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This paper initially attempts conceptually to integrate marketing into the total innovation process within high technology small firms. It is argued that an understanding of marketing problems can only be achieved when viewed in terms of other preceding stages in the innovation cycle, of which marketing is a key final act. The subsequent presentation of evidence from two recent research studies indicates that marketing has been neglected in a surprising number of the high technology small firms studied, in which there was a considerable reliance on unsolicited orders as a reactive form of selling. It is argued that this lack of marketing vigour is partly caused by a shortage of human and financial resources which frequently stem from expensive earlier stages in the innovation cycle (e.g. R&D). It is concluded that vigorous marketing would increase output and growth in several of the currently reactive instances. Thus, the paper concludes with suggestions for a more pro‐active policy on the part of government agencies towards the promotion of sales growth in these currently inactive high technology small enterprises.  相似文献   

Performance expectations influence business decisions such as investment decisions and demand for supplies, particularly in small firms with limited strategic planning. Despite widespread use of performance expectations by firms and governments when making sales forecasts and economic outlooks, surprisingly little research exists about how small firms form performance expectations. This paper contributes to reduce this knowledge gap by analyzing performance expectations of small firm managers operating in markets with radical product innovations. This paper proposes a model and hypotheses, which explain performance expectations of small firm managers based on firms' current success, radical product innovation, and variables that indicate firms' ability to respond to customer needs for radical product innovation. Data from 200 decision-makers in a real decision-making context support the model. The results show that performance expectations in small firms are only to a limited extent a naïve extrapolation of current success: radical product innovation and small firm's ability to respond to customer needs for radical product innovation influence performance expectations.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s a more micro-economic oriented view has settled the dispute between macro-economic theories over the causes of regional development. Differentiated studies revealed an unequal spatial distribution of R&D laboratories and innovating firms, and furthermore it was discovered that the innovation behaviour of firms differs between types of regions. However, these studies still left several questions unanswered.This study attempts to explain some of the regional innovation disparities in the former West Germany and to describe the factors that significantly influence the use of resources in a firm's innovation activities. Based on two samples of innovating small and medium-sized firms, the analysis confirms other studies which maintain that regional innovation disparities are more pronounced if input indicators relating to the innovation process are employed, rather than throughput or output indicators. The results also indicate that internal factors are more important for the innovation efforts of a firm than its regional environment.  相似文献   

This paper provides empirical evidence on the relationship between the age structure of the workforce and the adoption of new or significantly improved technologies. Moreover, it attempts to identify the role of teamwork in this relationship. The econometric analysis is based on data of 356 small and medium-sized German firms from the knowledge-intensive services and ICT services sectors. The results show that, compared to employees younger than 30 years, an older workforce is negatively related to the probability of technology adoption. On the contrary, the dispersion of the employees’ age within the workforce seems not to be connected with the probability of technology adoption. However, in firms with intensive use of teamwork a homogenous workforce in terms of age is positively related to the probability of technology adoption.  相似文献   

This paper uses Taiwanese high-tech firms’ data from 2003 to 2007 to investigate the impacts of international technology spillovers and firms’ R&D activities on firms’ innovation performance. We also consider absorptive capability and examine whether the technology spillovers have different effect on firms' innovation performance. We choose patent application counts to measure firms' innovation performance, and adopt panel Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) with fixed-effect and random-effect models as well as System Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) model to estimate. The empirical findings indicate the innovation performance of high-tech firms is positively affected by their R&D efforts, export performance, and the presences of multinational corporations. Furthermore, when absorptive capacity is taken into account, the technology spillovers by exporting and technology import would affect the innovation performance more.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the findings of 13 detailed case studies of medical device product innovations carried out by small firms. The case studies concentrate on the costs of innovative activity and the sources of funds used by the firms in the time period prior to the introduction of the innovation. Activities by organizations other than the small firm which was the primary innovator are also included.All but one of the innovations used multiple sources of funds, usually 2–4 different sources. The most frequently used source (9 cases) was personal funds of the company founder. Next most frequent sources (6 cases each) were cash flow from other products or services and funds obtained from another organization involved in the innovation process. Five cases involved public sales of securities. Infrequently used sources of funds were bank loans, venture capital firms and government sources.This study was supported by a research contract (no. SBA-3042-AER-88) from the Office of Advocacy, U.S. Small Business Administration.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of R&D investment on firm growth. We use an extensive sample of Spanish manufacturing and service firms. The database comprises diverse waves of Spanish Community Innovation Survey and covers the period 2004–2008. First, a probit model corrected for sample selection analyses the role of innovation on the probability of being a high-growth firm (HGF). Second, a quantile regression technique is applied to explore the determinants of firm growth. Our database shows that a small number of firms experience fast growth rates in terms of sales or employees. Our results reveal that R&D investments positively affect the probability of becoming a HGF. However, differences appear between manufacturing and service firms. Finally, when we study the impact of R&D investment on firm growth, quantile estimations show that internal R&D presents a significant positive impact for the upper quantiles, while external R&D shows a significant positive impact up to the median.  相似文献   

Especially in changing and unpredictable global environments where small knowledge-intensive information and communications technology (ICT) firms often operate, knowledge-based organisational capabilities are seen to contribute most to the performance. In this paper we explore the internationalisation process of small knowledge-intensive firms by studying the effects of a firm’s organisational capabilities on internationalisation and performance. We use a sample of 124 (of which 55 operate internationally) Finnish small and medium-sized firms. International experience is confirmed to be a significant determinant of internationalisation and international performance. In addition, financial capabilities prove to be a significant indicator of the degree of internationalisation: excellent investment expertise, connections with venture capitalists and good financial management are important capabilities for a small firm with high international growth aspirations.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of professional management on innovation in family‐owned firms. Since professionalism is a critical but controversial issue that can influence the innovative capacity of family businesses, we aim to determine if professional management improves innovation outcomes from a comprehensive perspective. Using a sample of 583 Spanish family firms, we demonstrate that professionalism in management exerts a positive influence on innovation from both technological (product and process innovation) and management perspectives. We also find that firms managed by external professionals are willing to develop higher innovative activity and that professionalism contributes positively to persistent innovation. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the relation between the introduction of innovation and subsequent firm growth employing a dataset representative of the Chilean productive structure. By means of quantile treatment effects (QTE), we estimate the effect of the introduction of innovation by comparing firms with a similar propensity to innovate for different quantiles of the firm growth distribution. Our results indicate that process innovation positively affects sales growth for those firms located at the 75th and 90th percentiles. Contrarily, product innovation appears not to be a driver of firm performance. We also find that process innovation benefits mature firms at higher quantiles while it positively affects young firms located at low-medium quantiles.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to examine the performance of small UK service-sector firms during a period of poor economic conditions in relation to entrepreneurial behaviour and knowledge management. A mail survey of small rural hotels was undertaken. Hotels achieving higher sales growth exhibited an entrepreneurial orientation and have created effective knowledge management systems. The practical implications of the study are that service firms seeking to survive in turbulent times should focus upon adopting entrepreneurial solutions and the creation of effective knowledge management systems. The originality of this study is in providing empirical evidence of the advantages of small UK service-sector firms during the current economic downturn adopting an entrepreneurial orientation in order to sustain business performance.  相似文献   

Industry characteristics and internationalization processes in small firms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study of small firms is to compare the process of internationalization in traditional manufacturing companies with corresponding processes in companies oriented toward innovation. Case studies were conducted in six small Nordic companies: three conventional and three innovative. The underlying concept of the conventional companies is strictly production oriented. Investment in engineering workshops and an effective organization for production constitute their most important strategy. In the innovative companies the production equipment is relatively easy to move, and over the years these companies have changed the location of production plants a number of times. The basic meaning of technology also differs in the two categories of industries. The conventional companies are based on an established technology that can be purchased through well-known market channels. In the innovative companies the process of developing new products or serving as intermediary between research organizations and end users demands close contact with people and organizations close to the technological core of the industry.The conventional companies are incorporated into a multidimensional industrial system of suppliers, competitors, and other companies, and the individual companies within these industries are constrained by the rules dictated by these networks. The innovative companies all have a concentrated product scope, which implies that it is relatively easy to achieve efficiency in various functions such as R&D, production, and marketing activities. This clear distinction between functions has been advantageous to the process of internationalization.The conventional companies have characteristics typical of family-controlled companies, i.e., the management team consists of a handful of people often closely associated with the owner family. The observation on the industry level that the game is governed by some very rigid rules is also evident on the management level, where the significant people are always kept within narrow limits. The individuals in the innovative companies have a very high level of education; they work in teams together with partners from other companies and/or organizations and they adhere to high professional demands.The results from these six case studies indicate that the internationalization process must be understood in the context of the industry, company, and people involved. International trade and cooperation will most certainly increase. Therefore it is important to observe that the conditions for industries and single companies are different. Conventional companies have a natural local concentration that ultimately implies different strategies from the innovative companies who have a global focus.  相似文献   

This study empirically analyzes the impact of the diversity of three channel types (the information search, technology acquisition, and collaboration channels) on four types of innovation (service, process, organization, and marketing) performance using data from a sample of service firms of the Korean innovation survey. The results of this study indicate that innovative service firms tend to rely heavily on the diversity of information search channels for all four types of innovation performance, while their reliance on the diversity of the technology acquisition channel and collaboration channel is considerably low. The results contribute to a deeper understanding of channel management strategies for better service performance.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurs seeking to position new or small firms in industries populated by well established competitors are frequently advised to seek the protection of a market niche. There, shielded by market characteristics which render the niche uninteresting to larger rivals, small firms are urged to compete at the fringe of the market. This article challenges this conventional wisdom, citing industry and firm characteristics which, under certain conditions, create opportunities for successful direct competition by some small or new firms against much larger and established competitors. However, the authors caution that the conditions which created the opportunity may erode in time, rendering the successful challenger vulnerable either to retaliation by the larger firm or challenge from subsequent entrants.Examples of successful direct confrontation by relatively small competitors are drawn from mature, low-tech industries, a rapidly growing high-tech industry and the service sector.  相似文献   

Technological convergence is changing the division of industries from vertical to horizontal; it has also made user participation easier in information and communication technology industries. To understand this situation, it is necessary to identify the causes of successful innovation. In this research, factors affecting successful innovation by mobile and Internet contents firms were tested from the viewpoint of user-involved innovation. The results show that active user participation in the innovation development process is very important. In addition to being useful to firms, this study points out the need for policies that support users to policy makers.  相似文献   

During the last two decades small firms in developing countries have received more and more attention from researchers and policy makers. For this, several reasons have been brought forward. The decline in labour absorption in agriculture and the slow growth of employment opportunities in the other sectors of the economy, combined with the fact that the growth of the labour force has accelerated, have led to un- and under-employment problems in many of these countries.Small firms are generally viewed as a useful means of alleviating these problems, because medium and large firms only would not help to solve the problems. However, from this study it can be concluded that the medium and large firms in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia are doing better in employment and income than generally anticipated.The purpose of this study is to examine the relative pattern of change and development of small firms in the manufacturing sector in Indonesia in the last two decades and possible factors affecting their growth. Also the relative importance of small firms in terms of income generation will be assessed.The study will use national data collected from the Department of Industry and Central Bureau of Statistic in Indonesia. Further, the study will be based, for its theoretical analysis, on relevant literature on the subject and on some empirical studies in Indonesia as well as in other developing countries.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been conducted to determine the extent to which large firms utilize sophisticated techniques in capital expenditure decision making. This research effort focuses on financial decision making procedures of small firms, exploring the techniques utilized to evaluate investment opportunities, methods employed to adjust for risk, purposes of expenditures and concern for profitability, and the source and cost of funds. In light of the recent debate on the capital shortage issue, small firms were also asked what type of tax reform they deemed most desirable to stimulate capital investments.  相似文献   

Over the last decades, the quality issues have received increased attention from top managers and academics. The international debate mainly focused on managerial and economical implications resulting from the implementation of TQM programs in large companies, thus not considering peculiarities that such investments present within small firms. As a matter of fact, many small firms have adopted quality based programs and, unfortunately, failed to achieve the planned results: a major reason of the failure of TQM initiatives is due to the lack of effective decisional tools aimed at identifying the most suitable quality related investments.Hence, the objective of the paper is to define a model that supports managers of small firms in the identification of most effective quality related priorities: to this end, a contingent approach that identifies different contexts according to the environment where the company operates and to the relationships between the firm and its stakeholders is suggested. Guide-lines for choosing a specific decisional technique aimed at selecting the most effective choice among the identified feasible priorities are suggested, too.  相似文献   

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