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The reinsurance market is the secondary market for insurance risks. It has a very specific organization. Direct insurers rarely trade risks with each other. Rather, they cede part of their primary risks to specialized professional reinsurers who have no primary business. This article offers a model of equilibrium in reinsurance and capital markets in which professional reinsurers arise endogenously. Their role is to monitor primary insurers credibly, so that insurers can raise capital more easily. In equilibrium, the financial structure of primary insurers consists of a mix of reinsurance and outside capital. The comparative statics yield empirical predictions which are broadly in line with a number of stylized facts from the reinsurance market.  相似文献   

A captive is an insurance or reinsurance company established by a parent group to finance its own risks. Captives mix internal risk pooling between the business units of the parent group and risk transfer towards the reinsurance market. We analyse captives from an optimal insurance contract perspective. The paper characterises the vertical contractual chain that links firstly business units to insurance captives or to “fronters” through insurance contracts, secondly fronters to reinsurance captives through the cession of risks and thirdly insurance or reinsurance captives to reinsurers through cessions or retrocessions. In particular, the risk cession by fronters to a reinsurance captive trades off the benefits derived from recouped premiums and from the risk-sharing advantage of an “umbrella reinsurance policy”, against the risks that result from the captive liabilities.  相似文献   


This paper contains a study of the extent to which aggregate losses due to severe wind storms can be explained by wind measurements. The analysis is based on 12 years of data for a region, Ska § ne, in southern Sweden. A previous investigation indicated that wind measurements from six recording stations in Ska § ne was insufficient to obtain accurate prediction. The present study instead uses geostrophic winds calculated from pressure readings, at a regular grid of size 50 kilometres over Ska § ne. However, also this meteorological data set is seen to be insufficient for accurate prediction of insurance risk. The results indicate that currently popular methods of evaluating wind storm risks from meteorological data should not be used uncritically by insurers or reinsurers. Nevertheless, wind data does contain some information on insurance. risks. There is a need for further research on how to use this information to improve risk assessment.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing importance of the Internet and its commercial use a new risk category has emerged, opening up interesting business opportunities for insurance companies. — Besides insurance, loss prevention measures must be considered key aspects in this context, particularly since without contract clauses regarding loss prevention and extensive assessment of an insured’s activities in this field, insurance may not be available in many cases. After a short classification and explanation of Internet risks, this paper firstly deals with loss prevention, concentrating on the technical measures such as cryptology or firewall concepts, which are specific for the risks in question. These measures allow for a significant increase in the security of data transfer and the security of individual networks’ connections to the Internet. A complete elimination of risk, however, is usually not an economically reasonable goal. The question, to what extent the remaining risk can be covered by insurance, is addressed in the following section of this paper, in which we analyze problems of insurability and how these problems could probably be solved through product design.  相似文献   

互联网保险特殊经营模式使保险公司呈现固定资产占比较小、资产负债率较低、保险产品"场景化、碎片化"、渠道成本低廉等财务特征,也使保险公司面临更为错综复杂的财务风险,如对股东的权益性资金依赖性较强、定价风险加大、盈利空间不定以及骗赔套保和洗钱风险等.鉴此,应拓宽筹资渠道,优化保险产品定价,提高保费收入持续增长能力,降低运营和合作成本,构建第三方保单认证和风险评估体系,加强资金规范化管理,强化外部监管等.  相似文献   

There has been a rise of innovative parametric insurance solutions in recent years covering a wide range of risks and serving clients from individuals, to businesses, and to governments. These parametric insurance products cover risks that are otherwise uninsured or underinsured, by simplifying product design and reducing transaction costs. This paper offers a comprehensive review of parametric insurance including a classification of the types of contract and an overview of market practices. We outline the benefits and concerns of parametric insurance in comparison with indemnity insurance, and discuss the legal principle and regulatory compliance matters. We then survey the current global market and identify areas where insurance and reinsurance companies can play important roles in offering or supporting parametric insurance operations. Lastly, we offer a case study on a type of parametric insurance designed to cover earthquake risk in California.  相似文献   

Agricultural insurance is often faced with the challenge of systemic risk, arising from weather risks that tend to be correlated within a specific region in extreme situations, resulting in large crop losses within the region. However, across many regions, especially if regions are considerable distances apart, weather may be quite different and losses may be much less correlated. The objective of this paper is to improve the diversification of a crop insurance portfolio, through developing a new alternative risk management approach (Model 3) that pools crop risks across all provinces in a country to form a Canada-wide joint insurance pool. This is in contrast to the current approach used in Canada, where crop risks are pooled only within an individual province. Then using a simulated annealing optimization approach, the most suitable combination of the 150 crop types in the portfolio is identified for either retaining in the joint insurance pool or for ceding to reinsurers, such that the variance of the loss coverage ratio of the portfolio is minimized. This model overcomes the problem of insufficient diversification that makes pooling of systemic weather risk challenging. It achieves diversification at a lower cost by using a more efficient combination of pooling and selective reinsurance, resulting in overall higher surplus, higher survival probability, and lower deficit at ruin.  相似文献   

保险公司作为市场经营主体,在提供保险保障和其他金融服务的过程中,不可避免地面临各种各样的风险,包括所有市场经营主体都会面临的一般风险和基于保险经营的特有属性而面临的特有风险,重视包括操作风险在内的保险公司全面风险管理已形成业内共识。  相似文献   

Using panel data (1997–1999) for 235 publicly listed companies in the People's Republic of China, this study empirically tests the linkage between corporate risks and the decision to purchase property insurance and its financial extent. To achieve these objectives, we first estimate a probit insurance participation decision model and then a fixed‐effects insurance volume decision model with Heckman's sample selection correction. Our results indicate that the managerial decision to purchase property insurance is positively related to company size and insolvency risks. By contrast, the amount of property insurance purchased is positively related to systematic risks but negatively related to insolvency and unsystematic risks and company size. We find that the amount of property insurance used by Chinese companies can also be affected by other factors (e.g., the cash flow constraints). In addition, the decision to purchase property insurance and the financial extent to which it is used varies among Chinese companies according to their geographical location. However, state ownership does not appear to be an important determinant of the purchase of property insurance by Chinese publicly listed companies.  相似文献   

许闲 《保险研究》2011,(5):61-67
保险公司偿付能力充足性是保险监管的内容之一,但是这一信息却往往不被投保人所获知,造成保险供给(保险公司)和保险需求(投保人)两方信息的不对称.本文以保险公司存在偿付能力风险为基本假定,以累积性预期理论和风险调整资本收益率构建保险需求和供给模型,分析在信息对称条件下和信息不对称条件下保险需求的变化及其对保险供给和保险公司...  相似文献   

The use of captive insurance companies (captives) is quite common among big and international companies. Generally, captives are used to insure against high frequency/low severity risks. However, we can find captives which have been founded to deal with extreme risks as well. An example is the OIL Insurance Limited (OIL Insurance). In this context, we examine from a theoretical perspective whether captives are suitable for insurance against catastrophe risks. We show that regarding actuarial aspects captives have advantages in comparison to internal self-insurance and disadvantages in comparison to external insurance. The foundation of industry captives through the association of several companies can solve some of the problems, but further criteria especially costs have to be considered. Based on the developed arguments, we analyse whether our case example OIL Insurance is an appropriate instrument to transfer extreme risks.  相似文献   

As the severity of natural catastrophes continues to intensify, disaster risk management is becoming increasingly important. In order to expand the capacity of the insurance markets, insurers and reinsurers have utilized alternative risk financing mechanisms such as catastrophe (CAT) bonds. Although the CAT bond market has increased recently, past CAT bond defaults have demonstrated that there are still concerns relating to contract documentation and the collateral structure of the bonds. This article argues that additional regulation that addresses these contracting problems and financial risks would facilitate greater use of CAT bonds. Regulatory change should also include industry‐wide accounting and tax reforms that will further support risk management objectives and the growth of the market. If the CAT bond market continues to experience the growth that was witnessed in the past year and additional regulation is implemented, insurers, reinsurers and governments can benefit from the cost‐effective protection that the instruments may provide in the event of a mega‐catastrophe.  相似文献   

The concepts of tariffs in the life insurance are built up with several layers of models. The foundation of the risk assessment of an applicant is the mortality rate in the actuarial model, based on the selection factors of gender and age. In the conventional medical risk assessment the anomalies of the applicant will be transformed into extra mortality rates. With modern methods of evaluation, the risk factors of the applicant will be assessed with statistical practices, in relation to the average values of the insurance portfolio. The deviations built up the insurance medical adjustment factor of the actuarial mortality rate and the basis of the insurance economical classification of the applicant to a risk class or a tariff portfolio.  相似文献   

中国数字经济发展日新月异,在其快速发展中也暴露出各种网络安全风险。网络风险呈现出频繁性、隐蔽性以及高度破坏性特点,给数字经济发展带来了巨大隐患。国家"十四五"规划纲要中明确提出,将网络安全列为营造良好数字经济生态的重要一环。本文分析了数字经济时代的网络安全风险、网络安全保险的发展现状,以及中国网络安全保险市场的发展机遇、存在的问题,挖掘了国外网络安全保险的先进发展经验,并从保险公司、网络安全企业以及政府监管部门三方面,提出了网络安全保险创新发展的政策建议,以期化解网络安全保险风险,促进我国数字经济的良性发展。  相似文献   

In empirical research related to the property-casualty insurance industry, studies commonly focus on either insurers or reinsurers. However, in many cases, the definition used to make the distinction between the two groups is often not clearly defined and/or the definition varies across studies. This variation could result in a substantially different group of firms being included or excluded from the study, thereby affecting the empirical results obtained. This study builds upon Chen and Hamwi , who compare the performance of U.S. insurers and reinsurers. The objective of the study is fourfold: (1) to compare the definitions of insurer and reinsurer commonly used in prior research to identify differences, (2) to expand upon the traditional methods of classifying insurers and reinsurers, (3) to compare the individual firm-level characteristics of insurers and reinsurers to detect potential variation across categories and across definitions, and (4) to analyze the impact of different definitions on the results of multivariate analyses exploring common research questions. The univariate results indicate that there are some variations in the characteristics of the firms based on the categorization of insurers and reinsurers arising from different definitions. In addition, we find that there are significant differences in the regression results when comparing models based on various definitions of reinsurers utilized in prior research and when professional reinsurers and incidental reinsurers are grouped together. As such, it is possible that the definition used to include or exclude reinsurers from the sample can impact the results.  相似文献   

Abstract: This paper extends the study of the relative cost efficiency of insurance delivery systems from the primary market to the market for non-life reinsurance services. As in the primary market for insurance services there are two predominant methods of marketing reinsurance services: reinsurers who rely on employees, termed direct writers, and those who rely on brokers.
An extensive literature relating to the primary market for non-life insurance consistently indicates that independent agency insurers have a cost disadvantage relative to exclusive agency insurers. This literature also suggests that independent agency insurers may supply superior service but a continuing erosion of the market share of independent agency insurers suggests that the perceived service differential is not valued sufficiently to offset the perceived cost differential.
The authors find evidence that, cet. par., broker supplied reinsurers operate with lower costs than direct reinsurers but we find less convincing evidence of a service differential favoring direct reinsurers. More significantly, we observe that the largest component of the traditional measure of the reinsurer's cost is the commission paid back to the primary insurer: the seemingly lower cost brokers provide a higher net cost product. Yet brokers thrive in the marketplace suggesting the existence of a product differentiated by service or quality. With the important caveat that measures of service are imperfect and data is limited, we find no evidence of a service differential.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine what firm-specific factors affect the risk of insurance companies. Traditional methods used to identify potential failures have been severely criticized. Thus, alternative approaches to risk assessment should be of interest to investors and managers of these companies. Models for measuring the impact of factors on risk are developed and empirically tested. The models employed explain a high proportion of variation in risk levels across companies. The sensitivity of insurance company risk to financial characteristics vary with the variable used as a proxy for risk and the type of insurance company assessed. Given the strong relationships between firm-specific characteristics and company risk, it appears that the risk of insurance companies can be effectively controlled with proper management.  相似文献   

摘要:建立和完善医疗保险是一个关系国计民生的发展计划,对于促进社会发展有着十分重要的意义。就目前来看,覆盖全民的医疗保险目标已基本实现。商业保险公司参与社会医疗保险管理的模式已经成为下一阶段的发展模式之一。但是由于各种因素的影响,此模式在发展的过程中,也存在一些困境。本文主要分析商业保险公司参与社会医疗保险管理的理论依据,典型地区商业保险公司参与社会医疗保险的管理模式,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

杨波  吴婷 《保险研究》2020,(2):30-42
本文定量分析了地理分散化对中国保险公司经营风险的影响。收集我国1998~2017年间各省市区的财产保险业和人身保险业的收入和支出数据,基于投资组合原理,比较了三种地理布局战略下保险公司的赔付风险。研究发现:无论是财产保险业还是人身保险业,各省区市之间赔付风险的差异性较大,在华北、东北、华东、中南、西南和西北这六大区域内部经营并不能显著地分散风险,但扩大到全国范围内经营,便能够较好地分散风险。进一步,采用Bootstrap随机模拟方法分析发现:财产保险公司在约10个省区市经营能够分散掉约80%的赔付风险,而人身保险公司在约5个省区市经营能够分散掉约40%的赔付风险。鉴于财产保险公司经营的各条产品线之间的风险差别较大,本文还发现:农业保险的地理分散化效果最强,短期健康险的地理分散化效果最弱。研究结果既支持保险公司跨地域经营以降低风险,也为监管资本设计中考虑地理分散化效应提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

This article provides an assessment of the current state of the market for catastrophe (or "Cat") bonds. Given the changes in insurance markets since September 11th, the demand for Cat bonds is likely to increase. For issuers, Cat bonds have the effect of transferring risks to the capital markets that would normally be underwritten by insurance or reinsurance companies. And as a substitute for insurance, Cat bonds have the potential to help issuers address problems such as lack of capacity and real risk transfer, cyclicality, and credit risk that are commonly associated with insurance and reinsurance markets. Investors value Cat bonds in part because of their low correlations with stocks and conventional bonds. Notable trends in the structuring of the products involve higher levels of risk transfer, longer-term contracts, and linkage to a portfolio of catastrophic risks.  相似文献   

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