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2004年是中国宏观调控年。从去年下半年开始,中国经济高速增长,结构失衡逐渐抬头。针对经济运行中出现的突出矛盾和问题,党中央、国务院采取了一系列加强和改善宏观调控的政策措施,使经济运行中不稳定、不健康的因素得到初步抑制,国民经济总体正朝着宏观调控预期的方向发展。然而,由于经济运行中的体制性、机制性弊端尚未根除,宏观调控的基础还不稳固,通货膨胀的压力依然很大,尤其煤电油运供求紧张的局面还没有得到根本缓解。  相似文献   

<正> 1997年,我国社区服务业的总产值近80亿元,相当于1987-1991年5年的总和。专家们估计,社区服务业总产值每增加1%,可安排就业130万人,其中相当一部分是下岗再就业人员。也就是说,正当许多  相似文献   

<正> 你吃过带有画面图像的蛋糕吗?并且把自己所喜欢的、所想像的画面重现在蛋糕上。如今,邯郸市创想科技有限公司的程建秋能让您如愿以偿。一次,女朋友生日,他到蛋糕店让店员按自己的想像做出一种画面,以表达对女友的喜爱,店里却没有那种设备,这件事激发了他的灵感。何不研制一种能做出带有画面的蛋糕设备?于是,他经常泡在图书馆,查找有关资料,一上  相似文献   

张山竞 《中国广告》2012,(12):25-26
加多宝赞助《中国好声音》的投资决策,更多源于商标更换事件逼的无奈选择,它放在很多篮子中的鸡蛋,有一个令人惊喜地孵出了凤凰。《中国好声音》一炮走红,冠名商加多宝无疑是大赢家。相比于海飞丝破亿元赞助《中国达人秀》,加多宝的6000万显然是笔高回报率的投资。不少媒体对加多宝的"准确的市场判断力"赞誉有加。加多宝方面解释,之所以下此重注,是因为"加多宝凉茶与《中国好声音》共同具有原滋原味、正宗的品  相似文献   

波波 《广告大观》2008,(11):132-133
每届奥运会都是赞助商展示自己的重要舞台,与往届奥运会不同的是,今年的北京奥运会多了一种新的赞助商——互联网内容服务赞助商。2005年,经过激烈角逐,搜狐脱颖而出获得了赞助商资格,标志着搜狐奥运营销的开始。随着奥运圣火在国家体育场的熄灭,围绕北京奥运会的品牌营销大战也告一段落,虽然没有任何奥运经验可以借鉴,但搜狐仍然成功地实现了自身的奥运战略目标,  相似文献   

叶圣陶的<景泰蓝的制作>上了中学课本,使人认识了景泰蓝这种传统的特种手工艺品.对景泰蓝这三个字,人们或许会有熟悉生又既陌的感觉,或许可以从这三个字眼当中可以看出一些端倪:春和景明、泰然自若、青出于蓝.的确,景泰蓝与生俱来的浑厚端主、富丽典雅的外表,是无法用简单的言语所能形容的.作为一种手工艺术,景泰蓝是明清宫中高贵的装饰艺术品,为皇家所垄断,如今,它已走进寻常百姓家,并且颇为国外消费者的喜爱.在京东的香河,有大小数十家工艺品厂都在生产景泰蓝,产品远销海外,出口创汇颇丰,其中,香河长林珐琅厂就是其中的佼佼之范.  相似文献   

怎样能做出好广告赵德海译做广告首先是设计上要决定的事也是最重要的事,就是怎样置定你的产品在市场中的位置。在英语中“positioning”这个字近来很时髦,人人都说这点很重要,但究竟这是什么意思,则有很多争论。很多广告理论家的态度就同法官说的话一样:...  相似文献   

仲大军 《商界》2000,(11):64-65

洪鸿 《中国工商》2003,(7):179-179
中国的城市交通未来向何处发展?诸多专家各有高论。但是有两种论调是大相径庭的:一种是寄希望于中国多发展轿车.让轿车成为代步工具;一种是以科学院院士何祚庥为代表的学者.直截了当地否定小轿车大规模进入家庭,而要优先发展公共交通磁浮列车和电动汽车。  相似文献   

徐道芳 《上海商业》2008,(11):56-57
一名机关普通工作人员.上世纪90年代中期“下海”后,凭借执着的事业心和自律自信自强的人生哲学.在汹涌澎湃的商业大潮中奋勇搏击.向着理想的彼岸不懈前行。如今.他已是拥有多家企业和五六千万元资产的老板。不仅如此.为了在残酷的竞争中独辟蹊径.最近,他还敏感地将触角伸向人类营养健康领域,以“史密斯”品牌椰油中国地区唯一总代理的身份,经营起“地球上最健康的油”——椰子油。  相似文献   

Organizational storytelling: It makes sense   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

“抢蛋糕”与“做蛋糕”:电视剧抢播之争的本质问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近来,电视媒体一直坚守的电视“剧”战略岌岌可危。视频网站已经开始冲击电视媒体的电视剧权威播放平台的地位。  相似文献   

This article examines workplace bullying from a personal resources perspective. As workplace bullying emerges in unsupportive and stressful work environments, the threat of personal resource loss triggers the low cost, high reward resource-seeking behaviors that are typically reported as indicative of bullies in the workplace bullying research. Herein, we propose that these resource-seeking bullying behaviors allow bullies to create reinforcing resource gain cycles for them, but also create reinforcing resource loss cycles for targets and bystanders of bullying. As a potential remedy, we discuss recommendations for organizations to reduce the occurrence of workplace bullying.  相似文献   

This study tackles the puzzle of why increasing entrepreneurial experience does not always lead to improved financial performance of new ventures. We propose an alternate framework demonstrating how experience translates into expertise by arguing that the positive experience–performance relationship only appears to expert entrepreneurs, while novice entrepreneurs may actually perform increasingly worse because of their inability to generalize their experiential knowledge accurately into new ventures. These negative performance implications can be alleviated if the level of contextual similarity between prior and current ventures is high. Using matched employee–employer data of an entire population of Swedish founder-managers between 1990 and 2007, we find a non-linear relationship between entrepreneurial experience and financial performance consistent with our framework. Moreover, the level of industry, geographic, and temporal similarities between prior and current ventures positively moderates this relationship. Our work provides both theoretical and practical implications for entrepreneurial experience—people can learn entrepreneurship and pursue it with greater success as long as they have multiple opportunities to gain experience, overcome barriers to learning, and build an entrepreneurial-experience curve.  相似文献   


Ambush marketing is a contentious practice whereby brands communicate an association with an event without being an official sponsor. Those involved in sponsorship commonly try to limit it by restricting ambusher activity in event contexts. We introduce theoretical ideas around distinctiveness to explain that sponsors may actually fare better in terms of awareness outcomes when ambushers are present in the event context, if they strategically use ambusher presence to highlight their own distinctive sponsor status. Across two experiments we show that sponsor distinctiveness can be achieved by communicating sponsorship exclusivity in ambusher presence, and by facilitating juxtaposition of sponsor and ambusher messages. Results include increased recall to sponsor cues, and reduced recall to ambusher cues. The findings suggest ambusher restrictions may sometimes be counter-productive.  相似文献   

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