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"热钱"进入的状况和影响目前正在受到国内各界的广泛关注。文章借用以指数收益推算要素敞口的方法,研究了"热钱"的典型代表———国际对冲基金在中国金融市场上的投资活动和资产分布。从全球对冲基金行业来看,尚不存在大规模投资于中国大陆市场的迹象。全球对冲基金业绩仅与中国股票市场存在较微弱的正相关关系。就大中华区而言,大陆股票、香港股票和台湾股票市场是这一地区对冲基金的主要活动场所。没有发现对冲基金在行业意义上进入中国债券、期货和房地产市场的证据。文章还分析了国际对冲基金进入中国的主要渠道和目前国内对对冲基金的监管现状,并提出有关政策建议。  相似文献   

Hedge Funds and Currency Crises   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

近年来,宏观型对冲基金加快了策略转型和运作方式调整,表现为进一步分化为中小型化和专业化,其结构性变化是投资者中的机构投资者显著增加,大型金融机构也相继设立了机构内对冲基金;在投资策略方面,为了减少风险暴露,宏观型对冲基金正在寻找与各国政府意愿和金融市场走势更加协调的投资策略;这些新的变化对于各国金融稳定提出了新的挑战。目前,中国的经济金融形势十分有利于对冲基金实施多头策略,因此,如何有序开放金融市场和金融业及有效阻止对冲基金可能给中国金融体系造成的冲击是中国应当考虑和关注的问题。  相似文献   

<正>The"8th Inte rnational Conference on Asian Financial Markets and Economic Development"invites you to submit a paper for presentation hosted by the Nagasaki University(Nagasaki,Japan),and Chung-Ang University(Seoul,Korea),and Southwestern University of Economics(Chengdu,China).  相似文献   

In this article, we explore how characteristics of the domestic financial system influence the international allocation of consumption risk in a sample of OECD countries. Our results show that the extent of risk sharing achieved does not depend on the overall development of the domestic financial system per se. Rather, it depends on how the financial system is organized. Countries characterized by developed financial markets are less exposed to idiosyncratic risk, whereas the development of the banking sector contributes little to the international diversification of consumption risk.  相似文献   

The paper inquires into the efficiency of financial development policies in economies where the financial sector is based on oligopolistic commercial banking. In this case, interest rates on deposits may be set below the level required to achieve balance of payments equilibrium, so that banks are able to exact a risk free financial margin in their holdings of government bonds. Under such circumstances, banks lack incentives to place indirect debt in domestic security markets, as a means of providing long-term finance; and private capital market deepening is hindered. Pension fund privatisation, in this institutional environment, does not relieve public finances, because the government must act as issuer of last resort in order to stabilise the currency. This point is illustrated with Mexican data, and some policy measures to deal with this situation in developing economies are proposed.  相似文献   

对冲基金的最新发展与监管框架重构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚  张赞松 《现代财经》2007,27(9):17-21
以近年来对冲基金的迅猛发展为背景,总结对冲基金竞争优势的来源,在分析现行国际监管制度缺欠的基础上,探讨以完善基金治理结构、强化信息披露和实施以风险为基础的监管措施三方面构筑有效合理的监管制度,具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

The rise of China is challenging the international financial architecture in a number of ways. This paper highlights three that are of critical importance: the challenge of absorbing massive Chinese savings; the incorporation of China into a cohesive global financial safety net; and the organisation of China's participation in funding the demand for international investment projects. The global financial architecture needs to be reformed. But what role should China play? The paper defines the options open to China and the opportunities and barriers it will face. We argue that China can work with the established economic powers in reforming the existing architecture. At the same time, China seeks cooperation in building new institutions and organisations that fill gaps in the existing arrangements. But no matter how international financial diplomacy plays out in the near term, deep financial and economic reform at home will alone deliver China a central role in the international financial architecture. Domestic reform could also attend to some of the challenges that currently plague China's impact on the system. The success or failure of these domestic reforms will be at the crux of the strength or fragility of the international financial architecture in the years ahead.  相似文献   

This paper introduces entrepreneurial selection and imperfect financial markets to the 2x2x2 model of international trade. Entrepreneurs are heterogeneous in ability and borrow from banks who do not observe their ability. The pattern of international trade depends on (1) factor abundance, (2) endogenously determined productivity, and (3) endogenously determined financial market imperfections. We show that entrepreneurial selection results in a diminished Rybczynski effect and financial market imperfections further reduce the effect; hence differences in capital abundance imply a smaller trade volume than predicted by the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem. The results help to resolve a conflict between the Heckscher-Ohlin model and data. [F11]  相似文献   

MOCT-MOST: Economic Policy in Transitional Economies -  相似文献   

外商直接投资与经济增长:对金融市场角色的分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李建伟 《当代财经》2007,(1):27-30,99
外商直接投资(FDI)可以促进东道国的经济增长,但这种促进作用的实现受到东道国金融市场的影响.金融市场会影响东道国对FDI的吸收能力,从而影响FDI对东道国经济增长的贡献.实证研究结果表明,金融市场是FDI发挥经济增长促进作用的重要影响因素;金融深化、金融市场资源配置效率的提高以及地方金融市场信贷规模的扩大,有助于增强FDI对经济增长的促进作用.  相似文献   

金融全球化是经济全球化的必然结果。中国金融业开放必须坚持积极稳妥、循序渐进、对我有利的原则,抓住机遇迎接挑战。  相似文献   

Information Acquisition in Financial Markets   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Previous work on information and financial markets has focused on a special set of assumptions: agents have exponential utility, and random variables are normally distributed. These assumptions are often necessary to obtain closed-form solutions. We present an example with alternative assumptions, and demonstrate that some of the conclusions from previous literature fail to hold. In particular, we show that in our example, as more agents acquire information, prices do not necessarily become more informative, and agents may have greater incentive to acquire information. Learning can therefore be a strategic complement, allowing for the possibility of multiple equilibria.  相似文献   

养老基金在公司治理结构中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
养老基金等机构投资者在公司治理结构中的作用,一直是学术界十分关注的问题。在投资者保护法制不健全的国家和地区,机构投资者对企业进行监督,可能有助于改善公司治理结构。本文概述机构投资者与公司治理结构关系的理论基础,分析美国、英国及一些转轨国家养老基金或投资基金对企业的监督和影响,探讨养老基金在改善中国公司治理结构中可能发挥的作用,最后是结论性评述。 一、概述:机构投资者与公司治理结构 广义地说,关于公司治理结构,主要讨论的是企业的投资者通过何种途径保证其投资获得回报。该问题之所以重要,是因为在企业所有权与管理权分离的情况下,容易出现代理(agency)问题,即企业管理者(代理人)为了自己的利益为所欲为,损害投资者(委托人)的利益甚至使之血本无归。控制代理问题有多种办法,其中,在投资者权益保护不充分的国家和地区,所有权集中、让机构投资者加强对企业的监督,是减轻代理问题的有效方式。投资者保护的法律越不完备,所有权集中的程度可能就越大(Shleifer,Vishny 1997)。这是因为,与个人投资者相比,机构投资者可能有足够的能力和动力对企业进行监督和控制,从而保护自身的权益。应该指出,此处所有权的集中是在上市公司股份均可流通的情况下,通过市场力量形成……  相似文献   

We study a labour market equilibrium model in which firms sign optimal long-term contracts with workers. Firms that are financially constrained offer an increasing wage profile: they pay lower wages today in exchange for higher future wages once they become unconstrained. Because constrained firms grow faster, the model predicts a positive correlation between the growth of wages and the growth of the firm. Under some conditions, the model also generates a positive relation between firm size and wages. Using matched employer–employee data from Finland and the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth for the U.S., we show that the key dynamic properties of the model are supported by the data.  相似文献   

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