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比较优势与竞争优势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱进 《经济师》2002,(2):42-43
用来指导对外贸易的比较优势理论与竞争优势理论是内在统一的 ,试图通过推行产业政策扭曲资源禀赋的比较优势 ,发展高新技术产业以获得更多的贸易利益 ,结果往往是事与愿违。在制定对外贸易战略时 ,应坚持以比较优势理论为出发点 ,发展“适当的技术”。  相似文献   

本文首先分析了我国劳动力比较优势的现状,然后从探讨传统的静态比较优势理论应用于发展中国家的缺陷出发,通过阐明产业结构和比较优势演变的一般规律,分析后发国家依靠塑造动态比较优势赶超发达国家的实践经验,并就我国比较优势的动态转变提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

再论比较优势、绝对优势与DFS模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗璞  李斌 《当代经济科学》2004,26(6):18-22,66
DFS模型是研究两国(多国)多产品条件下如何确定比较优势的经典模型.本文从DFS模型所包含的比较优势思想入手,分析了比较优势理论在运用中面对的"两难困境",对比较优势与绝对优势之间的关系做了进一步的辨析和探讨.  相似文献   

首先。我想谈一谈收入分配问题。收入分配是整个社会经济系统中一个十分重要的子系统。收入分配的状况不仅影响生产的效率,而且影响人们的切身利益,从而影响社会的协调与稳定。从1988年以来,我和国内外一些同行合作研究中国居民收入分配问题,出版了《中国居民收入分配研究》和《中国居民收入分配再研究》等书。通过系统的实证分析,我认为应该客观全面地看待中国经济改革和经济发展过程中收入分配格局的变化。在这些变化中,有三个问题特别值得重视。  相似文献   

Corruption, Income Distribution, and Growth   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper uses an encompassing framework developed by Murphy et al. (1991, 1993) to study corruption and how it affects income distribution and growth. We find that (1) corruption affects income distribution in an inverted U-shaped way, (2) corruption alone also explains a large proportion of the Gini differential across developing and industrial countries, and (3) after correcting for measurement errors, corruption seems to retard economic growth. But the effect is far less pronounced than the one found in Mauro (1995). Moreover, corruption alone explains little of the continental growth differentials. In countries where the asset distribution is less equal, corruption is associated with a smaller increase in income inequality and a larger drop in growth rates.  相似文献   

在我国加入WTO背景下,江苏只有选择“立足比较优势、创造竞争优势、提升综合竞争力”的积极应对战略,方能在新一轮竞争中掌握主动、率先发展。提高技术转换能力是提升竞争力的主旨,提高企业竞争力是提升整体竞争力的核心,并通过结构调整和环境优化,最大限度地将江苏现实优势转化为竞争优势,同时努力促进劣势转化为优势,在经济全球化进程中争取收益最大化。  相似文献   

Piketty, Atkinson and Saez have put the analysis of income distribution back on center stage. The distinction between property income and labor income plays a central role in this framework. Property income derives from the rate of return on stocks of income-earning wealth and is more unequally distributed than labor income. Piketty argues that, because the rate of return (r) is generally greater than the rate of growth of the economy (g), property income tends to grow more rapidly than labor income, so that rising income inequality is an intrinsic tendency of capitalism despite interruptions due to world wars and great depressions. This article argues the exact opposite. The rise of unions and the welfare state were the fruits of long-term historical gains made by labor, and the postwar constraints on real and financial capital arose in sensible reaction to the Great Depression. The ‘neoliberal’ era beginning in the 1980s significantly rolled back all of these. The article uses the econophysics two-class argument of Yakovenko to show that we can explain the empirical degree of inequality using two factors alone: the profit share and the degree of financialization of income. The rise of inequality in the neoliberal era then derives from a reduction in the wage share (rise in the profit share) in the face of assaults on labor and the welfare state, and a sharp increase in the financialization of incomes as financial controls are weakened. These are inherently socio-political outcomes, and what was lost can be regained. Hence, there is no inevitable return to Piketty’s ‘patrimonial capitalism’.  相似文献   

经济发展战略的选择关系到一国经济发展的成败,因此,深入研究我国经济发展战略的选择及其依据具有重要的理论及现实意义.笔者认为,我国的经济发展战略选择应紧密结合我国的国情,而不能完全照搬经济学的理论,任何单独一种战略都不能成为我国的主导战略选择.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the basic concept of comparative advantage, used in international trade theory to establish choices of commodities exported, can also be used to explain choice of technology by a firm. A firm with a current leading position in a given technology may spurn a new technology, which is developed by a currently lagging firm, leading to future overtaking.  相似文献   

比较优势、竞争优势与中部崛起的路径依赖   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中部崛起战略的路径依赖是:将比较优势转化为竞争优势、注重培育和扶持具有竞争优势的产业和企业,加快非公有制经济发展,实施产业链战略,把产业升级与市场创新紧密结合起来,加快工业化和城镇化进程,实施大都市圈化战略,提升中部地区的综合竞争力,最终实现中部崛起的战略目标。  相似文献   

Endogenous Fertility, Income Distribution, and Growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyzes the interaction between growth and fertility via income distribution in a model in which fertility decisions are motivated by old-age support. It provides an explanation of the demographic transition of an economy from a stage of increasing fertility and low growth to a stage of low fertility, high human capital investments, and high growth.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the key distributional issues arising from the regulation of the environment and the management of natural resources. The paper is divided into a section dealing with poverty and a section dealing with broader income distribution effects. Although there is much discussion of the linkages of poverty to environmental degradation, empirical studies establishing these linkages are few. The relationship is critically dependent on the institutional structures in the countries concerned and how they respond to changing environmental pressures. On the broader distributional impacts, the papers focusses on the analysis of ganiers and losers from environmental regulations. The analysis is complex because the direct incidence is not the same as the final incidence. Much of the work has looked only at the former. In addition, the political economy of regulation needs to pay greater attention to impacts on key and vulnerable groups; more so than can be done by looking at broad income bands.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a two‐sector growth model with heterogeneous labour, to explore the impact of the economic integration on growth and income distribution. There are two sectors in each country, including the consumption‐good sector and the R&D sector. We suppose that the R&D sector produces new blueprints or ideas for these innovations, and hence provides the engine of growth. Assume that the talent's distribution of workers is the uniform distribution. We show that the economic integration will stimulate the developing countries' economic growth and then decrease its income inequality. In addition, we also demonstrate that if the growth rate of the advanced country rises after the integration, then income inequality of that will increase, and vice versa.  相似文献   

The paper models international rivalry between a domestic firm that is going through a learning-by-doing phase, and a mature foreign rival. It is shown that the optimal production subsidy for the domestic firm depends on the degree of strategic sophistication of the foreign firm. Optimal production subsidy rules are derived under various scenarios. They are shown to be very sensitive to the specification of the game between the domestic and the foreign firms. Whether the optimal subsidy should decrease over time depends on the strategic sophistication of the foreign firm.  相似文献   

This paper provides an empirical analysis of the effect of infrastructure provision on industry‐level productivity and international specialization, as suggested by Clarida and Findlay’s (1992 ) model. We calculate total factor productivity (TFP) for 18 developed and developing countries and 10 manufacturing industries, and study the effects of supplies of roads, telecommunications and electric power on international variations in sectoral TFP, i.e. comparative advantage. We also examine the effects of infrastructure on the sectoral composition of output across countries. Using a three‐stage least‐squares estimation strategy to control for endogeneity of infrastructure provision, we find that infrastructure, especially roads, helps to explain patterns of comparative advantage and international specialization.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of country size differentials and Ricardian technology differences on firms’ location decisions using a two‐country, two‐good (homogeneous agricultural good and differentiated manufacturing products), two‐factor (labour and footloose capital) simple new economic geography model. We found that manufacturing firms may agglomerate in a country where the manufacturing sector has a comparative disadvantage. In addition, when country size differentials and Ricardian technology differences exist between two countries, the key factor influencing firms’ location decisions changes according to the level of trade liberalization, from being market size‐dependent to becoming technology‐dependent.  相似文献   

一国劳动力就业的规律是:总就业的65%~80%是由微型和中小企业吸纳的.微型和中小企业多,则中等收入人口比例高,失业和就业不足导致的贫困人口比例低,收入分配的差距要显著小一些.在不彻底改变目前中国重点发展特大和大型企业,忽视和歧视发展微型和中小企业的战略、体制和政策下,实际上无法解决剩余劳动力的转移、城镇失业和收入分配差距拉大的问题.并且中国未来可能会滑向“拉美陷阱“.从吸收农业剩余劳动力和扩大城镇就业容量讲,也就是真正建设和谐和公平社会的角度看,必须毫不动摇地进一步完善市场经济体制,重点改革和转变政府的管理方式和不规范行为,大力发展个体、微型和中小企业,如果在战略和体制上发生动摇,在就业和社会公平方面就会形成灾难性的后果.  相似文献   

比较优势、后发优势与中国新型工业化道路   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
比较优势、后发优势是发展中国家两种最主要的优势,由于两种优势在经济发展中的相互依存性,发展中国家应该执行比较优势、后发优势并重的发展战略。在经济全球化、信息化的背景下,我国新型工业化道路是指能够充分发挥出我国比较优势、后发优势的工业化道路,其本质内涵也由此决定。  相似文献   

Comparative Advantage and Heterogeneous Firms   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper examines how country, industry, and firm characteristics interact in general equilibrium to determine nations' responses to trade liberalization. When firms possess heterogeneous productivity, countries differ in relative factor abundance, and industries vary in factor intensity, falling trade costs induce reallocations of resources both within and across industries and countries. These reallocations generate substantial job turnover in all sectors, spur relatively more creative destruction in comparative advantage industries than in comparative disadvantage industries, and magnify ex ante comparative advantage to create additional welfare gains from trade. The improvements in aggregate productivity as countries liberalize dampen and can even reverse the real-wage losses of scarce factors.  相似文献   

本文通过构建理论模型,分析城镇化对价值链相对优势提升的微观机制,推导发现:城镇化水平高的地区在市场密集厚度强的产品上进行专业化出口有助于实现价值链相对优势的发挥;产品的市场非完全厚度越强,城镇化对价值链相对优势的提升效果就越明显。在此基础上,利用中国省级数据进行实证检验,结果显示:城镇化对价值链相对优势的提升效果非常显著,尤其是在市场厚度水平居中的区域,城镇化对价值链相对优势的提升作用最为突出。因此,大力发展新型城镇化,完善市场厚度经济机制对平衡地区之间的价值链相对优势,优化沿海、内陆区域贸易经济以及促进价值链相对优势的提升具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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