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Recent literature on international technology diffusion has demonstrated the positive effect in foreign country productivity on the domestic economy. Using a sample of Organization for Economic Co‐operation and Development (OECD) manufacturing industries we search for evidence that the effect of this foreign technology varies according to the level of absorptive capacity and physical distance. We find evidence that both help to explain differences in the level of productivity across countries, but that absorptive capacity is quantitatively more important. Physical distance had a greater effect at the start of the time period and in industries in which trade is local and technology is high‐tech.  相似文献   

Economic Efficiency and Frontier Techniques   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract. Most of the literature related to the measurement of economic efficiency has based its analysis either on parametric or on non‐parametric frontier methods. The choice of estimation method has been an issue of debate, with some researchers preferring the parametric and others the non‐parametric approach. The aim of this paper is to provide a critical and detailed review of both core frontier methods. In our opinion, no approach is strictly preferable to any other. Moreover, a careful consideration of their main advantages and disadvantages, of the data set utilized, and of the intrinsic characteristics of the framework under analysis will help us in the correct implementation of these techniques. Recent developments in frontier techniques and economic efficiency measurement such as Bayesian techniques, bootstrapping, duality theory and the analysis of sampling asymptotic properties are also considered in this paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines the stock market integration between frontier and leading markets, focusing on the periods of pre and post global financial crisis. Using time-series analysis, the results mostly support leading markets can Granger-cause frontier markets. Frontier markets in different regions have distinct relationships with leading markets. Population growth, industry value, interest rate, tax rate, and tariff of the frontier markets significantly influence the integration between both markets. Energy, gross national income, stock traded value, and high-technology exports of leading markets saliently influence the integration. Finally, the global financial crisis impacts the relationship between the frontier and leading markets and changes the determinants of stock market integration.  相似文献   

随机前沿方法的研究进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对随机前沿方法发展的历史沿革及其在中国的应用做了评述。围绕随机前沿方法的基本特征,首先阐述了其启蒙与产生的轨迹,然后对使用前提、分布假定、估计方法、异方差等基本问题以及效率的时变性、外生影响等研究的理论进展及相关应用做了梳理,并对全要素生产率的变化做了分解,评述了随机前沿方法在经验分析中的优势与作用,总结了国内区域与行业经济增长中随机前沿方法的应用与不足,最后对其研究发展做了展望。  相似文献   

Drawing on recent theoretical tenets regarding cross‐border regions, this article analyzes China's state spatial policies that aim to transform Yunnan from a peripheral frontier into an economic bridgehead. The purposes of the present study are threefold: to contextualize the formation of Yunnan as China's frontier; to examine why Yunnan has been strategically selected as a bridgehead to promote China's transnational economies; and to explore the central–provincial alliance as an innovative institutional arrangement and look at how this alliance can convert Yunnan into a space of exception or new state space of development. This study finds that in order to convert regional assets into real competitiveness, the Chinese state (national, provincial and local) emphasizes transnational cooperation, endeavors to maximize Yunnan's place‐specific locational advantages and promotes the differentiation of regional developmental trajectories across China's national territory. The article contributes to studies of institutional arrangements for cross‐border cooperation in a non‐Western context and sheds light on China's regional development policies in its hinterland.  相似文献   

Africa's major cities are experiencing dramatic transformation as a result of growing real estate investment. This article explores whether existing theories can explain the dynamics of urban redevelopment in an African context, and how African cases can inform new theorizations of real estate driven urban transformation. Examining the utility of theories of gentrification and speculative urbanism for understanding urban redevelopment in Accra, Ghana, it argues that urban redevelopment in this city has been shaped by its particular (post)colonial history of state land acquisition and urban planning. Rather than simply identifying empirical variation on established theories, however, the article draws on recent research on commodity frontiers to propose an original theorization of urban redevelopment in Accra in terms of the production of a ‘real estate frontier’. This real estate frontier is characterized by the incremental and contested commodification of state land to enable the growth of the real estate sector in the city. The article concludes by calling for a comparative research agenda to better understand real estate frontiers globally.  相似文献   

文章详细分析边防部队装备调整工作的主要特点,针对性提出做好装备调整工作的主要措施。  相似文献   

The normal-gamma stochastic frontier model was proposed in Greene (1990) and Beckers and Hammond (1987) as an extension of the normal-exponential proposed in the original derivations of the stochastic frontier by Aigner, Lovell and Schmidt (1977). The normal-gamma model has the virtue of providing a richer and more flexible parameterization of the inefficiency distribution in the stochastic frontier model than either of the canonical forms, normal-half normal and normal-exponential. However, several attempts to operationalize the normal-gamma model have met with very limited success, as the log likelihood is possesed of a significant degree of complexity. This note will propose an alternative approach to estimation of this model based on the method of maximum simulated likelihood estimation as opposed to the received attempts which have approached the problem by direct maximization.  相似文献   

Frontier Production Functions and Technical Efficiency Measures   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The concept of technical efficiency is central to measuring the firm performance. The measurement of technical efficiency has proved difficult and complex, and the literature provides a range of methodologies. This paper reviews the various methodologies for measuring technical efficiency and offers a comparison between established methods of measurements. The discussion is literary with less mathematical jargons and equations. The objective of this paper is not to be exhaustive, but to be up‐to‐date and to provide a significant discussion on some of the core methods of measuring technical efficiency.  相似文献   

社会上有以各种形式反映各行各业的“前沿”。会计理论前沿是指会计理论发展至今在一定范围内处于最前面水平的会计理论问题。会计理论前沿与会计理论的难点、热点存在着内在的联系。根据一定标准选择需要继续研究的会计理论前沿问题。按照要求组织会计理论前沿问题的研究。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the Weibull distribution as a model for technical efficiency. The distribution has a shape and scale parameter like the gamma distribution and can be a reasonable competitor in practice. The techniques are illustrated using artificial data as well as a panel of Spanish dairy farms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In this paper we seek to advance the theory and practice of strategic group theory by means of powerful benchmarking tools that allow the composition of strategic groups on the basis of empirically derived production function frontiers. The relative performance of firms is assessed based on multiple inputs and outputs and as a result, firms are associated with different segments of the efficient frontiers. These segments constitute strategic facets and are used in the current paper as strategic group variables. The strategic facets are composed by outlier firms in the sense that they satisfy the Pareto dominance criterion when compared with other firms. Such advancement offers significant advantages compared to the ‘average’ firm that is used traditionally as a basis to define strategic groups. The proposed methodology for the formation of strategic groups has been applied on a panel of data from the grocery industry in the UK in the period 1987–93. The results of the study confirmed the existence of three stable strategic groups and one with a more volatile membership. Performance differences were also identifiled both between and within strategic groups using as criteria traditional accounting methods and also the relative efficiency indices obtained from the benchmarking methodology applied to the panel of data.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展,现代化经济产业布局基本完成,同时在经济发展过程中涌现出一些现代产业经济学相关问题,探究这些经济学前沿问题对助推现代化经济突破发展瓶颈、实现可持续健康发展有重要意义。基于这一背景,论文首先剖析现代产业经济学前沿问题研究的意义,之后列举当前国内主要存在的一些前沿问题,并提出对应解决策略,以期能够为助推国民经济稳步发展提供一定的理论和实践参考。  相似文献   

云南边境口岸物流体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了云南边境口岸物流体系在中国--东盟自贸区的发展现状及存在的问胚,对物流通道(包括滇--缅、滇-越、滇--老的铁路、公路和水路)、物流中心以及电子口建设三个方面的发展状况进行分析,提出了建议.  相似文献   

Although conceptually pleasing, normal-gamma frontier models lead to difficult estimation problems. It is shown here that unless the sample size reaches several thousands of observations the shape parameter of the gamma density is hard to estimate, and that this carries over to estimates of the stochastic frontier, the individual inefficiencies, and the allocation of the overall variance to the stochastic frontier and to the inefficiencies.  相似文献   

通过2013年股票交易数据的分析筛选抽取股票样本,以股票样本数据作为研究对象,借助Matlab[1]等数学工具,应用马科维茨模型[2],研究股票组合的风险与收益率规律,得到最优股票组合[3]及其有效前沿方程,并利用Matlab程序研究股票组合的股票个数与风险之间的关系。  相似文献   

Numerical Tools for the Bayesian Analysis of Stochastic Frontier Models   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
In this paper we describe the use of modern numerical integration methods for making posterior inferences in composed error stochastic frontier models for panel data or individual cross- sections. Two Monte Carlo methods have been used in practical applications. We survey these two methods in some detail and argue that Gibbs sampling methods can greatly reduce the computational difficulties involved in analyzing such models.  相似文献   

唐代以后东北、西北、西南地区涌现出众多少数民族政权,在其统治核心区域规划建设了大量都城,这些城市既有鲜明民族印记,也受礼制思想影响.以金中都为例,讨论了从部族体制向帝制王朝的转变过程,连续都城形态的显著变化.指出早期部族体制下,上京有着鲜明的传统村寨居处印记.此后在模仿汴京的过程中,形成了宫城、皇城和外城三重城平面布局.世宗年间虽然一直强调祖宗旧俗,但都城制度、城市形态并没有太大变化.金代建都于上京,加强了对广大东北地区的统治及对经济的开发,推动了民族融合和区域社会发展.作为边疆都城之一,金上京这种变化并非个例.中国古代边疆地区都城的建设,不仅对现代城市分布格局产生了重大的影响,也为开发建设边疆、维护国家统一发挥了巨大作用.  相似文献   

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