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The Malmquist Productivity Index and Plant Capacity Utilization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new decomposition of the Malmquist productivity index is proposed to account for changes in plant capacity utilization. Using a primal, non-parametric specification of technology, the Malmquist index is decomposed into technical efficiency change, variations in plant capacity utilization and frontier shifts. It provides an alternative to the available methods of incorporating capacity utilization changes into measures of productivity change. Such measures are based on parametric (and, in many cases, dual) technology specifications; moreover, they typically do not allow for technical inefficiency.
JEL Classification C 61; D 24  相似文献   

Biased Technical Change and Parallel Neutrality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Luenberger productivity indicator has many attractive features to evaluate productivity, technical and efficiency changes. Paralleling Färe et al. (1997), this paper shows that the technical change indicator can be expressed as the sum of a magnitude indicator and a bias indicator that is the sum of two bias indicators input and output oriented respectively. Using a recent concept of ``parallel neutrality'' introduced by Briec et al. (2006), some conditions under which each bias indicator makes no contribution to productivity change are established. Among the key contributions of this paper is a new linear programming model involving a graph translation homotheticity property.  相似文献   

This paper offers a classical model of biased technical change in the MarxRicardo tradition as a framework for theoretical and applied studies of growth. The observable data it generates would appear to an unsuspecting economist to be well-described by a neoclassical model with a static Cobb-Douglas production function, when in fact this production function describes only the technological history of the economy. The CobbDouglas form results from the capital-using, labour-saving bias of technical change. The model's trajectory in wage-profit space will lie along the displaced image of the neoclassical factor price frontier, in contradiction to marginal productivity theory. The Solow residual can be reinterpreted by the classical theory as a measure of the size of this displacement.  相似文献   

我国台湾地区银行Malmquist生产率指数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以Malmquist生产率指数评估我国台湾地区34家银行1995~2005年期间生产率变动,研究发现,我国台湾地区银行业生产率在1995~2005年期间有微幅上升趋势,技术进步对于生产率的贡献大于技术效率,技术效率受规模效率提高及纯技术效率下降的影响,只有微弱提高。本文分析其可能存在的原因,并提出我国大陆地区银行可借鉴的一些经验启示。  相似文献   

Trade openness influences the wage structure via technology adoption in middle income countries. Given the econometric challenges of handling endogenous trade and technology interaction, we offer an alternative quantification based on calibration of a general equilibrium model. We expand the standard open economy Ramsey model to include comparative advantage, technology adoption and skill bias influenced by investment decisions. The calibration constructs a reference path for South Africa and allows counterfactual analysis of trade openness. The quantitative results imply that trade effects via technology adoption and skill bias can be an important determinant of wage inequality in middle income countries.  相似文献   

We reconsider the effects of long‐run economic growth on relative factor prices across cones of specialization. We model economic growth as exogenous technical change. Allowing for capital biased technical change with a sector bias and for endogenous commodity prices, we find that economic growth may increase or decrease factor price differences across cones. For a neutral demand side and capital biased growth in the most capital intensive sector, we find that economic growth encourages less factor price diversity across cones.  相似文献   

利用西部地区1992-2009年的面板数据,基于Malmquist指数法,考察了西部大开发战略实施前后各地区全要素生产率的变化。结果表明:大开发战略的实施使得西部地区全要素生产率的增长总体上由负值(-0.8%)转为正值(7%),全要素生产率对经济增长的贡献由-8.8%提高到14.3%,对东部地区的追赶效应明显,但仍存在较大差距。  相似文献   

国有企业相对于非国有企业在经营中享受了各种偏向性政策,是中国微观企业运行的典型特征之一。本文首先采用倾向得分匹配法(PSM)为国有企业构造各种特征相似的非国有企业对照样本,通过反事实分析测算对国有企业的偏向性政策造成的扭曲,然后在Hsieh&Klenow(2009)的框架下估算这一扭曲带来的经济效率损失。研究发现,偏向性政策主要通过产出扭曲和大型企业两种渠道影响资源配置效率,使得国有企业的资本和劳动过度配置。偏向性政策影响了企业分布,导致国有企业盲目扩张,这是造成中国产能过剩的原因之一。偏向性政策造成的效率损失已经显著下降,国有企业数量的减少和单个国有企业的效率损失不断下降是两个主要原因。产权问题的解决会缓解国有企业造成效率损失的问题,非国有注册资本占比达到一定幅度(50%以上),国有企业资源误置效率损失显著下降,但继续增加非国有注册资本,对国有企业资源误置效率损失的影响不大。  相似文献   

利用基于DEA的Malmquist指数方法,对我国电子行业的15家上市企业的创新效率变动进行了评价.实证结果表明,我国电子行业创新效率的降低主要是由于技术效率(资源配置效率)下降引起的,而技术进步对效率变动具有积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

文章基于我国15家各类性质银行在1996-2010年经营效率数据基础上,利用数据包络分析法(DEA),对我国银行1996-2010年经营效率进行总体评价与分析,报告了我国银行业务经营效率水平。通过应用Malmquist生产率指数对银行业务经营效率变动得进行了调查和测量,结果反映了银行上市后银行业效率提高幅度明显,尤其是国有银行进步最快,但我国商业银行普遍存在规模报酬递减的状况,需要进一步提高规模报酬。从动态上看,我国银行业1996-2003年全要素生产率总体上出现小幅的下降,但2004年以后,随着国有银行逐步上市,我国银行业全要素生产率得到了稳步的提升。笔者认为我国银行需不断拓展表外业务、提高日常管理水平、吸收更多高学历人才和增加新兴技术的自主创新。  相似文献   

吴雷 《科技进步与对策》2011,28(12):141-144
原始创新能力是决定装备制造业发展的关键性因素。为了更好地预测与判断原始创新能力对技术变动发展趋势的影响,建立了Malmquist生产率指数评价模型,并对评价结果中技术变动指数进一步分解,挖掘影响技术变动的深层次信息,以对黑龙江省装备制造业的原始创新能力进行评价分析。根据实证研究发现,黑龙江省装备制造业的原始创新能力总体上朝着有利于技术进步的方向发展。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the production structure, technical change, and total factor productivity of Albanian agriculture during the postwar period. Albanian agriculture faced severe structural problems such as limited economies of scale, labor-using technical change, decreasing partial factor (land and labor) productivities, and slow growth of total factor productivity. Agricultural development in Albania was based mainly on input increases, which accounted for almost 90% of output growth. Consequently, the economic crisis appearing since 1990 is not due only to the adjustment process toward a market economy but has also been affected by the postwar agricultural development strategy.  相似文献   

Chyan Yang 《Applied economics》2016,48(52):5106-5116
The study explored the operating efficiency and variability of productivity estimates of European airlines. We applied Malmquist productivity indices (MPI) with a bootstrap method to assess the productivities of European airlines in four regions in Europe. The productivity of small-sized airlines lagged further behind that of large-sized airlines because of their inferior technological change (TC) effects derived from inefficient resource allocation to sustain a competitive advantage. This study also indicated that the Western European airlines were more efficient on average than those in other areas of Europe. The applications of Malmquist productivity techniques in assessing the performance of European airlines are highlighted in their effective resource allocation, sustained competitive advantage and optimized operating performance.  相似文献   

This contribution establishes, from a theoretical viewpoint, the relations between the Malmquist productivity indices, that measure in either input or output orientations, and the Luenberger productivity indices, that can simultaneously contract inputs and expand outputs, but that can also measure in either input or output orientations. The main result is that a Malmquist productivity index overestimates productivity changes, since it provides productivity measures that are nearly twice those given by the Luenberger productivity index looking for simultaneous contractions of inputs and expansions of outputs. This relationship is empirically illustrated using data from 20 OECD countries over the 1974–97 period.  相似文献   

罗茜  蒲勇健  黄森 《技术经济》2010,29(6):74-81
本文运用三阶段Malmquist指数对我国商业银行2004—2008年的全要素生产率变化情况进行研究。研究结果表明,环境变量对我国商业银行的投入变量有显著的影响,传统的Malmquist方法高估了我国商业银行全要素生产率变化指数、技术进步变化指数以及技术效率变化指数;我国银行业在2004—2008年间出现了全要素生产率的改进,这主要源于技术进步的作用;金融危机的爆发使得我国银行业整体生产率大幅度下降,但对国有商业银行的影响要小于对股份制商业银行的影响。  相似文献   

采用非参数马姆奎斯特(Malmquist)指数估算我国2000~2009年29个省、直辖市和自治区的全要素生产率(TFP),并分析了人均GDP、人口密度、教育水平、城镇化率对全要素生产率的影响。研究发现:在给定资源投入情况下,东部的生产率增加值大于中部、西部,同时污染排放还小于中部、西部;人均GDP与TFP呈倒U型曲线,即环境要素生产率与人均GDP之间存在环境库兹涅茨(EKC)曲线关系;教育水平与环境要素生产率正相关,城镇化率和人口密度与TFP负相关。  相似文献   

使用1978~2008年省域面板数据,运用非参数曼奎斯特(Malmquist)生产率指数模型测算了中国农业全要素生产率的变动指数,并分析了全要素生产率(TFP)的时空差异。结果表明:全国、三大地区及绝大多数省份农业TFP的增长主要属于技术进步型的增长;全国及三大地区农业TFP增长呈现出明显的波动特征;农业TFP增长呈现出显著的区域间和区域内省际间的不平衡;农业技术效率的下滑制约全国及三大地区农业TFP的增长,而农业技术效率下滑是纯技术效率损失和规模效率下降共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

国际贸易、偏向型技术进步与要素收入分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
全球范围内初次收入分配中资本所占份额呈现增长趋势的事实在近年来引起广泛关注,偏向型技术进步成为一个重要的解释视角。本文构建了要素收入份额的决定方程,证实了偏向型技术进步的重要性,并从国际贸易的角度寻找其变化的原因。然后利用1980—2007年的跨国经济发展数据,探索国际贸易、偏向型技术进步对发展中国家要素收入份额的影响机制,发现发展中国家的技术进步偏向资本,从而导致要素收入向资本倾斜;进一步的,引入现有文献中用于解释收入份额变化的外商直接投资、劳资谈判能力等因素,发现我们的结论依然是稳健的。本文的研究充实了对发展中国家的技术进步偏向和要素收入的研究,有助于理解中国的技术进步来源和方向。  相似文献   

本文构建了一个同时引入偏向性技术变迁与中性技术冲击的包含居民消费的习惯形成的随机动态一般均衡模型,并以此模型为基础,对1979-2009年间中国宏观经济进行实证检验。研究表明:模型的预测结果与中国的特征事实较一致;对中国宏观经济的解释力要强于未包含劳动的RBC模型、包含资本劳动的可分劳动RBC模型、引入居民消费的习惯形成的可分劳动RBC模型,说明这一模型更符合中国经济的特征事实;与正的中性技术冲击具有正财富效应相反,正的偏向性技术变迁冲击具有明显的负财富效应特征;我国1979-2007年间推行的降低劳动弹性的偏向性技术变迁工业化发展战略促进了我国居民消费的增加、资本积累与GDP产出的提高,故而认为,这个战略是成功的。  相似文献   

The employability of an aging population in a world of continuous and biased technical change is top of the political agenda. Due to endogenous human capital depreciation the effective retirement age is often below statutory retirement age resulting in permanent non‐employability of older workers. We analyze this phenomenon in a putty‐putty human capital vintage model and focus on education and the speed of human capital depreciation. Introducing a two‐stage education system with initial schooling and lifelong learning, not even lifelong learning turns out to be capable of aligning economic and statutory retirement. However, well‐designed education programs will keep more workers in highly productive activities at the end of their working life, and hence will substitute for simple social transfers, or for an early switch towards very low paid jobs.  相似文献   

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