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This paper charts the development of telecommunications in Bhutan. Since the introduction of telecommunications services in 1963 Bhutan has faced many challenges as it has sought to roll out a network that covers the whole population and country. A small population, a mountainous geography, a transitional economy and a unique approach to development—Gross National Happiness—present many challenges that need to be overcome if the telecommunications industry is to develop further. Added to this is the decision of Bhutan to join the outside world through membership of the ITU, APT and WTO that has added liberalisation and privatisation to the challenges faced by Bhutan. This paper identifies two broad policy options that Bhutan could adopt—network expansion nationally or investment concentration towards urban areas. The authors conclude that due to the limited resources available to Bhutan these policies are contradictory and will take the telecommunications industry in quite different directions if adopted.  相似文献   

Jon M. Peha   《Telecommunications Policy》2007,31(10-11):605-618
Emergency responders such as firefighters, police, and paramedics depend on reliable and ubiquitous wireless communications. Failures in these communications systems can cost lives. Particularly since 9/11, there has been great concern in the US about the possibility of failures due to lack of interoperability, and failures due to a shortage of public safety spectrum. This paper shows how both of these and other serious problems are a logical consequence of America's fragmented approach to public safety, in which thousands of local agencies make independent decisions without a coherent strategy to unify or guide them. Because of this fragmented approach, public safety agencies build more infrastructure than they should, spend more tax-payer money than they should, and consume more scarce spectrum than they should, all for a system that is unnecessarily prone to interoperability failures. This paper also considers the most widely cited estimates of public safety's spectrum needs, which predict a serious shortage unless considerably more spectrum becomes available to public safety by 2010. This paper shows that estimates for the amount of spectrum needed in 2010 would be vastly lower if the US adopted an effective national strategy that included coordinated planning and modern technology. On the other hand, if the US retains today's fragmented approach, regions where coordination among local public safety agencies is particularly weak may need more spectrum than popular estimates would indicate, leading to an even greater shortage. Thus, the federal government should start playing a large role in setting the direction of public safety communications, rather than leaving this to many independent local governments.  相似文献   

Cognitive radio (CR) is considered a promising technology that could provide important benefits in the telecommunication domain. In Europe, the number of research projects, standardization activities and public consultations by the European Commission and regulatory authorities testify to the growing interest in CR. The introduction of CR in the telecommunication market may require new regulations or changes to the way spectrum is licensed and the conditions under which it can be used. The concepts of CR can be applied to various operational scenarios, which are described in this paper.This paper identifies the main challenges for the deployment of CR technology in Europe, provides an overview of the activities by European regulatory and standardization bodies to address the identified challenges and describes a roadmap with potential actions to support the adoption of CR technology.  相似文献   

Most governments have regarded interoperability as one of the key enablers of egovernment. If interoperability was achieved, the vision of an integrated provision of public services to both citizens and businesses by means of the information and communications technologies (ICT) regardless of the number and type of departments involved in the provision could be realized. This paper analyses two factors that may influence egovernment interoperability: standardisation and public procurement. The paper analyses the policy and legal framework setup by these factors and checks whether egovernment deployment have been influenced by them or not. The analysis is focused on the cases of the United States federal government and of the European Union institutions and Member States administrations.  相似文献   

As one of the oldest functional-purpose international organisations, the ITU is dedicated to voluntary agreements. These concern allocation of a scarce, internationally shared resourced, the radio frequency spectrum; standardisation of telecommunication services and systems; and joint planning. The organisation's policy making in pursuit of these objectives is outlined. Powers given to different organs are explained. Several cases are cited as illustrations of policy problems and their solutions. In summary, the rationale for the ITU's complex, federated structure is described.  相似文献   

The EU has set out to introduce information and communication technologies into all areas of the socioeconomic structure. Initially, however, a Common Information Area (CIA) needs to be established to ensure that information and communication are freely mobile throughout the economic and social space. To this end the EU needs to develop a strategy to ensure that a series of high-powered telecommunication networks emerge in an integrated and coordinated fashion. While several initiatives to assist the market-based provision of the CIA have been established, there seems to be an absence of an overarching coordinated strategy to aid its development. A single body to oversee the EU telecommunication sector may need to be established.  相似文献   

To discover whether markets for local telecommunication services can be competitively self-policing, this paper advocates a comprehensive approach to policy making as opposed to a more piecemeal approach. The problem with a piecemeal approach is that the merits of particular policies are difficult to assess without reference to the total program in which they are embedded. What seems reasonable when considered along with other complementary policies may be unreasonable if undertaken in a different context. We describe the necessary conditions for an illuminating experiment that will both insure a fair test of competition's viability and afford adequate protections to the consuming public.  相似文献   

David L. Pelletier   《Food Policy》2006,31(6):570-591
The controversy over genetically engineered (GE) food during the southern Africa drought in 2002/03 raised questions concerning the safety of GE foods and the basis for the safety assurances issued by national and international agencies. In the case of foods grown in the US, these assurances must be interpreted in relation to the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 1992 policy, which remains in effect today. This paper provides a detailed examination of the roles of scientific, legal and political considerations in the development of that policy.This paper reveals that the FDA responded to political pressure for a permissive regulatory approach by exploiting gaps in scientific knowledge, creatively interpreting existing food law and limiting public involvement in the policy’s development. Common statements by the government and other proponents concerning sound science, rigorous testing, no evidence of harm and “as safe as conventional foods” are found to be misleading unless the scientific, legal and political basis for the US policy is taken into account.While this paper finds that the evidence for the safety of GE foods has been exaggerated by government agencies and other parties, nothing in this paper suggests that GE foods currently on the market are harmful to human health. To the contrary, the situation is one of great uncertainty. Repeated recommendations that this issue be the topic of a major public research effort have yet to be acted upon.  相似文献   

Infrastructures of surveillance—everyday, taken-for-granted, institutionalized and technically mediated practices which identify, observe, and analyze individual actions—permeate society. These infrastructures mediate the production of social knowledge and action toward individuals. This article examines the genesis of one such infrastructure, namely the coordinated practices of identifying and locating mobile phone users during emergency (9-1-1) calls. Implementing this infrastructure has entailed creating and coordinating systems to locate wireless phones, to deliver the emergency calls to the appropriate service agency, and to deliver appropriate services to the emergency event. This implementation has occurred within historically specific regulatory, political, cultural, technological, and economic contexts and has specific implications for general surveillance practice. Focusing primarily on the state of Texas, this article examines the development of systems which store and deliver individuals’ geographic location. It argues that, despite privacy laws tightly restricting the use of information generated in the 9-1-1 process, and despite the special purpose to which the 9-1-1 system is dedicated, the wireless 9-1-1 initiative has created the infrastructure for a general purpose locational surveillance infrastructure capable both of surveilling broad patterns of activities and of responding to particular individuals. Moreover, the infrastructure is more available to police agencies and to well-established and well-funded corporate entities than to grass roots organizations. This trend is driven by the need to coordinate a national emergency response system within a fractured telecommunication industry, by the desire of marketers to understand and address their customers’ habits of mobility, and by an increasing willingness of police agencies to include widespread surveillance under the rubric of “emergency services.” Policy responses such as greater ability to opt out of the surveillance system, public oversight of emergency operations, and greater public access to the infrastructure itself might mitigate the most harmful potential social effects of this infrastructure, while distributing its benefits in a more democratic and egalitarian way.  相似文献   

To lead the world's fifth-generation mobile communication networks (5G) market, China introduced several policies to support 5G industry development that will impact telecommunication operators, the main implementers in this industry. Thus, this study examines the impact of the government's 5G policy announcements on telecommunication operators' firm value in China, where the state exerts a strong influence on industry development. We find that government policy announcement in general affects telecommunication operators' stock returns negatively, and when the government announces policies with a higher level of interference, the decline in firm value is more pronounced. To understand the comprehensive impact of 5G technology on telecommunication operators, we also examine the effect of institution-driven corporate technology R&D and investment activities on firm value. We find that the firms' 5G activities also decrease their firm value, and this effect is more significant than government policy announcements. These results imply that the market has a negative evaluation of the introduction of 5G technology due to its immaturity and uncertainty. This study provides a basis for understanding the market's views on 5G technology and development policies.  相似文献   

Rapid increases in computing power and data storage capacity, along with the continued evolution of commercial geographic information systems (GIS), have significantly widened the production and consumption of spatial data. Considering the varying disciplines (sociology, economics, public policy, city and regional planning, regional science, geography, etc.) investigating digital economies, the Internet, and telecommunications, it is no surprise that spatial data related to such topics is in high demand. Due to the technological complexities of telecommunication systems, however, analysts need to be aware of potential impacts associated with the use of imperfect spatial information when evaluating telecommunication infrastructure, particularly in the context of social, political, economic and environmental issues. More importantly, the implications of imperfect information on telecommunication policy development must be considered. The purpose of this paper is to explore how data imperfection is resident in a range of telecommunication analyses. A framework is presented for identifying and addressing spatial analysis sensitivities in the use of imperfect information. In addition, a case study examining imperfect information associated with digital subscriber line (xDSL) deployment in Columbus, Ohio is provided. Results suggest a significant difference in the proposed vs. actual availability of xDSL services in the study area.  相似文献   

Through the string of food safety scares that has rocked Japanese society since the early 2000s, conflicts between the traditional notion of socially acceptable risk and the idea of a science-based risk analysis approach have surfaced in the food safety arena. Elites, including government officials and those members of scientific communities who support the science-based risk analysis approach, have become responsible for communicating seemingly contradictory ideas such as “food in Japan is safe” and “there is no such thing as zero risk with food.” This communication logjam has resulted in confusion and created public distrust of both government and scientific experts. Against this backdrop, this paper aims to examine the struggles and challenges faced by government officials in explaining and practicing policies that pertain to highly controversial food safety issues. The primary data used for illuminating the discourses is the official minutes of governmental committees including the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Committee and the Consumer Commission.  相似文献   

The telecommunications world is being swept by technological and national regulatory changes. The international telecommunication institutions — the ITU, INTELSAT and CEPT — were founded in times when technological trends were more stable and national regulation was more homogeneous. How will they cope with these new changes? In an era of growing heterogeneity, the ITU may need to look increasingly beynd itself to maintain its centrality. Meanwhile, INTELSAT faces challenges from new market entrants and a more flexible approach to new technological and commercial imperatives in satellite and cable services. The EEC is awakening to the need for institutional change within Europe and this is already having an impact on CEPT. It is concluded that to survive and to maintain relevance the existing international institutions will need to initiate changes or face a loss of authority to other institutions such as OECD and EEC.  相似文献   

Consumer behavior in the Italian mobile telecommunication market   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the characteristics of Italian cell phone users. A multidimensional segmentation approach was adopted, using concurrently three sets of variables: consumer/user lifestyles, use motivations and product/service attributes. Data on a national sample (1067 individuals) were collected and factor and cluster analysis were then performed on the database. The study led to the identification of three user segments, each with a diverse combination of the segmentation variables. Findings provide implications for the mobile telecommunication industry and could suggest strategic choices to mobile operators—especially cell phone producers—and constitute the basis for their strategic positioning.  相似文献   

It is common sense that the premises usually considered in inventory models have little applicability to new product inventory management. This paper develops a first practical approach to deal with this issue: the solution to the (Q, r) inventory model for uniform demand forecasts and lead-times. Based on the fact that the uniform distribution is defined by two parameters that are easy to estimate—maximum and minimum—this paper shows that such a premise may comprise a helpful and accurate decision support tool for managers until they begin to learn about the distribution characteristics of the demand during the lead-time.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the findings of a number of interlinked pieces of research, both qualitative and quantitative, that have investigated aspects of food risk communication on the island of Ireland. These findings are set in the context of international risk communication research. The findings are examined using the three basic elements of a simple communications framework: the message sender; the channel through which the message is communicated and the receiver of the message. The barriers to effective communication are examined and special reference is made to the barriers affecting the communication of domestic food safety risk. Barriers identified include personal, infrastructural and message related factors, such as lack of interest, lack of appropriate facilities and conflicting messages. Based on an evaluation of the views of the scientific community and the public, we make suggestions on how future food safety communications could be tackled to better address the identified barriers. Both suggested long and short term policies are considered in the context of a heterogeneous public and scientific community. Short term suggestions provide an opportunity to address the challenges faced by those who are currently exposing themselves to a high level of domestic food safety risk. The long term suggestions reflect on the underlying barriers impacting on public domestic food safety practices.  相似文献   

The author argues for an integrated approach to the formulation of communication policies. He suggests that the term ‘communication planning’ signals changes in attitudes to planning in general, breaking through the boundaries of technical or quantitative exclusivity into a broader, more interdisciplinary approach. After describing the main characteristics of the integrated approach, he examines the Unesco Afghanistan survey as an example of recent work on the methodology of overall communication system planning. The author then discusses the issue of technology transfer in the context of communications, and concludes with an analysis of the trend towards the international coordination of planning approaches.  相似文献   

Albania has an average of only 1.4 telephone lines per 100 people. Yet telecommunications public policy reform is now increasingly viewed by the Albanian policy community as central to the country’s future economic and political ambitions. This paper aims to explain how this precarious state of affairs arose in Albania, and, using comparisons with some of its former allies (China, Russia and other Central and Eastern Europe countries), suggest what possible measures of telecommunication policy reform are now necessary to take account of the country’s unique cultural, economic and geographical conditions.  相似文献   

One of the key factors for a thriving cloud computing market is the ‘interoperability’ between the relevant hardware and software that govern the cloud services. While a complete interoperability means different cloud users being able to exchange the management tools, server images and other software, this is infrequently realised because users are locked into (proprietary) cloud ecosystems. This (problem of vendor lock-in) is potentially accompanied with another problem revolving around the content delivery networks being integrated with the distinct clouds along with possible harms to media pluralism as well as interoperability. In view of these concerns, this study focuses on competition law, standardisation and regulatory policies, and elaborates on to what extent cloud interoperability needs to be secured under EU legal fora. Overall, it is found that vendor lock-in might be attended by ‘coupling’ and complex ‘layering’ strategies, whereas efficiency and/or security based justifications would arise as the counter-balancing reasons. Based on the findings, the study concludes that while focusing on the vertical (i.e., vendor lock-in) concerns, a comprehensive viewpoint needs to be upheld, allowing efficiencies (i.e., proprietary enhancements) based on the architectural design and innovations, obviating narrowly-fashioned (i.e., foreclosure-based) interventions such as in Microsoft case. It is also underlined that cloud interoperability has a content dimension that would require a broader perspective, extending to horizontal concerns and requirements within the context of EU policy making strategies.  相似文献   

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