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This paper develops a novel time-varying multivariate Copula-MIDAS-GARCH (TVM-Copula-MIDAS-GARCH) model with exogenous explanatory variables to model the joint distribution of returns. The model accounts for mixed frequency factors that affect the time-varying dependence structure of financial assets. Furthermore, we examine the effectiveness of the proposed model in VaR-based portfolio selection. We conduct an empirical analysis on estimating the 90%, 95%, 99% VaRs of the portfolio constituted of the Shanghai Composite Index, Shanghai SE Fund Index, and Shanghai SE Treasury Bond Index. The empirical results show that the proposed TVM-Copula-MIDAS-GARCH model is effective to investigate the nonlinear time-varying dependence among those three indices and performs better in portfolio selection.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodology combining multiple criteria sorting or ranking methods with a project portfolio selection procedure. The multicriteria method permits the comparison of projects in terms of their priority based on qualitative and quantitative criteria. Then, a feasible set of projects, i.e. a portfolio, is selected according to the priority defined by the multiple criteria method and satisfying a set of resources and logical constraints. The proposed portfolio selection methodology is called Priority Based Portfolio Selection (PBPS) and can be applied in different contexts. We present an application in the urban planning domain where our approach allows us to select a set of urban projects based on their priority, budgetary constraints, and urban policy requirements. Given the increasing interest of historical cities to reuse their cultural heritage, we applied and tested our methodology in this context. In particular, we show how the methodology can support the prioritization of the interventions on buildings with some historical value in the historic city center of Naples (Italy), taking into account several points of view.  相似文献   

This article develops a new portfolio selection method using Bayesian theory. The proposed method accounts for the uncertainties in estimation parameters and the model specification itself, both of which are ignored by the standard mean-variance method. The critical issue in constructing an appropriate predictive distribution for asset returns is evaluating the goodness of individual factors and models. This problem is investigated from a statistical point of view; we propose using the Bayesian predictive information criterion. Two Bayesian methods and the standard mean-variance method are compared through Monte Carlo simulations and in a real financial data set. The Bayesian methods perform very well compared to the standard mean-variance method.  相似文献   

Two concepts are introduced in this paper, personal security market lines and personal betas of assets, and applied in a novel approach to optimal portfolio selection. The procedure is shown to be analogous to asset selection decision rules developed in the context of the capital asset pricing model. However, the statistical problems associated with the latter are not shared by the new procedure.  相似文献   

This note provides new and simpler conditions ensuring that, when one portfolio dominates another via stochastic dominance, a decision maker prefers the first one. The conditions are derived for the case of third-order stochastic dominance and for the general case of Nth-order stochastic dominance.  相似文献   

This paper considers the continuous-time mean-variance portfolio selection problem in a financial market in which asset prices are cointegrated. The asset price dynamics are then postulated as the diffusion limit of the corresponding discrete-time error-correction model of cointegrated time series. The problem is completely solved in the sense that solutions of the continuous-time portfolio policy and the efficient frontier are obtained as explicit and closed-form formulas. The analytical results are applied to pairs trading using cointegration techniques. Numerical examples show that identifying a cointegrated pair with a high mean-reversion rate can generate significant statistical arbitrage profits once the current state of the economy sufficiently departs from the long-term equilibrium. We propose an index to simultaneously measure the departure level of a cointegrated pair from equilibrium and the mean-reversion speed based on the mean-variance paradigm. An empirical example is given to illustrate the use of the theory in practice.  相似文献   

Government funding agencies spend significant amounts of R&D funds through funding programs. While allocating funds among sectors or scientific disciplines, the Decision Maker (DM) wants to maximize the total impact by supporting R&D activities in those sectors with higher scientific, social and economic return. On the other hand, the DM wants to balance the funding budget over sectors or disciplines. In this study, we incorporate the results of “sectoral impact assessments” into the public R&D project portfolio selection (RDPPS) problem. We develop a two-stage model. In the first stage, we make sectoral budget allocation decisions to maximize the total impact of the budget while ensuring a relative balance among sectors. In the second stage, we maximize the total score of supported projects under allocated sectoral budgets. We illustrate the proposed approach on an example problem. We show the value of the proposed approach by comparing our results with alternative policy options.  相似文献   

A proof of the validity of Markowitz's critical line method is given for a more general situation than discussed by Markowitz. Next for the Markowitz case with a positive definite covariance matrix explicit expressions are derived for all efficient portfolios. Using these expressions it can be shown that the critical line in the (μ,α2) plane is a representation of a function which is not necessarily differentiable everywhere.  相似文献   

We formulate and study three multi-period behavioral portfolio selection models under cumulative prospect theory: (i) S-shaped utility maximization without probability weighting in a market with one risky asset; (ii) S-shaped utility maximization without probability weighting in a market with multiple risky assets which follow a joint elliptical distribution; and (iii) S-shaped utility maximization with inverse-S-shaped probability weighting in a market with one risky asset. For the first two time consistent models, we identify the well-posedness conditions and derive the semi-analytical optimal policies. For the third time inconsistent model, we assume that the investor is aware of the time inconsistency but is unable to commit to his initial plan of action. Then, we reformulate the model into an intrapersonal game model and derive the semi-analytical subgame perfect Nash equilibrium (time consistent) policy under well-posedness condition. All the three policies take a piecewise linear feedback form. Our analysis of the three models not only partially explains the well documented phenomena of non-participation puzzle and horizon effect, but also extends the two fund separation theorem into multi-period S-shaped utility setting and pushes forward the study on time inconsistency issue incurred by probability weighting.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the single period portfolio selection problem on the location-scale return family. The skew normal distribution, after recentering and reparameterization, is shown to be in this family. The recentered and reparameterized distribution, called factor-recentered skew normal, can be expressed as a skew factor model which is characterized by a location parameter and two scale parameters. Risk preference on scale parameter is non-monotonic and risk averse investors prefer larger (smaller) scale when the scale is negative (positive). The three-parameter efficient set is a part of conical surface bounded by two lines. Positive-skewness portfolios and negative-skewness portfolios do not coexist in the efficient set. Numerical cases under constant absolute risk aversion are analyzed with its closed-form certainty equivalent. An asset pricing formula which nests the CAPM is obtained.  相似文献   

This paper proposes downside risk measure models in portfolio selection that captures uncertainties both in distribution and in parameters. The worst-case distribution with given information on the mean value and the covariance matrix is used, together with ellipsoidal and polytopic uncertainty sets, to build-up this type of downside risk model. As an application of the models, the tracking error portfolio selection problem is considered. By lifting the vector variables to positive semidefinite matrix variables, we obtain semidefinite programming formulations of the robust tracking portfolio models. Numerical results are presented in tracking SSE50 of the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Compared with the tracking error variance portfolio model and the equally weighted strategy, the proposed models are more stable, have better accumulated wealth and have much better Sharpe ratio in the investment period for the majority of observed instances.  相似文献   

In a mean variance framework, we analyse risk taking in the presence of a (possibly) dependent background risk, exemplified in a linear portfolio selection problem. We first characterise the comparative statics of changes in the distribution and dependence structure of the background risk. For unfair, undesirable and loss-aggravating increases in background risks (both dependent and independent), we then present necessary and sufficient restrictions on preferences such that greater background uncertainty leads to reduced risk taking. With mean-variance preferences, these restrictions boil down to simple conditions on the marginal rate of substitution between risk and return. They can be easily related to familiar notions such as risk vulnerability, properness or standardness.  相似文献   

We consider conditional convex risk measures on L p and show their robust representation in a standard way. Such measures are used as evaluation functionals for optimal portfolio selection in a Black&Scholes setting. We study this problem focusing on the conditional Average Value at Risk and the conditional entropic risk measure and compare the respective optimizers.  相似文献   

The issue of estimation risk is of particular interest to the decision‐making processes of portfolio managers who use long–short investment strategies. Accordingly, our paper explores the question of whether a VaR constraint reduces estimation risk when short sales are allowed. We find that such a constraint notably decreases errors in estimates of the expected return, standard deviation, and VaR of optimal portfolios. Furthermore, optimal portfolios in the presence of the constraint are substantially closer to the ‘true’ efficient frontier than those in its absence. Finally, we provide VaR bounds and confidence levels for the constraint that lead to the best out‐of‐sample performance. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper combines loss attitudes and linear utility by providing an axiomatic analysis of corresponding preferences in a cumulative prospect theory (CPT) framework. In a sense we derive a two-sided variant of Yaari’s dual theory, i.e., nonlinear probability weights in the presence of linear utility. The first important difference is that utility may have a kink at the status quo, which allows for the exhibition of loss aversion. Also, we may have different probability weighting functions for gains than for losses. We apply the model to both portfolio selection and insurance demand. Our results show that CPT with linear utility has more realistic implications than the dual theory since it implies only a weakened variant of plunging. Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 91B08, 91B28, 91B30 Journal of Economic Literature Classification: D81, G11, G22  相似文献   

We prove a continuous-time portfolio turnpike theorem. The proof uses the theory of martin-gales and is more intuitively appealing than the usual discrete-time mode of proof using dynamic programming. When the interest rate is strictly positive, the present value of any contingent claim having payoffs bounded from above can be made arbitrarily small when the investment horizon increases. Thus an investor concentrates his wealth in buying contingent claims that have payoffs unbounded from above at the very beginning of his horizon. As a consequence, it is the asymptotic property of his utility function as wealth goes to infinity that determines his optimal investment strategy at the very beginning of his horizon.  相似文献   

In this study a LASSO – TLBO – SVR hybrid model is used for portfolio construction. Relevant economic parameters are determined and used for stock selection. Along with stock selection, weights for the stocks are obtained by solving a portfolio optimization problem using three methods: GRG Nonlinear, Evolutionary method based on Genetic Algorithm, and Equal weight method. The portfolio return in the proposed model is compared with the return of the Indian market portfolio (NSE and BSE). It is observed that the proposed model outperforms the market portfolio.  相似文献   

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