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于干千  刘蕾 《时代经贸》2006,4(9):19-21
发展循环经济是我国21世纪实现经济发展与环境保护的新思路,是走新型工业化道路的具体体现以循环经济理论为指导,以云南铜矿产业的可持续发展赢取竞争优势,促进区域经济协调发展,成为政府和企业关注的焦点。加快循环经济研究是云南铜矿产业突破资源制约,实现可持续发展的必然选择;也是解决云南铜矿企业主要问题的有效途径之一.  相似文献   

It is a fundamental way to achieve sustainable development and inclusive growth that China takes the low-carbon development path.And low-carbon development is an effective way to respond to many threats,including global climate anomalies,environmental degradation,and energy shortage.Low-carbon economy is policy economy to a large extent.Although the external environment demands low-carbon development of electric power industry,enterprises lack intrinsic motivation.Electric power industry is the pillar industry of China,and is one of the key industries for China's low-carbon development.The government needs to ensure its dominant position in the low-carbon development of electric power industry,and reform the government performance management system and promote the planning and management of electric power industry through appropriate public policy,in order to adjust the structure of the electric power industry and take a low-carbon development road with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

我国是能源消费大国,"富煤贫油少气"是我国能源资源分布的突出特点。当前,我国煤炭资源利用以直接燃烧和传统煤化工为主,能源转化效率和资源综合利用水平极低,环境污染较大。过度依赖于能源的煤炭产业结构和经济发展方式,导致煤炭产业初级化、重型化、单一化问题突出。因此,实现绿色采矿、发展循环经济、开展煤炭深加工、提高煤炭资源就地转化水平等一系列转变煤炭产业经济的新发展模式,已成为实现我国经济发展方式转变、实现资源型国家可持续发展的最现实有效的选择。  相似文献   

In the post-financial crisis era,China is facing dual pressure from reducing carbon emissions and external demand stagnation.The industrial structure changing is in urgent needs.The cultural and creative industries can expand China's markets through creating and stimulating demands,and can reduce carbon emissions at the same time.By producing both demands and supplies,cultural and creative industries may lead the development of other industries.Since innovation plays a quite important role in the value chain,cultural and creative industries can promote the industrial upgrading and the industrial structure optimization by industrial convergence.  相似文献   

低碳经济下我国网络零售业发展探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国网络零售业表现出了不容忽视的发展趋势,在网络零售业低碳、节能、可持续发展的消费理念下,越来越多的人开始在互联网上从事商品交易活动。网络零售业的市场空间每天都在扩增,其间蕴涵的无限商机也使其今后的发展更具潜力,如何在发挥网络零售业优势的同时,扫清其制约因素,是未来网络零售业发展的重点。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact of human capital on technical inefficiency. A stochastic production frontier is simultaneously estimated with a technical inefficiency model using data from one-digit industries of the Greek economy, for the period 2000–2005. The results indicate a significantly negative impact of human capital on technical inefficiency, which is comparatively lower in magnitude for the sector of public services. The most efficient industries of the Greek economy are those of Education, Financial intermediation and Real estate, renting & business activities. The highest contribution of human capital on technical efficiency is observed in the industries of Health, Education and Real estate, renting & business activities.  相似文献   

低碳经济日益成为经济时代的新宠,它的兴起对社会经济的可持续发展有着重大影响,因此,它的发展状况的评价研究便备受关注。综述中将文献分成两个部分:一是国外低碳经济的评价研究,二是国内低碳经济的评价研究。  相似文献   

低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的经济模式,是发达国家为应对全球气候变化而提出的新的经济发展模式,它强调以较少的温室气体排放获得较大的经济产出。低碳经济正成为一种新的国际潮流,影响着各国的经济社会发展进程,这种情形为欠发达地区提供了新的发展机遇。欠发达地区工业化、城市化起步晚,缺乏资金、技术和人才,发展经济只能依靠本地仅有的自然资源,大多走的是资源消耗型工业发展道路,经济模式和工业体系尚未完全定型,这也使得欠发达地区向低碳经济调整和转型具有成本低、阻力小、动作快的后发优势。因此,只要更新观念,倡导低碳理念;依托自身的优势,确立自身发展思路;小处入手,做到步步为营;构建低碳能源体系和产业体系;欠发达地区就会逐步实现向低碳经济的转型。  相似文献   

战略性新兴产业的推进策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
战略性新兴产业发展应建立在充分论证和科学规划的基础之上,并遵循基础优先、创新驱动和循序渐进的推进策略。战略性新兴产业的成长建立在科技研发能力和掌握核心技术的基础之上,绝不可通过低水平规模扩张来实现,在推进过程中要注意防范可能出现的风险。  相似文献   

辽宁省新能源产业现状及政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在今后15年左右,太阳能热水器,风力发电和太阳能光伏发电,地热供暖/发电,生物质能利用技术将进入一个新的发展阶段,挑战传统能源的地位。在国民经济中,新能源产业将成为一个新兴产业,并具有巨大的发展空间。目前,新能源产业已成为我国"十二五"规划的重点目标,对我国低碳经济建设具有重要影响力。从新能源储量、制造业基础、能源及产业结构、生态环境四个方面论述了辽宁发展新能源产业的必然性。通过对辽宁省新能源产业发展现状的分析,发现辽宁省新能源产业建设中存在的问题主要集中在研发费用不足导致的技术力量薄弱,产业政策缺乏竞争力、地方财政难以承载国家产业政策上。根据辽宁省发展阶段的特点,对新能源产业政策提出建议并规划了新能源产业的发展目标。到2015年,把辽宁省新能源产业建成在国际国内具有重要影响和地位以及较强竞争力的产业集群。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a coevolutionary framework for analysing a transition to a sustainable low-carbon economy, based on the coevolution of ecosystems, technologies, institutions, business strategies and user practices, within a multi-level micro-meso-macro perspective. This builds on and develops previous coevolutionary analyses of long-term technological and industrial change, and recent renewed interest within ecological economics on coevolutionary approaches. Previous work has analysed how the coevolution of technologies and institutions has led to the lock-in of current high-carbon energy systems; and how the coevolution of physical and social technologies and business strategies has brought significant material and welfare benefits to the minority of the world's population living in industrialised countries. The coevolutionary framework proposed here may be used to undertake: (1) detailed empirical analyses at a micro-meso level of the challenges relating to the innovation and adoption of particularly low-carbon technologies; (2) as a framework for analysing the multi-level interaction of social and technological elements within potential transition pathways to a low carbon energy system; (3) to assess the implications for economic growth and prosperity of a transition to a low carbon economy; and (4) to assist in the development of more formal, multi-level evolutionary economic models.  相似文献   

发展低碳经济是近年来学界研究的热点和社会发展的潮流,是我国构建和谐社会,促进循环经济发展重要的步骤。为了促进成都某地低碳经济的发展,在该地已有的建设目标体系的基础上,按照构建原则构建低碳经济评价指标体系,运用层次分析法来确定各层指标的权重,对照区域低碳经济规划目标,并与国内代表地区人均二氧化碳比较,综合评价该地区低碳经济的发展情况。  相似文献   

构建循环经济产业链是我国转变经济发展方式、实现经济社会可持续发展的必由之路。从内涵、形成机理、稳定性等方面对循环经济产业链理论方面的研究进行了梳理和总结,从企业、产业、园区、地区等层面对循环经济产业链发展实践方面的研究进行了归纳和评述。  相似文献   

This paper presents an agent-based simulation model with local network externality to analyze strategic interactions over investment on new economic knowledge. R&D knowledge flows and spillovers are the results of non-cooperative games played between neighboring agents in the model. The model demonstrates a situation where no agents have incentives to hide their economic knowledge, a situation that is observed in open source software development projects. The likelihood of obtaining a stable situation where new economic knowledge is openly shared is increased when heterogeneity of agents is introduced.   相似文献   

In light of the growing national priority to develop and revitalise entrepreneurship in emerging economies, our understanding of barriers to serial entrepreneurship (SE) in such a context warrants further scholarly attention. Using insights from Ghana, an integrated framework of endogenous and exogenous barriers to SE is advanced. The study identified factors such as stigmatisation of business failure, fear of failure, successive governments’ suspicion of the private sector and lack of a clear national policy as barriers to the development of SE. By creating conditions for de-stigmatising of failure, countries would be able to create conditions for more serial entrepreneurs to emerge and flourish. The analysis also indicates that reinvigorating entrepreneurship by providing space and opportunity for failed entrepreneurs to re-emerge would enable such countries to enhance entrepreneurial activities and improve economic development. The implications for technology analysis and strategic entrepreneurship literature are identified and examined.  相似文献   

本文论述了生态经济是实现可持续发展的必然选择,环境审计是实现生态经济的保证,在阐述二者关系的基础上,提出我国开展环境审计的构想。  相似文献   

低碳经济作为近年来研究的热点,也是发展循环经济重要的一环。运用灰色关联法分析成都某地区行业能耗对低碳经济的影响,掌握该地区能源消耗情况及能源特性,以利于更好地优化能源结构,促进低碳经济的发展。  相似文献   

日本和欧美等发达国家已经建立了较为成熟的碳交易市场,并通过碳交易取得了显著的环境和经济效益。我国国内的碳交易市场机制十分落后,还没有一个成熟的国际碳交易市场。作为能源消耗大省,辽宁省的碳减排压力指数全国位列第六,辽宁省低碳经济建设任重道远,务实发展碳交易市场是发展低碳经济的首要任务。本文首先详细论述了辽宁省发展碳交易市场的重要意义,指出碳交易市场对辽宁经济建设、财政收入、环境改善及增强企业竞争力都具有较大的推动力。通过对辽宁省碳交易市场发展现状的分析,发现辽宁省碳交易市场建设中存在的问题主要集中在CDM项目、碳交易所建设及自愿减排市场上。根据辽宁省发展阶段的特点,提出了推进碳交易市场建设的相关建议。  相似文献   

在中国工业化进程跨入新阶段和社会发展进入一个新的历史时期的多重条件下,县域经济在国家经济发展中的地位越来越重要。与此同时,县域经济的发展也面临着前所未有的挑战与考验。以山西省为例,在明确分析了山西县域经济的基本特点和存在的主要问题之后,提出了一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

目前,大数据已经广泛和深入地在各行各业中应用。在这种先进信息技术的推动下,传媒领域也发生着具大变革。研究传媒产业经济中大数据的应用、大数据与传媒产业的结合,能够有效地推动社会经济发展。  相似文献   

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