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This study examines how privately owned firms that are listed on Chinese stock exchanges and often surrounded by Buddhist or Taoist temples use money to bind themselves to officials who can mitigate their underinvestment problems. Philanthropic giving is a traditional way of achieving this task. Based on social‐exchange theory, we consider the potential for indirect reciprocity, in which visiting officials do favours for local businesses that do favours for other social actors. We analyse whether China’s Buddhist and Taoist cultures influence how philanthropic giving induces visiting officials to do favors. We also examine temple locations and the behaviours of privately owned firms listed on Chinese stock exchanges from 2001 to 2012 in an empirical study that provides strong support for our arguments. Results show that philanthropic giving initiates and amplifies indirect reciprocity between visiting officials and local businesses, thereby increasing corporate investment. The magnitudes of these effects depend on the magnitude of religious norms. Our study thus illuminates the influence of visiting officials on corporate investment.  相似文献   

Existing research has demonstrated how the norm of reciprocity operates as a general principle in exchange relationships. However, limited explicit theoretical and empirical attention has been paid to its role in the functioning of the psychological contract. Using a sample of Finnish public sector employees, this study investigated the impact of perceived employer fulfilment of psychological contract on employee perceptions of the form of reciprocity underlying the exchange relationship. The potential mediating role of the reciprocity perceptions between perceived contract fulfilment and its outcomes (affective commitment, continuance commitment and intention to leave) was also examined. The results show that perceived employer fulfilment is positively associated with employee perceptions of the generalized form of reciprocity, and negatively with perceptions of the balanced form of reciprocity. Further, perceptions of generalized reciprocity were found to mediate the relationship between perceived contract fulfilment and affective commitment and intentions to leave the organization. Results and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

汇率变动能在多大程度上引起商品相对价格变动是汇率研究的一个重要组成部分。文章对汇率不完全传递的原因进行了总结,在现有研究的基础上,基于微观视角发展了一个国际营销策略性定价分析框架,从微观层面对不完全汇率传递进行了探索。  相似文献   


Social exchange theory and notions of reciprocity have long been assumed to explain the relationship between psychological contract breach and important employee outcomes. To date, however, there has been no explicit testing of these assumptions. This research, therefore, explores the mediating role of negative, generalized, and balanced reciprocity, in the relationships between psychological contract breach and employees’ affective organizational commitment and turnover intentions. A survey of 247 Pakistani employees of a large public university was analyzed using structural equation modeling and bootstrapping techniques, and provided excellent support for our model. As predicted, psychological contract breach was positively related to negative reciprocity norms and negatively related to generalized and balanced reciprocity norms. Negative and generalized (but not balanced) reciprocity were negatively and positively (respectively) related to employees’ affective organizational commitment and fully mediated the relationship between psychological contract breach and affective organizational commitment. Moreover, affective organizational commitment fully mediated the relationship between generalized and negative reciprocity and employees’ turnover intentions. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

马晓丽  王娟 《价值工程》2006,25(5):114-116
人民币汇率问题成为中国经济问题的焦点之一。本文从人民币汇率机制的历史演变的基础上出发,指明了现行人民币汇率机制存在的一些特点,进而得出了现行人民币汇率机制存在问题――强制结汇售汇存在缺陷,人民币缺乏弹性,外汇市场不完善。最后本文在此基础上提出了一些改革人民币汇率机制的建议。  相似文献   

近年来兴起的"中间汇率制度消失论"已成为主流经济学界判断发展中国家汇率制度选择的主要理论依据.它建议发展中国家应实行汇率制度的端点解.通过对当前人民币汇率制度可持续性进行分析,证实现阶段中国的货币政策管理水平、经济结构调整、就业压力以及金融市场不完善等现状不允许中国在中短期内实行"端点"汇率制度;现行的人民币"软钉住"美元的汇率政策应是当前以及未来相当长时期内中国的最佳选择.  相似文献   

汇率传递效应在不同国家呈现出不同的效果和结论,而通胀水平和汇率波动程度也在一定程度上影响着汇率传递效应的发挥。文中根据不同的汇率波动幅度和不同的通胀水平将全样本分别分为两个子样本,建立VAR模型,利用累计脉冲响应函数来计算相应的汇率传递率并进行比较分析。结果表明,高通胀环境以及扩大的汇率波动程度都可以提高汇率传递率,使得在此情况下利用汇率政策来有效治理国内通胀成为可能。  相似文献   

This paper uses speech act theory to present a libertarian reinterpretation of the Habermasian concept of communicative action. Voluntary exchange in competitive markets is interpreted as a speech act and a form of communicative action that respects autonomy and obstructs power. Where exchange occurs in monopolistic markets, it is defective in being a form of (a) strategic action aimed directly at rival suppliers rather than buyers and (b) economic coercion. Voluntary exchange is not an isolated act but the outcome of a complex bargaining process, which may lead to negotiated exit, without the possibility of which economic relations are coercive.  相似文献   

韩保元  张晗  王化磊 《价值工程》2012,31(30):199-200
针对安全隔离与信息交换系统在岸船通信应用中,不能实时监测链路通断的难题,研究了现有的设计方案,并改进了其中的不足之处。从安全隔离与信息交换系统、协议转换器、路由器等网络设备的工作原理以及对传输链路的要求等方面分析,并通过OPENET软件模拟、性能测试实验验证了该方案的可行性和有效性,实现了实时监测链路通断的功能,增强了数据的保密性。  相似文献   

外汇储备成本分析及管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵秀荣 《价值工程》2006,25(2):108-110
近几年我国外汇储备大幅度增长,目前已经冲破6000亿大关,巨额储备背后的成本到底会有多大?中国又该怎样避免大的损失?文章通过对外汇储备成本的分析,提出科学管理我国外汇储备的方法。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,我国外汇储备以两位数的速度不断增长,2008年3月已达16821.77亿美元,远远超过最优规模。文章分析了不断增长的巨额外汇储备的原因、利弊,并提出了巨额外汇储备管理的对策。  相似文献   

When the government and companies invest in childcare, both do it with good intentions. While politicians have the intention of enhancing fertility and well‐being of families, employers expect positive responses from working parents based on the norm of reciprocity. Since industrialized countries increase public family support year by year, the question arises as to whether this may trigger unanticipated consequences. If both the state and companies invest in substitutive services, they might unintentionally spark competition. Therefore, the aim of this study is to examine whether public childcare may “crowd out” the reciprocity effects of corporate childcare on working parents. In Switzerland, state family policies vary among the 26 cantons, so we are able to compare cantons with a high and low number of cantonal childcare services. Using survey data taken from 414 working parents living in different Swiss cantons, we examined whether public childcare affects organizational‐related responses of working parents. First, our results support the expected level of reciprocity: working parents in companies with their own childcare services show higher organizational commitment than parents in companies without this support. Second, we find evidence for a crowding‐out effect: in family‐supportive cantons with numerous public childcare services, working parents’ commitment to companies with their own childcare services is lower than in less family‐friendly cantons. This finding reignites an old economic debate on the crowding out of voluntary private investments due to governmental policies. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The paper argues that exchange rate reform is a vital supply-side factor in China's export growth. It contributes to China's export expansion by affording a realistic exchange rate and allowing freer access to foreign exchange, thereby leading to the reduction of anti-export bias and strong supply response. In an imperfect substitutes model, China's long-run export supply and demand functions are estimated in a system context. Evidence is found that the exchange rate reform is one of the most influential factors in China's long-run export expansion, inducing significant response of exports supply. In the short-run, the exchange rate reform and the export volume are also cross-linked through the error-correction process. China's exchange rate policy adjusts speedily to ensure the long-run equilibrium of the supply-side relationship and is likely to have played a dominant role in the adjustment. The study confirms, thanks to the exchange rate reform, China's exchange rate policy has benefited China's remarkable growth of exports before 1994.  相似文献   

潘晓辉 《价值工程》2011,30(24):127-129
随着世界经济全球化的发展,企业迫切需要在更大范围内实现资源共享与数据交换。由于企业的平台和数据模式各不相同,传统的数据交换方式已经不能适应现代电子数据交换的需要,基于可扩展标记语言XML和Internet的新一代数据交换系统是未来的发展方向。本文采用XML和J2EE等技术研究适合电子商务应用的数据交换系统。在数据交换中,发送端的企业首先将XML数据文档发送到数据交换平台,由平台转换成符合接收端的企业数据模式的XML文档后发送给接收端,从而实现了企业间异构数据的交换。  相似文献   

This paper investigates and compares the response to the exchange rate changes of trade balances of three Turkish sectors; agriculture, manufacturing and mining. The impact on trade balance of exchange rate changes is examined using the trade balance model employed in Bahmani-Oskooee [1985, Review of Economics and Statistics 67: 500]. Analysis is conducted based on the quarterly data from 1986: I to 1998: III. It is observed that in response to domestic currency depreciation trade balance of each of all three sectors first improves, then deteriorates and then improves again. Despite exhibiting similar pattern of reaction to the exchange rate change in the short run, long-run or overall response of trade balance differs across the sectors; while trade balances of both manufacturing and mining improve in the long run, agricultural trade balance worsens as a result of domestic-currency depreciation.  相似文献   

良好的沟通交流能够有效地提高职工的工作效率。对于党支部书记来说,其与职工进行良好的沟通交流,能够帮助职工更好地释放自己的思想情绪,激发职工工作的积极性和热情,构建更加和谐的工作氛围,从整体上提高企业的工作效率与管理水平。论文主要对党支部书记应怎样与职工沟通交流进行了分析,希望能够找到党支部书记与职工进行有效沟通交流的途径,确保职工能够最大限度地发挥自身的作用和价值。  相似文献   

王亦旻 《价值工程》2014,(15):230-232
本科生国际交流是指中外高校之间通过签订校际交流协议,选派本校本科生到国外学校进行交流学习,并相互认可学生所修课程成绩和学分的人才培养模式。本科生国际交流在取得初步成绩的同时,也出现了一些问题,影响了国际交流的顺利发展。为此,建议我国高等教育管理部门尽快制定和完善高校学生校际交流的相关法规制度。同时作为高校,也应从加强部门的沟通,规范管理流程;加快学分制建设等方面进行改进,以保障本科生国际交流的顺利实施。  相似文献   

Applying the VAR model and using the interest rate as a monetary policy variable, we find that in the long run, output in China responds negatively to a shock to the interest rate, the real exchange rate, government debt, or the inflation rate, and it reacts positively to a shock to government deficits or lagged own output. When real M2 is chosen as a monetary policy variable, long-term output in China responds positively to a shock to real M2 or lagged own output, and it reacts negatively to a shock to the real exchange rate, government debt, or government deficits. Its response to a shock to the inflation rate is negative when government debt is used and is positive when government deficits are considered. In the short run, fiscal policy is more important than monetary policy in three out of four cases. In the long run, monetary policy is more influential than fiscal policy in three out of four cases. Therefore, the government may consider conducting monetary and fiscal policies differently in the short run and long run. The government needs to be cautious in pursuing deficit spending as its long-term impacts depend on the monetary variable employed. The policy of maintaining a relatively stable exchange rate is appropriate as the depreciation of the Yuan may hurt the economy in the short run.JEL Classifications: E5, F4, H6  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化进程的加快,医学领域的国际交往也越来越频繁,加强国际交往已成为现代医院更快发展不可缺少的重要战略。作为不发达地区的一所三甲医院,广西柳州市工人医院外事意识也进一步加强.通过国际交流与合作促进了医院的更大发展。文章着重分析该院国际交流与合作的现状、作用和成效。  相似文献   

王舒 《价值工程》2012,31(4):118
外汇储备是考察一国对外贸易和经济的重要指标,它是一个国家经济实力体现,近年来,随着我国经济的不断发展,进出口贸易规模不断扩大,伴之而来的是我国的外汇储备屡创新高,目前我国的外汇储备已经超过2万亿美元。如何正确面对并合理应对高额外汇储备,以确保我国经济社会的可持续发展,己经成为广泛关注的热点话题。针对这一严峻的现实问题,本文分析了我国外汇储备的现状,提出了相应的优化措施。  相似文献   

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