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竞价上网中成本的计算方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进入90年代以来,世界各国纷纷推行电力市场,把 传统的垄断电力工业推向竞争的电力市场。近来,解除 管制和资产重组更是席卷全球。1998年,我国的电力工 业从机制上摆脱了过去计划经济模式的约束,由政府职 能部门脱胎成为独立的经济实体——国家电力公司。今 年,国家电力公司决定在山东、上海、浙江和东北三省 试点进行模拟电力市场。辽宁省电力公司根据电网的现 状和实际情况,组建了“1+N”的电力市场。我们根据 “1+N” 电力市场的规则。基于铁岭电厂提出了竞价上 网中成本计算的方法。 一、电力市场中的电价 在电力市场…  相似文献   

竞价上网的理念和战略准备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

竞价上网试点的成果与问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1998年,国务院国办法146号文件明确指出:推进厂网分开,引入竞争机制,竞价上网,建立规范有序的电力市场。为稳妥起见,国家要求上海、浙江、山东作为第一批试点单位,率先开始“厂网分开,竞价上网”的改革,东北三省则紧随其后。六个试点电网依据本地区的实际情况,学习和借鉴国外经验,本着稳妥试行、逐步完善的思路和原则,通过三年的筹备和试运行,取得了不同程度的阶段性成果。  相似文献   

从外部经营环境和内部经营模式方面,对“竞价公司”的环境因素进行分析思考。  相似文献   

利用完全信息动态博弈理论,对两发电商竞价上网即双寡头垄断的情形进行分析。算例表明,在发电成本相同的情况下先降低报价者具有"先动优势",而在发电成本不同的情况下,成本低者则始终具有竞争优势;同时,为保护购电商的利益,对最高报价进行合理限制十分必要。  相似文献   

消费风险和消费成本的增加,影响居民消费安全和国民经济的良性发展。本文在引入产权经济学的范式后,提出消费者产权的概念,探讨商品信息的产权结构,研究产业分工全球化条件下的关键信息分配方式.分析消费者产权保护的治理机制.提出改善政府监管、优化制度环境的政策含义。  相似文献   

国家发改委近日在出台的《关于利用价格杠杆鼓励和引导民间投资发展的实施意见》中表示,要深化资源性产品价格改革,促进民间资本在资源能源领域投资发展。《意见》提出,将选  相似文献   

过渡期内电力市场的运营规则与竞价上网方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国过渡期电力市场运营规则总体框架建议制定过渡期电力市场运营规则 ,既要借鉴国外经验 ,有利于逐步向完全竞争性电力市场过渡 ;更要强调在当前情况下的可操作性 ,并且始终把电网安全作为基础。关于过渡期电力市场的时间跨度 ,一般定位于从现在起至2005年左右。笔者认为 ,过渡期电力市场运营规则应包括以下章节 :1 总则制定运营规则的目的、原则、作用 ;规则适用范围等。2 市场参与者市场参与者(市场主体)的组成 ;进入市场和退出市场的条件和法定程序 ;市场参与者(电网经营企业和发电企业)的职责、权利和义务等。3 预调度计划…  相似文献   

本文论述了缺乏政府管制条件下的电力市场,将会产生市场效率损失、市场不公平和缺乏协调性等缺陷,强调在电力工业市场化的过程中加强政府管制的必要性,只有通过市场机制和政府管制共同作用下的电力市场,才能是健康、高效和稳定的电力市场。  相似文献   

Food safety, alongside food quality, remains a primary concern of both consumers and those along the whole food supply chain, leading to regulation by government alongside private third party certification. Much has been written about the value of these systems primarily from the perception of the consumer. This paper reports on a study that examined industry perceptions on the regulatory and assurance systems within the dairy sector of England and Wales. It found that the primary producer found value in both systems, although from a food hygiene focus regulation was seen to be more rigorous. Other stakeholders along the dairy food supply chain saw the assurance scheme as more rigorous. All stakeholders recognised the need to reduce duplication in delivering food safety through combining key elements of both systems with the added potential for better communication of both food safety and quality to the final consumer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to determine the factors which affect electric utilities’ dicisions about whether to vertically integrate into coal. Specifically, we attempt to determine whether variation in the stringency of regulation will affect the probability of vertically integrating. Public Service Commissions allow, to one degree or another, utilities to pass along fuel adjustment charges to customers. Other factors equal, we hypothesize that the larger the fuel adjustment charge allowed per KWH, and the less stringent the PSC’s regulaton of transfer pricing of fuel, the higher will be the probability of vertically integrating into coal to capture rents. A maximum likelihood logit model is specified and estimated; strong support is offered for the theory.  相似文献   

一、我国电力体制改革的基本内容 国务院批准的《电力体制改革方案》总体目标是:打破垄断,引入竞争,提高效率,降低成本,健全电价机制,优化资源配置,促进电力发展,推进全国联网,构建政府监管下的政企分开、公平竞争、开放有序、健康发展的电力市场体系。主要任务是:厂网分开,重  相似文献   

Whereas conventional wisdom holds that multinational enterprises (MNEs) invest less in host countries that pose greater policy risk—the risk that a government will opportunistically alter policies to expropriate an investing firm's profits or assets—we argue that MNEs vary in their response to host‐country policy risk as a result of differences in organizational capabilities for assessing such risk and managing the policy‐making process. We hypothesize that firms from home countries characterized by weaker institutional constraints on policy makers or greater redistributive pressures associated with political rent seeking will be less sensitive to host‐country policy risk in their international expansion strategies. Moreover, firms from home countries characterized by sufficiently weak institutional constraints or sufficiently strong redistributive pressures will seek out riskier host countries for their international investments to leverage their political capabilities, which permit them to attain and defend attractive positions or industry structures. We find support for our hypotheses in a statistical analysis of the foreign direct investment location choices of MNEs in the electric power generation industry during the period 1990–1999, the industry's first decade of internationalization. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

When consumers are uncertain about the importance of a product attribute, mandatory disclosures have two effects: directly communicating attributes, and an inferential effect that changes how much weight consumers put on product attributes. I model a signaling game between regulators and consumers in which regulators perfectly reveal their private information about the importance of an attribute through the intensive margin of regulation. The model has empirical predictions that distinguish it from traditional models of mandatory disclosure. I also examine inferential mistakes that can lead to over or under-regulation and consumer over or under-estimates of the importance of product attributes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Successful innovation is a complex process. It involves a multitude of factors usually coming together over relatively long periods of time. Neither governments nor industry can realistically aspire to manage all aspects of it. Although each case of technology development and its subsequent exploitation has its own unique set of variables, shaped by the nature of technology being developed, the mandates of the research organization and the technical and commercial competence of the recipient, there are common factors which can be identified as having Important bearings on the level of innovation.  相似文献   

今年2月19日,国电动力经济研究中心邀请美国斯坦福科技能源集团公司原总经理余序江教授(美籍华人)介绍美国加州电力危机,他在报告中谈了应当从加州电力危机中吸取的教训是:  相似文献   

文章深入分析了传统检修存在的问题及弊端,联系实际阐述了实施状态检修的必然性和科学性。  相似文献   

我国电力工业体制改革,大家比较一致的意见,应首先实现“厂网分开竞价上网”,目前已在山东、上海、浙江和东北三省开展试点工作。从国外开展竞价上网的经验来看,由于竞价上网的实施,会带来一些新问题,我们在开展这种改革的时候应当采取相应的措施加以防止。这些问题是:  相似文献   

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