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非银行金融机构是我国金融体系的重要组成部分,为企业融资作出了突出贡献。但是,目前国际国内的金融生态环境发生了深刻变化,使非银行金融机构的监管出现了一些盲区,积累了大量风险。非银行金融机构的风险主要集中体现在法律、政策风险,市场风险和运营风险三个方面。为了防止非银行金融机构的风险演化成系统性风险,监管部门应改变监管理念,完善法律法规体系,提高监管能力,促进行业自律和市场监管,非银行金融机构也需要提高治理水平,以期实现机构的可持续发展和金融市场的安全有序。  相似文献   

随着金融体制改革的深化,各大型企业纷纷成立典当公司、担保公司、小贷公司、融资租赁公司等非银行金融机构,当类似金融机构达到一定数量,设立财务共享服务中心在风险控制、高效决策方面具有很强优势。  相似文献   

网上非银行金融机构行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网上非银行金融机构是随着电子商务的发展而产生的一种新型的企业,其最大的特点就是涉及到了部分银行的职能,且有可能进一步发展成为网上的虚拟银行。文章着重研究了这类企业的行为及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

宣强 《企业研究》2012,(14):137
实践证明非银行金融机构也需要建立健全完善的内控机制,本文试图通过对非银行经融机构内部风险控制的性质特点分析,探讨内控防线建设的重要性、各道防线如何设置、以及各道防线的作用机理。  相似文献   

本文基于A股上市公司银行业板块的企业社会责任信息披露,对企业社会责任信息的披露问题进行了相关的探讨,并提出了完善银行业金融机构社会责任信息披露的建议.  相似文献   

本文基于A股上市公司银行业板块的企业社会责任信息披露,对企业社会责任信息的披露问题进行了相关的探讨,并提出了完善银行业金融机构社会责任信息披露的建议。  相似文献   

<正> 目前,中小企业已逐渐成为影响我国国民经济发展的一支决定性力量。据有关资料统计,全国在工商部门登记注册的中小企业已经超过1000万家;每年上缴利税占全国利税总额的40%左右;提供了大约75%的城镇就业机会。可见,中小企业对于国民经济发展、全民就业、社会稳定等方面都有着不可低估的重要作用。但中小企业融资困难问题已成为制约其快速充分发展不可忽视的因素。中小企业融资分为内部融资和外部融资。  相似文献   

1998年至今,XBRL技术已经发展到第15年,我国于2010年成为XBRL成员国之一,正借助银行业金融机构等行业的试点经验逐步推动XBRL在全国范围的应用。经过理论和实践论证,XBRL分类标准的应用是XBRL技术推广环节中最为重要的环节,财政部等机构在充分借鉴其他地区和组织发展与推广XBRL技术过程中所遇到的问题和调整,选择银行业金融机构作为试点行业积累经验并择机推广。银行业金融机构之所以被圈定为XBRL分类标准的试点行业,主要考虑市场影响、信息披露、管理机制和技术力量等三方面因素,而通过通用分类标准和扩展分类标准的应用,探讨、分析和总结实施过程中的共性和个性问题,将会为XBRL技术在全国范围的推广和应用奠定厚实的基础。  相似文献   

一、资本充足率的重要意义 资本充足率是指银行业金融机构的净资本额及其加权折算后与风险资产总额的比例,用以表明银行自身抵御风险的能力,它是世界各国普遍实行的考核商业银行经营安全性的重要监测指标。由于我国尚未建立存款保险制度,因此,资本充足率是我国抵御银行风险的最后一道防线。  相似文献   

文章分析了农村金融的发展对广西地市级农村合作金融机构提出的要求,针对广西地市级农村合作金融机构的优势和劣势、机遇与挑战,提出了提升竞争能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2015,39(3):502-517
This paper analyzes the impact of competition and concentration on bank stability in the Turkish banking industry over the period 2002–2012. The Boone indicator and the efficiency-adjusted Lerner index are used as proxies for competition, while the non-performing loans (NPL) ratio and Z-scores are used as proxies for bank stability. The main results indicate that competition is negatively related to the NPL ratio but positively related to the Z-score. The results further indicate that greater concentration has a positive impact on the NPL and a negative impact on the Z-score. We also use a quadratic term of the competition measures to capture a possible non-linear relationship between competition and stability. The results show that the coefficient of the quadratic term is negative for the NPL model and positive for the Z-score model. Overall, our findings provide support for the competition-fragility view.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the empirical literature on banking profitability by testing the impacts of competition and shadow banking on bank profitability using a sample of 100 Chinese commercial banks over 2003–2013 with 417 and 395 observations. The current study fills the gaps in the empirical studies by examining the competition in different banking markets (i.e. deposit market, loan market and non-interest income market) in China and further evaluating their impacts on bank profitability. The findings show that the non-interest income market has a higher level of competition compared to the deposit market and loan market. It is further reported that a lower level of competition in deposit market leads to an increase in the profitability of Chinese commercial banks. Finally, the results suggest that shadow banking improves the profitability of Chinese banks.  相似文献   

Banking regulators and market participants learn from price signals in the stock market (e.g., Flannery, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 30: 273, 1998). Therefore, the system becomes more secure and developed as stock prices become more informative about banks’ financial conditions. Using a sample that includes major banks from 35 countries, this study investigates how accounting regulations affect bank stock valuation and volatility. The evidence suggests that bank stocks have higher valuation and lower volatility in countries that strictly regulate the quality of external audits and financial statement transparency. This study presents a comprehensive picture of the effects of bank accounting regulations on the stock market.  相似文献   

在我国推动"大众创业,万众创新"的环境中,通过对科技型中小企业的融资需求的调研,认真分析了科技型中小企业在经营过程中存在的主要问题,同时,强调了金融机构和投资机构针对科技型中小企业融资所面临的风险。文章提出从我国财政体制改革入手,建立通过金融创新推动科技型中小企业创新发展的体制,引导金融机构、投资机构加大对科技型中小企业的支持力度。  相似文献   

中期财务报告能否帮助信息使用者预测未来期间收益,一直是人们十分关注的问题。对中期财务报告的预测价值进行研究,有助于提高上市公司中期财务报告的披露质量和保护投资者的利益。文章通过分析中期财务报告的编制方法对预测价值的影响,认为我国应侧重于整体观编制中期财务报告。  相似文献   

我国财经类高等教育发展的回顾与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以分析改革开放后的财经类高等教育在学科布局、专业设置、本科专业数、硕博士点等方面的发展情况为基础,探讨并提出目前我国财经类高等教育在发展战略上需要在两个方面采取积极措施:提高学科综合化水平;避免"趋同化",注重特色办学.  相似文献   

This research sets out to analyse environmental disclosure in the banking industry by considering the varieties of capitalism framework. This approach is concerned with the way companies interact strategically to resolve coordination issues arising from their operations, and it is supported by prior research. This is a fruitful perspective for exploring the association between country‐level factors and disclosure by firms, such as environmental reporting. This research is based on an international sample of countries operating in coordinated market economies (CMEs) and liberal market economies (LMEs). The results obtained show that financial institutions operating in CME countries are involved in more environmental matters than banks domiciled in LME countries. As regards the moderating variables, the evidence shows that women on the boards of banks in CME countries encourage the reporting of environmental information, as predicted. Nonetheless, and contrary to our expectations, members with specific skills on boards within CME cultures do not favour greater disclosure of environmental information compared with those on boards of banks operating in LME contexts.  相似文献   

文章针对目前在全球范围发生的金融危机,就如何搞好环境保护工作,促进环境质量改善,提高资源和能源利用率,取得环境与经济的共赢进行探讨,提出了解决的思路。  相似文献   

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