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A bstract . The Committee on Taxation. Resources and Economic Development , a group of American fiscal economists , commemorated the centenary of the publication of Henry George's classic, Progress and Poverty , with a conference reported in the book. Land Value Taxation. It raises, typically from a variety of perspectives, the major issues engendered by George's analysis and policy recommendations. Economists who are at least open-minded on George recognize him as a true progressive , a believer in the distribution of income in accordance with productive contribution and a convincing advocate of the social appropriation of economic rent on scientific and moral grounds. George was fundamentally correct in the idea that some form of land value taxation is an especially suitable mode of financing government, though the notion that this could be the single tax is and was unrealistic. The case for this as a cure for poverty is substantially exaggerated but it would remove one source of economic inequality. George, like Edward Bellamy , in promoting equality of opportunity rallied public support for the long-developing movement for pluralist economic democracy .  相似文献   

A bstract . Henry George and Alfred Marshall agreed that prosperity —growth in national income —was necessary but not sufficient to eliminate the poverty both believed impeded the mental and moral development of mankind. This inherent optimism in the potential benefits of economic growth was , however, their only common ground. George asserted that as long as land was privately owned, prosperity would increase poverty; and called for the fiscal remedy of a "single tax" to appropriate land rent. Marshall argued that increased poverty was only a temporary concomitant of growth caused by a population that was too big in numbers but too Low in skills; and advocated "taming" competition by education, charity, thrift , and breeding restraint. This study constructs a joined debate on progress and poverty by aligning the arguments of these two influential authors whose different personalities and personal histories precluded any true communication during their lifetimes.  相似文献   

Henry George's Progress and Poverty was one of the most widely read books of the 19th century. It is important to acknowledge the influence of classical writers such as Smith and Ricardo on George's thought. However, the content of George's most popular work cannot be fully appreciated unless one takes account of the historical period and social context within which its author came to maturity: Philadelphia and California before 1879 are part of the story of Progress and Poverty ( 1979 ).  相似文献   

新时期,我国农村地区贫困出现了新的动向,传统的扶贫机制和方式逐渐显露出弊端,已不适应形势的发展。溯根求源,是我们的相关制度存在一些问题,才导致扶贫工作的缺陷和农民发展能力的不足。  相似文献   

On Some Statistical Methods for Modelling the Incidence of Poverty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes a common method of estimating the pattern of individual characteristics associated with poverty – the logit/probit technique applied to a dummy variable identifying those individuals who are below a poverty line. We show that this procedure is seriously flawed by a fundamental logical difficulty and further statistical complications when the poverty line is estimated or when generalized poverty measures are used. An alternative approach is proposed, based on a semi-parametric series expansion appproximation to the conditional income distribution. Estimation, testing and summary procedures are established and applied to Hungarian survey data.  相似文献   

侯军岐 《价值工程》2015,(4):159-160
专项财政扶贫资金是扶贫工作的重要载体。随我国贫困地区经济社会发展,扶贫工作将出现新特点,对财政扶贫资金分配使用及其管理会提出新要求。本文在总结"十二五"财政扶贫资金分配、使用及其管理经验的基础上,借鉴国际财政扶贫资金绩效管理的先进理念,提出"十三五"财政扶贫资金管理的政策建议。  相似文献   

扶贫,旨在帮助贫困地区和贫困人口发展经济、发展生产,摆脱贫困的社会工作。本文基于贫困与扶贫的相关理论,以常德市农村扶贫攻坚为研究对象,针对其在扶贫攻坚过程中存在的部分问题进行分析和探讨,并对常德农村扶贫攻坚提出一些对策建议,以期为常德农村扶贫攻坚提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A bstract . Edward Bellamy's utopian novel, Looking Backward , was a best seller in its time and is an American classic today. It launched a social movement , influenced Thorstein Veblen and a number of other social thinkers and raised questions of pertinence in our day. Looking Backward is outstanding in a genre that helps to develop social values , particularly regarding justice. It is a stinging critique of a status quo that still endures and it gives voice to felt opinions regarding change then and now. Bellamy's utopia involved centralization of power in a static economy and society (ideas from which our generation recoils) and, though not foreseen by Bellamy, the creation of a managerial class, not wholly different from the ruling classes of his day and ours, in capitalist America and State socialist Soviet Union. But he correctly noted the growth of concentrated power in American society As social criticism, Looking Backward is a contribution of the first rank to the effort to understand and improve mankind's society and condition. The advance of the social sciences has not made its contribution obsolete.  相似文献   

高天山  王嘉禾 《价值工程》2014,(11):199-200
文章介绍了小额信贷扶贫GB模式的运行机理,认为GB模式可以弥补扶贫到户小额贷款运行中存在的缺陷,并探讨了GB模式的局限性和在实施中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

Abstract . Henry George's vision of land monopolization as the source of growing rentier income was compatible with all elements in the predominant Ricardian-Millian classical distribution model except the rent-reducing effects of technological change and Malthusian population growth as the catalyst underlying income distribution. Since George also rejected Malthusianism on ethical and philosophical grounds, his analysis focused on the autonomous nature of rent income with respect to population and technological change. George analyzed the distributive consequences of both increasing technology with constant population, and constant technology with increasing population. In the latter case, George, in an ultimate rejection of Malthusianism, demonstrated an optimistic increasing returns to scale of population growth. However, although capable, George never considered a logical extension of his analysis, namely, the dynamic case of changing population, technology, and increasing returns. This analysis would have contradicted his predictions of the trend in relative income shares and the uniqueness of the single tax as the solution to social and economic distress.  相似文献   

The measures proposed in the Green Paper on Social Security will do little to remove the poverty trap. Professor Michael Beenstock and Michael Parker, of the City University Business School, condemn the Government's proposals as vacuous, ill-considered and hall-hearted. The proposals in the Green Paper would intensity the poverty trap for some by weakening incentives to work.  相似文献   

张子睿 《价值工程》2019,38(32):82-84
本文立足于加快实现贫困地区的全面脱贫,系统分析了当前我国部分地区长期处于贫困状态的原因,并结合我国国情,有针对性地提出了相应的脱贫对策,最后援引广东省乐昌市九峰镇的脱贫事例,进一步诠释了文中的观点。  相似文献   

我国贫困地区特别是集中连片特困地区发展相对滞后,扶贫开发任务仍十分艰巨。近年来国家政策提出把连片特困地区作为主战场,通过区域扶贫来解决区域性贫困问题。从这一角度来看集中连片贫困地区的城镇化与非农化进程中,区域内的中心城市承担着发展资源组合、带动经济发展的使命。以重庆市黔江区为案例,比较研究传统区域格局与新兴区域态势,并从贫困地区发展的目标解读其作为区域中心城市的使命与发展策略。  相似文献   

王鹏 《价值工程》2014,(35):127-128
随着我国建筑施工水平的不断提升,水工混凝土施工技术被越来越多地应用于建筑施工领域,它不仅有效地提升了施工效率,还保证了项目施工的质量。本文主要研究了水工混凝土施工技术的进展情况,并就水工混凝土的养护方法提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

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