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中国是制造业大国,同时又是品牌弱国,在世界品牌之林中鲜见中国品牌身影.广告作为塑造品牌的主要手段,应为品牌建设作出贡献.本文通过对品牌广告的概念、特点、产生背景的分析,评价了西方品牌广告给中国品牌广告带来的影响,并进一步探讨了中国品牌广告的未来之路.  相似文献   

The ad creativity cube: conceptualization and initial validation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Advertising creativity is conceptualized as a function of three dimensions—novelty, meaningfulness, and connectedness. Novelty and meaningfulness involve infocentric aspects, while connectedness incorporates the perspective of the audience. The relationship among these dimensions and ad effectiveness, and the linkage of ad creativity level to persuasion is then posited. Two experiments were conducted among 201 undergraduates. The first tested novelty and meaningfulness; while the second tested connectedness and meaningfulness. The results affirm the proposed conceptual framework. Relative to non-novel and meaningful ads, novel and meaningful ads generated higher ad recall, more favorable ad attitudes, and more upbeat feelings. Novel and non-meaningful ads elicited higher recall, more favorable attitudes toward non-claim elements (Aad-nc), and negative feelings, and less favorable ad attutides toward claim elements (Aad-c) than non-novel and non-meaningful ads. Relative to ads that did not connect with the audience, connected ads elicited higher ad recall, more favorable Aad-c under meaningful ads, lower Aad-c under non-meaningful ads, and higher levels of Aad-nc and warm feelings under both meaningful and non-meaningful ads. The authors Swee Hoon Ang, Yih Hwai Lee and Siew Meng Leong are listed alphabetically as each contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

This research explores how same-language subtitles—on-screen text that matches the spoken language—can enhance advertising effectiveness for television commercials on normal viewing audiences outside of foreign-language or deaf-viewer contexts. A preliminary eye-tracker study shows that same-language subtitles capture disproportionate visual attention, and a first study highlights that same-language commercial subtitles can increase brand recall and memory of other verbal ad information. Three further studies using 12 additional ads reinforce the positive effects of subtitles and show how same-language subtitle effectiveness varies with changes in visual and verbal ad complexity. In addition to showing how subtitles can increase behavioral intent, results also highlight how varying subtitle content affects memory gains and illustrate how subtitles can lead to negative effects in the uncommon situation that brand information is missing from the audio. As the efficacy of television advertising becomes increasingly debated, same-language subtitling is a simple way to boost advertising effectiveness.  相似文献   

校企合作唯路易童装品牌以立足国内放眼海外市场,完善线下与线上结合的产业链,满足消费者群体期望的新的风格诉求等特点,独具了自己特色的营销模式.并在此基础上提出了“最走心的创意设计”的设计口号,实现主体、色彩、面料、图案设计的相辅相成,从而实现了较强的市场竞争力,进而为服装产业的发展注入新的活力.  相似文献   

成都的城市品牌营销在形象片、活动营销、整合媒体、文化符号、公关活动、植入广告等方面都显示出了自己的特色,走出了成都模式,值得借鉴和参考.我们也可从成都模式中对城市品牌营销与品牌形象理论、市场营销理论和公共关系理论三者的关系做更深入的思考.  相似文献   

使用市场营销学、法学、经济学、语言学与心理学的方法对品牌功能进行综合研究,认为高强品牌具有保障产品质量、降低消费者搜寻成本并能满足消费者心理需求等功能,高强品牌同时还可以使品牌所有者通过各种途径来扩大其经济利益。通过对高强品牌的功能研究发现不仅仿冒行为会损害高强品牌的价值,而且其他与高强品牌相联系的行为均会造成高强品牌价值的贬损。因此,美国法律也随着品牌功能的不断变化而逐步扩大其保护的范围(尤其是对高强品牌的保护),以适应品牌发展的需求。  相似文献   

Recent studies on comparative advertising have focused on the relative effectiveness of comparative ads versus noncomparative or Brand X ads. This laboratory experiment used 408 student subjects to assess the believability and interestingness of various comparative advertising formats when the competing brand is illustrated versus when it is not illustrated. The findings revealed no significant differences in subjects' ratings of the believability or interestingness of the advertisements illustrating the competing brand compared to similar advertisements that did not illustrate the competing brand. Creative Sales Careers, Inc.  相似文献   

Existing research on the effects of sexually suggestive illustrations in advertising has reported reduced recall of brand names and product information as well as negative product attitudes. This study evaluates two explanations for the reduced recall. A negative affect explanation hypothesizes that a viewer's attitudinal response to the suggestive material interferes with recall. An attention-distraction explanation hypothesizes that the visual draw of the suggestive illustrations decreases reading time for the ad copy. Ads varying in suggestiveness were viewed by male and female college students. Recall of both brand names and product information was lower for all suggestive ads. Recall differences were found to be totally unrelated to all affect differences, to measures of general attitudes toward the use of sex in advertising, and to demographic variables but were generally consistent with independent ratings of the visual characteristic of the illustrations. These results favor the attention-distraction hypothesis. Implications for advertising strategy are discussed.  相似文献   

电视广告是当代大众文化的重要组成部分,它随着电视的普及进入千家万户,强大地影响着大众的审美生存。当下电视广告中的女性形象很多都是被贬抑、被歪曲的,性别不平等在广告中时有表现,女性在广告中角色往往单一,模式固定,女人的身体、形象大量地成为推销商品的手段。  相似文献   

在全球经济一体化背景下,广告要面临跨文化传播的挑战,一方面应通过主动的文化适应,获取品牌传播的文化通行证:另一方面,还应借助于创造性的文化转换,引起异质文化受众的情感共鸣,实现品牌的有效传播。在这一过程中要把握好文化适应与文化转换的关系及文化转换的尺度。  相似文献   

One of the primary objectives of a comparative advertisement should be to convince users of competing brands to switch to the sponsored brand, or at least to get them to consider the sponsored brand as an acceptable alternative when they repurchase that type of product. The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not levels of counterargument differ (1) between readers of comparative and noncomparative advertisements, (2) among readers exposed to different types of comparative advertisements, and (3) among owners and nonowners of the competing brand. Findings indicate that comparative ads may have the potential to elicit more counter-arguments than noncomparative ads, and that owners of the competing brand engaged in higher levels of counterargument that nonowners.  相似文献   

This article explores the relatively unknown effects of male nudity in print ads on selected consumer responses. A previously used experimental design that examines different model dress levels in conjunction with two different products was replicated to test dress level, respondent, and product effects. Multivariate analysis of variance results indicated that respondent gender and dress level of the model significantly affect measures of mood, attitude toward the advertiser, attitude toward the ad, and attitude toward the brand. These findings provide important information to advertisers considering using male nudity or suggestive poses in ads and provide support for oppositesex and product congruency effects found previously in other research. She received her D.B.A. from Louisiana Tech University. Her research has appeared in theJournal of Business Ethics, Journal of Health Care Marketing, and numerous conference proceedings. His research has been published in regional journals and conference proceedings. His articles have appeared in journals such as theJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Retailing, andJournal of Business Ethics.  相似文献   

湖南卫视品牌发展策略及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南卫视自上星以来发展迅速并取得了可喜成就,这与其在品牌定位、营销、人才等方面采取的既定品牌策略密切相关,为中国文化产业中品牌发展树立了榜样;当然,湖南卫视的发展过程中也存在着为数不少的问题与不足亟需解决。笔者对湖南卫视品牌策略及现存问题进行了分析,希望能对处于起步阶段的中国文化产业有所借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

搜狐视频已经成为网络视频行业品牌传播和品牌建设上的佼佼者。凭借众多品牌传播成功案例,搜狐视频不断提高其自身的品牌建设和品牌影响力。本文以搜狐视频品牌传播模型为基础来研究搜狐视频品牌传播的一般过程,揭示搜狐视频现阶段以传播内容和渠道为品牌传播的重点。在此基础上对2013年搜狐视频借助《第二季中国好声音》独播的成功案例进行分析来具体论述搜狐视频借助强势内容进行的品牌传播的策略和做法。笔者认为搜狐视频在此次品牌传播中的策略主要有三个:第一,在内容上,通过衍生自制来展现自身的内容策划和制作能力,凸显出内容的魅力;第二,在产品上,通过优化多屏互动的用户体验,扩大了搜狐视频在网络视频移动端的优势地位,占领移动了蓝海;第三,在渠道上,搜狐视频利用搜狐矩阵,动员全网的资源为自身进行品牌传播。  相似文献   

随着我国房地产行业发展的日益规范和竞争愈加激烈,房地产广告的发展也越来越受重视。优秀的房地产广告不仅能促进楼盘销售,而且能使楼盘的人文、品牌等一系列无形资产得以创造和升华。在此选择重要的新兴工商城市———昆山作为切入点,解读昆山房地产广告现状,明确房地产广告运作中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

酒店顾客体验价值理论研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
顾客体验价值已被视为现代酒店竞争优势的新来源.体验价值是一种新的顾客价值,包括功能性价值和情感性价值,另外还有盈溢效应.酒店顾客体验价值的驱动因素由品牌形象、地理位置、有形产品、无形服务和物有所值五部分构成.酒店顾客体验价值的创造模型由识别关键竞争要素入手,在形成明确的营销战略之后,通过一系列体验价值驱动因素的作用,使顾客形成独特的体验,最终为酒店创造出完美的顾客体验价值.  相似文献   

Advertising effectiveness is often measured by its ability to impact attitudes and purchase intentions among those positively predisposed and negatively predisposed toward the brand. As a consequence, selecting the appropriate appeal is crucial. Information processing theory suggests that the choice should reflect both consumer’s predispositions and their level of involvement. The espoused theories together with prior empirical evidence promoted six sets of hypotheses relating to the comparative effectiveness of rational, emotional, and discrepant appeals. The respective appeals were administered to positively predisposed and negatively predisposed subjects for both high involvement and low involvement products. A MANOVA analysis of the data from a 3×2×2 within-subjects experimental design revealed significant main effect differences in terms of both predisposition and type of appeal.  相似文献   

我国很多电视台都纷纷开始了对电视频道专业化的尝试,并做了不同程度的探索,成为现代电视产业发展的新型之路。该文主要从专业频道的定位和专业化的品牌栏目策略两个路径提出思考对策。  相似文献   

本文从分析消费者需求出发,以店商(线下)为基础,首先分析电子零售的国内外研究动态与发展趋势,指出我国零售业存在的三个问题,即同质化竞争从线下蔓延到线上,电商规制程度相对较低,两线融合面临四大误区。从实践应用与未来发展视角,提出了店商发展电商(线上)的五种模式,即借台唱戏、独立搭台、代理加盟、品牌延伸、跨界营销。最后指出了我国零售业两线融合模式实施过程应注意的问题。  相似文献   

网络广告作为电子商务的重要形式,在给人们带来快捷、方便、廉价的产品信息的同时,也产生了大量的法律问题,如:网络广告主体不确定、虚假广告或侵害消费者利益等问题,成为制约电子商务发展以及维护消费者权益的法律瓶颈,及时解决这些问题,在立法和司法实践上都有重大意义.  相似文献   

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