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固定资产减值与折旧都是固定资产核算的重要组成部分,从《资产负债表》内容上看,“折旧”与减值准备都是“固定资产”的备抵项目,两者互为补充,共同反映固定资产账面价值的减少。无论是计提减值准备,还是提取折旧,都不同程度地体现了“正确计算损溢、减少风险损失、合理确定成本补偿尺度”的“谨慎”原则。  相似文献   

<正>固定资产减值准备与累计折旧是固定资产核算的重要组成部分。从资产负债表内容上看,“累计折旧”与“固定资产减值准备”都是“固定资产”的备抵项目,两者互为补充,共同反映固定资产账面价值的减少。无论是计提减值准备,还是提取折旧,都不同程度地体现了正确计算损益、减少风险损失、合理确定价值补偿尺度的谨慎性原则。他们有着许多共  相似文献   

(一)国务院于1985年4月发布《国营企业固定资产折旧试行条例》(以下简称“条例”),财政 部于1986年5月发布《国营企业固定资产折旧执行条例实施细则》(以下简称“细则”),这两个文件明确规定了提取折旧的范围、依据、方法、折旧率和单位折旧额以及折旧基金的使用等等。但是,随着经济体制改革的不断深入,特别是逐步施行价格改革政策以来,工业品  相似文献   

1993年7月1日起开始实施的新的财会制度规定,企业“如符合有关规定,也可采用加速折旧法”。一般资料介绍加速折旧的方法有年限总额法、余额递减折旧法和双倍余额递减法等3种。笔者在实践中总结出一种新的加速折旧方法—年  相似文献   

煤矿维简费核算的新焦点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,煤炭企业核算“维持简单再生产费用”(简称“维简费”)出现了新的分歧:即已提足折旧的矿井建筑物固定资产继续使用仍计提维简费时,计入“长期应付款”科目,动用这部分维简费形成的固定资产是转作“资本公积”呢,还是转作“累计折旧”呢?这不仅是一个会计理论的问题.也是一个非常普遍的会计实务问题,有必要进行深入的研究和分析,找出科学合理的会计处理方法。  相似文献   

二、判断题(正确的在括号内用“∨”表示,错误的用“×”表示)1.煤炭企业对风镐、电钻的核算属于固定资产核算。()2.企业流动资金年平均余额是企业一年内每日流动资金占用额的总和。()3.清理报废固定资产发生的料、工、费应由专用资金开支。()4.煤炭企业规定综采设备的折旧年限为10年,是只根据有形损耗因素确定的。()5.煤炭企业计算固定资产折旧是按分类折旧  相似文献   

四、我国折旧年限的现状与技术进步的矛盾 南京汽车制造厂1958年开始批量生产轻型汽车,在1980年前折旧率为5.8%,设备平均折旧年限为16.43年。此后,1985~1986年曾为8.7%,1991年又降至7.76%,按折旧率7.76%计提折旧需13年。如上交“两金”并扣除设备残值,得到补偿设备的原值不到  相似文献   

第五讲设备折旧设备在占用中,其价值与使用价值(功能)均会发生损耗。要维持再生产规模,必须进行补偿。进行功能补偿的主要手段是修理、更换;进行价值补偿的主要方式是提取折旧。为了合理管理与使用折旧基金,企业财务部门专列“折旧基金”帐户。一、折旧基金的性质与作用马克思在《资本论》中说道:“假设一台价值一万  相似文献   

实行“五包”、“八保”、“一挂钩”,全面承包经营责任制。“五包”是包工程质量优良品率,包工程合同工期履约率,包安全、文明生产,包全员劳动生产率,包产值利润率。“八保”是:保上交公司管理费,保上交折旧大修理费,保上交劳保基金,保临时设施包工基金结  相似文献   

一、固定资产折旧的意义 折旧(Depreciation)的意义,就不同的经济制度、不同的经济政策和不同的功效观点来说,有不同的概念。当今,主要存在有五种不同的观念被人们所注意。 一种是:“折旧系固定资产价值的减少”(或说是价值的贬损),也就是英国经济学家从效用、耗用而立论的观念。从这一意义上说,导致折旧的最主要原因是固定资产的磨损(因使用某项固定资产而造成的价值损失)、自然力的影响(即朽烂、耗蚀或腐蚀)以及因时间流逝而逐渐陈旧过时(这使得某些资产使用到不能再使用再更换的境地)。  相似文献   

文章对新准则中固定资产定义、后续支出核算、个别业务初始计量、折旧计提及盘盈固定资产处理进行了分析。提出了自己的观点和会计处理改进完善的建议。  相似文献   

固定资产处理在会计和税法上的异同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于固定资产是企业生存、发展的基础,它的计价与核算对会计利润、所得税的影响相当大.会计利润根据《企业会计制度》的规定对固定资产进行折旧计提,在计算企业应交所得税时,则根据《企业所得税前扣除办法》的规定进行核算.所以为了更好地了解有必要对财务会计和所得税会计在固定资产处理方面比较异同.  相似文献   

United States President George W. Bush recently signed an economic stimulus bill into law entitled the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act. The law issues a number of directives aimed at increasing corporate capital expenditures in hopes of revitalizing a sagging economy. In this article, we focus on the increased amount of depreciation allowed in the first year following a qualifying capital investment. Specifically, an “additional” 30% of depreciation is allowed in the first year for ail personal property assets (20-year asset classes or less). This is clearly a significant change. Here, we derive “new” depreciation tables for personal property classes with the adjusted rule, both for MACRS and AMACRS, and illustrate the impact on capital investment decisions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we measure economic profit in an inflationary environment. Inflation adjusted economic profit requires two principal alterations to Economic Value Added (EVA[rgrave]). First, because inflation increases the replacement cost of non-current assets above book value, one must make a downward adjustment to EVA[rgrave] to correctly measure economic profit. Second, we add a term to EVA[rgrave] to represent a manager's ability to increase product price as costs increase. This adjustment is positive because this ability adds value to a firm. When a firm's assets are largely current, the first adjustment is not necessary, and therefore, the second dominates. In this case, EVA[rgrave] underestimates economic profit. Economic profit remains positive when a firm's rate of return on invested capital, after tax and after depreciation, is less than the weighted average cost of capital by as much as the rate of inflation. Even when inflation is modest, unadjusted EVA[rgrave] has the potential to seriously misrepresent the operating performance of a firm.  相似文献   

本文以新型城镇化建设中的准公益性PPP项目为研究对象,建立政府、企业、银行三方合作的理论模型,采用一般均衡分析与数值仿真模拟方法对项目最优资本结构及其影响因素进行分析,结果表明:PPP项目存在理论上的最优股权结构与资产负债率,公众收入水平、资本产出效率、折旧率、债务利率、企业所得税率以及政府偏好等因素影响项目经营收益与成本、资本运作效率、利润分配方式,并重置最优资本结构。因此,PPP项目融资方案设计应该参考多方合作共赢条件下的最优资本结构,同时,基于项目风险控制以及经济社会效益平衡的目标,通过调节各类影响因素完善项目最优资本结构。  相似文献   

中国外汇储备规模不断扩大,构成相对集中,在收益有限的情况下,对冲国内资产价格泡沫和通货膨胀以维护货币政策稳定的成本不菲,尤其面临人民币升值、国外固定收益债券价值下跌及长期机构债违约等风险。须从源头和用途两方面加强对中国外汇储备的积极管理,实施多元化投资,实施经济体制改革,通过市场力量和创新来给巨额外汇储备消肿,尤其从国际金融战略的层面推进人民币国际化,加强人民币在区域货币合作和国际金融体系中的作用和影响。  相似文献   

This paper compares the pricing rule embodied in the Federal Communications Commissions (FCCs) forward-looking cost model with a competitive equilibrium pricing rule. The rules differ due to differences in discount factors, the time path of operating cost recoveries, and the methods used to spread capital costs over time. A calibrated comparison of the rules for end-office switching reveals that the latter is most significant, causing the FCCs rule to understate cost recoveries by 24 percent. A rough aggregation suggests this difference compounds to billions of dollars nationwide, solely for the direct costs of end-office switching. This understatement is driven by falling switch costs over time, and the FCCs rule would overstate cost recoveries by a similar magnitude for assets whose costs rise over time. The competitive equilibrium rule also clarifies the endogeneity of economic life and reveals that depreciation assumptions are not needed for calculating competitive equilibrium prices.  相似文献   

This study presents a new approach for measuring operational performance, an important facet of performance missing in the current literature concerned with international airline strategy. International performance assessments of airlines from published financial information are difficult, because (1) most airlines lease a substantial fraction of their aircraft, and (2) different accounting and taxation rules in various countries result in different impacts of leased assets on profit and balance-sheet information. A possible solution are nonfinancial data. For example, the number of available ton kilometers may reflect aircraft capacity more accurately than flight equipment depreciation. However, different units of measurement introduce new difficulties. Drawing on data from 15 airlines, this study utilizes 'Data Envelopment Analysis' as a technique to analyze and compare operational performance of airlines. The study concludes with an analysis of strategic factors of high profitability and performance in the airline industry.  相似文献   

This paper examines the problem of the trade-off between the possible minimum tax consequences of accelerated depreciation, the recapture of excess depreciation, and the choice of depreciation methods for maximizing investor wealth. The model is simulated for various ranges of the inputs to which the depreciation selection decision is sensitive. The results indicate that for high marginal tax rates, reasonably long holding periods, and reasonably high discount rates, the investor should select the accelerated methods after considering the minimum tax and recapture consequences.  相似文献   

Three elements in the study of real estate depreciation that warrant further consideration are uncovered: the spatial variation of depreciation on a micro scale, the variability of depreciation within a single market across time and the recognition of land value as an influence in modeling real property prices. Taken together, these three dimensions provide an opportunity to further expand the understanding of residential economic depreciation while enhancing the predictive power of real estate market models. The analytical results, utilizing a land-value-adjusted hedonic model, indicate that both the intramarket location and the year in which the property sold have significant impacts on the observed rate of economic depreciation. Such information is vitally important to policymakers and others interested in accurate modeling of real estate markets.  相似文献   

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