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解读有限合伙制风险投资基金   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险投资主体制度的缺陷是目前我国风险投资业面临的关键问题之一。有限合伙制以其特有的产权和责任安排而被认为是最符合风险投资行业特点和要求的组织形式。我国应探索建立适合我国国情的有限合伙制风险投资基金。  相似文献   

我国风险投资企业引入有限合伙制探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文主要介绍有限合伙制及其在风险投资企业中存在的优势,分析我国风险投资企业引入有限合伙制的主要障碍并提出创造适合的法制环境,改革风险投资资金供给机制,建设风险投资专家队伍,加强对有限合伙企业的运行监督等对策建议。  相似文献   

风险投资组织形式的国际比较与我国的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险投资是一种创新型投资,对于高科技产业和以科技、知识为基础的现代经济来说意义重大。风险投资组织形式是影响风险投资效率和发展速度的重要因素。本文通过对以美国为代表的有限合伙制、以日本为代表的公司制和以台湾地区为代表的信托基金制的国际比较,得出有限合伙制是最有效率的组织形式。目前我国风险投资的公司制存在许多弊端,未来风险投资组织形式的选择应借鉴国际经验,结合我国国情,分两步走,最终建立以有限合伙制风险投资机构为主体的风险投资体系。  相似文献   

本文通过阐述有限合伙制在我国风险投资领域应用的适用性,分析有限合伙制在我国风险投资领域应用的障碍,最后提出相关研究对策,为有限合伙制在我国的顺利实施提供理论参考和政策建设.  相似文献   

风险投资是投资者的一种赚钱方式,具有高风险性和高收益性的特点。作者认为要规避风险,最好的方法就是成立风险投资基金。在西方国家,多采用有限合伙制的方式来管理风险投资基金,其中,有限合伙人专门把资金投入风险投资基金,普通合伙人负责管理风险投资基金。作者通过比较美国、台湾和中国的风险投资发展现状,分析了中国风险投资业目前存在的主要问题。作者认为中国风险投资业存在的瓶颈问题主要有:退出机制不完善,不能通过上市实现退出;有限合伙制的缺乏,导致了投资要缴纳观倍税额,投资者的意愿主事投资决策、政府直接插手投资活动等等一系列问题;中国的风险投资基金规模普遍偏小,不能大力推动国内高科技企业的发展,这直接导致了中国高科技企业规模普遍较小,从而未能建立风险投资企业的完整框架。此外,中国缺少专门针对风险投资业的立法,企业信用体系尚未建立,缺乏有助于公司快速成长的经营管理人才等等,这些因素都阻碍了串国风险投资的快速发展,为解决中国风险投资业发展中的瓶颈问题,作者提出了六条建议。  相似文献   

有限合伙制作为风险投资基金一种主流的组织形式,其内部治理主要体现为有限合伙人与普通合伙人对有限合伙制VC的监管机制,有效地解决了风险投资中的两大难题:信息不对称和风险不对称问题.从法理基础、有限合伙人保护机制、普通合伙人的信义义务的维度对我国有限合伙制风险投资基金内部治理结构加以考察,有利于在不同利益主体之间寻找最佳平衡点,进而为提高基金运作和决策的效率,保证基金投资者利益的最大化提供理论支撑.  相似文献   

沈陆 《金卡工程》2009,13(2):173-173
风险投资经过多年的发展,主要有三种形式:公司制、信托基金制和有限合伙制.2006年新出台的<合伙企业法>引入了有限合伙的模式,其自身的特性和诸多优点是其成为我国风险投资组织形式的最佳模式.  相似文献   

王露 《济南金融》2012,(2):44-47
本文采用对比分析的方法,从风险资本以及机构的稳定性、能否建立有效的激励约束机制、成本是否低廉和机构运作的效率四个方面对风险投资机构的主要组织形式进行了对比分析。结果发现,有限合伙制应该成为我国风险投资机构的主流组织形式。  相似文献   

有限合伙制创业投资基金所得税问题初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着新<合伙企业法>的实施,越来越多的本土创业投资企业/基金采取了有限合伙制的组织形式.但由于目前我国与有限合伙制企业有关的税收立法滞后,导致有限合伙制创业投资基金的所得税税收及其征管存在一些问题.本文对这些问题进行了深入分析,并有针对性地提出了完善我国有限合伙制创业投资基金所得税政策的若干建议.  相似文献   

风险投资的组织形式及相关法律制度研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范柏乃  沈荣芳 《上海金融》2001,(3):48-50,55
从法律形态来看,风险投资组织形式大体上可以分为三大类,即合伙制(主要是有限合伙制)、信托基金制和公司制.从现实形态看,不同的组织形式和制度安排,会产生不同的风险投资效率. 一、三种风险投资组织形式的比较分析 从经济学角度来看,风险投资组织形式和制度安排主要解决三个基本问题:一是运营问题,即如何最大限度地降低运营成本;二是代理人问题,即如何最大限度地降低代理人风险(成本);三是激励问题,即如何最大限度地激励风险资本家努力勤勉地工作.  相似文献   

Venture capital firms (VC) have encountered with uncertainty and risk of asymmetric information due to an investment in early-to-growth stage start-ups with technological base and high growth potential. Venture capital syndication network helps reduce a broad gap of information asymmetry in a venture capital investment. Moreover, network connections are found to be the success factor for venture capitalists under a lack of fully developed institutional environment in emerging market. Venture capital industry in Southeast Asia is nascent yet in demanding and fast growing. Despite a decline in the number of venture deals in the US, the deals keep surging in Southeast Asia (SEA), one of the most significant and dynamic propellers of the world economy. To develop the entrepreneurial ecosystem in SEA, it is interesting to examine how VC firms are connected to one another. Even though several literatures found some distinctive network characteristics amidst the US, European and Chinese venture capital market, the Southeast Asian has left unattended. In this paper, we initiate the network of venture capital firms among Southeast Asian nations and explore their relationships through social network analysis. The purposes of this study are to investigate the topological and statistical properties of VC network consisting of small-world behavior, power law distribution, and centrality measure such as degree, closeness, and betweenness. In addition, we classify various levels of connections into subnetworks and examine influential groups of VCs in Southeast Asia.We initiate an empirical study on the characteristics of VC network across different countries in Southeast Asia by using a unique hand-collected dataset of syndicated deals. Social network analysis has initially and preliminarily been applied to the VC network in this region. This paper contributes to VC network literature in providing a unique network structure and network metrics of venture capital in SEA. In managerial contribution, this study provides more structural VC cooperation towards VC syndication networks. This benefits to venture capital firms who are looking for potential partners in Southeast Asian region and start-up companies who are looking for funding with high-networked or influencial VCs. The results also confirm previous evidence of significance on VC networks in emerging market, even if the institution and regulation are claimed to fall behind that in the developed market. This research introduces the fact that the venture capital network in Southeast Asia has small-world pattern and Singapore acts as a hub of venture capital market in the region. Top-ranking VC firms have been listed by network centrality across nations, while multi-company syndications are prevailing in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Venture capitalists face the challenge of determining how many entrepreneurial ventures they should invest in. Kanniainen and Keuschnigg (J Corp Finance 9:521–534, 2003) develop a theoretical model based on economic factors that shows how a venture capital fund should set its portfolio size in order to achieve optimal returns. Determining the required economic inputs to this model is difficult in practice however, given the informational asymmetries, uncertainties and ambiguities present in the decision-making environment of venture capitalists. Hence, we contend that general partners of venture capital funds also use their prior venture capital fund management experience, which we refer to as social capital, to overcome the difficulties they face in solving the above optimization problem. Our results support our hypotheses that portfolio size is explained by the interplay of economic and social factors.   相似文献   

We evaluate the performance of limited partners? (LPs?) private equity investments over time. Using a sample of 14,380 investments by 1,852 LPs in 1,250 buyout and venture capital funds started between 1991 and 2006, we find that the superior performance of endowment investors in the 1991–1998 period, documented by prior literature, is mostly due to their greater access to the top-performing venture capital partnerships. In the subsequent 1999–2006 period, endowments no longer outperform, no longer have greater access to funds that are likely to restrict access, and do not make better investment selections than other types of institutional investors. Nevertheless, all investor types? private equity investments continue to outperform public markets on average. We discuss how these results are consistent with the general maturing of the industry, as private equity has transitioned from a niche, poorly understood area to a ubiquitous part of institutional investors? portfolios.  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants and consequences of investor activism in venture capital. Using a hand-collected sample of European venture capital deals, it shows the importance of human capital. Venture capital firms with partners that have prior business experience are more active recruiting managers and directors, helping with fundraising, and interacting more frequently with their portfolio companies. Independent venture capital firms are also more active than ‘captive’ (bank-, corporate-, or government-owned) firms. After controlling for endogeneity, investor activism is shown to be positively related to the success of portfolio companies.  相似文献   

《创业投资企业管理暂行办法》解读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在对“创业投资”进行准确法律界定的基础上,阐述了《创业投资企业管理暂行办法》扶持创业投资发展并引导其投资方向的立法宗旨以及政策扶持的主要方式,并就该办法为何仅调整创业投资基金以及所提供的特别法律保护、所确定的政府监管方式和研究制定有关配套规章与政策,进行了论证和解读。  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between the public equity market and the returns to venture investing using a dataset which is derived from the records of two large limited partners who have been investing in venture capital for almost 30 years. Evidence is found to suggest that market conditions over the investment cycle, and exit conditions at the time of exit in particular, are an important determinant. This paper also investigates whether any other aspects of the venture investment process respond to events in the broader market. While general trends are evident in the venture investment cycle, only the intensity of the investment process is found to respond to events in the public equity market.  相似文献   

从福利经济学视角看公益创投对社会福利的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公益创投是一种新型的公益资本投入方式,其对象一般为初创期或中小型的公益组织。除了资金支持,它还强调管理和技术支持,通过与被投资者建立长期的合作伙伴关系,达到促进能力建设和公益模式创新的目的。其实质是通过引发资源配置的调整,从而影响社会福利的变化。通过运用序数效用论等相关经济理论分析公益创投在不同情况下对社会福利的影响,从而总结出其中的影响因素———投入来源和资源配置合理程度。此外,公益创投在福利事业发展、收入再分配调节及就业机会创造等方面也引致社会福利。  相似文献   

美国历史最悠久、最成功的风险投资公司之一Charles River Venture的创始人之一Rick Burnes于2006年3月29日带着他的七个合伙人Izhar Armony、Chria Baldwin、Bruce Sachs、William Bill Tai、Austin Weaterling、George Zachary、Mike ZAk和法律专家Sarah Reed来中国考察项目,如此强大的阵容还是首次。他们此次来中国选择了北京、上海、香港三地。在北京,CRV正式宣布投资网友天下,同时宣布即将投资另一家公司——网际遨游(北京)科技有限公司。  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of venture capital finance on growth and innovation of young German firms. On the basis of statistical matching procedures we confirm findings that venture-funded firms have a higher number of patent applications than those in the control group. However, these are obtained even before the venture capitalists' investment, hence venture capitalists choose firms with demonstrated innovative output. After investment, the number of firms' patents does not differ significantly anymore, however their growth rates are significantly larger. This suggests that the higher innovativeness of venture-funded firms is due to the selection process of the venture capitalist prior to the funding rather than to the venture funding itself. Venture capitalists seem to focus rather on commercialization of existing innovations and growth of the firm.  相似文献   

While the U.S. still accounts for about two‐thirds of the world's total private equity fund‐raising and investment, other countries have been adopting American practices and are experiencing significant growth in their private equity markets. In fact, a case can be made that a global market for venture capital and private equity is emerging, at least in Western Europe and North America, where venture markets are seeing significant convergence in funding levels, investment patterns, and realized returns. To date, however, the European Union has had little success in establishing community‐wide commercial laws, taxation regimes, or corporate governance policies, so each country's private equity funds are organized in segmented national markets, and investment also tends to be largely localized. The Asian markets are even more fragmented: venture capital shows no sign of taking root in Japan, and China lacks the basic legal infrastructure needed to support a vibrant venture capital market. Venture capitalists create value through their role as active investors, and government and business leaders around the world have come to realize that venture capital and private equity investing can be a significant force in promoting economic development and technological progress. In general, countries with English common law codes offer greater protection to inves‐tors; the ratio of venture capital spending to GDP for common law countries is nearly double that in civil law countries. Government efforts to promote venture capital would probably be better focused on eliminating regulatory road‐blocks, lowering taxes, and provid‐ing a favorable investor climate. In the meantime, it appears that pri‐vate equity fund‐raising and invest‐ment have hit their cyclical lows and are poised to surpass $250 billion globally within three or four years and to reach one‐half trillion dollars by the end of the decade. The author also predicts that India, whose history as a former British colony has given it a common law framework as well as system of elite universities and technical institutes known for the quality of its gradu‐ates, should become one of the five leading venture capital markets by the end of this decade.  相似文献   

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