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We provide new results for two-stage games in which firms make capacity investments when demand is uncertain, then, when demand is realized, compete in prices. We consider games with demand rationing schemes ranging from efficient to proportional rationing. In all cases, there is a subgame perfect equilibrium outcome coinciding with the outcome of the Cournot game with demand uncertainty if and only if (i) the fluctuation in absolute market size is small relative to the cost of capacity, or (ii) uncertainty is such that with high probability the market demand is very large and with the remaining probability the market demand is extremely small. Otherwise, equilibria involve mixed strategies. Further, we show under efficient rationing that condition (i) is sufficient for the unique equilibrium outcome to be an equilibrium outcome of the Cournot game with demand uncertainty.  相似文献   


After investigation on the existing advanced manufacturing systems (AMSs), it is found that supply–demand matching of manufacturing resource is one of the common issues to be addressed in all AMSs, and methods for addressing this issue have evolved from P2P (peer-to-peer)-based, to information centre-based, and to platform (or system)-based matching, and are moving towards socialisation and service-based solutions. In order to adapt to this trend, a new method for manufacturing resource supply–demand matching based on complex networks and Internet of Things (IoT) is proposed, and a four-layered architecture for implementing this method is designed. In this method, IoT technology is employed to realise the intelligent perception and accessing of various manufacturing resources and capabilities (MR&C), which enables logical aggregation of various distributed MR&C in the form of services. Then complex networks model and theory are used to realise the efficient manufacturing service management, optimal-allocation, and supply–demand matching. In this article, the specific key technologies for implementing the method are presented, including key technologies for manufacturing service generation and aggregation, manufacturing demand/task management, supply–demand matching of MR&C in the form of services, and value/utility adding based on manufacturing service network (MSN), manufacturing task network (MTN) and manufacturing enterprises collaborative network (ECN).  相似文献   

The use of network approaches to gain an understanding of business behaviour in general, and entrepreneurial action in particular, has increased. Research into entrepreneurial networking, however, varies considerably depending upon paradigmatic assumptions. In deterministic contexts networks mainly represent restrictions while in voluntaristic settings the network is the very instrument by which new ventures are realized. A subjectivist approach thus seems to be most able to exploit the potentials of the network metaphor in entrepreneurship research since venturing means organizing through personal networking. Yet both quantitative and qualitative tools may be adopted when mapping and interpreting the characteristics of entrepreneurial networks.  相似文献   

Relatively small sectoral productivity shocks could lead to sizable macroeconomic variability. Whereas most contributions in the literature analyze the issue of aggregate sensitivity using simple general equilibrium models, a novel approach is proposed in this paper, based on stochastic simulations with a global computable general equilibrium model. We find that the variability of the GDP, induced by sectoral shocks, is basically determined by the degree of industrial concentration as measured by the Herfindahl index of industrial value added. The degree of centrality in inter-industrial connectivity, measured by the standard deviation of second-order degrees, is mildly significant, but it is also correlated with the industrial concentration index. After controlling for the correlation effect, we find that connectivity turns out to be statistically significant, although less so than granularity.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal monetary policy in a New Keynesian model where supply and demand shocks affect the price of oil. Optimal policy fully stabilizes core inflation when wages are flexible. The nominal rate rises (falls) in response to the demand (supply) shock. With sticky wages core inflation falls (rises) in response to the demand (supply) shock. Impulse response functions from a VAR estimated with post-1986 U.S. data show minimal movement in core inflation in response to both shocks. The federal funds rate rises (falls) in response to the demand (supply) shock, consistent with the predictions from the theoretical model for policy that stabilizes core inflation.  相似文献   

Management Review Quarterly - The internationalisation phenomenon driving MNEs to go for globalisation of production has made the working environment (WE) and its relation to organisational...  相似文献   

Let \(X_{1},\ldots , X_{n}\) be lifetimes of components with independent non-negative generalized Birnbaum–Saunders random variables with shape parameters \(\alpha _{i}\) and scale parameters \(\beta _{i},~ i=1,\ldots ,n\), and \(I_{p_{1}},\ldots , I_{p_{n}}\) be independent Bernoulli random variables, independent of \(X_{i}\)’s, with \(E(I_{p_{i}})=p_{i},~i=1,\ldots ,n\). These are associated with random shocks on \(X_{i}\)’s. Then, \(Y_{i}=I_{p_{i}}X_{i}, ~i=1,\ldots ,n,\) correspond to the lifetimes when the random shock does not impact the components and zero when it does. In this paper, we discuss stochastic comparisons of the smallest order statistic arising from such random variables \(Y_{i},~i=1,\ldots ,n\). When the matrix of parameters \((h({\varvec{p}}), {\varvec{\beta }}^{\frac{1}{\nu }})\) or \((h({\varvec{p}}), {\varvec{\frac{1}{\alpha }}})\) changes to another matrix of parameters in a certain mathematical sense, we study the usual stochastic order of the smallest order statistic in such a setup. Finally, we apply the established results to two special cases: classical Birnbaum–Saunders and logistic Birnbaum–Saunders distributions.  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationships between airline flight networks, aircraft cycle times, and carrier profitability for ten large US domestic airlines. We find that direct point-to-point flight networks and short cycle times are operational factors that airlines should exploit to improve profitability. These findings are based on the analysis of 11.9 million flight records from 2004 through 2006. The results contradict earlier research validating performance advantages of hub-and-spoke flight networks. Today, the advantages of passenger consolidation at hub airports are lost to lower aircraft utilization and productivity problems created by the extended cycle times at hubs. We also find that airline operating profit can be increased by improving the efficiency of the aircraft turnaround process and decreasing aircraft fleet complexity. This research also provides an estimate of the marginal opportunity cost of ground time. A 1-min reduction in aircraft fleet ground time increases the average sized carriers’ operating income by $12 to $18 million.  相似文献   

In this study, we develop and test a model that links one's internal and external social network structures to his or her willingness and ability to adapt in a changing work context. Using a survey data from 371 employees working in 133 different branches of a large financial firm, we find that individual behaviors that explain task performance and individual adaptation to change are affected by a number of supportive social ties (size of the support network) with which one receives support inside and, mostly, outside the workplace. The results also show that individual performance and adaptation to change are affected by the level of workers' organizational citizenship behavior. We also identify a mediating effect exerted by the informational network structure (mostly an internal network) on the relationship between the support network (mostly an external network) and individual task performance.  相似文献   


This paper proposes a nesting ‘New Trade, New Economic Geography’ model in which agglomeration is driven by input–output linkages among firms, trade in goods and capital mobility. The New Economic Geography sub-model exhibits the same positive and dynamic properties as a wide class of models based on other agglomeration mechanisms. Its normative implications are nuanced: equity and efficiency do not necessarily conflict. When input–output linkages are strong, agglomeration might Pareto-dominate dispersion because agglomeration lowers producer prices. When vertical linkages are weak, the market is biased in favour of agglomeration if the planer has a strong aversion to inequalities.


Accumulation et commerce avec intégration amont-aval et mobilité du capital.

Cet article décrit un modèle, qui a donné naissance au modèle commercial de Flam et Helpman (1987), et de Martin et Rogers (1995) et à un modèle original à la Krugman « Nouvelle Géographie Economique » (1991). L'accumulation se produit par l'intégration amont-aval des sociétés entre elles et par la mobilité du capital. L'auteur étudie les conséquences positives puis normatives du modèle. Dans le domaine des conséquences positives, le modèle NGE montre les mêmes propriétés dynamiques que les autres modèles fondés sur d'autres mécanismes d'accumulation (migration du travail, accumulation de capital humain). Donc, ce modèle est bien adapté pour étudier les questions de localisation des industries, du commerce des biens et de la mobilité du capital. En ce qui concerne les conséquences normatives, lorsque l'intégration amont- aval est forte, l'accumulation peut l'emporter sur la dispersion de Pareto, parce que l'accumulation conduit à une diminution des prix du producteur: l'efficacité et la valeur n'entrent pas forcément en conflit dans ce modèle. Quand l'intégration verticale est faible, le marché est orienté en faveur de l'accumulation si le décideur montre une grande aversion aux inégalités.


Aglomeración y comercio con enlaces de entrada–salida y movilidad de capital

En este artículo expongo un modelo que atrapa el modelo comercial de Flam y Helpman (1987), de Martin y Rogers (1995) y de un modelo original según la teoría la ‘Nueva Geografía Económica’ de Krugman (1991). La aglomeración está impulsada por enlaces de entrada–salida entre las sociedades y por la movilidad de capital. Aquí analizo las implicaciones positivas y normativas del modelo. En términos de implicaciones positivas, el modelo NEG expone las mismas propiedades dinámicas como una amplia clase de modelos basados en otros mecanismos de aglomeración (migración laboral, acumulación de capital humano). De este modo, el modelo encaja bien para estudiar cuestiones en cuanto a la ubicación de la industria, el comercio de mercancías y la movilidad de capital. Con respecto a las implicaciones normativas, cuando son sólidos los enlaces de entrada–salida, la aglomeración podría dominar la dispersión en el diagrama de Pareto debido a que la aglomeración hace disminuir los precios de los productores: en este modelo la eficiencia y la equidad no necesariamente están en conflicto. Cuando los enlaces verticales son débiles, el mercado es sesgado a favor de la aglomeración si el planificador tiene una fuerte aversión a las desigualdades.  相似文献   

In recent years, companies have increasingly adopted flexible work arrangements (FWAs) to help company managers address negative work–family/family–work spillover (inter-role conflicts between work and family roles). Accordingly, we investigate the effects of parenthood and gender on the relationship between negative work–family/family–work spillover and demand for FWAs. Based on a sample of 1577 managers (967 females and 610 males) of South Korean companies, the results show that parenthood has a significant moderating effect on the relationship between negative work–family/family–work spillover and the demand for FWAs, regardless of gender. The present study highlights the importance of parenthood not only in addressing negative work–family/family–work spillover but also in expressing a demand for FWAs.  相似文献   

In recent years, a growing number of firms have adopted flexible work arrangements (FWAs) to help managers balance their work–family demands. Based on a sample of 1336 married managers in Korea, we found that work–family conflict increased the FWAs demand more for female managers than for male managers. When facing work–family conflict, the absence of family-supportive supervision increased the demand for FWAs, particularly among female managers. No such effect was found for family–work conflict. In addition, having a female supervisor led to an increased demand for FWAs from company managers. These results suggest that firms should pay close attention to gender difference and supervisory roles in predicting the demand for FWAs to alleviate work–family conflicts.  相似文献   

We empirically test a theory specifying distinct ideal interaction patterns for four business-to-business service types, which differ with regard to how they are used by the buying company. The ideal interaction patterns are conceptualised as configurations of five different interaction dimensions: the key objectives in the interaction, the critical capabilities on either side of the relationship, the type of functional involvement from the buying firm and the key issues in the buyer–seller dialogue. Using a combination of quantitative and qualitative data from 23 cases of service exchange at six buying organisations we test whether similarity between the ideal interaction pattern and an actual, observed interaction pattern is a continuous necessary condition for successful ongoing service exchange. The findings suggest for each of the four service types that, in order for a service exchange to be successful, buying companies should design their interactions with their service providers to closely resemble the specified ideal pattern for that specific service type. Besides contributing to the knowledge on how to effectively structure buyer–supplier interactions across the heterogeneous spectrum of services bought, a methodological contribution is made by showing how case research can be used for theory-testing purposes. As this study is the first real test of the typology, further replications with new data, preferably obtained from both sides of the buyer–supplier dyad, are necessary.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs’ networks and the success of start-ups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The network success hypothesis assumes a positive relation between the networking activities of founders and their start-up’s success. The rationale behind this hypothesis is the theory of socially embedded ties that allow entrepreneurs to get resources cheaper than they could be obtained on markets and to secure resources that would not be available on markets at all, e.g. reputation, customer contacts, etc.

This paper clarifies how entrepreneurial network activities can be measured and which indicators exist to quantify start-up success. It then reviews empirical studies on the network success hypothesis. The studies have rarely come up with significant results. This surprising evidence can be explained by large differences in the way that the dependent and the independent variables were defined and by effects of unobserved variables such as the networking expertise of the founders and the entrepreneurs’ level of existing know-how in the areas of co-operation and networking (‘absorptive capacity’). The major shortcomings of existing network studies are found to be the neglect of different starting conditions, the focus on individual founders’ networks instead of multiple networks in start-ups with an entrepreneurial team, and the assumption of a linear causal relation between networking and start-up success. Accordingly, the paper develops a new, extended model for the relation between entrepreneurial networks and start-up success. Finally, we make some suggestions for the further development of entrepreneurial network theory.  相似文献   

We estimate the Food–Energy–Water (FEW) nexus for 21 countries worldwide, with data available from year 1990–2000 in order to investigate the relationship between food production and two scarce resources: energy and water. Food production is proxied by four alternative variables: The index of agricultural production, the index of crops production, the index of livestock production and the value added from agriculture. Water and energy as independent variables are controlled by methane and nitrogen emissions, capital, labor and five versions of fertilizer proxy: pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, herbicide and other. For robust estimation, we have perused a number of standard and novel panel estimators such as the common correlated effects mean group estimator and the augmented mean group estimator (AMG). These estimators can account both for non-stationarity and the cross-dependence problems. Based on standard estimators such as the generalized least squares estimator or the Arellano-Bond generalized method of moments GMM, they reveal the existence of a significant FEW nexus while the mean group estimator, the group mean DOLS estimator, the common correlated effects and the augmented mean group estimator (AMG) do not yield significant coefficients for water and energy. In the latter models only labor and pesticides are significant at 5%. Also, the unobserved total factor productivity appears significant at 5% under the AMG estimation. When significant, energy and water elasticities ranged from ? 0.001 to ? 0.256 and from ? 0.014 to ? 0.084 respectively.  相似文献   

Relational ties between manufacturers and their suppliers serve as an important strategic resource for value creation and realization. However, conflicting evidence exists regarding their role in the acquisition of specific knowledge. This study proposes that relational ties have a nonlinear effect on specific knowledge acquisition and that this nonlinear relationship is conditional on contract specificity and competitive intensity. Results from a sample of 385 manufacturer–supplier exchanges in China demonstrate that a buyer's relational ties with its major supplier have an inverted U-shaped effect on specific knowledge acquisition from this supplier; this inverted U-shaped relationship is stronger (steeper) when contract specificity is high and competition is more intense. These findings suggest that managers should understand the benefits and downsides of relational ties in acquiring specific knowledge and avoid building highly embedded ties when they draft detailed contracts or competition is highly intensive.  相似文献   

Extended input–output models require careful estimation of disaggregated consumption by households and comparable sources of labor income by sector. The latter components most often have to be estimated. The primary focus of this paper is to produce labor demand disaggregated by workers’ age. The results are evaluated through considerations of its consistency with a static labor demand model restricted with theoretical requirements. A Bayesian approach is used for more straightforward imposition of regularity conditions. The Bayesian model confirms elastic labor demand for youth workers, which is consistent with what past studies find. Additionally, to explore the effects of changes in age structure on a regional economy, the estimated age-group-specific labor demand model is integrated into a regional input–output model. The integrated model suggests that ceteris paribus ageing population contributes to lowering aggregate economic multipliers due to the rapidly growing number of elderly workers who earn less than younger workers.  相似文献   

This article will supply methods of becoming trading partners in today's global market and will provide world-class approaches to improved responsiveness and customer satisfaction. Guidelines and actual how-to's for implementing and managing a customer-driven supply chain will be offered. Examples will be given of how both large and small organizations have increased profitability by eliminating non-value-added paperwork, improved their ability to respond to customer demand, and reduced procurement cycle times along the entire supply chain.  相似文献   

There is scarce empirical evidence on the impact of inter-organizational collaboration across research institutes, industries or/and universities on the scientific performance of research institutes. This paper fills this gap by examining how the research institutes’ bilateral/trilateral collaborations with industries or/and universities influence their research outputs from a network perspective. We construct a unique dataset based on the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ inter-organizational research collaboration networks with industries or/and universities, which enables us to build three homogeneous, heterogeneous and hybrid inter-organizational research networks as our multi-scenario sample. Our study confirms that the scientific performance of research institutes is significantly affected by their network positions in the research collaboration networks with industries or/and universities. Specifically, in the homogeneous “University-Research Institute” (UR) collaboration network, the degree centrality and the structural holes of the research institutes affect their scientific performance respectively in an inverted U-shaped manner and a positive linear one. By contrast, in both the heterogeneous “Industry-Research Institute” (IR) and the hybrid “Industry-University-Research Institute” (IUR) collaboration networks, the degree centrality and the structural holes of research institutes affect their scientific performance respectively in a positive linear manner and an inverted U-shaped one. Our findings indicate that the impact pattern of the network positions of innovative organizations on their performance likely varies with the network structure and composition in different inter-organizational contexts.  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of the transmission of US shocks to Asian economies with consideration of financial linkages and trade linkages. Using the sign restriction vector autoregression (VAR) approach during 2000–2012, our empirical results can be summarized as follows. First, both US financial and trade linkages exert a significant impact on production in Asian economies. Second, through both financial and trade linkages, US spillover shocks account for around 50% of the production fluctuation in Asian economies. Third, during the episodes of 2007–2009 US financial crisis, the impact of financial shocks is greater than that of trade shocks. Results suggest that (i) Asian economies are not decoupled with US; and (ii) different from conventional findings, financial linkages between US and Asian economies are strong, especially for highly developed Asian economies. Therefore, investors and policymakers of Asian economies should take account of US financial conditions.  相似文献   

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