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In their efforts to create and maintain a position in a market, firms make positioning investments of various sorts, in R&D, plant, advertising, and location, or more generally, in product development and maintenance. In an environment where the success of positioning investments is stochastic, the positioning game played by firms that compete to serve a market is necessarily dynamic. We model the positioning and operating decisions of firms in an environment of this sort. When the market is large enough to support at least one active firm, in the steady state equilibrium, the expected number of firms serving the market at a point in time is a nearly continuous function of market size, in sharp contrast to the familiar integer-valued step function seen in classic models, and expected total and consumer surplus are higher than standard non-stochastic models would indicate. This suggests that the classic models are not always a sound guide for policy.  相似文献   

本文通过构建基于Gibbs抽样估算的贝叶斯潜在多动态因子模型对全球63个国家通货膨胀率的全球性联动效应和区域性联动效应进行了实证研究。研究结论表明:在整体样本期间上,通货膨胀率的全球性联动效应和区域性联动效应能解释各国通货膨胀率波动的36%和18%,而特定国家通货膨胀率的异质性成分对通货膨胀率波动的解释能力接近50%;通货膨胀率的全球性联动效应对工业化国家的通货膨胀率波动的解释能力达到60%以上;大部分国家通货膨胀率的国际联动效应的强度较稳健,但有些国家的通货膨胀率的国际联动效应强度在不同时间区间上变化较大,并能通过相关的历史事件加以解释。  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for retailer pricing and ordering decisions in a dynamic category management setting. In this regard, the key contributions of this paper are as follows. First, we develop a multi-brand ordering and pricing model that endogenizes retailer forward buying and maximizes profitability for the category. The model considers (i) manufacturer trade deals to retailers, (ii) ordering costs incurred by the retailer, (iii) retailer forward buying behavior, and (iv) both own- and cross-price effects of all the brands in the category. Second, we use this model to compare differences in ordering and pricing decisions, and in profits, resulting from using a category management versus a brand-by-brand management approach. Our approach allows us to derive implications in a dynamic setting about the impact of interdependence among the brands upon decisions on pass-through of trade deals and retailer order quantity. We show that category management results in noticeably higher profits versus brand-by-brand and cost-plus (markup) approaches. Further, our results suggest an interaction between a brand's own-price effect and its cross-price effect emerges. If the cross-price effect for a brand is low - that is, the brand takes away relatively few sales from the other brands - the retail pass-through should increase with that brand's own-price effect. On the other hand, when the cross-price effect is high, the retail pass-through decreases with the brand's own-price effect.  相似文献   

国内外棉花市场价格的动态关系分析——基于VECM模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文运用协整检验、误差修正模型及脉冲响应函数等方法,分析了我国加入世贸组织后国内棉花价格与国际棉花价格之间的动态关系。结果表明,国内棉价与国际棉价具有长期均衡关系,其中国际棉价波动对国内棉价有较强的冲击,对国内市场起引导作用;而国内棉价波动对国际市场影响较小,并在此基础上提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

余东华  马路萌 《财贸研究》2012,23(4):106-111
采用拓展的PR模型和H统计量方法论证利率非市场化将导致对中国银行业市场竞争程度的高估。为了解决这一高估问题,利用双向固定效应模型将利率非市场化作为时间效应因素纳入回归模型,然后采用PR模型和H统计量等非结构主义方法实证测度中国银行业的市场竞争程度。测度结果显示:中国银行业整体上进入了垄断竞争状态,但竞争程度较低;银行之间竞争的重点仍然集中在传统存贷款业务上,金融产品的创新不足。  相似文献   

郝斌  任浩 《财经论丛》2008,54(3):97-102
设计竞争是指设计主体在进行事物改造过程中,为了实现其主导设计地位而展开的对设计资源与设计市场的争夺。设计主体能否取得设计竞争中的优势地位,取决于设计范式在传承维、关联维、创新维、顾客维、成本维等维度上的绩效表现,本文基于此构建了设计竞争分析的5C模型。设计竞争是模块化设计演化的催动力,它一方面推动模块化设计生物进化式的自然演化,表现为渐进式演化模式;另一方面,激发设计主体的主观能动性,驱动模块化设计以突变方式演化,表现为跳跃式演化模式。汽车产业是模块化设计竞争与设计演进的典型案例。  相似文献   

试论顾客忠诚的影响因素与理论模型   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
随着市场竞争的日趋加剧和顾客争夺成本的提高,顾客忠诚的形成与维持问题已经成为市场营销理论界与企业界关注的一个焦点。但是,到目前为止,有关顾客忠诚的影响因素及其作用机制研究仍然缺乏。本文基于国外相关文献评述,对顾客忠诚的内涵及其影响因素进行分析,探讨顾客忠诚形成的理论模型及其机制。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between distribution and market share across various consumer packaged goods (CPG) categories and specific stock keeping units (SKUs). The study identifies product-related characteristics that result in substantive deviations above or below market shares predicted by the distribution – market share relationship. The association of product price, brand (private label [PL] v. national brand [NB]) and pack size with above (or below) expected market share for a given distribution level is analysed. Results indicate larger pack sizes, PL and medium price levels result in market share above what would be predicted by an SKU’s distribution. This presents a source for competitive advantage in markets driven by push–pull dynamics.  相似文献   

文章基于变参数模型,分析了我国出口贸易结构对二氧化碳排放的动态影响。结果表明,出口贸易各项组成部分与二氧化碳排放存在长期的均衡关系,并呈现动态变化。其中初级产品出口对碳排放的影响系数呈逐渐增加的趋势,而工业制成品出口对碳排放的影响系数呈逐渐降低的趋势。基于此,本文提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   

在我国财政分权体制下,地方政府针对FDI展开了激烈的引资竞争,各地针对FDI的优惠措施不断强化,使得外资企业对国内私人投资企业形成了过度的竞争优势,导致FDI对私人投资的"挤出"。实证表明:各地对FDI的引资优惠引致并强化了FDI对我国私人投资的挤出效应;我国中西部地区对外资的优惠强度明显高于东部,由此导致的挤出效应也最为显著。即使在"两税合并"后,分权体制所导致的引资冲动仍使得地方政府有足够激励采取各种变相优惠吸引FDI,因此,应从根本上调整地方政府激励机制,规范区域间引资竞争行为。  相似文献   

This article analyzes competition among mediation service providers that match clients and vendors in a horizontally differentiated market. This is an issue that is important for decision support of mediators in determining pricing and service strategies. We present a simulation model to simultaneously represent search as well as the behaviors of clients, vendors, and multiple competing mediators. Among our findings: intermediaries find it optimal to offer registration fee incentives and derive revenues from transaction fees from successful matches; as switching costs increase, incumbent utilities increase and entrant utilities decrease; expertise, modeled as the ability of mediators to assess vendor attributes accurately, is a powerful competitive weapon for entrants to erode the incumbent intermediary's first mover advantage. On the other hand, client satisfaction is an instrument for an incumbent intermediary to deter entrance by competitors.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(3):272-290
The South African brewing industry experienced enormous growth in the apartheid era, following the lifting of prohibition on the sale of ‘European liquor’ to Africans in 1961. Successive international brewers and local entrepreneurs sought to benefit from increased demand in the 1970s but were unable to withstand competition from South African Breweries (SAB), the dominant player in the industry. A decade of intense competition in the brewing industry ended with the intervention of the cabinet of the Afrikaner Nationalist government. SAB's status as ‘sole supplier to the industry’ remained virtually unchallenged until the demise of apartheid and the end of South Africa's international isolation. The end of apartheid and changes in the global brewing industry brought renewed competition to the South African beer market in the late 1990s and early 2000s.  相似文献   

The field of business ethics has shown little attention to the dynamics of memory in maintaining moral character. Yet memory is a complex process that involves the repression of some experiences in order to protect the moral integrity of the personality. Without the capacity to repress what one's moral conscience would not accept, the mind can be overtaken by neurotic ambivalence and moral confusion. In the context of business competition, where the pressures for potential gains and losses can be immense, long repressed desires can receive renewed strength resulting in a weakening of moral constraint.In this essay, I use the psycho-analytic theory of repression to investigate the complex, psychological vicissitudes of human memory. The theory of repression is a particularly powerful tool to investigate the moral implications of memory because memories which are repressed – i.e., forbidden consciousness – are done so at the behest of the individual's moral ideals. Experiences that offend these ideals or threaten the integrity of the ego can be repressed. Repression, then, is an infallible index of moral judgement.I will apply the theory of repression to the characters in and story line of Arthur Miller's play Death of a Salesman to elucidate the relationship between memory and ethics in business. Death of a Salesman is well suited for this purpose because the memories of the main characters are central to the play and are inextricably linked to the moral challenge competition in business poses.  相似文献   

国有外贸企业战略转型的理论选择及分析模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国加入WTO ,国有外贸企业失去了独享的外贸经营权 ,国有外贸企业的经营环境发生了巨变 ,使得国有外贸企业进行战略转型成为一个迫切需要探讨的理论与实践问题。从战略管理的角度探讨我国国有外贸企业战略转型的理论基础和分析模型 ,为指导我国国有外贸企业转型 ,寻找适合的理论基础  相似文献   

This study examines and tests a holistic model of relationships among interorganizational systems (IOS), partnership networks of firms, and firms' competitiveness. The model integrates concepts from these three areas of study to give a basis for more fully understanding and investigating issues inherent in IOS-intensive coopetition networks. Introducing social network analysis and competitive dynamics research into this study, we test the model using an automotive network comprised of the world's major competing sports car makers and their many value/supply chain partners. We collect and analyze data about these firms' network structures, usage of IOS, and competitive actions. Results support the holistic view that there are systematic associations between IOS use, competitive action, and network structure. Based on this view, we introduce a framework characterizing the roles of IOS in achieving firm competitiveness.  相似文献   

随着《京都议定书》陆续在各国生效,碳交易应运而生并迅速得到发展。我国是国际碳排放权的主要供给方,但参与交易尚处于CDM项目阶段并且没有形成自己的交易体系,这不利于在碳国际市场上争夺定价权。低碳和减排是目前国际趋势,因此,开展我国的碳交易问题研究尤为必要和迫切。本文对Putty-Clay Vintage这一碳交易生产函数模型进行述评,揭示该模型的主要观点、贡献和缺陷,并结合我国国情,从企业生产优化安排、金融市场发展、国家宏观经济和排放配额分配角度探讨该模型在我国碳交易中的应用。  相似文献   

组建与培育具有国际竞争力的大型国有控股流通企业集团是转型经济时期我国政府的一种积极的市场治理方式。通过构建三类混合寡占零售博弈模型和均衡分析表明,在多种所有制零售企业共同参与竞争时,国内社会总体福利的大小与外资零售企业的信息技术管理水平并不成简单正相关关系;当国有零售企业完全以社会总剩余最大化为目标时,即使其效率低于外资企业、市场的价格小于国有企业的边际成本,它的存在也将提升社会福利;国有零售企业具有规定市场规模、维护市场稳定的重要功能;明确国有流通企业在不同状态下目标函数预期,合理构建零售市场的组织结构与所有制结构,可以有效增强我国零售市场的供给保障和调控能力。  相似文献   

Expectations play a significant role in determining customer perceptions and satisfaction. Accordingly, retailers seek to manage customers’ service expectations. However, the tangible signals of service quality that are available to brick-and-mortar retailers (such as location, store appearance, and salespersons’ behavior) may not be available in online markets. Using a signaling model, we obtain conditions when Internet retailers (e-tailers) use price to manage their customers’ service expectations. In contrast to extant theory, we find that it is possible for both low and high service e-tailers to use price in signaling their service levels. Further, we develop an appropriate deductive test of our theory based on price-ending patterns as an artifact of the signaling process. Based on this test, we find evidence that e-tailers indeed manage service expectations using price. Interestingly, we also find preliminary evidence that suggests customers implicitly associate price-ending patterns with a retailer's expected service level. We discuss several other implications of our findings for researchers and managers.  相似文献   

真实盈余管理的自由发展已经成为资本市场难以根治的顽疾。基于BMA方法研究2008-2015年A股上市公司真实盈余管理的表现和治理状况,探索宏微观制度因素差异对真实盈余管理的作用影响。结果显示:(1)近年来上市公司更倾向于经营操控来平滑利润、粉饰报表,真实盈余管理水平分布呈中东部地区高、西部地区相对较低的特征;(2)共23项5个角度的可能影响真实盈余管理的指标中,偿债能力、高管薪酬、会计弹性、盈利能力、第一大股东持股比例、托宾Q、审计事务所类型、股权相对集中度、资金占用和法治水平等指标充分地解释了真实活动操控的作用表现;而5个方面因素作用表现为,股利结构中的持股安排对真实盈余管理作用明显,公司特征是影响真实盈余管理的关键因素,  相似文献   

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