbanization is presented and tests performed with data for the United States for each of the census years from 1900–1950. Positive relations were found between the three variables, lending strong support to the theory.  相似文献   

This paper examines the incentive effects of division of labor on worker effort, in the absence of the scale effects studied by Adam Smith. The game-theoretic model gives two results. (1) Suppose workers are identical and risk-neutral, and there is stochastic observation of group output by the firm offering compensations subject to some worker-participation constraint. Then the firm can arrive at the same first-best outcome with or without division of labor. However, if workers are risk-averse, division of labor can give the firm strictly greater profit. (2) A deepening division of labor magnifies this positive incentive effect; but if workers are heterogeneous, or if there are certain informational imperfections in the production process, this incentive advantage of division of labor could be impaired or even reversed. The first result may help explain the emergence of division of labor in the early stages of industrialization without relying on the Smithian advantages, which are also present in some labor deployment schemes without division of labor. The second result throws light on some recent anecdotal evidence of a shallowing division of labor in some areas of modern manufacturing. These factors affecting the efficiency of division of labor are then further discussed in the light of recent empirical findings on division of labor and team work, such as those in Katzenbach and Smith (1993).  相似文献   

分工程度包含着部门因组织方式不同而导致的生产率差异,它可以为二元经济结构对立提供一个分析起点。本文构建了一个逐次放松条件的新兴古典经济学模型,从分工角度解释二元经济结构的形成。模型显示:二元经济结构反差源于部门个人专业化水平、迂回生产程度和产品种类数的不同,二元经济结构是两部门分工水平差异的产物,此判断得到了实证分析的支持。从分工角度出发,可以对中国二元经济结构问题形成更深刻的理解。  相似文献   

社会分工和收入差距对于经济的发展具有重要作用,作为微观经济主体的企业自然会受到其影响。文章从分工角度及社会收入差距角度,研究了对企业经济发展的影响,认为劳动者所处行业、职业的不同,以及劳动力的流动性和财富的聚集效应,是成社会收入差距扩大的主要原因。劳动力资源分布和收入分化造成的不公平感,会影响企业经济发展的效率。  相似文献   

A bstract . Murray N. Rothbard is recognized as one of the most articulate modern critics of Henry George's land value tax. A leading libertarian thinker, Rothbard condemns George's recommendation that government act to affect private transactions in land, arguing that such interventions infringe on previously defined private property rights. However, Rothbard's social system has no explicit mechanism for accommodating the emergence of tradeable property rights to newly recognized environmental resources. In effect, Rothbard calls for controls on such resources—no trading. Henry George, on the other hand, provides for the evolution of new property rights and their emergence into private markets. The paradox here is that George's solution to the property rights question might accommodate the social yearnings of one of his most severe critics, Murray N. Rothbard.  相似文献   

Kirzner, Israel M. (2001). Ludwig von Mises: The Man and His Economics . Wilmington, DE: ISI Books. ISBN 1-882926-61-7. xv, 226 pp.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个新兴古典经济学一般均衡模型,采用超边际分析方法,来解释经济制度对自利个人的行为影响。分析表明,由制度所决定的“偷抢“交易对手财物活动费用系数提高时(偷抢的成本增大),自利的个人偷抢活动水平就会降低,投入偷抢的时间下降,投入生产的时间会上升,生产率会提高,真实收入会增加,从而改善社会的经济绩效。本文对目前我国开展的整顿和规范市场的经济秩序有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

彭玉婷  褚庆鑫 《价值工程》2009,28(10):140-142
基于分工和交易费用两难冲突,运用新兴古典经济学理论,解释了双边市场形成和演进的根本原因。双边市场是一种特殊的中间平台;它是交易效率改进到一定程度导致的专业化水平提高和分工深化的结果。双边市场的出现和发展也预示着市场经济演进到了更高的层次。  相似文献   

在分工理论的基础上,首先构建了“分工动态循环演进”的概念框架,并在此概念框架下对城乡二元经济结构的成因进行理论分析,得出企业和市场发育程度不同是导致城乡二元经济结构产生的根本原因这一不同于传统二元经济理论的结论。之后,采用我国1980—2011年的时间序列数据验证了上述结论,并得出,我国要顺利实现二元结构转换,关键是要通过农业产业化、农业促进制度和普惠金融力推农村企业和市场发展,以企业和市场的发展带动农村分工深化和劳动生产率水平提高。  相似文献   

关于分工、专业化和借贷利率的一般均衡分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
斯密和庞巴雏克从分工与专业化的角度解释了储蓄与借贷行为产生的原因以及利息的本质。穆勒也强调借贷行为在社会关系和改进劳动生产率方面的重要作用。本文利用内生借贷行为和内生的网络分工模型分析了利率与投资及经济发展之间的一些主要关系,并利用经济发展事实对部分结论作了论证。  相似文献   

妇女缠足在中国持续了一千年左右,晚清时已发展到了中国绝大部分地区农村劳动阶级的妇女也普遍缠足的程度。除缠足外还有一系列的习俗束缚着妇女参与社会劳动,强化着农村家庭内两性间的性别分工。本文通过家庭经济学中的性别分工理论研究传统农家生产的性别分工和效率,以及缠足等习俗对经济效率的损失和对性别分工的强化作用。性别分工的强化不仅仅是强化了女性的被奴役地位,在经济上还强化了家庭农业和家庭手工业的结合,增强了农家的自给性质。在这种生产方式下,生产资料和劳动力没有分离,社会分工和专业化生产不发达,同时束缚了经济的变革。  相似文献   

第三方物流的出现和存在必然有其合理性,文中从经济学和社会学两个方面,通过交易费用理论和社会分工理论解释第三方物流这一这会经济现象存在的合理性,从而说明了企业尽可能采用物流外包而放弃自营物流的必要性。  相似文献   

Britain does not have a 'deficit problem' and can sustain adove-trend economis growth with low inflation for same year to come.  相似文献   

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