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苏晖阳 《人口与发展》2022,28(1):90-102
从联合国《残疾人权利公约》到世界各国的宪法与专门法,残疾人发展权在法律层面被确定为残疾人群体享有的基本权利。法律规范和平等的政治参与为残疾人发展权的保障提供了规范依据,明确了残疾人发展权的价值内涵。在保障的具体途径上,社会保障为残疾人发展权保障提供康复与经济帮扶,无障碍支撑的保障为残疾人发展权保障创造完备的信息和设施环境,文化层面的氛围塑造和教育层面的融合理念为残疾人发展权的权利实现提供了路径,司法为残疾人发展权保障提供了程序与实体的支持。理论和实践表明,完善的发展权保障体系有助于实现残疾人平等、参与、共享社会生活并实现社会融合。我国也将不断充实和完善残疾人发展权保障的理论体系与制度实践,借鉴国际经验,实现"提升残疾人发展能力"的目标。  相似文献   

为了进一步保障盲人携带导盲犬进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具等的权利,分析在保障盲人携带导盲犬进入公共场所、乘坐公共交通工具以及导盲犬训练与管理等方面的不足。我国应当以《残疾人权利公约》为标准,加强对盲人携带导盲犬出行的法律保障,保障盲人携带导盲犬出行的权利;加大对导盲犬培训机构的投资,增加导盲犬数量,加强公权力机关在处理涉及导盲犬案件时的导向性,从而加强我国保障盲人权利的相关制度建设。  相似文献   

车蕾 《商》2012,(19):248-248
残疾人事业需要"两个体系"做支撑,在保障中为残疾人服务,在服务中实现对残疾人的保障,两者既相互独立又无法分割。以残疾人的生存权、发展权和参与权的"三项权利",是"两个体系"要保障和服务的主要内容,而"两个体系"是实现"三项权利"的直接形式和载体。为了贯彻落实中央7号文件、《吉林省委、吉林省人民政府关于促进全省残疾人事业发展的实施意见》(吉发〔2009〕22号),建立和完善残疾人"两个体系",实现和保障残疾人"三项权利",是当前残疾人工作的重点。要想把"两个体系"建设好,把"三项权利"保障好,各级残联必须发挥好自身职能作用,首先要建设好"事业管理体系"。管理出效益,管理出成果。随着"两个体系"建设的深入,2010年以来,残联把"残疾人事业管理体系"作为一个新重点来建设,即在中残联要求的"两个体系"建设基础上,加强管理体系建设。这是我们努力探索的残疾人事业"2+1"体系模式。  相似文献   

劳工组织:《2006年海事劳工公约》正式生效ILO:Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Entry into Force《2006年海事劳工公约》8月20日正式生效。国际劳工组织表示,这一有着"海员权利法案"之称的公约不仅能够保障广大海员的劳动和生活权利,也有助于杜绝一些船东通过降低劳动标准来恶意竞争的情况,劳工组织希望有更多的国家加入缔约国行列。2006年2月,国际劳工大会通过了旨在保障海员体面工作与生活权利的《海事劳工公约》,在最低工资、  相似文献   

<正> 国际货物买卖中的时效问题,与当事人的权利密切相联。由于各国法律对时效期限的规定不尽相同,经常影响到当事人权利的行使,给国际贸易增加了不少困难。为了减少法律障碍,促进国际贸易的发展,1974年6月联合国纽约外交会议订立了《国际货物销售时效期限公约》(以下简称为“公约”),该公约专门调整国际货物销售中的诉讼时效问题,其规则具有很强的针对性和实用性。本文拟将公约与我国时效制度进行比较,并对该公约进行评介,最后就我国批准该公约的可行性问题略作探讨。  相似文献   

南焱 《中国市场》2008,(46):18-19
<正>残疾人就业保障金,这一事关国内8296万残疾人劳动权利和生存发展的重大政策,缘何陷入如此尴尬境地?残疾人就业保障金(下称"残保金"),这一事关国内8296万残疾人劳动权利和生存发展的重大政策,自上世纪90年代初推出并实施以来,对促进残疾人就业、推动中国残疾人事业发展,  相似文献   

《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》中的工作权研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工作权是《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》所确立的一种重要权利,是一项基本人权,是经济社会权利的核心,是最基本的经济权利。在《公约》中第6条、第7条和第8条分别从狭义工作权、公正和良好的工作条件、与工会相关的权利三个方面阐述了工作权。我国作为该公约成员国,应积极履行相关义务,保障人权,促进工作权在中国更好地实施和完善。  相似文献   

解除合同(cancel the contract),通常亦称为撤销合同或宣告合同失效。在国际货物买卖中,解除合同是买卖双方中的任何一方在另一方违约时所采取的一种救济方法。解除合同,即解除了双方在合同中的义务。但是,解除合同的权利是受到限制的,无论是买方还是卖方,都只能在一定条件下行使这种权利。《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》(以下简称《公约》)对此作了专门规定。本文拟结合以下一则出口女式衬衣案例,着重对《公约》有关买方解除合同权利的条件进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

残疾人是一个特殊的、困难的社会弱势群体,重视残疾人的社会保障权利是一个国家或地区经济发展与文明进步的重要标志。健全残疾人社会保障和服务体系,切实保障残疾人权益,其前提条件是对该地区的残疾人生活状况有着清晰的把握。本文以广州市为例,深入调查残疾人群体的社会保障现状。  相似文献   

<正>残疾人拥有和健康群体一样的权利,他们也渴望自由,渴望放松自我,渴望享受旅游的乐趣。鉴于发达国家开发残疾人旅游市场的成功经验,进一步研究我国残疾人旅游发市场的开发就显得尤为必要。一、开发残疾人旅游市场的意义(一)开发残疾人旅游市场的背景国内,有残疾人的家庭共7050万户,占全国家庭总户数的17.80%。往往残疾人出游都会有健全人的陪伴,如此庞大的人群有望形成新兴的旅游市场。长春净月潭国家森林公园在2011年成功晋升为国家5A  相似文献   

The term “royalty” connotes people who either occupy the role of monarchs in society, or who are related to these figures by blood or marriage. Although many royal houses around the world occupy a symbolic/ceremonial rather than a political role, royalty and the “human brands” royal families contain remain important sources of aspirational and conspicuous consumption. In this essay, we focus on how the British Royal Family Brand (BRFB; Otnes, Cele C. and Pauline Maclaran. 2015. Royal Fever: The British Monarchy in Consumer Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press.) has remained the most visible and impactful royal variant in the world, even as its economic and political influence, and that of Britain, has waned. We discuss the influence of the BRFB in fueling consumption practices pertaining to commemorative purchasing and collecting, heritage management, perpetuating mass and social media narratives, supporting and perpetuating brands, and spawning and maintaining touristic trends. We observe that successful royal influence is due in part to the ability to leverage key universal narratives (e.g. the triumph of the underdog) and to tap into consumers’ desires to vicariously or actively engage with lifestyles typically accessible only to people who occupy the highest social stratum in their respective cultures. We discuss the implications of royalty on consumer culture, and suggest areas of future research.  相似文献   

Football has always been an important part of consumer culture, in many countries producing a global audience for World Cups and millions of people celebrating annual football competitions. It was once described by iconic Liverpool Football Club (FC) football manager Bill Shankly as follows, “Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don’t like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that.” This marketplace icon contribution puzzles over whether football truly represents a marketplace icon and if so how does this effect the world’s most popular sports game? The commentary explores the significance of the beautiful game asking the reader to consider that it is not only a marketplace icon but much more than that, likened here to a “supra socio-cultural phenomenon” which rises above market logic or as Foer argues Football explains the world.  相似文献   

Gripe Websites     

Many people think about electronic commerce from the prospective of the organization. That is the selling and distribution of goods and/or services over the internet. There is however a darker side where an individual or small group of people feels so grieved that they use the internet as complaint/attack forum. Complaints and dissatisfaction with an organization often appear in the cyber world in the form of chat rooms, complaint websites and rogue websites, collectively called “gripe sites.” This article presents background material of these “gripe sites” and lists suggestions on how to respond to the various types of attacks.  相似文献   

“ … financial markets are like the mirror of mankind, revealing every hour of every working day the way we value ourselves and the resources of the world around us. It is not the fault of the mirror if it reflects our blemishes as clearly as our beauty.”  相似文献   


Who does the law treat as a “consumer” and why does it matter? How should China’s notion of a “consumer” best be articulated within the law and applied in practice? This article will attempt to answer these intriguing questions by first focusing on the approach taken to define a “consumer” in China’s Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests before examining the legal notion of a “consumer” in comparative perspective, in order to further understand the competing rationales behind the consumer protection law. This article will explore this Chinese definition of a “consumer” to propose how China’s vague and unworkable statutory definition of a ‘consumer’ should be amended in future.



The term “globalization” has recently been used to explain multiple world trends. Such trends include worldwide accessibility to the same products, access to the same resources around the globe, world travel, communication, convergence of lifestyles, development of “world culture,” and worldwide fascination with environmental issues. This paper explores the population's attitude towards globalization (global attitude) and investigates antecedents that affect the level of global attitude. The antecedents examined are population's current satisfaction, opinion of governance, and future expectations. Results from structural equation modeling show that current satisfaction with life and opinion of governance have a positive and significant influence on development of global attitude.  相似文献   

李罗力 《全球化》2020,(2):25-39,134
改革开放40多年来,中国经济一直在“唱衰”声中成长,不但没有崩溃,反而突飞猛进地成为世界第二大经济体。唱衰中国经济的很多人只是照搬西方宏观经济理论简单片面地分析和判定中国经济。而中国经济能够奇迹般地高速增长,其根本原因在于中国具有举世瞩目的产业发展能力、居于世界前列的市场消费能力和潜力无穷的科技研发能力,这三者才是决定中国宏观经济发展乃至长期可持续发展“基本面”的三大决定性因素,是决定中国宏观经济发展的“新三驾马车”。  相似文献   

世界旅游组织曾为黑龙江省的旅游资源定位为“冬季冰雪”和“夏季清凉”两大世界。黑龙江省冬季的“冰雪世界”早已饮誉中外 ,但对黑龙江的夏季人们却知之甚少。其实黑龙江的森林、草原、江河湖泊 ,到处都是休闲避暑的好地方。为了让更多的人了解黑龙江的夏季 ,我们应该努力开创夏季旅游品牌产品 ,树立“黑龙江—中国旅游‘酷’省”形象 ,将黑龙江打造成国内首选的夏季避暑胜地。  相似文献   

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