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石油多种经营企业的重组与改制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石油企业重组改制后,非上市的石油多种经营企业的生存环境面临极大的困难。中国石油天然气集团公司(以下简称中油集团)要求石油多种经营企业“要以发展为主题,以调整为主线,以改制为突破口”来全面推进产权制度改革。这是中油集团贯彻党的十五大和十五届四中全会精神的重要举措,也是放开搞活多种经营企业的客观要求。石油多种经营企业如何才能抓住改革的机遇,走出企业经营的困境。请看中油集团多种经营管理部陈元、刘俊戈对此问题的看法。  相似文献   

党的十五大提出了深化国有企业改革的目标和任务,国有企业改革是我国整个经济体制改革的中心环节。就我们石油企业来讲,实施重组改制,建立现代企业制度是增强自身活力,寻求更大发展的必然要求,也是当前石油企业的一项重要任务。一、石油企业面临的形势从目前的形势来看,石油企业面临着一系列的严峻挑战。一是国际石油企业兼并和重组的严峻挑战。面对亚洲金融危机和国际低油价环境,一些国际大石油公司纷纷调整其经营战略,加速进行兼并、联合、重组,形成了强强联合的阵势,使我们的企业面临更大竞争压力。二是我国加入世贸组织的挑战。我国即将…  相似文献   

指出重组改制后,在石油物资供应部门实施标准监督已成为当务之急,应建立一套有效模式:建立完善的实施标准监督机构,提高全员的标准化意识,建立物资技术标准、管理标准、工作标准“三位一体”的监督体系,开展行之有效的标准化监督检查活动。  相似文献   

倡导科学发展观,是时代的呼唤;构建和谐社会,是伟大的历史使命。建立和谐企业,是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分。可以说,没有企业的和谐,就没有整个社会的和谐。经过当年石油石化大重组、股份公司海外上市的艰难历程,我国石油石化企业重组改制已经步入第三阶段——重点解决未上市企业的发展问题。尤其是在构建和谐社会这个大环境里,未上市企业的持续发展问题,无疑成为了中国石油、中国石化、中国海油建立和谐企业的着重点和着力点。未上市企业如何发展?这是涉及数百家未上市企业和上百万员工前途命运的大计,关系着三大石油公司整体改革、发展、稳定的大局,决定着三大石油公司重组改制的最终成败。这是一场攻坚战,是一场持久战,也是一场大决战。  相似文献   

The authors examine how managers select between corporate restructuring implementation alternatives and how those decisions influence the profitability of the restructuring event. They argue that managers and owners have information asymmetries with respect to the assets in the restructuring and the restructured firms' diversification strategy, and that managers select between two popular implementation alternatives, spin-offs and sell-offs, to convert knowledge differences into financial gain. When the restructured assets reside in primary and related business lines or the firm has low and related diversification among its business lines, the restructuring is difficult for observers to assess and understand. Spin-offs most effectively and profitably reduce information asymmetries by transferring assets to the capital market and increasing the efficiency and transparency of the restructuring firm. Conversely, when the restructured assets reside in secondary and unrelated business lines or the firm has high diversification, sell-offs best mitigate asymmetries by using market forces to reallocate assets to their most productive uses while improving the strategy and performance of the restructuring firm. Tests of a sample of 204 restructuring events support the hypotheses. Overall, the findings suggest that the influence of corporate restructuring on financial performance is determined in part through how the restructuring is implemented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

可持续发展:国有企业战略性改组的目标   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
一、国有企业战略性改组的实质1 .企业战略性改组的兴起企业战略性改组 ,又可以称之为企业重组或企业重构 ( Corporate Restructure)。企业战略性改组的实践活动 ,最早发端于美国的制造业。 2 0世纪 80年代中后期 ,美国制造业在全球市场上受到了来自日本等新兴工业国家的严重冲击 ,其国际竞争力大幅度下降 ,许多企业出现了前所未有的危机感。为了彻底摆脱这种困境 ,一大批企业如通用电气公司、西尔斯公司、美国电话电报公司等以战略—结构—过程为思路 ,通过战略调整 ,结构重组 ,流程改造 ,伴随着紧缩规模、兼并、分立、剥离等活动 ,实施了…  相似文献   

加快结构调整,促进西北工业振兴   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近些年来 ,陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆五省区工业占全国的份额不断减少 ,工业增速下滑 ,经济效益恶化 ,下岗职工增多。西北工业的整体衰退除了投入严重不足外 ,根本原因在于有一个十分不利的产业结构 ,即属于“结构性衰退”。为此 ,一方面要大力发展西北特色产业 ,用高新技术改造提升传统优势行业 ;另一方面要下决心退出已丧失市场竞争力、附加值低且污染严重的行业。振兴西北工业需要国家政策的重点扶持。一、近些年西北工业整体呈现衰退趋势1 .占全国工业份额不断减少 ,位次后移1 990年 ,西北五省区工业增加值占全国工业增加值的份额为…  相似文献   

曾尧 《汽车观察》2009,(3):72-73
"具有华晨特色的精品主义路线,还能走多远?"刘先生最近一直很郁闷,开车上下班的时候总是提心吊胆。原因是,他的车最近总是毛病不断。1月初,刘先生在4S店给爱车做保养的时候发现有两个减震器漏油,随后便请维修工进行检查,结果被告知:"漏油的减震器不是两个,而是三个!"顿时,大吃一惊。据刘先生介绍,这辆中华骏捷是2008年4月买的,才跑了1万多公里,按理来说不应该出现这种情况。车总是要开的。没办法,刘先生等了近三个小时,换上了三个新的减震器。心里总算踏实了。  相似文献   

过去20年经济体制改革所释放出来的能量,对以较低的能源增长支持较高的经济发展发挥了十分重要的作用。未来20年必须深化能源领域的市场化改革,进一步发挥体制效应。改革的总体目标为:在确保国家能源总体战略得以顺利实施的前提下,让市场竞争机制充分发挥其优化配置资源的基础性作用,提高我国能源部门的国际竞争力,不断满足全社会日益增长的能源需求,应对未来能源领域里的各种挑战,为相关产业和用户提供低价、优质、稳定、充足、清洁的能源产品。改革的基本内涵包括:资源配置的基础方式由非市场机制转向市场机制,市场结构由垄断性转向竞争性,竞争主体由不平等竞争转向平等竞争。当前需要解决的几个重要问题是:(1)改革政府的能源管理体制,组建统一的政府能源管理部门;(2)改革行政审批制度,切实转变政府职能;(5)改革现行不适应的能源价格形成机制和价格管制方式;(4)深化国有能源企业的改革;(5)引入有效的竞争机制,优化产业组织结构。  相似文献   

Organizational Restructuring: Impact on Trust and Work Satisfaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
After the Asian financial crisis, companies are now contending with the current global economic slowdown. Whether it is at the national, industry or organizational levels, restructuring has gained currency as a strategic decision to realign internal structure with changing macro environmental factors. Faced with more competitive markets and greater demands on costs controls, organizations and businesses are taking the fast track to cost-cutting by downsizing, reorganizing their divisions, streamlining their operations, and closing down unprofitable divisions.Changes that are introduced in an organizational restructuring will affect the socio-psychological well-being of organization members given the potential for uncertainty that may accompany such changes. There is a need to better understand the consequences of organizational restructuring and consider some of its potential side effects on the work environment. Employees in a post-restructuring context are understandably wary about the future direction of the organization and their roles within it.This study is an attempt to examine the social-psychological impact of organizational restructuring on trust and work satisfaction. Additionally the inter-relationships between trust and work satisfaction, including their antecedents in the work environment are examined.Trust and work satisfaction levels were tracked before and three months after organizational restructuring for varying types of changes that were initiated during the restructuring. Both trust and satisfaction with working in the organization declined significantly when compared to pre-restructuring levels. Independent t-tests analysis indicated that there was a significant decline in trust for the work group which had a newly hired manager and a change in work processes. Results showed that there was a negative relationship between both work satisfaction and trust with the extent of change required of employees.The findings also showed that there was a positive relationship between trust and work satisfaction and that trust contributed to work satisfaction. Perception of colleagues willingness to help solve job-related problems contributed significantly to strengthening of trust relations among colleagues. Additionally, colleagues and supervisors willingness to listen to employee problems contributed significantly to work satisfaction.Results of the study highlighted the need for strategic decision-makers to consider the social impact of organizational restructuring. Top managers must realize that both trust and work satisfaction are important ingredients for the effective functioning of an organization and to actively ensure that support systems or structures are adequate and available to mitigate the negative impact, particularly if the changes to be implemented are extensive.  相似文献   

油气输送管驻厂监造对提高钢管质量、保证管道服役安全发挥了重要作用。对驻厂监造和建设工程监理进行了比较,介绍了中国石油集团公司设备监理开展情况和油气输送管驻厂监造机制的产生、发展历程,以及油气输送管推行驻厂监造机制所取得的成果和驻厂监造的发展方向。  相似文献   

对电力市场改革和重组过程中所取得的成功经验和存在的问题进行反思,有助于推动我国电力市场改革的顺利进行。在对世界各国电力市场的改革绩效、经验教训进行简单回顾的基础上,文章指出了需考虑的问题:实时市场和备用容量市场的市场力的监管问题、提高竞争性电力市场的设计问题、输电服务监管与投资激励机制问题等。竞争力度的设计和产业竞争是当前电力重组和竞争改革最主要的问题。  相似文献   

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