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德国可再生能源的发展在人类能源使用历史上具有里程碑式的意义,这是人类从利用化石能源到摆脱化石能源的一种理性的回归.德国为实现能源转型,确定了可再生能源发展的阶段性目标,按照欧盟的指令,从立法、资金、政策支持等多方面加大了扶持力度,取得了良好效果.德国可再生能源的发展也带来了整个电力市场相关行业的利益调整,未来还有许多有待处理的问题.德国的经验和做法为中国的产业改革尤其是电力市场改革和发展提供了有益借鉴.  相似文献   

德国是全球率先提出电动汽车国家发展计划的国家之一,其政府和产业界建立的合作机制对其他国家具有借鉴意义。在介绍德国电动汽车产业最新动态基础上,着重分析了德国政府所起的作用及下一步行动,总结了德国电动汽车产业发展的主要特点,并提出了促进我国电动汽车产业发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

从当前积极推进能源转型的国家看,德国和美国是两个具有典型性的国家.德国和美国能源转型既有共同点,也有差异性,差异性主要源于两国能源转型的核心动机不同.德国能源转型的核心动机是大气与环境保护,美国能源转型的核心动机是能源安全.转型核心动机差异导致两国能源的转型方向与路径不同,德国向可再生能源转型,美国向清洁能源(可再生能源、天然气和核能)转型.过渡能源选择是国家能源转型的必备要件,且可再生能源政策推进强度与居民电价成正比.电力系统转型对国家能源转型至关重要,智能电网是电力系统转型的重中之重.  相似文献   

德国鲁尔工业区持续发展的成功经验   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
鲁尔区是德国乃至世界最重要的工业区之一。二战后,以煤、钢铁为基础的重化工业经济结构日显弊端,区域经济陷于结构老化危机之中。为摆脱危机,适应新形势下经济发展的需要,鲁尔区开展了全面的区域整治工作,紧跟世界产业结构调整步伐,不断创新,以新技术革命促进区域经济结构的全面更新和提升,取得了明显的成效,成为老工业区持续发展的典范。  相似文献   

根据21世纪可再生能源政策网自2004年成立后历年发布的《可再生能源全球现状报告》和《可再生能源全球未来报告》,以及中国学者近年来所做的相关研究,当前全球可再生能源发展呈现以下态势:可再生能源发展规模高速增长;低油价下全球可再生能源投资不降反增;越来越多的国家将发展可再生能源作为能源战略的重要组成部分;可再生能源成本不断下降,部分采用先进技术的可再生能源与化石能源相比已初具竞争力.  相似文献   

生物质能技术的研究与开发已成为世界重大热门课题之一,受到世界各国政府与科学家的关注。通过生物质在沼气发酵技术,生物质制燃料乙醇、乙二醇、生物柴油,生物质固体成型燃料,生物质发电及能源生物等方面的应用,对生物质的研究现状进行了分析。  相似文献   

在德国,各种包装啤酒琳琅满目,多种多样的促销方式更是将市场竞争演绎得热闹非凡。据统计,以奥狄为代表的连锁经销商售出了占整个德国16%市场份额的啤酒,其中易拉罐装啤酒也取得了良好的销售业绩。  相似文献   

Technological competition plays an important role in technological development and innovation. However, technological competition networks have long been ignored in research. Based on the social network theory, we proposed that the innovation of an organization is greatly affected by the technological competition networks that it is embedded in. We introduced International Patent Classifications (IPCs) information to construct technological competition networks of organizations, and explored how competition network characteristics influence the organizational competitive capability and innovation performance.Based on the wind energy patent data between 2005 and 2014, we synthetically investigated the technological development and competition networks in the industry. Our findings show that (1) the evolutionary trends of patents and technology elements growth exhibit similar patterns (i.e., increasing before 2011 and decreasing after 2011); (2) the burst detection algorithm detects that 140 technological elements and 132 organizations experienced a sudden growth in production; (3) wind energy organizations intensively compete with each other, and in each year, only 10% of organizations can improve their technological competitive positions in the following year; (4) competition density in a competition network increases the technological competitive capability and innovation performance of firms. Additionally, competition strength has an inverted-U shaped relationship with both the aforementioned outcomes.  相似文献   

德国的饮料包装盒,外表面是一层薄纸板,里边是一层铝箔。该铝箔是先和其它塑料薄膜复合在一起,然后再与纸板复合。纸板本身有它的优点,重量轻,有一定的强度,容易印刷和加工成型,成型后的纸盒有利于集合包装及堆码存放;铝箔与塑料复合而成的薄膜具有良好的渗透阻隔性能,既能防止液体渗出,又能起到使饮料保质保鲜的作用。同时塑料薄膜还具有良好的热封性能,纸塑盒的密封成型,实际上就是靠它来实现,而且时间短、速度快,适于流水生产线加工。  相似文献   

In early 1976, the West German Federal Commission for Development of the Telecommunication System (Kommission fuer den Ausbau des technischen Kommunikationssystems) published its study on the future development of telecommunications. The main recommendation of the federal commission was the extension of ‘conventional’ services (ie telephone, telex). Three and a half years later, one can argue that nothing has changed fundamentally in the telecommunication sector in West Germany.  相似文献   

能源金融的发展及其对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虽然目前学术界对于能源金融尚无一致的定义,但是全球能源金融随着社会进步和政治经济的变化而发展.能源金融一体化逐渐成为全球经济的普遍现象,表现在:金融支持能源工业发展,能源企业积极参与金融市场,能源市场与金融战略的结合,能源效率金融市场迅速发展.  相似文献   

This paper presents empirical evidence of the success of mergers in the Federal Republic of Germany. In general, the results show that the mergers are not successful. The shareholders of acquiring firms have to accept cumulative abnormal losses of −9.38 per cent. Returns on assets show also significant declines. According to the pattern of diversification it was found that product extending acquiring firms performed best. High cash flow enables to limit losses. Firms that have frequent experience of mergers tend to gain from their mergers.  相似文献   

德国发明家发现一种新型材料,它由木头制成却可以像塑料一样塑形,结合了木头和塑料的两种物质的优点。这种生态塑料看起来像木头,事实上也是由木头制成的.但是它却也可以像塑料一样容易塑形。这种材料,结合了木头和塑料这两种最常用的物质的优点,十分强大。它和塑料一样,可注人模具,精确地造出形状极其复杂的物体。从玩具、纸杯到汽车零件、头盔、手表。  相似文献   

VCI是英文Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor的缩写,我们称它为气相防锈法。这种方法于20世纪40年代在美国研究出来,并开始投人使用。目前,VCI在德国以各种方式应用于储运包装之中。它的原理是阻止金属和介质发生反应,其缓蚀气体由带有极性的有机体在10之至104兆帕压力下形成。通过升华现象,缓蚀气体可以充满整个封闭空间,  相似文献   

德国石油消费量大,但石油的自给率仅占2%,1965的德国政府就提出建立石油储备。德国石油储备呈多元化模式、石油储备的入体是官民结合的联盟储备,石油储备的布局比较均匀。目前德国不再提高并逐步缩小石油在一次能源消费量中比重,减少对石油的依赖。  相似文献   

Home Ownership Finance in Austria and Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper studies the financial barriers to ownership entry in Austria and Germany. In both countries the financial institutions are similar but there are differences as to public assistance, mortgage markets and risk allocation. Various risk shifting mechanisms between borrowers, banking and the state, and their impacts on social costs and social efficiency, are discussed. The findings indicate possible credit-rationing as an outcome of the current securitization methods used in Austrian and German bank intermediation and their interaction with subsidy and tax allowance instruments. The existing entry barriers have raised concerns among the current decision makers and may initiate financial reforms in the near future.  相似文献   

中国陆上油气对外合作区块总体开发方案是油气田开发决策的基础性文件,目前由国家发改委按照核准程序履行国家审批职能.中方石油公司在审查总体开发方案过程中发现的问题主要集中在总体开发方案的编制和执行方面,包括技术方案和投资与效益指标争议、执行过程中的偏差和调整过大、弃置管理制度缺失、总体开发方案与石油合同不匹配等问题,导致国家和中方石油公司较大利益损失.其原因除了中方石油公司缺乏对外合作管理经验、准入门槛过低、管控能力不足之外,国家在油气对外合作管理方面的法律法规和油气行业基本管理制度的长期缺位是问题的主要根源.要解决这些问题,需要建立健全国家油气行业管理和对外合作管理方面的法律法规,尽快修改完善标准石油合同,国家相关部委应进一步完善和明确审批和监管职能,出台一些必要的油气行业管理制度,中方石油公司内部更是要加强对外合作项目管理,完善对外合作项目前期工作程序.  相似文献   

Works Councils and Plant Closings in Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is the first study to investigate the impact of workplace representation on plant closings in Germany, using data from a nationally representative establishment panel. Across all establishments in our sample, we find evidence of a positive association between works council presence and plant closings. There is the contrary suggestion that industry‐wide collective bargaining plays a neutral to benign role. As for the interaction between collective bargaining and workplace representation, this appears strongest for establishments with fewer than 50 employees: such plants are much more likely to close if they have a works council and are not covered by a collective agreement.  相似文献   

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