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植入式广告在广播中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张毅  张斌 《广告大观》2009,(4):39-42
植入式广告在影视和网络游戏中渐入佳境,而在广播中尚待开发,有关广播的植入式广告的理论探讨还是空白。本文针对植入式广告在广播中的运用进行了探讨,并提出实务过程中需要注意和解决的问题。  相似文献   

从客观出发分析了植入式广告的优势以及劣势。在此基础上,提出了对植入式广告可以在中国得到更好发展的建议,以及植入式广告未来可以尝试的新的形式。力求为植入式广告的发展做出有益的探讨,从而更好更深刻地理解植入式广告。  相似文献   

植入式广告作为一种新型广告传播模式已经逐步被广告界认识和采用,本文通过对植入式广告本质特点、表现形式的再认识,从植入式广告与品牌形象定位的关系入手,探讨如何有效利用植入式广告来提升品牌价值。  相似文献   

随着当代网络、大众传媒的不断发展,植入式广告被越来越多的应用于各种媒体。调查结果显示,植入式广告以其投入成本低、目标受众针对性强、产品及品牌信息传递较为隐匿,相较于传统广告更易于被受众所接受。本文主要探讨植入式广告在当下影视、综艺作品中的传播效果及影响因素,对植入式广告的基本特征、植入类型、广告效果,对受众产生的影响等几个维度进行分析,探索植入式广告在整个广告营销过程中起到的重要作用,并挖掘未来植入广告可能的发展趋势,以期为行业更好地了解植入广告,为企业在大众传媒中更好投放植入广告提供可行性建议。  相似文献   

简述电影植入式广告的概念及现状,分析电影植入式广告营销困境,并探讨电影植入式广告营销策略。  相似文献   

文章探讨了在网络游戏中植入式广告的特点及运行手法,并采用实例分析的方法从传播效果角度对游戏植入式广告在营销中的价值进行了阐述.  相似文献   

目前,植入式广告在国内外传媒界掀起了热潮,它以空前绝后的速度渗入到各种各样的媒介工具中,受到了热捧,成为新一代传媒界的新宠。但植入式广告过多又过滥的现状影响着广告的质量,同时降低了植入式广告及植入式广告的载体如影视剧、电影等原有的艺术感染力。植入式广告是一种新兴的广告形式,目前我国的《广告法》没有针对植入式广告的具体规范,但从本质上来说,植入式广告具有商业广告的性质,植入式广告应该像其他传统的商业广告一样受到我国《广告法》的规范。但同时,对于植入式广告不同于传统广告的特殊地方,我国《广告法》格外注意。  相似文献   

随着广告业的蓬勃发展,人们的生活中充斥着琳琅满目的广告,广告以不同的形式渗透到了每个人的日常生活当中。由于传统形式的广告强制性地向大众灌输商品信息,渐渐引起人们的质疑和反感,广告主开始寻求新的广告方式,植入式广告应运而生。近年来,植入式广告异军突起,越来越被大众传媒和广告主认可。把广告植入电影的模式已经司空见惯,但是随着植入式广告的不断发展创新,产生了新的植入模式,即将电影植入广告模式。本文主要从雪佛兰与《变形金刚3》的完美融合,来探析这种新的植入模式,并探讨该模式对中国植入式广告发展的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

广告作为商品经济社会竞争游戏的重要策略,已经过漫长的历史演进,信息时代的来临和快节奏的生活,改变了受众对广告的态度,提高了消费者主动选择权,植入式广告正是在这样一种背景下产生的。但如何提高植入式广告,尤其是影视剧中植入式广告的影响效果,却不是简单的情节拼接和信息传递,而是集产品定位、受众分析、剧本研究为一体的系统工程。本文以近年来植入广告案例为对象,从广告营销的视觉探讨植入式广告营销策略。  相似文献   

植入式广告在中国市场被妖魔化主要表现为两种形式:一是指责娱乐节目内容中植入式广告数量过多,二是指责植入式广告的表现形式过于生硬,以上两种情况造成了娱乐节目平台质量的严重下降,比较具有代表性的说法是植入式广告强奸了受众的眼球、不要在广告中插播节目等。  相似文献   

内容营销作为一种隐性的广告形式,已经成为显性传统广告的有利补充,但二者又有着本质的差别。内容营销所要传达的广告信息往往是隐藏在娱乐内容之中,在潜移默化之中引起消费者对品牌的共鸣,这是内容营销与传统广告的最大不同。同时,由于二者表现形式的不同,导致广告主的传播策略、广告创意空间及广告效果测评等方面也存在很大差别。本文通过对内容营销与传统广告的全方位解析,探求二者如何实现优势互补。  相似文献   


This study examines the ethical propriety of current trends in product placement in television and film entertainment. Historical background for the product placement concept and practice is provided. Changes in the marketing climate that have provided a push for product placement are outlined. A characterization of the product placement industry as it stands today, and the ethical issues raised by the practice frame the analysis. Three distinct “genres” of contemporary product placement are analyzed: (1) Product Placement, (2) Product Integration, and (3) Video Insertion. First, the rise of Product Placement, strategic changes in use, and increased dependence on revenues in production will be discussed. The second section examines a newly mounted form of Product Integration, whereby product placement plays a key role in content development and support of production in television and film. Third, the origins of Video Insertion will be traced to the Princeton Video Image invention of its proprietary L-VIS product. The ethical efficacy ofplacing “virtual advertisements” in space and times that do not naturally exist will be examined. The article closes with summary assessments and consideration of recommendations for action. Ethical issues focused on in the assessment include deception, artists' rights, and excess commercialism. Recommendations consider the climate for full and advance disclosure of product placements in media entertainment, the prospects for a voluntary rating system, and the threat of reclassifying product placement infused media entertainment as commercial speech.  相似文献   

Increasingly, the success of products depends on compatibility standards. Computers need software, discs or tapes need and are needed by players, credit cards need retailers willing to accept them. Analysis of the strategies of winners and losers in major standards wars—such as those in video cassette recorders and personal computers—reveals some general lessons. The key elements are the rapid creation of a large installed base and the credibility of the standard and the introducer. Product quality is rarely crucial. Competition by technical development of the product, step by step product introduction, and reliance on acceptance by national and international standards bodies are also frequently ineffective. There are obvious lessons for current standards wars, such as those in mobile communications and satellite broadcasting.  相似文献   

路平 《适用技术市场》2009,(10):117-118
广播作为信息时代的主要传媒工具之一,在社会生活中具有举足轻重的地位。促进广播新闻人对广播节目的创新与开发,将带给社会更多的精神产品,但是,如果社会失去了对精神产品的法律保障,广播节目的不断创新将是无法实现的。试图结合"舞林大会"被控版式抄袭,深入探讨广播组织在节目版式创作和节目内容创作(即,二度创作)中所应当关注的法律问题,从版权保护的角度审视我国对广播组织保护的特殊性,为促进广播组织依法进行节目创新、繁荣社会文化生活提供相应的法制思路。  相似文献   

As an emerging media platform, social broadcasting technologies provide users with a decentralized environment for producing and consuming information. This study develops a motivational model based on the cognitive and affective involvements of individuals to explore their intentions to share marketer-generated content (MGC). The model was empirically tested on 481 Sina Weibo users in a scenario-based environment. Results show that ad intrusiveness, anticipated rewards, category brand relevance, and brand attitude play important roles in facilitating cognitive and affective involvements. In turn, both types of involvement positively influence the intention of users to share MGC, but affective involvement yields a greater influence. Product types significantly moderate the relationship between the cognitive involvement of users and their intention to share MGC. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

We build a new theoretical framework that conceptually differentiates ventures' knowledge disclosure to their corporate venture capitalist (CVC) from knowledge broadcasting beyond the venture-CVC dyad and links them to venture-CVC complementarity. We test their direct, indirect, and interactive effects on venture performance. Our moderated mediation model (i) establishes knowledge disclosure as a mechanism that connects complementarity with venture performance, and (ii) predicts knowledge broadcasting beyond this dyad as a boundary condition to this indirect effect. We use 944 observations of 349 ventures along with Twitter data to test our model. Disclosure and broadcasting have a positive direct effect on performance, complementarity has an indirect effect on performance through disclosure, and this indirect link diminishes with broadcasting. Our findings point to a conflict in ventures' broadcasting strategies.  相似文献   

A few decades ago, academics and economic pundits used to say that information is the main source of power. However, in the Knowledge Society, as we experience it today, information is readily available for everyone, and the real challenge is to master modern and complex information analysis tools, which can make sense of the information overflow of modern society, thus constituting the true competitive advantages of major economic players. For a competent analyst, data generated by a survey, for instance, can reveal paramount information about consumer behavior, competitive strategies, or any other economic and social environment-related aspect deemed important. The marketing needs of Romanian marketing companies are very diversified, commencing with the research of the needs and demand on the target market, going down to the 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, and Placement) and their components. The present marketing research was performed using seven categories of information sources: specialized publications in marketing; specialized publications in economics; information provided by specialized institutions in consultancy and marketing research; information provided by individual marketing specialists; information provided by advertising agencies; information provided by the economic sections of the daily newspapers; and job Websites.  相似文献   

Satellite broadcasting has been front-page news in the UK recently; thus this article is timely. Regrettably, the British Government's proposals could not be included; however, the main purpose here is to look at satellite broadcasting from the viewpoint of possible pan-European controls. As such, if this article puts the new British proposals into the context of a European framework it will have served its purpose well. To set the scene an attempt is made to outline the issues and problems which must be considered, and a summary of the main proposals for launching and operating satellites is given. The main thesis considers the powers and possible activities of the European institutions—the European Community and Council of Europe—with regard to controls of advertising on satellite broadcasting in Europe.  相似文献   

Germany is characterised by a dualism between public and private broadcasting. Public broadcasting services, encompassing radio and television, are mainly financed by license fees. As a result of the revised Broadcasting Law, the former broadcasting fees were replaced on 1 January 2013 by a monthly broadcasting contribution paid by every household and company regardless of whether or when they use public broadcasting services. The new system resulted in higher fees for many people and a controversial public dispute. The author of this paper highlights some options to improve the current financing system.  相似文献   

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